HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 8, 1978 i TENTATIVE AGENDA ADJ.REG.SESSION SHAKOPEE, MINNESOTA AUGUST 8, 1978 Mayor Harbeck presiding 11 Roll Call at 7 : 15 P.M. 2 ] Sen-Tom Inc , dba/Sunset Lounge - set hearing on revocation of On Sale and Sunday Liquor Licenses for Sept. 7th at 7: 30 P.M. 31 Application for a temporary beer license - 41 7 : 30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING on West Side Storm Sewer Assessments a] Discussion of Drainage Problems - West Side b] Description of Project as ordered by Council 1 ] Discussion of previous council actions (i .e . report, hearing, letting, etc. ) 21 New pipe system 31 Old pipe system 41 Total pipe system 5] Areas of work remaining (i .e . area street improvements) c ] Assessments : 11 Storm Sewer Assessment Policy 21 Summary of project costs 31 Cost assessed and corresponding rates 41 Discussion on single and double rate areas d] Answer questions from audience 5] Other business 6] Adjourn to Tuesday, August 15th at 7 : 30 P.M. Douglas S. Reeder City Administrator CITY OF SHAKOPEE West Side Drainage Area System B. PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM �f> The installation of larcre size nine The City Council has received a re- The storm sewer systew that is p such as needed in storm sewers , require port on an engineering study of storm for construction will drain abou 1350 large machinery and relatively large water drainage systems for the "West acres in the western part of the CCity to ize Every effort will be made Side Drainage Area" of the City. The The system consists of an outlet to the to minimize the disruption to the norma life Council is holding a hearing to discuss river from 3rd Ave. sand Harrison St. and in Shakopee but your cooperation is the problems and proposed solutions with Trunk lines on Harrison to 6th Ave. and important to assure a successful the citizens of Shakopee. 3rd Ave. to Webster St. project. The following is a resume of the in- The existing laterals will be used in D. PROJECT COST AND ASSESSMENTS formation to be covered at the public the new system as much as 'possible with hearing. new laterals extended to various locat- The estimated cost to construct the ions in the drainage area to complete storm sewers is 51 ,393,640.00 which in- A.WEST SIDE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS the system. eludes construction,engineering,lec,- ' , The runoff of surface waters in the fiscal and administration costs. drainage area has increased with the C. CONSTRUCTION OF THE STORM SEWERS Aboit 40% of the cost will he borne construction of each building,drivevlfay, by the City, Countv and State and the street and building site. Depressions in If after the public hearing, the Coun- balance !gill ► e assessed to the benefit the earth surface that once retained cil determines that storm sewers should ed 'properties , The portion to be assess waters have been filled and the water no be constructed, sealed bids will be taken will be allocated to each lot or parce' longer can be absorbed into the earth and, if an acceptable bid is received, of land according to area at the estima and now flows overland to lower ground, the contract will be awarded to the ed rate of 59.04 oer square foot for The City has built some storm sewer lowest responsible bidder. single family residential property. laterals as the streets were built which Construction will start within 2 or 3 The assessment will be levied about are now inadequate to serve the present weeks after the contract is awarded, October, 1976. A notice of an assess- needs of the area by either not having which is estimated to be sometime in May ment hearing will be mailed to each enough capacity in the pipe or insuffi- of this year. Construction should be property owner, which will be the opoor cient capacity of the inlets to accept complete in 3 or n monVis. Installation unity to find out what the actual asses the rate of runoff waters during a of the mains in the residential streets ment will be and to make anv obiection,- heavy rainfall . The existing laterals will progress at the rate of 200 to 300 known to the council hefore the assesa-- presently outlet at various places feet per day and the trenches will be ment is adopted. along the bluff line and the discharged backfilled and opened for traffic immed- wa tors flow overland to the river, some iately. Construction of catch basins and An estimated assessment for a resid- places in wide, sheet type flows and pipes in the intersections will take long- ential lot 95' X 135' is as follows: some places in channels. In almost all est but they will be open for traffic at Lot area 85' X 135' = 11 ,475 sq. ft. places where the surface water is allow- night. Provisions will be made to provide Assessment 9 50.04/sa.ft. = 5459.00 ed to flow in an uncontrolled manner, a means of emergency access and 'persons damage to public and private property with special problems should rotify the Average annual payment with interes occurs by excessive erosion or flooding project engineers and extra efforts will payable over 10 years is 566.00, with as well as being a hazard to safe travel . be made to assist in time of need. first pavment $83.0'1 and last $50.00. The surface will he restored to the In one known location, storm water is Thank you for your cooperation. entering the sanitary sewer system which existing conditions and will be a part increases the cost of sewer service to of the construction project. CITY OF SHAKOPEE all of the City. WEST SIDE STORM SEWER 8/1/78 (Rev. 8/2/78) OUTLINE FOR ASSESSMENT HEARING - AUGUST 8, 1978 1. Discussion of Drainage Problems - West Side 2. Description of Project as ordered by Council a) Discussion of previous council actions (i .e. report, hearing, letting, etc. ) b) New pipe system c) Old pipe system d) Total pipe system e) Areas of work remaining (i .e. area street improvements and future laterals) 3. Assessments : a) Storm; sewer Assessment Policy b) Summary of project costs c) Cost assessed and corresponding rates d) Discussion on single and double rate areas e) Payment schedule (i .e. prepayment, term of assessment, rate of interest) 4. Answer questions from audience. N CITY OF SHAKOPEE INCORPORATED 1870 129 E. First Ave., Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 (612)445-3650 July 24, 1978 Dear Resident: Enclosed is a notice of a public hearing on the proposed assessment for the 1976-2 West Side Storm Drainage Improvement Program. We have now completed work on this project that will benefit property which you own. This project has been one of the largest projects under- taken by the City of Shakopee for quite some time and because of that it took considerable time and effort to accomplish. I am sure that we caused you some inconveniences which at times may have seemed pretty severe , and I want to thank you for your understanding and cooperation during the construction of this project . At this time I can report to you that the storm sewer is now operat- ing and is doing the job it was designed to do with only several minor problems left to solve . We were fortunate that we did have some large rain storms toward the end of the construction project because this gave us the chance to observe the system in operation and correct the areas that were not working well . I am happy to tell you that the total project cost is lower than we had originally estimated and that the final determination of area in the project area is greater than anticipated. Both of these factors result in a lower cost to you than was originally estimated. I encourage you to call me at City Hall before the public hearing if you have any questions concerning this project and the cost to you. Your cost is determined by the size of your lot which is listed on the attached notice . If you do not agree with the size of your lot as we have listed it , please call and we will be happy to go over it with you. I also encourage you to attend the public hearing when we will discuss the project and the costs . I must say, that it will be difficult to discuss your particular lot size at the public hearing because there are some 800 property owners included in the project and it would be better if you would give us a call before the hearing. Again, we appreciate your cooperation during this large construction project and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions and to come to the public hearing. Sincer"'_ , Do u g lad S . Reeder City Administrator DSR/jsc Encl . 