HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Approval of Minutes: December 7, 2004
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Lehman, Menden
and Joos present. Absent: Helkamp. Also Present: Mark McNeill, City Administrator; Judith
S. Cox, City Clerk; R. Michael Leek, Community Development Director; Bruce Loney, Public
Works Director/City Engineer; Gregg V oxland, Finance Director; Jim Thomson, City Attorney;
Mark Themig, Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director and Dan Hughes, Police Chief.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Agenda item 15.F.7. Review ofFY OS Total City Budget was removed from the agenda because
this item had been reviewed by Gregg V oxland, Finance Director, at the Truth and Taxation
public hearing December 6, 2004.
Menden/Joos moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion carried 4~0.
Mayor Schmitt noted there was a SCALE meeting Friday, December 3, 2003. He stated Mr.
Peter Bell, Chair of the Metropolitan Council, gave a quick run down of what the Metropolitan
Council did for Scott County. He noted the initial presentation of action wanted by the various
cities in Scott County had been presented to some of the legislators representing Scott County.
The following item was deleted from the Consent Agenda: F.2. 2005 Fee Schedule - Ordinance
No. 715.
The following items were added to the Consent Agenda. 7. Approval of the Minutes for October
5, 19, and 26,2004; lO.A. Strategic Visioning Initiative - Update; IS.D.2. Two-Hour parking on
West Side ofFu1ler Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues; 15. E.2. Hiring of Mechanic's
Apprentice and 15.EA. City Contribution for Post Employee Health Plan.
Lehman/Menden moved to approve the Consent Agenda as modified. Motion carried 4-0 with
Cncl. Joos abstaining from voting on the minutes for October 5, 2004 because he was absent for
that meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Schmitt asked if there were any citizens present in the audience who wished to address
any item not on the agenda.
Mr. Arvid Sornberger, Shakopee Citizen, approached the podium to acknowledge a very
important resource that the City of Shakopee has. He stated that he asked Michael Johnson,
Television Production Specialist (public access and government access), to televise some ofthe
Special Olympic Bowling Tournament (nine different counties were represented) held at
Louisville Lanes in Shakopee. He noted Mr. Johnson has put together a very good half hour
program. He encouraged everyone to watch that program. Mr. Sornberger noted because of that
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coverage, Mr. Johnson and the Shakopee public access channel has been nominated for a
distinguished award for media coverage from the Special Olympics Committee at the State level.
LehmanlMenden moved to approve the meeting minutes for October 5, 19, and 26, 2004.
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMendenmoved to approve the bills in the amount of$512,187.05 plus $141,889.03 for
refunds, returns and pass through for a total of $654,076.08. (Motion carried under the Consent
Agenda). [The list of bills is posted on the bulletin board at City Hall for one month following
City Council has received an update report on the strategic visioning initiative for 2004-2006.
No action was needed.
LehmanlMenden moved to recess at 7:14 for the purpose of conducting the Economic
Development Authority meeting.
Mayor Schmitt re-convened the City Council meeting at 7:32 p.m.
Cncl. Menden noted that there was the lighting of the tree down by the City River Centre and the
public was invited to attend.
Cncl. Joos noted he attended the Shakopee Public Utilities (SPUC) meeting and basically SPUC
, was working on completing their new building and also their budget. He noted he did have some
budget numbers for Mr. V oxland for the City's budget purposes. He noted the City was looking
at extending MUSA across County Road 78 to the west of Marschall Road (note: this was in the
phase one plans) because SPUC did have a booster pump for the water system in that area that
was needed for the Valley Creek Crossings project.
Cncl. Lehman noted he attended a Park And Recreation Advisory Board meeting (PRAB) and
the PRAB discussed their proposed 2005 fee schedule, park dedication fees and 2005 park
recommendations. He stated he attended a meeting with City staff and the Shutrops to discuss the
Shutrop property.