1 T h e Heart o f Progress V a c An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF SHAKOPEE be open for traffic at night . Provisions will be made to provide a means West Side Drainage Area System of emergency access and persons with special problems should notify the project engineers and extra efforts will be made to assist in time of The Shakopee City Council ordered the installation of a storm water need. drainage system for the west side drainage area after receiving an engineer- The surface will be restored to the existing conditions and will_ be ing report on the proposed project and conducting a public hearing. The a part of the construction project. city received bids in July, 1976, but the construction of this project has been held up by legal actions instituted by residents of Shakopee who are The installation of large size pipes , such as needed in storm sewers , against the installation of this storm sewer project . The City Council , at requires large machinery and relatively large excavations . Every effort this time , is still not able to proceed with the project because of the will be made to minimize the disruption to the normal life in Shakopee latest law suit . but your cooperation is important to assure a successful project . These meetings are not considered as public hearings , but rather inform- D. PROJECT COST AND ASSESSMENTS al neighborhood meetings to explain the problems and costs involved with the The estimated cost to construct the storm sewer is now $1 ,200,000 continued delay of this project and to seek the thoughts and opinions of including construction, engineering, legal , fiscal and administration the residents of this area who are affected by this project and the rising costs . If this project is not put in until 1983, it is estimated that the costs resulting from the delays . cost will be $2 ,125 ,000 and if not until 1990 the same project would cost an estimated $4,100,000 or four times the original estimated cost . Of A. WEST SIDE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS this total cost 50% will be borne by the City, County and State and the The runoff of surface waters in the drainage area has increased with balance will be assessed to the benefitted properties . The portion to the construction of each building, driveway, street and building site . be assessed will be allocated to each lot or parcel of land according to Depressions in the earth surface that once retained waters have been filled area at the estimated rate of $0.04 per square foot for single family and the water no longer can be absorbed into the earth and now flows over- residential property. land to lower ground . The assessment will be levied about October, 1977 . A notice of an The City has built some storm sewer laterals as the streets were built assessment hearing will be mailed to each property owner, which will be which are now inadequate to serve the present needs of the area by either the opportunity to find out what the actual assessment will be and to make not having enough capacity in the pipe or insufficient capacity of the inlets any objections known to the council before the assessment is adopted . to accept the rate of runoff waters during a heavy rainfall . The existing laterals presently outlet at various places along the bluff line and the An estimated assessment for a residential lot 84' X 135 ' is as follows : discharged waters flow overland to the river , some places in wide , sheet Lot area 85' X 135 ' = 11 ,475 sq. ft. type flows and some places in channels . In almost all places where the _ surface water is allowed to flow in an uncontrolled manner, damage to public Assessment @ $0.04/sq.ft . = $459.00 and provate property occurs by excessive erosion or flooding as well as Average annual payment with interest payable over 10 years is $66.00, being a hazard to safe travel . In one known location, storm water is enter- with the first payment $83.00 and last $50.00. These costs will of course ing the sanitary sewer system which increases the cost of sewer services to continue to go up if the project is further delayed and will double by all of the city. 1983 and be 4 times greater by 1990. B. PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM Thank you for your cooperation. The storm sewer system that is proposed for construction will drain about 500 acres in the western part of the City. TL�e system consists of CITY OF SHAKOPEE an outlet to the river from 3rd Ave . and Harrison St . and Trunk lines on Harrison to 6th Ave . and 3rd Ave . to Webster St . The existing laterals will be used in the new system as much as pos- WEST SIDE STORM SEWER COSTS sible with new laterals extended to various locations in the drainage area to complete the system. CONSTRUCTION YEAR TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATED* C. CONSTRUCTION OF THE STORM SEWERS 1976 $1 ,000,000 It was the intent of the City Council to have this storm sewer under 1977 1 ,2003000 construction by Fall of 1976 and complete by Spring of 1977 . The bids which 1978 1 , 3203000 were received assured a completion date of July, 1977 ; however, the law suits 1979 1 ,452 ,000 prevented the award of the bid. At this time, if no further law suits are 1980 1 , 5973200 initiated, the earliest completion date which could be expected is Summer of 1981 1 , 756 , 920 1978. 1982 1 ,932 , 612 1983 2 ,125 ,873 Construction can start within 2 or 3 weeks after the contract is award- 1984 2 ,3383460 ed, which now could be sometime in May of this year. Construction should be 1985 23572 , 306 complete in 3 or 4 months . Installation of the mains in the residential streets will progress at the rate of 200 to 300 feet per day and the trenches 1990 4,1423722 will be backfilled and opened for traffic immediately. Construction of catch basins and pipes in the intersections will take longest but they will * Estimate based upon 10% increase in construction cost each year . Do�} 0 200 400 800 1200 1600 2000 SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC. /!' Iw �^ r ��•.-T / 1�` I 1 y, KEY EXISTING SANITARY SEWER i ✓ ► 1 1 �` 11 - ` / 1 EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER 1- FUTURE STORM SEWER AREA(ACRES) - 4 ///�— ; ; J• __- — —_, `` 1�! RUNOFF (CU. FT./SEC.) / 1 �- / { I----------- / ! _ 1 / II ----- ------ 1 /- -- � 1 I t { I I I ---•---� Imo/ .' ! { I I I I 1 { I . - I J { 1 DRUNK & LATERAL SYSTEM. 1 ' 3rd Ave. Trunk Alternate "C' >� ........ .... i x.:..36 - (Shumway System Reiief) ... , i s3 - `,------------------------------------ NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 1976-2 WEST SIDE STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PUBLIC HEARING: AUGUST 8, 1978 at 7 : 30 P .M. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Shakopee will meet at 7 : 30 P.M. on Tuesday, August 8, 1978 in the Auditorium of the Shakopee Senior High School at 10th Avenue and Lewis Street , to pass upon the proposed assessment for the West Side Storm Drainage Improvement Program 76-2 , according to Alternate C as shown in the Engineer ' s Preliminary Report , amended to delete the lateral sewers on Eleventh Avenue and to re-designate t«e sewer from Tenth to Eleventh Avenues from trunk sewer to lateral storm sewer. The system includes the construction of about 7 ,170 feet of trunk and outlet pipe , approximately 8 ,290 feet of lateral storm sewer pipe , and approximately 2 ,400 feet of lateral storm sewer pipe to relieve existing storm systems . The construction includes , but is not limited to , the above construction, catch basins , trench construction and replace- ment of existing pavement and other similar improvements now in place . The area affected is generally described as follows : Bounded on the North by the corporate limits , bounded on the West by the corporate limits , bounded on the South by the corporate limits , and bounded on the East by Apgar Street from the southern corporate limits to the northern corporate limits ; plus that part of the Jasper and Smith Addition lying South of 10th Avenue and West of Atwood Street . The following area is proposed to be assessed, to-wit : WEST VIEW FIRST ADD'N: Lots 1-32 incl . WEST VIEW SECOND ADD'N. Lots 1-40 incl .WEST VIEW THIRD ADD'N: Lots 1-9 , Block 1 incl . ; Lots 1-8 , Block 2 incl . WEST VIEW FOURTH ADD'N: Lots 1-9 , Block 1 incl . ; Lots 1-9 , Block 2 incl . WEST VIEW FIFTH ADD'N: Lots 1-9 , Block 1 incl . ; Lots 1-18, Block 2 incl . ; Lots 1-18, Block 3 incl . ; Lots 1-9 , Block 4 incl . REPLAT OF NOTERMANN ADD' N: Lots 1-12 , Block 1 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 2 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 3 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 4 incl . ; Lots 1-19 , Block 5 incl . ; Lots 1-8 , Block 6 incl . and all of Outlot A. RLS 926 : Tracts A-G incl . MINNESOTA_VALLEY 1ST ADD' N: Lots 1&2 , Block 1 ; Lots 1-4, Block 2 incl . ; Lots 1-4, Block 3 incl . ; Lots 1-4, Block 4 incl. . ; Lots 1&2 , Block 5 ; Lots 1-9 , Block 6 incl . ; Lots 1&2 , Block 7 ; Lots 1&2 , Block 8 . MINNESOTA VALLEY 2ND ADD'N : Lots 1-7 , Block 1 incl . ; Lots 1-11 , Block 2 incl . ; Lots 1-13 , Block 3 incl . JACKSON VIEW ADD' N: Lots 1-4, Block 1 incl . ; Lots 1-14, Block 2 incl. . ; Lots 1-15 , Block 3 incl ; Lots 1-9 , Block 4 incl . ; Lots 1-12 , Block 5 incl ; Lots 1-24, Block 6 incl . ; Lots 1-24, Block 7 incl . ; Lots 1-8, Block 8 incl . ; Lots 13-24, Block 8 incl . ; Lots 1-8 , Block 9 Incl . HUSMAN ADD'N: Lots 1-9 incl ; and All of Outlots A-C incl . KOEPPER' S ADD` N: Lots 1-12 , Block 1 incl . ; Lots 1-12 , Block 2 incl . ; Lots 1-12 , Block 3 incl . ; Lots 1-12 , Block 4 incl . ; Lots 1-12 , Block 5 incl ; Lots 1-12 , Block 6 incl . ; Lots 1-12 , Block 8 incl . , Lots 1-12 , Block 9 incl ; Lots 1-12 , Block 10 incl . ; Lots 1-12 , Block 11 incl . TERRANCE ADD' N: Lots 1-7 , Block 1 incl . ; Lots 1-6 , Block 2 incl . ; Lots 1-6 , Block 3 Incl . ; Lots 1&2 , Block 4; Lots 2-7 , Block 5 incl . ; Lots 1-14, Block 6 incl . ; Lots 1-12 , Block 7 Incl . ; Lots 4-6 , Block 8 Incl . PARTIAL REPLAT OF BLOCKS 5 AND 8 OF TERRANCE ADD' N: Lots 1-5 , Block 1 incl . 14ARYMARK ADD'N: Lots 1-7 , Block 1 incl . DOYLE' S PIEPER' S ADD'N: Lots 1-4, Block 1 incl . HENNEN' S 2ND ADD'N: Lots 1-8, Block 1 incl . Shakopee Ave . vacated between Lot 4, Block 1 of Doyle ' s Pieper ' s Add'n. and Lot 1 , Block 1 of Hennen ' s 2nd Add 'n . JASPER_& SMITH ADD' N: Lots 6-10, Block 10 incl ; Lots 1-10 , Block 11 incl . ORIGINAL SHAKOPEE PLAT : Lots 1-10, Block 14 Incl . ; Lots 1 -10, Block 15 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 16 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 17 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 18 incl . ; Lots 1 ,2 , 9 , and 10, Block 35 ; Lots 1-10, Block 36 , Lots 1-10, Block 37 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 38 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 39 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 40 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 41 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 42 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 43 incl . ; Lots 1-4 and 8-10, Block 44 Incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 60 incl . ; Block 61 ; Lots 1-10, Block 62 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 63 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 64 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 65 Incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 66 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 67 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 68 incl . ; Lots 1&2 and 8-10, Block 69 Incl . ; Lots 1-3 , Block 87 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 88 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 89 incl . ; Lots 4-10, Block 90 incl . ; Lots 6-10, Block 94 incl . ; Lot 6 , Block 93; Lots i-10, Block 172 Incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 173 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 174 incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 175 Incl . ; Lots 1-10, Block 176 incl . ; Lots 6--8, Block 171 incl . KOEPPER' S ADDITION: All of Lot 14. Vacated -streets , avenues , and alleys : Alley in Block 36 , Original Shakopee , lying between 2nd and 3rd and between Pierce and Shumway; All those vacated streets , avenues and alleys lying between 1st and 4th and between Washington and Pierce ; All that vacated part of Jefferson and Madison lying between 1st and 3rd. Part of unplatted property in N2 of 12-115-23 lying within the Corporate limits of the City of Shakopee . Part of unplatted property in N2S2 of 11-115-23 and part of unplatted property in N2 of 11-115-23 all lying within the Corporate limits of the City of Shakopee . All that unplatted property lying within the original plat of Koeper ' s Addition according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the Office of the City Clerk in City Hall, 129 East First Avenue . Written or oral objections by any and all persons desiring to be heard will be considered at the hearing by the City Council . The total cost of the improvement is $1 , 1.04, 870. 60. Any property owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Clerk of the City of Shakopee within 20 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. Under Minnesota Statutes , Sections 435. 1.93 to 435. 195 , the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments . When deferment of the special_ assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated plus applicable interest become due . Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it may, within 30 days of the confir- mation of the assessment , apply to the city clerk on the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. Dated this 18th day of .July, 1978. Douglas S . Reeder City Clerk CITY OF SHAKOPEE The special assessment listed below has been computed on the basis of the area ( square feet ) of your pro erty. The area is multiplied by the following rate (whichever applies to arrive at your assessment . TRUNK LATERAL TOTAL, Single & double family residential : $0. 013998 $0 . 013409 $0. 027407 Multiple family, Commercial , and Industrial $0 . 027996 $0. 026818 $0. 054814 Some properties may only pay a trunk assessment , but the majority will pay the total . NAME : PROPERTY: Lot Block Subdivision SQUARE FEET: ASSESSMENT : PAYMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Payment Schedule : A property owner has thirty days after the Council adopts the special assessments to pay the full amount of the assessment without any interest being charged. If full payment is made after the thirty day period, interest will be charged from the date of the resolution adopting the special assessments . The City Council will adopt the special assessments at a meeting some- time after the public hearing. This will probably be done prior to September 5th so the thirty day period will probably be the month of September. A property owner may make a partial payment on his assess- ment . This partial payment must be at least $100.00 and must be made prior tc October 1C, 1978 . A property owner may choose to pay the special assessment over a period of ten years . The City certifies one year ' s principal (1/10 of the assessment) plus interest to the County Auditor on October 1Cth of each year. That amount will then be on the tax statement for the coming year. The first year' s certification will include interest from the date of the resolution to December 31 , 1979 . A property owner can pay the remaining balance at any time to the City of Shakopee . If payment is not made prior to October 10th of any year, there will be one year' s payment on the tax statement even if the balance is paid in full . Interest Rate: The interest rate on the special assessments will be 62%. The City of Shakopee has adopted a policy of setting the interest rate at 2% over the net interest rate of the bonds sold to finance the project . The net interest rate of the bonds is 4. 59%. The additional 2% is used to offset any delinquent payments of special assessments . State law authorizes a maximum interest rate of 8% which the City has used for previous special assessments . 8-7-78 meh �� h"elf r f� a `.t r• ug� �d �' ! y , ��,4�,�C� A' +<�4�k �.�� a' �� n k:F r tti z ty`q'�p2:, � ..v. �ti � � � :• �,�# y4ti s�6 R �. # � w RESOLUTION NO. 974 A RESOLUTION SETTING PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS HARDSHIP SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEFERRAL WHEREAS , the Minnesota Legislature has set forth in Chapter 195 of Laws 1976 authorization for any city to defer payment of an assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or over for whom it would be a hardship to make said payment ; and WHEREAS , the City of Shakopee has determined it is in the best interests of its citizens to exercise the authority granted in said Chapter 195 (now Minnesota Statute 435 . 193 and 435 . 194) ; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Shakopee does set forth the following standards and guidelines for determining the existance of a hardship, but nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the determination of such a hardship on the basis of exceptional and unusual circumstances not covered by these standards and guidelines where the determination is made by the City Council in a nondiscriminatory manner that a deferment should be granted when such deferment does not give the applicant an unreason- able preference or advantage over other applicants ; 1 . Any applicant must be 65 years of age and must own a legal or equitable interest in the property applied for which must be the homestead of the applicant; 2 . The applicant and any other owner of did property who resides therein with the applicant shallA ave an annual gross income in excess of $6 , 900 a year for the year preceeding the year in which the application is made, or for the average of the three years prior to the year in which the application is made . 3 . The applicant and any other owner of said property who resides therein with the applicant shall not have gross assets (excluding the homestead property) in excess of $25 ,000. 4 . The Assessor' s Market Value of the applicants homestead parcel shall not exceed $45,000. 5 . The limitations on an applicant ' s income , assets , and property market value may be adjusted on an annual basis upon recommendation of the City Administrator and motion of the City Council of the City of Shakopee . 6 . Unless otherwise provided under the Resolution adopting said assessments, all such deferred assessments shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum; 9 Resolution No. 974 continued 7 . Termination of the right to this deferred payment shall be as provided by Minnesota Statute 435 . 195 and such defer- ment shall terminate as provided therein, to wit ; a. Upon the death of the owner, provided that spouse is not otherwise eligible for the benefits hereunder; b . Upon the sale , transfer, or subdivision of the property or any part thereof; C. Upon the property losing its homestead status ; or d. Upon the City of Shakopee 's determination that the hardship has ended so that immediate or partial payment is required. 8 . This procedure shall not apply to any assessment of $100.00 or less . Adopted in adjourned regular session of the City Council of the City of Shakopee , held this 5th day of October, 1976 . Mayor of the City of Shakopee ATTEST : G' y Clofk Approved as to form this 5th day of OGt9T§ , 16. > s i rij; ;'Attorney i !n e WEST SIDE STORM SEWER PROJECT *PRELIMINARY BOND SALE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ACTUAL Contract $743 ,000 $886 ,900 $891 , 217 . 24 Consultant Engineering 90,000 110,000 106, 506 . 32 City Staff 18,000.00 Legal , Financial Cons . 29,400 49 ,000 18, 585 . 81 Publishing, Postage 2 , 758. 35 Easements 25 ,000 3 ,000 1 ,025 .00 Contingencies 50,000 50,000 5 ,000.00(Leazmeiei' 40.00(Permits) 5,402 .88(Constr . Capitalized Interest 85 ,000 78 ,000 56 , 335 .00 Interest TOTAL $1 , 022 , 400 $1 , 176,900 $1 , 104, 870. 60 FEC :meh 7-18-78 *Based on Appendix D (page D-1 ) of the Preliminary Engineering Report on Stormwater Drainage Systems for West Side Drainage Area date August , 1975 , Alternate "C" was added to the contract price of $743 ,000 and Eleventh Avenue was deleted to arriave at a preliminary contract estimate of $881 , 333 . The additional costs totaled 37 .6% of the $743 ,000. The 37 . 