Mr. McNeill, City Administrator, reported on the Telecommunications Commissions
recommendation on consulting services during this period when the Telecommunications
Commission had very little support. He noted the Telecommunications Commission had a
concern that there was no one on staff who had the technical skills to support the
Telecommunications Commission. The Telecommunications Commission really saw a need for
someone with the skills that the proposal from Bradley and Guzzetta was offering at least on a
transitional basis. Mr. McNeill stated the Telecommunications Commissions asked that the
proposal from Bradley and Guzzetta be considered at least on a transitional basis for a period of
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six months. This would give the City time to evaluate what type position/positions that the City
really needed to cover their staffing needs.
Mr. McNeill and Ms. Schaefer, from Bradley and Guzzetta, had meet and it was thought there
would be a way to lower the cost of the proposal from Bradley and Guzzetta. Mr. McNeill did
note that the proposal did contain items that exceeded the skill level of personnel at City Hall
currently. He would like the City to provide a high level of support for the Telecommunications
Commission because they had many beneficial projects to get done for the City.
Cncl., Lehman would like to see this issue tabled until Cncl. Helkamp was available because
Cnc1. Helkamp had some questions on this proposal and some comments and ideas. Cncl.
Lehman would like to see someone hired to manage all of the City's projects rather than
spending money on a consultant that may not be needed when personnel were hired.
Bill Anderson, member of the Telecommunications Commission, stated the Telecommunications
Commission had a discussion on the proposal from Bradley and Guzzetta. He stated the
Telecommunications Commission was frustrated because they were pretty much left out in the
cold. He noted the Telecommunications Commission's biggest concern was the loss of
momentum they were feeling and experiencing because of the lack of support. He noted the
Telecommunications Commission had some big goals for 2005 and they needed support to
achieve these goals for the City. The support did not necessarily have to come from Bradley and
Guzzetta butit needed to come from somewhere. There were very important things that the
Telecommunications Commission had planned to help the City and that the City really needed.
Commissioner Anderson noted the Telecommunications Commission did discuss a long-term
solution to this lack of support and right now they did not have that answer. Mr. Anderson
thought this transition period would give the City and the Telecommunications Commission time
to think the proper solution through. He noted this support also included much administration
work (budget; how to get things done, following contracts). The Telecommunications
Commission was trying to bring technology to the forefront and test it. Mr. Anderson noted how
the Telecommunications Commission was formed and how the money that the
Telecommunications Commission received was used to benefit the City.
Commissioner Anderson stated the Telecommunications Commission was concerned about the
time they were losing now. The Telecommunications Commission did not want to see the ball
dropped and lose all of their momentum. encl. Joos was concerned about waiting another month
to give the Telecommunications Commission some support. The time line to hire someone was
Mr. McNeill noted the City was looking at possibly restructuring the position of the Assistant to
the City Administrator and not only that but it would be difficult to find someone with the skills
of the past Assistant to the City Administrator. Mr. McNeill noted the Telecommunications
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Commission did need some one with skills like the past Assistant to the City Administrator had.
He suggested that he and Bradley and Guzzetta discuss ways to reduce the cost of the proposal.
He also highly recommended that this proposal be looked at as a short-term solution so staff
could further research how they wanted to fill current vacancies.
Mr. Thomson, City Attorney, noted this proposal from Bradley and Guzzetta was a services type
contract and this contract, no matter what the amount may be, did not need to be bid.
LehmanlMenden moved to table action on the Telecommunications Commission
recommendation on the Bradley and Guzzetta proposal until the December 21, Council meeting
to allow staff time to go back and look at the cost of the proposal and to have City staff look at
some guidelines to possibly have Bradley and Guzzetta work with the City permanently on a "as
needed basis" or to come up with some solution regarding staffing for the City. Motion carried
LehmanlMenden moved to allow City officials to accept the OSHA grant award for the MCT
docking/mounting stations for the Shakopee Police Department. (Motion carried under the
Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMenden moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to enter into the 2005 Joint
Powers Agreement between Southwest Metro Drug Task Force and the City of Shakopee Police
Department, and authorize the expenditure of$8,400 from the drug forfeiture account. .(Motioll
carried under the Consent Agenda).
Lehman/Menden moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to enter into a contract with
Design Electrics, Inc. to purchase and install the EVPS system, in the amount of $8,570, at
, County Road 101 and Stagecoach Road. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Lehman/Menden moved to set the Fire Service Contract hourly fee at $250 effective January 1,
2005 (with Jackson and Louisville Townships). (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Lehman/Menden offered Resolution No. 6165, A Resolution of The City Of Shako pee,
Minnesota, authorizing Execution Of An Agreement For The Minnesota Department Of Public
Safety, Office Of Justice Programs, Local Law Enforcement Block Grant, and moved its
adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMenden moved to authorize disposal of the old phone systems by Advantage
Communications. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Lehman/Menden moved to authorize City staff to purchase PC equipment and PC management
software as described in the memo from Kim Henke, MIS Coordinator, dated December 4, 2004
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(CC Document No. 367) in the amount of $27,385 from budgeted MIS funds. (Motion carried
under the Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMenden moved to approve waiving the subdivision criteria related to lot frontage for
property north of Hwy. 169 and south of 70th A venue, that would allow the creation of new lots
for the Quarry Lake Reuse Project by means of the minor subdivision process. (Motion carried
under the Consent Agenda).
Mr. Loney, Public Works Director/City Engineer, introduced the issue regarding preliminary
design on the new Public Works building. Mr. Loney did note that the City had bonded for
$6,000,000 for this project and had decided that an additional $600,000 would come from the
Sanitary Sewer Fund and the Storm Drainage Funds.
Jeff Oertel, Oertel Architects, focused on the items that were discussed last time but no clear
direction had been given. He noted there was a lot of interest from general contractors on this
project and he anticipated there would be very favorable bids for the City.
Mr. Oertel did point out one alternate that was going to be proposed for the project and that
alternative was regarding the storm water runoff. He was proposing now to carry storm water
runoff with a storm sewer pipe between the old building and the new Public Works building.
The alternate would be to eliminate any storm sewer between the buildings and to pick up the
storm water on the west side of the building and continue it to the holding pond. He was
proposing one base bid and one alternate bid. Cncl. Lehman noted he would like to see this
stormwater runoff alignment bid as an alternate.
Mr. Oertel noted he had six major points that needed discussion. These points were: 1) the
energy costs with the design, 2) the old SPUC building, 3) the size of the mechanics parts room
4) the size and capacity of the mechanical vehicle maintenance space and the mechanic's office
space 5) the style of joists and 6) the facelift of the old Public Works building.
Mr. Oertel noted some of the items he was suggesting be used in the new Public Works building
regarding the maintenance and vehicle storage area. These items were: 1) air exchangers to meet
code requirements, 2) exhaust reels, 3) fans, 4) several small make-up air units, and 5) that
daylight be used as much as possible. Cncl. Joos asked ifthere would be a payback on some of
these features. Mr. Oertel noted the air had to be exhausted because this was code now. He did
state the design had in-floor heat and that made the building comfortable. He noted the air
exchangers would be bringing in pre-heated air and he thought that would help. He stated Oertel
Architects was doing everything they could to keep the energy costs down. He did state that the
vehicle maintenance center was over designed for today but Oertel Architects felt this amount of
space would be needed in the future. It was Mr. Oertel's opinion that if the maintenance area
was made smaller, because of the way it was designed, it would be much harder to add on to in
the future. Mr. Loney noted the City did do some repair work for SPUC; but it was not a huge
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amount of work. Cncl. Lehman noted the Council had decided that the City was not going to
contract out repair work so the maintenance area did need to be big for future use. He agreed
with Mr. Oertel. Cnc1. Joos noted this building was being built for the future and things were
going to change in the industry. Mr. Oertel did note some of the mezzanine space was now being
used for mechanical and electrical work. Mr. Oertel noted the size of the vehicle storage area
was going to be used to store emergency type vehicles along with snowplows with their blades
and wings on.
Mayor Schmitt noted the building codes today would not allow the City to build a building like
'the old building that had lower energy costs than the anticipated energy costs of the new building
that the City was anticipating.
Mr. Oertel noted he had been working with Scott County regarding the old SPUC building and
the County would not accept an offer for trading soil for steel. Mr. Oertel noted the old SPUC
building would be demolished and the steel that was left over after demolition would be used to
help offset the cost of that demolition.