6% add-on cost factor was then.appl-ied__Lo._the $881 , 333 to give a total preliminary project cost cvf $1 ,212 , 759 .00. OFFICIAL STATEMENT dated 7-26-77 PURPOSE AND FINANCING These Bonds are issued pursuant to Chapters 429 and 475, Minnesota Statutes. Proceeds of this Issue will be used to finance the construction of the City's west side storm drainage project. The total amount of the Issue was based on the following cost estimates: Estimated construction $ 886,900 Consulting engineering 110,000 City engineering 17,000 Contingencies 50,000 Easements 3,000 Legal-Administrative-Fiscal 32,000 Subtotal $1 ,098,900 Provision for capitalized interest 78,000 Provision for discount bidding 23,100 TOTAL BOND ISSUE $1,200,000 The Bonds are general obligations of the City for which its full faith and credit and unlimited taxing powers are pledged, in addition to special assessments filed against benefited property. Special assessments totaling approximately $600,000 (or 50% of the total project cost) are expected to be assessed In ten equal annual principal payments at 8% interest on the unpaid balance. The balance of the Issue is to be paid from an ad valorem tax levy. Both the levy and the assessments are expected to be filed in 1978 for first collection in 1979. FUTURE FINANCING The City anticipates issuing approximately $1 ,050,000 of general obligation improvement bonds sometime within the next 60-90 days. The proceeds of the sale will be used to complete the City's 1977 improvement program and to refund its $600,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds of 1975, due March 1 , 1978. -11- APPENDIX D (cost estimates ) TABULATION OF ADD-ON COST FACTORS *(Factors to be added to Construction costs to estimate total project cost) Description/Service Estimated Cost regal services - bond consultant $ 1 ,000.00 Financial Consultant fees $ 5 ,000.00 Administration - City Staff $ 2 ,900.00 Mailing and Advertising $ 500.00 Legal Service - City Attorney $ 3,000.00 Engineering Services - City Staff $ 17,000.09 Engineering Services - Consultant $ 90,000.00 Capitalized Interest $ 85,000.00 Easements $ 25,000.09 Contingencies $ 50,000.00 TOTAL $279,400.00 Add-on cost factor = $279,400.00 : $743,000.00 = .376 ( 37.601)) * Estimated costs are based on a construction cost basic drainage system cost of $73,000.00 CITY OF SHAKOPEE S S v West Side Drainage Area System B. PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM S l The installation of laroe size nipE The City Council has received a re- The storm sewer system that is p ne d such as needed in storm sewers , requirE port on an engineering study of storm for construction will drain abou 35 large machinery and relatively large xcavations. Every effort will be made water drainaqe systems for the West acres in the western part of the Ci to minimize the disruption to the norma Side Drainage Area" of the City. The The system consists of an outlet to the life in Shakopee but your cooperation Council is holding a hearinq to discuss river from 3rd Ave. «n(+ Harrison St. and is important to assure a successful the problems and proposed solutions with Trunk lines on Harrison to 6th Ave. and project. the citizens of Shakopee. 3rd Ave. to Webster St. The following is a resume of the in- The existing laterals will be used in D. PROJECT COST AND ASSESSMENTS formation to be covered at the public the new system as much as possible with hearing. new laterals extended to various locat- The estimated cost to construct th= ions in the drainage area to complete storm sewers is 51 ,393,640.00 which in- A.WEST SIDE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS the system. cludes construction,ennineerinq,lec,- ' , The runoff of surface waters in the fiscal and administration costs. drainage area has increased with the C. CONSTRUCTION OF THE STORM SEWERS About 40'/1 of the cost will he borne construction of each. bui1 ding,drivev;ay, by the City, County and State and the street and building site. Depressions in If after the public hearing, the Coun- balance !rill he assessed to the benefi . the earth surface that once retained cil determines that storm sewers should ed properties , The portion to be assess waters have been filled and the water no be constructed, sealed bids will be taken will be allocated to each lot or parce' longer can be absorbed into the earth and, if an acceptable bid is received, of land accordinq to area at the estima and now flows overland to lower ground. the contract will be awarded to the ed rate of 50.04 oer square foot for The City has built some storm sewer lowest responsible bidder. single family residential property. laterals as the streets were built which Construction will start within 2 or 3 The assessment will be levied about are now inadequate to serve the present weeks after the contract is awarded, October, 1976. A notice of an assess- needs of the area by either not having which is estimated to be sometime in May ment hearing will be mailed to each enough capacity in the pipe or ihavin - of this year. Construction should be property owner, which will be the opoor enough capacity of the inlets to accept complete in 3 or 4 months . Installation unity to find out what the actual asses the rate ac runoff waters during a of the mains in the residential streets ment will be and to make anv objections heavy rainfall . The existing laterals will progress at the rate of 200 to 300 known to the council before the asst>>- presently outlet at various places feet per day and the trenches will be ment is adopted. along the bluff line and the discharged backf i 11 ed and openers for traffic i nuned- waters flow overland to the river, some lately. Construction of catch basins and An estimated assessment for a resid places in wide, sheet type flows and pipes in the intersections will take long- ential lot '35' X 135' is as follows: some places in channels. In almost all est but they will be open for traffic at Lot area 85' X 135' = 11 ,475 sq. ft. places where the surface water is allow- night. Provisions will be made to provide Assessment 0 50.04/sa.ft. = 5459.00 ed to flow in an uncontrolled manner, a means of emergency access and persons damage to public and private property with special problems should notify the Average annual payment with interes occurs by excessive erosion or flooding project engineers and extra efforts will payable over 10 years is 566.00, with as well as being a hazard to safe travel . be made to assist in time of need. first payment $83.0'1 and last $50.00. The surface will he restored to the In one known location, storm water is Thank you for your cooperation. entering the sanitary sewer system which existing conditions and will be a part increases the cost of sewer service to of the construction project. CITY OF SHAKOPEE all of the City. 1 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Douglas S . Reeder SUBJECT: West Side Storm Sewer DATE : August 10, 1978 The remaining items to be discussed by the City Council on this project are the following: 1 . Change assessment policy to allow single family homes in areas zoned something else to pay the single family rate . 2 . Consider requests made at public hearing. 3 . Vacate 2nd Avenue - scheduled for hearing August 22nd. In order to allow us to prepare the final assessment rolls and notify the residents of their assessments , we need to, complete all considerations of those assessments as soon as possible, hopefully at this meeting. We will then proceed with the preparation and adopt the assessment on September 5th after the vacation of 2nd Avenue is complete . We will be prepared to discuss the matter brought up at the public hearing as well as have the minutes of that meeting available . DSR/smw 4 w 634 West 2nd Ave . , Shakopee, MN . 55379 • August 8 , 1978 . Shakopee City Coun;:il , 129 East 1st Ave . , Shakopee , MN. 55379 • Dear Councilpersons, I am submitting this statement in lieu of a verbal protest at the public hearing this evening, because of a severe cold that has limited my ability to speak. This statement will also serve to notify you that I intend to contest any assessment levied for the West Side Storm Sewer Project, more popularly known as the "Big Fraud" . I will not hesi- tate to carry the matter all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, should that be- necessary. Your assessment against Lot 10, Block 36 in the amount of $467 . 02 supposedly for a Special Benefit from aforementioned project cannot stand for the following reason; 1 . prior to the installation of the 76-2 project it took about a 5"rain before the runoff water from the streets would begin to en- ter my property. Now, a 1" rain results in problems for me to keep the water from the streets from entering my property. 2 . The perimeter of my property is higher than the center, and is also higher than the street, so there never has been any runoff from my property entering the street . All rainfall on my property has been seepage on my property, and my problem has consisted solely of water from the streets entering my property. 3 . If the likes of Goriesky, your former "Expensive education type " engineer who would claim a special benefit from stopping the street water from entering my property, then you blew it again as you have with the entire area east of Harrison. It is difficult for me to understand why you would attempt to defraud your friends and neighbors that elected you to office, but then it must be a total lack of common sense , reason and logic brought about by the gratuities served up by the likes of Price . At this time this afternoon, I don' t know what the majority of citizens will say about this fraud, but then with a good amount of cowardice and apathy, they may stand still for a $2 million fraud . You can be sure that there are those that will not let this go by without seeing that justice is done . Sincerely, August B. Dellwo, .- V 0 ITH IN P OP 'EE , MINN. 55379 • AUGUST 1 , 1978 . We have been feeding data on the "big fraud" into "programmable calculators" and the whole deal smacks of F-R-A-U-D ! We have not been able to co- me up with any "honest" answers, and the only ones that fit the city hall mold stink to the high hea- vens ! This is a conspiracy to lull the citizens so that there will not be a big showing at the publ- ic hearing. Every taxpayer in this city had bet- ter be there ! Remember there can be a 2nd and 3rd assessment after that hearing and you will have no further chance to protest! Ask the people on that 1st Ave . watermain "ripoff" . It all started to fall into place after Mel had applied for a permit to put an addition on his garage . He found that the setback requirement had been increased, -so he asked for a copy of the ord- inance and procedures establishing same . Reeder sent what little there was, and commented on an attached memo "I hope that we did this right! " He knows damned well that the whole procedure was fraudulent ! Then came the assessments on the re- zoned property that had been downgraded in valua- tions by rezoning and "ripped off" doubly for the "big fraud" ! City Hall intends to defraud the assessed pro- 1 perty owners in the "big fraud" for about $325, 000 in interest, but they are so poor that they have to print Planning Commission hearing notices the size of "postage stamps" ! And the language in that notice bore little semblance to what was to act- ually take place ! Of course they have the money to print the "autobiographical harangue" belched for- th by Harbeck' s speechwriter at the Loud-Mouth-Ma- ssacre of Feb. 8, 1977 . No one showed at that Planning Comm. meeting, and the only discu Sion of that proposed rezoning was the "motion to pen ,, lie hearing and finally the "recommendation to..refer it to the council for action" ! There was n, hearing by the council be- cause they slipped Vt jnto the Recodification. We are sure that a few "i iders" such as Harbeck, Reeder. Reinke, and War knew what was going on, No one showed at that Planning Comm. meeting, and the only discussion of that proposed rezoning was the "motion to open the hearing" and finally the "recommendation to refer it to the council for action" ! There was no hearing by the council be- cause they slipped it into the Recodification. We are sure that a few "insiders" such as Harbeck, Reeder, Reinke, and Ward knew what was going on, but the rest did not know! The July 12th local press carried a front page piece titled "Shakopee population estimated at 10, 620" under the Jerry Barney byline . We quote the 4th paragraph; "City Treasurer Fred Christiansen said that Shakopee ' s population increase will allow more of a levy limit increase than otherwise would be possible . " It must be a great feeling to be a new citizen in a community where clt hall views you onl as a big er tax grab ! Harbeck and Co. ' s attitude toward the citizen- taxpayer is not unlike that of a you n tomcat amon- T t a harem of tabbies in season! " gs Harbeck with his 100 grand a year income is embara_ssed �21 these eo le because he knows that he is paid twent times what he is worth! He and the city hall "paras tes" are doubl embarassed by those who far-outclass them in hard-earned abilit- ies and strict codes of ethics, and who do net at- tempt to earn incomes far in of their needs simply to feed their greed and egoesl City hall continues to pursue the process of gentrification" ! That word defines the eliminat- ion of a class of people from a city or other pol- itical subdivision by taxation, asessments, ordi- nances, and policies. In Shakopee it is those of infixed, moderate, and low incomes . Gentrification was behind the attempt to put in curb and gutter on 3rd Ave . , while Harbeck and Phis cheapskate netighbors will not pay to put it in ` on 6th Ave . The state will pay for it if the stre- et is built to their specs. but the state will not prevent_ them from putting it in! Of course , there is the a reement with the state to get the 0 000 toward the "b g fraud" ! There are some` interest- ing 1 gal ramifications in a situation SUCK as this Air I (Continued from Page 1 ) and we will wait and see where the Harbeck and Co . pi -headedness, greed, and stupidity will lead! Harbeck' s neighbor who doesn't think that the "fraud" works as well as the old system, showed _ no concern for those who would be ripped-off by the "fraud" , as long as he got what he wanted,- - when we talked to him early in this battle ! We wonder if he likes what he has now? That could also apply to others, who hoisted their noses high in the air at us, when we were f ghti g the "fraud" ! Remember us telling you about Reinke claiming the "big fraud" was necessary because of the water from the Reformatory roofs draining into the sani- tary sewer? And we asked if a 11$2 million fraud" was necessary to save $120 that was collectible? After that paper came out, at the Feb. 21st meet- ing Coller informed the council that they had sent a bill for $900 to the Reformatory, and that they f had agreed to pay it. This is $150 a year for 6 years and the time limit under the statutes. During the election campaign, we were told about Reinke ' s friendliness, and we came away with the impression that p22 le do not mind bein& raped, as long as the rapist is friendly! There also were the new residents that told us that they knew that i city hall was corrupt, that it had been from whence they had come, and that they would prefer to rem- ain ignorant of the present situation) They had better come to the brutal realization that there is no lon er an 1p ace to run! City hall has used taxpayer' s money to illegal- ly sue, harass, and abuse those who have fought to stop a "total fraud" 1 Krass filed a "phoney law- suit"against Augy in what he admits was an attempt to stop publication of this paper because he did not appreciate what was being said about himl T: en he cites the Coller vs. Halver suit of 1956 as a basis, when that case is no longer validl We obtained the files on that case from the vaults, and learned from the file that Krass was acting on the basis of information supplied by Collerl Erroneous inrovivation! `iriat leads us to the conclusion that Coller pushed him into filing that suit! Coller in the Halver suit had the County At- torney file that suit as a criminal libel suit, while Krass, at least had the guts to sign his name to hisl Coller has claimed "satisfaction" from the decision he would like to have everyone believe that he had obtained, but there is much more to itl In that trial, Coller was not question- ed on direct examination, and therefore could not be called for cross-examination, because he was j not a art to the action! Mrs. Halver asked for a new trial , and that i's where it lies today! This was Krass' s excuse to deny 1st Amendment Rightsl When he threatened to sue the President of The COMMON PEOPLE, we answered by informing him that he was involved in a conflict_of-interest, because his interests clearly conflicted with the best nterests of the People of Shy, and we heard no morel Everyone now knows that the "gag attempts" hop- ed to quiet the truth about the "big fraud" ! It did not work, and they now face serious consequen- cesl Of course, they will attempt to bluff their way through! On May 23rd the Resolution giving the Shakopee Professional Building 50% relief, in the amount of $519 . 78 on their Co. Rd. 17 storm sewer assessme- nt, was passedl Remember the loud cries of anguish i from Krass when we originally pointed out that his share of that assessment was only $262.291 Now, it is only $175.67, a reduction of $86.221 -This agree t ment was reached after a Tax Court hearing on Dec. 5, 1977 . We also pointed out how he was collecting A $40 per hour to keep the West End from being heard p on the "big fraud" 1 In the near future, Chief Justice Sher-an will be receiving letter assessing him with his part in u bringing about this "total fraud" of the people! s 1 We 're fed with Chief Justices who spend nearly ' all of their time mending "political fences" when !o they should be serving the majority of the citi. . 10 zens instead of complaining about 1000 appeals be- '13 ing filed a yearl A friend had filed two appeals, within a few days of exactly one year apart, 'and. the file numbers differed by only 3001 We would also remind the Chief Justice that the U.S. Supreme Court frowns on attempted "put- downs" and any denial of full Civil Right@ of the attorney pro se ! After a recent statement by U. S. Chief Justice Berger, "that up to 751 of the att- orneys are incapable of giving their clients an ad- equate defense" we can understand that court' s po- sition. But if you are fighting City Hall , you do not have to worry about them accepting you as a cl- ient. We have "too damned many political-opportuni- sts" sucking as leeches on the people, without ha- ving our courts full of them! The very fair hearing of Case 2 by Judge Lene- rtz, and the dismissal of the countersuits in cas- es 2 and 3 by Judge Breunig were the only decent i actions by the courts in this entire affair! "The Rule of Special Benefits" will be the na- me of the game on Tuesday evening, Aug. 8th. That rule states "that assessments for local improveme- nts must be measured by the enhancement of proper- ty values resulting from the so-called "improveme- nt" . The increase in market value is determined by j "what a willing buyer would pay a willing seller for the property before, and then after the so- ca-lled "improvement" has been constructed. The ass- essment cannot exceed the increase in market value ! Price has suggested that city hall require you to submit your questions in writing at the hearing and that they will answer them at a later date . The purpose of that hearing is to answer your que- stions about that improvement, if any; and don' t buy any city hall con-gamel City hall will be showing you pictures of the "big fraud" and we decided to show you a picture of the "expensive education type" engineering! This picture was taken between the two rail lines, just east of the bridges over 169. The picture was taken from the north, and shows the junction of the 60" pipe from the south, and the 54" pipe going north. At the top, the larger pipe is 18" higher than smaller and this junction was later surrounded with tire-like blob of cement! The re- duction in pipe size results in a 19 ,31 reduction in capacity, and the offset reduction is determin- ed by the flow, varying from about 111 at low to about 271 at high flow rates. That hole in the Pipe eventually became a drain basin to collect the water that comes down the hill from 6th and south from Apgar on the east to Webster on the west, and then follows the railroad tracts west' to that spot. Apparently, Price designed the tr- acks to be an aqueduct to carry the water to that spotl ° w Y pipe eventually became <t cirza.li, Li-,.j�rj u�11v� thy: water that comes do.vn the hill from 6th and south from Apgar on the east to Webster on the west, and then follows the rail: .