Mr. Oertel addressed the mechanic's parts room and the size of the office. He stated there had
been several staff meetings regarding reducing the size of the mechanics office in .the parts area.
He did state that Oertel Architects was comfortable with the size of the spaces as they are now.
There was discussion on this. Cncl. Joos and Cncl. Lehman felt there needed to be a shift in
thinking about the need of parts. Cncl. Lehman noted many of the parts would became obsolete
over time. Mr. Oertel noted he did look at downsizing the room and the savings were not all that
Mr. Oertel discussed the style of joists. Mr. Jeff Oertel still recommended the City use in-ground
hoists for the major equipment even though the contractor would need to go into bedrock. He
stated the in-ground hoist allowed for flexibility and efficiency so all City equipment could be
serviced. Cncl. Joos noted he would like to see the numbers for an in-ground hoist system. He
and Cnc1. Lehman thought this item could also be an alternate. Mr. Oertel agreed that this could
be an alternate. Cnc1. Lehman noted from a maintenance standpoint the above ground hoist was
the way to go. Mr. Oertel noted there were pluses and minuses to both systems; the head City
mechanic did favor the in-ground hoist as the head mechanic pointed out in discussions between
Mr. Oertel and City staff.
Mr. Oertel noted the existing public works building needed a face-lift and he would like direction
on which option to use for the face-lift. He stated the budget had $150,000 for this purpose and
to match the looks of the new Public Works building would cost about $250,000. He noted what
the options were for the face-lift: 1) landscaping, painting, 2) simple brick veneer, 3)
combination of brick and stucco, 4) match, as much as possible, the new Police building or new
the Public Works building. Mr. Oertel did note that the windows were in bad condition in the
old Public Works building. The effective life of the building from Mr. Oertel's, point of view,
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was that in ten to twenty years the building would need major work if something was not done
now and in the meantime fix-up work would need to be done to the old building. Cncl. Menden
would like to this face-lift to the old building bid as an alternate. He would have problems
justifying any face-lift for this building over $100,000.
Mr. Loney noted the design of the new Public Works building was done purposely for using the
old Public Works building for a long time. Mr. Loney did state that he did know the windows in
the old Public Works building were in pretty bad shape and something should be done to them.
He did state adding on to the old building was not a good idea; certain functions would be better
off in a new building. He stated the City needed to use the old public works building for ten
years at the minimum for some functions also. The Council would like to see this face-lift bid as
an alternate. They determined they would be comfortable spending $100,000 to $150,000 for
the face-lift.
Mr. Loney noted he would have the City's Community Development Department review the
design and the screening so the City met the screening requirements. Cncl. Lehman noted he
would like to see this building as close to $6 million as possible. The Council would like to go
out for bids in February or March because the bid climate was normally favorable at that time.
Cncl. Joos stated he did not like going over $6 million. Mr. Loney noted the architects needed to
go into final design so this time frame could be met. Cncl. Joos noted,he would prefer to fix the
storm water alignment now rather than have to do that in the future. Mr. Oertel responded to this
request. The Council decided that this alignment of the stormwater drainage between the
buildings and looped watermain be bid as an alternate.
LehmanlMenden moved to direct Oertel Architects to proceed with bid alternates on the storm
sewer and watermain location, hoists (in ground and above ground), fuel island canopy, and
$100,000 improvement for the face-lift of the existing Public Works building. Motion carried 4-0.
Lehman Menden moved to recess at 9: II p.m.
Mayor Schmitt re-convened the City Council meeting at 9:22 p.m.