=.d tracts i-( :; L to that spot. Apparently, Price 'esigi-,ud th; tr- acks to be an aqueduct to carry the water to thEt spot! ti �rt d , BEAUTIFUL, ISN' T IT? If the people of the West End pay one cent of the cost of the "big fraud" then they deserve to be under the heel of city hall for eternity! You have the best opportunity that will evexl present itself to break up the "public-improvement-racket"- an estimated $10 million defrauding of the .citiz- ens of Minn. Now is the time to tell city hall "to go to hell" and that they had Metter get the money out of the hides of Goriesky, Price and Harrison. If they can' t get it out of their hides, then they will be sued for fraud! The COMMON PEOPLE, Inc. B , A st B. Dellwo, Jr. Eifecutive Vice Pres' I i TH VOIC COMMC ISSUE VIII P.O . Box 204, SHAKO} On Tuesday, July 25th most West End residents received greetings from city hall in the form of a notice of the amount that city hall intended to steal from them to p� for the "big fraud" ! Of special interest was the letter signed by Reeder, the culmination of a con-job started by KSMM the previous week telling us how lucky we were to have been defrauded of $2 million which they hoped we would pay! The assininity of the second paragraph is in- credible ! Who is he to state that "the big fraud" will benefit the property that you own? His state- ment that "he is sure that city hall caused us so- me inconvenience" reminds us of Krass in U.S. Dis- trict Court; who while proclaiming that our suit was premature because no assessments had been lev- ied--"that he realized that some assessments would probably be levied ! " A friend sitting next to Augy leaned over and whispered "Krass is cracking up: " In the third paragraph of that letter, Reeder tells us how lucky we were to have had, what he called "large rain storms" , to test the inoperabil- iry of Price ' s incompetent engineering! What Reed- er refuses to comprehend and attempts to con you i about, is that simple engineering such as that in- volved in a storm sewer requires no testing after the expenditure of $120, 000 for engineering, Reeder condemns Price ' s engineering with that statement, just as we have from "day one" t Does Reeder hope to con us into believing that a " rain is a large one? In April of 1976 we were told that the "big fraud" would handle "the 7 1/2" rain of the century" ! Now, Harrison says that it will only handle a 2" rain! With a 30 ,, reduction in carrying cal?acity built into -the pipeline going to the river, it is a miracle if it will handle a 1/2" rain from the area east of Harrison because it can handle only 55% of the water that naturally flows from the Valley Mall and Lenzmeier areas, without that restriction! We ' re ing to see some "expensive education" engineers swe ng trying tom-explain their ex en- sive engineering t eafden the laws of physicst We know who will ggt e "expens ve educations" I that will be- handed out o his "fraud" ! s to the river, it is a Mira if it will handle aV 1/2" rain from t are ast of Harrison because it can handle only o the water that naturally flows from the Va ey Mall zmeier areas, without that re riction! We 're going to see some "expensive education" engineers sweating trying to explain their expen- sive engineering that can deny the laws of physics ! We know who will get the "expensive educations" that will be handed out on this "fraud" ! The outrageous fact is that conditions in storm water drainage in all areas of the West End, except the aforementioned properties, is much worse than before the "big fraud" was installed! The city. is facing serious legal responsibilities as a result ! It is a fact that anyone who is moderately ob- servant, has an I .Q. of 65 or over, and has worked for a contractor for about 5 years or more ; knows more about storm sewer engineering than any but a few top engineers, and Goriesky, Harrison and Price would rank as amateurs of low order! We have many questions to ask about the "lower total cost of the big fraud" t At the March 21st meeting, Reinke complained about the "big fraud" going over estimate because of "litigation" and other factors! Harbeck shot his mouth off when Ler- oux made the motion to dismiss the countersuit, that our suit boosted the cost $130, 000. Krass had the same propaganda in his letter to the council on the countersuit. Is this more of the city hall lies? We will be looking into the legal aspects of it all . Krass also made a couple of cracks in that letter about Augy that smack of defamation, and li- bel ! Augy will get to that in due time . And where did city hall find the "large area" to reduce the "per foot" cost by nearly 50% ? We remind them that they would have to find an area nearly equal to that in hand to cut the assessments in half! If this should happen to be, only the lik- es of Harbeck and Co . could bungle so disastrous- ly; Could it be the "illegal rezoning" of many properties along 2nd , 3rd and 4th Ave . with the resulting higher double rate assessments . City hall also defrauds them on the "home lot" ! 6-2 Shakooee Pub ] 1_c ImPT ()veil,(::!',L Pr.ogt�.wl - West Side S t:)i to Pro j oc i *' +k, .- Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet) Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total - �'7-6.�6-ocao-CCI -0o aa1 ka-70(x 13/.o' ,o 1S9G q�a.�L '131 . 83 /go q159 9 as Qtw«x�C, 34 o I q 0q.5-9 a7-Ua6-0000-Ooa-00 frcmQ. /50' KS:).131 ,0 x 135x /Oo .'1996 351, 3� .o�bg a 343o1S lox, b0 6 tt . .93 70Z�6o X86 K a7-oa�-ocx�o-oo3-coo Scu�t� �w 8l•o5'x �35s9 ,0�.�1996 --- a`7-C,)(c-0000-CO14-oo vent���. /Qa55'x ay�.La- ►oabgl8 //0, x 81.x5 z-3'1,�" q 8`�► �a /660 CU. (0tz O-Lq- . 7 sotiarn ' 700'x 9Q,A43' o ' I s�' �o��99b ��,�`� ,o�m�i8 Sob►`1 b �O �r) ao , l�'7a w.6,t CkLe ()J x/35'., 7AI.3' 3�3, $ ►0�LB�d I ' l0 7 Cun ,�UV-m, 13 3 58 5 -73Z,12 a7-0a(,-G0-00`7 -UO uo 0. S,e19e,'4(,v 00-11916 3oa,310 ,o�.V$+8 ��y. ` I► `fb3� �7 201X I3S' 10, 500,60 !� 8► 1� �7-Odlo-Gc�0-00�-00 U%CTatQ.`t �, , b ►01b8�g - ,oa�99b o2.3 �n43.3 103, 8� ?o x 13s /a 3C,6.(t ► 8, t a'7-CQ(,-pooC-ooQ -OC �q (;kM 135' x l Q'7.9' , c�r7 996 fig,�� ,o�b 81s x N9.93' yy 8►y�1 516, f$ 39 x ' i �1a i . �� °► 1 �,s Oaf CCU-O�o-CO #• )&&Lhmro 8,36',K 1 14.45' , 0;'7 99(O -S b 6 �s 56 331® ? ►o3b81� 31 'i�3t ��}g► S 7 E70-")r46, qq == •!`" 1976-2 Shakopee. Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page Credit For Parcel # & Owner-- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total l00`X 1 ' 1013990�P ' a op *q5 '0139 `,113 o 1 . -X9.97-oa6-CM0-o1► -oo 8() '.X 150�,Cj 4Yx 1l 85Sd, Q17-6a 0000-01a -00 L ot3RMI� 16'198 ►0�3�o'f 16 ,gf 3�$, 89 l8`t�89 x 50 UDO•oo a7-Oaf-0000-013-00 �q. CJ7 ,oM3g98 1 S'1.�►� ,ot3�1e� lSo, g o8t� 1615 So• '75 x 150 1 a7-6,x,croo-CIq-00 D.y �0j34�'� �t� 1013101 1�O, 35 '�3 � $�, 3`� NOS &--�gAZkf" 75` x 150' VIO Z-Oa/,-0000-015-00 OAal&e. ,ot35�r� t S,� �� 10131,17 ISO, 8S t D $ 33 ! D31 33 /03'7 aSo. '75 ' x o' 11 co a7-Oa�-O000-Ord-oo odd , ��3S4A _ ,o�3`t�5 iS�, $S 1�3� $ 3U 1,33 33_ 4ot , 16 13 S, rV , N? '15 x 156 //),P50.oo a7-0al-0occ-0rf7-00 f�?..c qd-,9-1- Cakak 3 o$t 3 3 Jpt /7 JocAVzawi 3 � X 160' _ - 135. E _ 1057& '75 /1 .00 a'1-Oa6�cao-p18 -C7o c .NPh jo �. �o Ilq ,ot3ya9 1ST, s 1-)3, 33 U _0 Isr),-► �8t 33 /010 '75 x i 5o a5 ,o0 a7-0a&-XCO-019-00 �ac,J or3Sg8 ,dt3y 3 ' $ 1S4�SS 3�$ , 3 1� 3t3, I9 i � l 3 ;. 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'75' x /35' 53, '1 ?141 50 K G�YY1 �.�11G a.o °� Flo' x /35' 11 X75. �zA .5 d O x c-oa°-oo U)(M 013 4`+ , .._ 020 35� y tz..a . 60 o 0 70 x 1 a7-oaq-cxx�o-oal -Oo �•V; � C a a 2 3 /oas X 136 ' ID 80000 a'1-Gq-oocr�-oaa -0o �. �-Caum�.. 4t �a /6/,s "-) ' X L 7 7, r �3 /4.06 75' x /35 ' / / 5,O a�-o -cx00-0 af- - •CA �,-, t° 0 1,�, 4pt Q,5 / 35 5 5 !0 1a5,o0 /0'4? 14WLu4ayu 75' x /35 ' lO 4Q,5,00 _ a7-00-0060-0x4-00 Jho-mcLa C, 1V ?3 a'7-0a9-0000-0a7-00 �Clwc ! o ��� o ,u►3'7`iX )yl �3 ,oi3'rc:�j r3 S1'7 X77,Su /0 NA)On;�-, r75 x 13 5 /0 , I a5 ao ,?7 Da9-O000-Dab-oo UlZcJcrn: , a►? 414 114 1:�?y'-.`� 13 5,'Y) 0 8 �.eanm..ezL�.�m• _ r rte( )^ rfir' IQ5,Oo 1. . � _ _ r, - _ - - - - --- - --- _-" -- - - -- Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet) Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total a7-0�4-o«ao-oaq-oo C�m,wnctr�e,,J ,d�3�4� �a°►�i`+ ,��3yo t 1Is,B5 �-3 6t ') 7 108'7 � ' 135' ;�7-02Q-Ocoo-030-a0 �hLgw6t � �- // I x / 35 , r��3�5� /91 ,`? ,o13yo9 16 `�r �3 33tor �V 30 / q 7 q'$o' x 135 ' X-Ox-0000-031 -00 6 � � ,��3gy� )51, 19 ,��3�1 1ti�r23 4t3� /OQtc,�Ja kx,o an $6'x 135 1 - a�-Oa9��-ppUO,�oo-03a-oo 1,41, -?3 rC)I O01 13 108$I$JOA 41c 0_0 75' x J35 1195100 ,Q 0,�q-�O000-033-00 ",Qa2 �.`� 9�� M(13 IOMOI )35,'?I A,10 S" /07 '75 x /35 1 1 D a7-oa9-OCOO-034-00 GI�Io,L%j oe.kzl ,0�3`►`�� HI,-)3 a7-oaq -oc�o-�35-�� �-• , ,,vc3�4� ��I,�3 ,0�3��� 135,�� ���,�� lO S 75' x 1-35 l0 1 a5. oo a'7-oaq-000o-U3lo - `M•�„�acJe: u135'� 1`I1,�3 ,o13`t�� IjS; a-��r �v a d�t 3(o /D y 8 �amjwn 775 'x 135 )0 1Q5 .00 �7 a'7-0a9-0000-O2 1 -00 WO OX) a, ,t�t3��5 �y1r73 v13�t)tl 13 Sr�7 )MI50 �C)t 3r7 Q5'co - - 0 3 cuv�o,r, '75' X 35' l0 I o0cf-,�aq-0000 �► 13 ?l �w 3� co `75 'v 135 ' lb IaS : Credit For Parcel ip & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet) Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total 6 � 11�Grlt U Dolig +41,-13 ,c13 135 77 �Lr)'1, SU 1` -0aq-0000-03q -00 Q`N.er�� 9 151 135' ID 5.00 a�-Oa9-0000-oho-Do tub. 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V '/ �0' x 135' Jo 8 - a'7-037-0000- 0/0 -oo ? 47;Y"U 158.a7'x 1-39.3q, o y- x Inc. x$p,ga'x 13q.55 13�58 ,233,35 10 1310 IQ.96, . Cam . ,8. s � 11? a i 76. 5 ,27-637- 0000-011 -00 LlwZI tJ. 37 5'x 139.36 0z3 ,113'401)01 �• ,�,S' �i• /, �Q�.a � 37.5 x139.39 _. /038% 5 x /39.39 0?"1-03�-0000-Ott -00 �• 0 31.5�x13q, 36' a-WU ,vi3�s ►y J �tx, 13 $ yZ J U _ 1OqQQ 14J 319 3-1 �S a?-63'1-poG0-013 -Oa �, ory 37.5x139.30' ^ 3 105 3 ,5x 139.as' I -4 47. 5 ,)'1-039-Q000-O I y -00 ,Q.e�4i 6L. 3-7.5'K 39.Q 8` ,o 3 sy 8 / 3?5X /39. 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BD ' x /35' �7-p38 Uo�p-oof-oo aided. ¢ 0 o�3`tti8 I�b�3o M34ol /55, 30 32516, 10 "ht .� I �,R, r� �'8' x /35' II 88 00 a7-63Y-06W-600-00 p�.Q o ,oi35y� go.#6 67' . 1 I l a7 67 x 135' 7-038-0000-063-00 ILLkAut 10135V I41,13 ,o13`to1 1'3577 :�1�� sn 2�? . .�� Apt 3, PJ* 1139 & '*75' x 135 , �7-0 -�-�-OD S.`K�-�11-�ZLI �i34�� (;�W°ll, )WI�'13 ,oi3V��i 13Sr77 ,z�1'1, 5U i P1e.. 1 '75 ` x 135 lb 1 C'�5 ,CO a'►-033-COX-005-o<, JPo 1157 7 x 1 / 5 ,co �7-038-Ovo0-00�-00 8.. add , .i�•;�,� �3�. � �i3y°5 IZto1� �-5�l, W �5 �, �!^ C ft 5,CA) 1(61 '70'x 135' ySG, oo a7- 3s-c� -. 1 0 7.00 , 5 yf x ►<y� 14 350 Ruool A"c. a�-a3s-0000-oos-od �.�.aia��Z. , ;i>55�' I� �� So ,��3�09 1�.3,� S �-�1, S� �-i 1 dot 8 o l (0 8' x /35 ' 9 . lRn.00 3 -009 -0 0 R r' d-� ' 123, �7-D 61' x l35 u�3yoS t, b3 `nD, 9, f3Lh.i a,r, lv. , 11�j 5:� ��� S�1 , i'� S 11 q3 X 13 5 9 ! A7-638- 0000-010-Do �m �� a 614.g8'x1z.5: q, ., 1 x 69.(o3x 1351 ' l I q5 �,-Idok q Sheet To a1-'',7I2 c 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Pager Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total 0�f1-038-OOOiO-01/ -00 ° '�/0'x )39.09 ' y���� css.�4 l4°�. 18 l� �� • °� 1900 Ili 'x ,OS' .o�agh9 oi34} oq 4 Oa t CR, + 114519-7 301 ,�z 37.5'x )39 Oa' 03�98 ,o � 34oq 10 '7.63 Cl-Alalx� 37-s' x 13A aa' "1-Z Z 8 5. `7Z 3 o� +- oi3tigg 145. 3 'oi3+O1 2435 . 138 37.5'x 13$.99' �}� _ 0?7-038-�oppo^^-t`d) -oo 9 3�.s'x )3� .qQ' &,t y J /fit - -� ♦ p i 395 9 ( 45 CIO 0 3 409 2 5" X49 3'7.5'x 138.940 a7-038-6000-01,5-0o 8Utct a• ° 37.5')( 138.916' — (1, s, �• a ���' 31.�'x 13x.93' o�3tig9 � 5 �,l,� o r 3 4o°I `t20.5 0 l)f3 k,,R 5 'x 38.93` .5 _ �7-638-CbaO-Olio- Oo ,emu ao Q, and 3'R.5'x 138.93' 1-2- 01-t1-01 13 0 . 39 a� a7- 038-0000-01 -00 k'c ekt�C�. 35, x )38.90' -� 0 J 7, �4.h.o d �-�-e- + ,0,3-�Q ; 145 .sl 40'1 �3� �-, 2.�Bs.413 11'75 3'7.5'x 138 '7' ,Z8 0??-03$-�p-OI$-d0 �•GU �gY• 37.5'x )38.$x' i �-. _ Pik C� -1 13 Ct ;�4 3 5'. :J_I IIfaSO h"J1010 37.5'x138•$3 L41 �i34o9 Mon r �- s _, 55343 138.83'x 13x,90 .??-638-0000-01q -00 o p &t •X )38,83' .03�;�,� 2 3. 3 ,o� ,�oq �..s2 3 � S1 5 ,� � 9 ,gp,� . 83x6 x 138.a0 1 1 55 343 Sheet 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page�� Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total. 93.x1' x 150 ' —� a'7-o�0- 6000h- ool-cb ywm�Aa¢a-. x$0' x 50.Z7' ,u? X 100.34' O1�g98 1 �1 ,8 � 4o`1 V-1 )� 000v-doa-oo - a7-��0- � �d.Q,ue�,ar, 3�g,33 r 15-1 I q-0 , SS 309 , 33 is 704rAoan r75 x I II .00 90 Wt�jclgj&t t5-7.48 150- 95 31�• I o,�q�g .oi�.acfi ll3 r1 atkoon x 150 50 00 _ a 7-640-OCOO-ooy -Qo cvu�� Rot. � � , 0 13°tga �o! 3ao9 ISo �3S' 308,33 3 //47 75 x 15a l l 50 . o0 P'7-oyo-OCOO-ao5-vo , UAU/nykag.0 I- 5 I * _ � �-, �� v g, S3 � �• � ' „ ,�`,��a ,��oa 150. 85 30$.33 1 57 5 x 150 I r a5o.0o a7-QUb-OUoo-006- 0 � rud.ah- �, PIL- / � '7�' �� . 7�, [ go, 95 Zoe 33 30 33 /Ito 7 ' `75' x 150 ' li,a50.00 ��j=�. 0 3oq ,33 It �;, �a I S� �,� 3 s.33 7) � I ' I 60.00 �.� ?�3uoy� 1 "7�7 `75 x l 5o i s 117 '/5 ' x ISv II X50-(,� 9 tf�.ck.a Q' GuP�L� 1a�. 3s �7t- eo 3bo �S 0 .`�5 Sheet Tn alp 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page X13 Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total WESTVIEW 5TH ADDITION %-.74 lx 150,11 ' 27 010 0000 009 00 Thomas S . Miller xga.s4,X 150, 0+340 100°45 3L8 • SZ 3��° Lot 9. �lh. J D:.M.Allerman 01361 19 108 1195 Jackson- St . ,3 4 ,O 27 040 0000 01��1, 00 Terrance Hennen Lot 1) Q�ooZ, & Wife ISI. IG a,34o' 144 1116 Jackson 0' x 135 0 gon.0 v 27 040 0000 R11 00 Nathan Friberg & Lot 2 Ida o`� Margaret -� 2-11. 5 c> 1126 Jackson +-31119 14 , 3 �01�40°+ i 35 ' 2-77' `'15' x 13S' /0 I 05,00 _ 27 040 0000 012 00 Terrance Hennen Lot 3, .�, & Wife o►31169 141 ,13 01 3go°1 1116 Jackson /35 ' 27 040 0000 013 00 William 0. Watts Lot 4) , o`L & Wife o139�8 141 -13 +o�34a�, 1 5,1--1 2-1'1, S0 1146 Jackson 'L5 ' x 13s ' 20 135.00 27 040 0000 014 00 Rick Garlock & Lot 5ea;�- a, Wife !q! 1j 1156 Jackson +0139 i 3 511�-1 2-1'"1. C)5 5 ' x 135 lo. /(D5 . oo 27 040 0000 00 Claude Lenzmeier Lot 6) 15. a. & Wife CD W. LaTour & W !41 .'l b1)4C,-1 /15, '11 �- 1166 Jackson '75 ' x 135 ' 101105,CO 27 040 0000 Q116 00 Lloyd Burdine & Lot 7' .oZ Wife id+ ."13 b+ ��`� x-1`1 1176 Jackson s-�175 5 ' x 1 3S ' /01 lay -00 27 040 0000 017 00 Leon Markgraf & Lot 8o Wife 141 73 0;-3409 50 1186 Jackson ,018 75 ' x 135' 16, 135 -00 3�� L 27 040 0000 019 00 Robert Jasper & t00•a�`x 135,10' '�-�- Lot 10, ,� Wife o+�q8 I�l"I.+ ©I�qa 1 I SCo, 03 38C� ,?Z x105.a�x 135' 13 $r]3 a$ Sheet To a Z ,i! 1137 Van Buren , + 1 ` 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total WESTVIEW 5TH PDDITION 27 040 0000 020 00 Derald 0. Feltma n "11, SD 2�7,JO Lot 1 a 1187 Van Buren ot3gr;g 141 .,3 ,G!34,,cq 25' . 13 26, 125,00 _ M-- 27 040 0000 021 00 Lot 12� oa 11"t� Jai*1 � ,0►359$ 14113 101340� ''15 'x 135 ' /o ia5.00 O as o o Lo+ 13, �lk o oZ. 1 I(D11 Van �wte,r. ,ot39�i8 141, 3 -1 ,o13'�`I 135111"1 2 -1, 5 o � ��3cx t_ w `75' 071 1 O14 Lo-I- I�, �,, a (t S� VaNt�-� i 01 3C)9 6 141.13 o i 7yo�l 13 x,-11 2-1-1. 5�° 271 j0 75 ' x 135 ' 4 /S pj-1-o a 777 M 141, ,v �34a� J O x 135' 10 a5.CO _ a� oyo C oo PQ'- 14 '75' x 135' 10/.15.CO _ cx1 o c000 0&(Q Qo S � °`i°°+- t'7��° °L I I a1 �c�.��� �41,13 )3 5• o �� �C �1 cXIrJ dPo`1- 1�3� � ° �' 111 `l V a.�Qw�m 1 5 1. 18 !4 4-. 18-L 2�1 L �0 2� 1'p,00 �v 13�±�ig ,o�3-�o�OMO 0--) 00 _ D' x 3 5' l a ,CO a� ono woof 1 BR,po 3 1 t \ja,n 3 w 14.4 ,SZ z� c� o �.��0,ao pi 3��8 ► 51, t8 �p��q-o5 077 0'40 O00° q OO `j�,� `� 1..� '2,•'�-7. �d �cO,a 141•-13 0����g 144,62- , ° ''7�' X 135' lo, /a-5.(00 Sheet To ta T Z '_ ! 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total CJ S ✓���.3J 113(0 �n'\ m 3gg _� o� 8 13 1 141 13 ,�,�'�o`� 3171 -Z-)-) .50 35 75x1 O1 a7 0,40 ct')00 031 YI ,o13 (41.13 ol34og 13 57--71 d 211, 54 '75 ' x /35 ' )01 la5.00 ---- b�ot '75 ' x /35 In,1a6•00 ,oi35�g ,or�o9 21 ,50 1 04 o U33 ��;„,�a- �o�- &k. 3 11 lQ 10 Vogt�u w.+� i4i :�3 135 .1'1 21�.5 � '75' x 135' 1340`1 a7 c�0 � Q3 �� / .00 o-° -f 7 Rm 14 - ,o,�g1 S � - " �- 7? 50 Q"7 40O 75 ' x 135 ' p © aPo�- g,J�Qk 141 � 3 o � 340 13 5-11 Z�1 S� 277 . Sb 5'x 135' lO �a5.00 6-1 01-10 CCM d3(. oo 1d` - oo c� 107.5x i 35.10 b � - t 3'1 (6 1s�n &. 3 I17:,l3 x 135 ,oi26 )8 Zo 8 .�8 0� �ao� I'�.�i �z q off , LOo a-I c�40 oocO 0- 7 1 �� 01Ce,,tv,6'�a- -77.77K 135.Ip� c3Po�f- /C) .3 u ` (Iq3 �' x8a•48 x 135 toi3�i53 15! �� 5i31+o� '75 ' x 135 ' n�- I I, • 3 l 1g7e-n �35'x 135' oi3��$ Z°x '87 ,o 1 30� I �1�� !Z AOC� C! a� C40 00 �0�^, , W 3 7�"v�`l - i c r 3�q 8 ! 1 1 .13 3 5 -71 ZTl.S d t�? �a � �� x I3s >0) las,00 o Sheet To a13 C;`"3' 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page_ Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total 0)'1 OqO Ozj j 570 277 rsiv &Jz,3 I /& 7�/� ,D J I la 141, 13 '01 3qo� ' ' x l 35' 100 l 5•o o r„ 75' x 135' 1 5 •ov 277, 5 '75' x 135 101.1a-5100 -7 c� 210 Z ►1 �3 vl 3409 y � '71' x 135 ' 9 5g5.CO clo o CL xD a � � 2o 21�a , �-� -7o/ 7 &k.3-(&r.iju.0 ') -1 y ' X l35' q 1525 GD a-7 8p' X 13S ' G�f��� � 3 t f I rl fi1o�u-.ae•n 0 I '.: � 3� y2o. 8'� j'7) &)2.3 S" X 135 o 13� o i34z� 0 11 88C• � a� c40 -7 �- Yoe i, �o 4 x 135 ' 0 do o,{o c.� '©f3) ^ 1411� 5 ' x 35 ' 10) la5.00 " t13 G , a 75' x 135' 00 d-7 04� occo oso cc°0 k .5 14 j .`� :J`+ 7 Z7 / , j C� io,/as.�o J J , l '7 ' x 135' Sheet To alb' q ;. 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project pageJg Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total ' , '75 �7- 1�c00p��-�o'51 - �' 4- ti I� 1 . 1B ,� 3 `1 14 •62 Zglo.�=, ZCt�o� G ave 5, !J[C 4 p 1389$ I 4c I Is 5 ' x I O , osa-oo 4- Q); Z8 Iz�.1z S �1 ,ov Iv13��g 131 70` 5 - -r 1-1-040-0000-Os3-00 1 2-1-7, J--,Pt Sa r7, 8.12,4 ,o13��8 I'4I ,13 0�34� 135.11 2-7-1. 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'SE u�o� 4i 1 9k 4 , Sheet�To .al Z491A.Zl 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Asses'4ment Assessment Total .lot A .�.�a'Y1.UJ. 77,W x 135.Z8' 2z,54 z 1.5� 44 13 _ Y),w. x sq,ss ' _i ,IG09 .9 ,013`1�i$ ,d�34o9 t �.o - PYoY'b&Tyw, d d dr . . 135.7x' .4 �.0 136,s� 3114.9 I S, 5 S.�S 1 Sod ,'13 19 , S°I W,t s. OufjotA /5010 Th x/3tv•5 I1q•a'X Jao, a`r- 1?-QQLO-CbI -O0 )&dt to)4M, X rjl(.(o'x 135 I ; 5 . Coq �3(0 , 4 3�c a.�. 8, � 2.8 ,o�1��� ►zb.-,� ,o►�ao� a 3 t� . 4 � 1' .So.'7!�' /-6 a7-9//-5311-Oil-00 Y)aN-AlaO J �✓ P/o � ) , 1 �!rna ha.j`12t G'• 50 'X �a, OOo . 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Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total a`�-Da -CC)GO- 13y Yam, ,0►3�� Iy� S�l � o� 3Voq )�toy�- ���, ot lhl3S w a7-CG4-Ooo0- ) 35-co amw LOL*U4W N1,155 S5 01 3*0q 0. 