LehmanlMenden moved to direct the appropriate City staff to designate two hour parking on the
west side of the 200 block of Fuller Street. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMenden moved to authorize staff to utilize the re-purchase agreements with Lano
Equipment, Inc. for two bobcats at a total price of$7,389.18 and also with Siemon Implement,
Inc. for a John Deere 1445 Mower at the price of$3,173.70 with the cost to be expended from
the Internal Service Equipment Fund. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMenden.moved to accept the successful completion of Jeff Weyandt's probationary
period. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
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Lehman/Menden moved to authorize the hiring of Scott Blom as public works mechanic's
apprentice position and to be hired at Step 1, $15.08 per hour, of the 2004 Public Works Union
Pay Schedule, effective December 13, 2004 and subject to a successful pre-employment physical
and background check. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Mr. McNeill reported on the cost of living contract adjustments for non"contract employees and
Fire officers. The cost of living average adjustment noted by the Labor Relations Consultant was
2.8%, albeit early in the game. City staff was recommending a 3% cost of living increase. for
contract as well as non-contract employees for 2005. Mr. McNeill noted that this 3% percent
cost of living adjustment had been reflected in the 2005 budget.
,encl. Lehman asked why volunteer fIrefighters were not considered part-time employees of the
City. Mr. McNeill stated traditionally they did not receive a cost of living increase. Their
increase had been treated separately. Mr. McNeill noted he would talk to the Fire Chief and ask
if the fIrefighters would like their pay increase to be a cost ofliving the same as non-contract
employees of the City or if the pay increases should remain as is.
Lehman/Menden offered Resolution No. 6156, A Resolution Adopting The 2005 Pay Schedule
For The Officers And Non-Union Employees Of The City Of Shako pee, and moved its adoption
noting that the Deputy Police Chief would also be listed on Grade 10 in Resolution No. 6156.
Motion carried 4-0.
Lehman/Menden offered Resolution No. 6157, A Resolution Adopting The 2005 Part-Time Pay
Plan For The Non-Union Part-Time Employees Of The City Of Shakopee, and moved its
adoption and directed staff to come back with information regarding the cost of living increase
for the fIrefighters as it was discussed. Motion carried 4-0.
Lehman/Menden offered Resolution No. 6159, A Resolution Adopting The City Of Shako pee's
Level Of Contribution For The Post Employment Health Savings Plans For The Year 2005, and
moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Mr. McNeill reported on the Post Employment Health Plan for non-contract employees. Mr.
McNeill was looking for comments and questions tonight from the Council and he would also
get feedback from the employees on the proposed Plan; this issue would be brought back at the
December 21, 2004 Council meeting. Mr. McNeill noted this issue was being looked at for two
reasons. These reasons were: 1) pay at time of severance and 2) motivating early retirement for
those who qualify by providing health care for long-term employees of the City after they have
retired (national concern). Mr. McNeill noted three years ago the Federal government authorized
the establishment of Health Savings Plans. The City adopted one but the City has been
dissatisfied with the performance of the Plan. Mr. McNeill noted that an employee advisory
committee had been formed to look at ~Eil:'ly retirement incentives. Mr. McNeill noted how the
Plan he was looking at was structured. He thought the Plan being looked at would be cost-
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effective for the City and also a benefit for the employees. He did state that if the proposed
program was adopted all employees needed to be in the program. He thought, according to an
employee survey, there would be a majority of the employees in favor of this proposed program.
The Council discussed the proposed Plan regarding the number of hours for sick.time and
accrued vacation. Mr. McNeill noted if at some point after the City had some experience with
this proposed Plan the language could be changed in the health plan if the Council or employees
saw something they would like deleted or included.
Mayor Schmitt stated he had not heard a logical explanation as to why everyone had to be in this
Plan if they chose not to participate.
MendenlLehman moved to direct staff to review this post employment health plan with the
City's employees and to bring this issue back to the December 21,2004 Council meeting.
Motion carried 4-0.
LehmanlMenden moved to authorize the appropriate City staff and City consultant, Bradley &
Guzzetta, LLC, to send out digital imaging request for proposals (RFP) to LaserFiche digital
imaging vendors. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Mr. McNeill reported on the proposed Fee Schedule for 2005. Cncl. Lehman asked about the
length of time for a dog license and the cost of the dog license. Ms. Cox, City Clerk, responded
, to this question. She noted the City was just trying to come a little closer to the City's cost
incurred for the pound master for lost dogs.
Joos/Menden offered Ordinance No. 715, Fourth Series, An Ordinance Setting Fees for the City
Licenses, Permits, Services and Document, and moved its adoption. Motion carried 3-1 with
Cncl. Lehman dissenting.
LehmanlMenden moved to authorize the City Clerk to issue tobacco licenses for 2005. (Motion
carried under the Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMenden moved to remove the application of Game Cash Inc. from the table. (Motion
carried under the Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMenden moved to table the application of Game. Cash, Inc. to December 21,2004.
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
LehmanlMenden offered Resolution No. 6154, A Resolution of Appreciation to Ken Pass, and
moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
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Lehman/Menden offered Resolution No. 6155, A Resolution of Appreciation to Bob Snell, and
moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Cncl. Menden discussed the goals update. He would like to have a goal-setting workshop after
the first of the year to review the City's goals. It was felt there was no need for a facilitator for
the goal setting session this year. Cncl. Lehman would like to discuss the date at the first
meeting in January.
Mayor Schmitt stated he was very concerned about the City's staffing (with the departure of the
Assistant to the City Administrator and the Economic Development Director). Mayor Schmitt
stated he would like Mr. McNeill, City Administrator, to come back with some information on
how this staffing problem could be helped/filled (structure of the organization). He also noted
the web site w~s crucial to the community to deliver information and also to provide services to
the community.
MendenlLehman moved to adjourn the meeting to Tuesday December 21,2004 at 7:00 p.m. The
meeting adjourned at 10:06 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
&1~~ er-
City Clerk
Carole Hedlund
Recording Secretary
c 0 \C (2fct~~ 7
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amount of work. Cncl. Lehman noted the Council had decided that the City was not going to
contract out repair work so the maintenance area did need to be big for future use. He agreed
with Mr. Oertel. Cncl. Joos noted tins building was being built for the future and things were
going to change in the industry. Mr. Oertel did note some ofthe mezzanine space was now being
used for mechanical and electrical work. Mr. Oertel noted the size of the vehicle storage area
was going to be used to store emergency type vehicles along with snowplows with their blades
and wings on.
Mayor Schmitt noted the building codes today would not allow the City to build a building like
the old building that had lower energy costs than the anticipated energy costs of the new building
that the City was anticipating.
Mr. Oertel noted he had been working with Scott County regarding the old SPUC building and
the County would not accept an offer for trading soil for steel. Mr. Oertel noted the old SPUC
building would be demolished and the steel that was left over after demolition would be used to
help offset the cost of that demolition.
Mr. Oertel addressed the mechanic's parts room and the size of the office. He stated there had
been several staff meetings regarding reducing the size of the mechanics office in the parts area.
He did state that Oertel Architects wascornfortable with the size of the spaces as they are now.
There was discussion on this. Cncl. Joos and Cncl. Lehman felt there needed to be a shift in
thinking about the need of parts. Cnc1. Lehman noted many of the parts would became obsolete
over time. Mr. Oertel noted he did look at downsizing the room and the savings were not all that
'J Mr. Oertel discussed the style o~ Mr. Jeff Oertel still recommended the City use in-
ground hoists for the major equipment even though the contractor would need to go into bedrock.
He stated the in-ground hoist allowed for flexibility and efficiency so all City equipment could
be serviced. Cncl. Joos noted he would like, to see the numbers for an in-ground hoist system.
He and Cuc1. Lehman thought this item could also be an alternate. Mr. Oertel agreed that this
could be an alternate. Cncl. Lehman noted from a maintenance standpoint the above ground
hoist was the way to go. Mr. Oertel noted there were pluses and minuses to both systems; the
head City mechanic did favor the in-ground hoist as the head mechanic pointed out in
discussions between Mr. Oertel and City staff.
Mr. Oertel noted the existing public works building needed a face-lift and he would like direction
on which option to use for the face-lift. He stated the budget had $150,000 for this purpose and
to match the looks of the new Public Works building would cost about $250,000. He noted what
the options were for the face-lift: 1) landscaping, painting, 2) simple brick veneer, 3)
combination of brick and stucco, 4) match, as much as possible, the new Police building or new
the Public Works building. Mr. Oertel did note that the windows were in bad condition in the
old Public Works building. The effective life of the building from Mr. Oertel's, point of view,