4 s-- (.k 9 " '�13 � r /, 35 7�x I L4 7Q, a5; $1'7-Oaq-C cco-i Z IQ-00 7) � 6 117 'X / W7 , rKs �7-oa4-Cboo-�3Z-ao o'k ° -��sa� (0134uj o, ;ia'l), 01 7 ' x 13 G loiWla(nn _ as 5 �2 61+ Sheet To al US, Yd 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page�l�.� Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Descr' tion Ad ress Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total • 118.7X 307- �7-oI -emo- coI-o0 o„i�y, x94.Wx3W.sS , H31,a-� Q1� `)'3, °$ q y,3 � ! c4, -n l C)' oZ O' SS 3c 905, (.gyp �44, a'7-015- -00a.-0o � x 90' a13598 /o �� 0 013y� L/0 ), 13 toll x946.4 931, 14- 30 36a. i 9- C,o-Q 346.4`x,/0of 3. 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Cp Isla tt o I 3c�a cco® 233. So ' 6-:5 �, .. . C�,C bo P S3, o X 144 g S a o Sheet Total �? �.' 1476-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page_ Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Descri tion Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total c7 W .5G6 0-),4* s o?7-001 -OcCO,450 m d� , a Z 7� �.0(00 l7,QH0 , o13titi�d 23853 ,o�31oq au,Al 1(710Z x .P7-CC I-x-451- Aa,nfz 01fTiECL 8, •WO t l . 613,469 111'ai 233- 5a / 233 ,5�J 5 I a .0 �'•,� a w c�.Q o1314q$ , O I39O 19, Z� Z � , J 233, 5d !b J�¢.�a�o �'• � X33, SO 5 .O IQ?_Cd-moo-45 4 cl- in, �• ids ( V ,�� Xa 4 8s a .0 a7-ool-G oo-X55-cao d .� vwca,n. x ►U a. A�t/, gekr , to a- Qmvn. ,6ZLCd X (4 i l , 3 350. 2 d' �v V '73 (.v. 1 �l31g$ 1 �� r 01390�j (97-Ca0 1- -y56-00 W x 14a, pJo�ag3 f.�e� . �a C4, W �.y %�.�15, �3 115 x 14a. I-COX-J4 7-Gb arn 0--for► 15 x 14 a- /03�"y� • 6a- ya. ,o�3�g8 Ig� b $ ,ot3gD� � �Z, 81 2�i1 g� ? 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(Z I► (�, ll tom, 7S �' 3 5d I x � ,O , bt3998 Sq�� , b1�g0� �Sr ova, �Lko �3 �Oi3g�$ 1, 2G � bt3�1o� ?33 , 50 233 - `16 a? cv,5 �a�o i , �9-C0t-X00-H&G-00 , 3 ��ek a �3 0b� . 50° 0 � 0119q$ 11.10 9-5120 111 , 59 A'0���- 67-00 J,4 ma4/ 1/, 10 x I q a, �, (D�. . to 3� CU.5p 1(4#. �?i=-0000-468 -ao �. [ /ox ?72, �� t 5�f k4 &k, w- -e 2�2, 3 . 16'M4.�AI 'x 00 �,t!t,5- 9/1,5/11..5107 01. ,, � x /�02 9 94/0,0 .6139 z 13�- 1 J , ,W`W I33, 2 Sheet 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project page Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description. Address Dimensions (Square Feet . Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total R'1-C1Ql-WOO 6Q -DO '40 eAk-. (03 X 1401, 1 0 c I L+ .Q'7-001-C=-470-oo �7, � . 6 3 `Monm&n,o v X 0�.� 0!3�'?`� 1110!' 16 13409 Ifs Z + Z 37 FO Z �� 3:70 Q7-W/-OCOO-1171 -60 4-(caa) lv. X x7-001-ODOR-4/70 - ,Q(k.�3 J '? �' I /� .; ' cO t X f/4 5ao ; Z6 1l 4.Z V7-COI-COCO-LI-714 -00 �.� 60 x 134 &k• (o4 33o,s l�wy �a . -.�� � (�g, g2 , ������, 3 7-001-0000-475-00 3U x 1 3 4 loo x 1 314 12311 o ,O.Ya J aQ Oo- -Q �31 u a x s 33 190 C . `zo. a5' %,b.901 c `t 97- -0=-476-CO clot N,&A I(o`1 14, Yn, x - Q I � Gllr`f.$r1+ Gi1W-QI � � � IIIlv9 0 ; , vn �b11 !9 21811 �l U frt , AJ 7 7 -OD �.¢YY1na.Qnnca.- 2 0. 3.x' C . (a� 1 x�tte� �� l�Oxi3y $ 04D 1 ! J` /67, 1 220,.35 Sheet To Ll 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page_ Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total ,00 - _ 7 -,00 ,e , � c�olo-9 . � 416 /34 3Q oiz�q� 950�l� n�3�ro r ( • �� 8 � 6 k 13 qi 04D .O1�gRg IIZ,;'f ,01340&1 ! D_7. 8 1 ZZ0. 3 / ZZ0.3 ��1-00�-OOG1p-H 81 -UO o�ua . GOx ?$ sz 013L�6q zzIF, 'to 7. ob 't67, ov a�-COI-0=-q8a - CO • . 4t 3� 6th �pOX pZ O(3%q`c� �1 q. Z6 C'134C0? X7-001-Coco-q83 -OD Oi3�9Q l!q',26 JI�u��r 114. ZN Z�3. So ,:�'7-001-OOM-N 84 -Oo :QcyUam Ncroafz- � 2-12 .105 ` e 5, w X G� J�oZO Z6 . (7�� I/ �! 11 23 �. hU a�-col-OCCO-A4 86-00 k4 p Wixk/rr c " puk. Go5 a. W.. 1-f It „y zf � , . , t.a z-3 a 7-(XjG►--�0.�/�- -� r7,&Je- v 2�,!.:.� :.ti -7 i 7.!1 v I I L J �-- 5� ,c b N 6 L+. 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Z.6 pr34C9 it y,L6 Z33. � G ?7-CX�1-Oo0o- �(9N -00 doj.e.Qacc�v � �,s - �� awl Q Z -z_ �.�G ,�. � ' 14 a � ,L;�u,� ri ,2 � .c ;� �V tL. zb -W-COCO-419(0 C) hktt t� ,s 59- .0 13 t�� 2-b ?7-001-OCCO-1497 -00 Q' ,4t 9 �7 � T6 .� 6 Z3 Z- -00 1-0x0 33. � - 8 -00 0.�`C✓�. 14 o , 1 5 a6 ) q ! ° 17 etldC 60 Sheet To ai'z`,%3S,Q0 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page_ Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description. Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total a7-OoE- 9 -oo X�1, &k-677 Xl qc� .017/4-01( l ( 4,714 23 'i q0 233,50 a�-roi-aoc�-goo • yak ,�� • X cJ �13�R 1�1,Z6 t�►34b9 Il �+.z�t Z�3, C; 0 a?-DOI-O1L�00-501 -00c��,Ny�,,� � `71`5 Ox 1'70 ,ot3�°�� 3Q.52 O11 Lrol ��3, 467, coo �� 7. co o�?,�-pppp111-OOC1�-5oa-00 Off- 5�P,)-k'67 o3 . 60xNo- Iy-, 24 -z-3;",Su 233,50 A?-OO1-C=- 3-6O �-t (,., elk,67 4w*'j 'I U 7 t� � x /40- p 5w 0 +3?q� 110 Z6 V1-3 0� 11 4, 2 4 -2 Z z _ (A?- -O=-5 -W AVVrna, n4 X V 5� l�7Ga a?-QO�'O�O-v05-�O p�vr���an CL co of,s,± 142 18,5ao If " -zu , -2 At q,Pxk• 67 3 q 40,5'0701.w. p + - -97-661-COW-509-60 c( &t /o, PJ-k, 67 73(0 B' S� 7�q �r4z4 2?-OOI-C O0O-508 _pa JOQ"1J11t-jb&,iQVf /' Q(o8 533 ?/SoZ-O 1 �f� i Sheet Total 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project page 6a Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Desc i tion Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total a'7-ooi-oo00-5 -oo A,� e, 63 0°" G�' $ a oi39 r1 °l, n'3� 01 4.z4 .0 d?-001-0000-6/0-oo - L/ 1t xWa 5o'10 .013011�q V9,7- ( 013 Oq .z 2-33, ci0 170 Of (cc) 14 Sao 101361cfs !"7 ?6 '-3 -'73, �r0 4t 5,&.e.6s �-OOl-0000-513-OO � zQ puia .�8 fox 14 S Sao �_:a _. Gi 4��r ► I4 Z � z � � _ - � : �. CQ7-'O-OoC)O-.5/S-co f orac ,4ChTn1zt- U UJI151haLle, 6n x I a7-oar-0c 0-5 40-00 4t 9,&k-6$ a'7-ooi-oc)oo-s/-7-Cb 4 636 W,Stb d17-00t-OOX-518 -00 n.4 Pzo-ki 6. ` ? 'i3/71 diAt Sheet Total V'5,39.00 9.00 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page_ Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Desc i tion Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total . 6q 19��59 so' E- .x7 I`�4 5� -Cot-occt: -5 19 -oo P/0�.t Q, &A 1 .7 Q, w �. 10 x I 19"99 19.69 3$ 2 3g• q� a7-Q01-0000-5.:)s 7n. p tai (Cox .n,"z L+Ccr i z 233 �sC� 233,5o C ?_001-occo-5ad-oo � cv.s' 5 .� 5x .ci3R�,� ,cr4 4o9 ���ol-0000-5a�-oo ° c.�►��.� Pl0 jVtq. &k. &4 Io�r32 logr �2 2I �f � o� ,/ Z1.4�o� 0 13,1C r a 7-CO)-0 -59 8-00 e,�,� 538 W.5 / Jr r - � , 5 a�-oor-0000-X73 -oo 60 x ((4.-?, 3o x/4 a 40, 3 �- �!Q. r,. ..- Ilg,�� . ,z � � 11 r 3 � 350, �Co 30 �', � '�' a7-Ool-ocr�o-67y-oo Q. 30 PJ6 1- � `�1 a7 Gbl-oc�-l0�5- o y9ar P/ate oA q0a, 1-ao ��� 3o x N 0q, X ��02. /o��Q`J� - �,v_ < ���,��D , , _ �(ol� � �jWr �S � Sheet To a1 �n�. 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page.- 076 Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total r7,3 r cv. 30 x 14c;L ., 111 . 31 350, 2.G a7-ool-occo-6s3-co .0.1PT,)ak / / 02. $ ,�i�°l° r lt'�,Z� 13� pit ► �'t, Z'+ z 3 3, Sv �b o'J*6 ,&k. �jOtoAl w-5 . 9D a'7-oor .Y Glo6 Al Y-5 aEt 1v y 12 Q 5a0 Z4 o1 n 17-001 -6310 -oo (�, m "4t ( (:� 'x L Y, .t/7, 6 , 6 xl .5aQ Ma 16 f�al�ott- QQ g� � •O8 4 � U BOO X 1 7 is Z qwl-c=- 684-00 ° .xvmon 0233, sv Ll (q?-U01-O=- 6)q0-CO waAd bo x rya Rio � . sa 3, :o l -0 .�i13�.a i �� .Z�a .<_;�� ' ,t, � t �( . 2.,y 23 ,5 O �`•-� . .s Of-CO s 1Y)Lz(yvx- c4otl-4 2Zg,79 2.19 Ito r X•P �i �, ct ,,e�) (o, 3 � o `,' `' Sheet Totq 1 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page J Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Descri tion Address Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total a y� 6 a-oo •4� � e p! n► `'r B y, �.� �/ a*.89 I V, 0 5 �a7/' Z�at V,6 0,340,3, ,y,,rJ9 G� It 7-00l-C=-69s-00 &ne a � 5, �6.Qk• y 9 .� s aq�.s9 1013988 r o13 001 17/` 517 /-651z- 69q-00 89 I- Vag � • �7 8 73 ,O�q4+9 //O/ / D 239, 3y � vZ3c1� 3 CR?COl-CYCO-05-00 vrurL • O-V 36. 1 0 2 0 13cill8 l 4 ,41. 41-/,0,8.tk. go 3 3oS 3ci5g :�rl-60/-CCW- 760-00 {,Q p{ (o x/fix 65M 100 ('OK/00x65,( $O (o-$, �LJ� .94 66 x sox 3a x W 9 / d / 3;3 5 S"�r '7 J ► 7;L- t 4100 Onnn O 35913 I 01340°\ -OCX- (cc/8 -oo iolia Cf w Cox X00 x 65 At 9" &k . 9� W-76 &-t" x 8!5 S 50 01399g 0 134 :�'1' I-Oa-)0- 699 -00 bo-natd etxAoc Wx85 x Gs 17 4/ " 7D L� Aso 4�, o� c� a, 3S ► a�, �y �� `�� ll �► �� (Mq W•�� ' )4) ,C) i3`'elg �0 1 34o-► Sheet Total __ h 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Address Dimensions (Square Feet) Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total AZ I-lo, �. 17a. a�mo7�-�y ��O4d0 ���'�� (,lf 69, �5 � 3 y 0, 3 / ,021`19 z�s,$ =VYL - , c to /- /o, &k, /73 U 0 a'7-001- OC ce- ?63- dpxba cc � l-lo, h. l7 of dae-) -E ��n3,�-9 ;zS�9, sS ��1 �, � y s';) 9y -o� J06 I-/0, 7,5- ��03,�-5 .�S85►S'S S�-5� 24 ��� 5���.�y w�io4, &,Mk.) ,560 2,�,�f- a Z�g�B ?-60j-00(00- 118 -oo Pl6 Pn. /76 343oS �ocu �n i- 7 cP 7-CC-4COO- �3&,-00 J � Pot• (cee wow 51e<�) a 7-U01-C�o0-l 18 -0o ahtc. �o�,o &to $-K')P,;kk /76 39 f-, 3 w,3 Sheet 1976-2 Shakopee Public Improvement Program - West Side Storm Sewer Project Page Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Descri tion Address Dimensions (square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total • , 7.3�8�'xI3$.ab' ,v13a'1g i3C}. 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Credit For Parcel # & Owner- Lot Lot Area Trunk Trunk Lateral Lateral Total Prior Description Addre s Dimensions (Square Feet Rate Total Rate Total Assessment Assessment Total LNIfYLD 89.3 "k 135o� ' f3 1 58, 3'1 7, � 3, 7 Lt 374,43-60C -011 -pp o 1 39cl S, 11;5,3 S ,o 'toy 1C�r e � I a, x 135.10 J 1 812 15 I1 r7 a?'(Xo3-OCnL�-0l -00 a. _ r 7 7 , IVY ° p��' 1193J� 93 'x I 5.q 3 17, 7a '01 , 7�.7 6 I (9 83'x135.01 -9 -w-COCO-01L4- cm 3.03'x135.01 1 7C 1 7 Z , 3 A41 o '°.' 49,32"035,10' 12 313, 1 g — _ rkccn ( 72. 3 b 7 ` 1 05 � � x9a.b?xl56, 51 g� o� 'C.Yo3-OOOO'GY(o- tAJ 95Ai'X 148•a8` � 7, x 96"x 114q.1'4 19127. -4 5 _ a -C&3-0000-017 Y),W 130,01'x 138.6a' - Z S Q) 1. o (4 C 130'x 140. 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