HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.B.1. Updated 2005-2009 Park Capital Improvement Program-tabled 1/18
To: Mayor and City Council
Mark McNeill, City Administrator
From: Mark Themig, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director
Meeting Date: February 1, 2005
Subject: Updated 2005-2009 Park Capital Improvement Program
At the January 18th City Council meeting, Council tabled actionon an updated CIP
funding schedule that reflected proposed projects, pending further information regarding
grants and other funding sources.
At this point, I don't have any specific updates for you in the CIP funding. Therefore, it
would be desirable to retable this item until more information is available.
1. Remove the item from the table.
2. Move to table the Updated 2005-2009 Park Capital Improvement Program.
To: Mayor and City Council
Mark McNeill, City Administrator
From: Mark Themig, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director
Meeting Date: January 18, 2005
Subject: Updated 2005-2009 Park Capital Improvement Program
Attached is an updated CIP funding schedule based on the proposed park projects.
The following updated CIP list was provided in your December 21 packet. The left
section contains the project list that was reviewed in July as part of the budget process
and included in.your budget book. The right section is updated with revised financial
information and timing for projects that are being considered. This section also includes
projects yet to be completed from 2004.
The yellow highlights in the right section show where changes to the CIP have been
proposed to reflect the change in costs or projecttiming. In neither the adopted funding
program nor the revised one are there adequate funds to complete the projects that
have been identified in the timeline proposed. The increased costs of the projects,
particularly Huber Park, only complicates the funding issue.
Finance Director Voxland has provided the following overview of city funding sources
that could be considered for ark ro'ects:
Source Eligible? Comments
General Fund Fund Balance Yes Currently at target balance, excluding
an 2004 unders end
Interfund Loan Yes Voxland recommends 5 year paybaCk
plan from any of the following sources:
. General levy
. Park reserve
Sanitary Sewer Fund Yes Has only been used for sanitary in the
past. Using it for riverbank work would be
a chan e in hiloso h .
Storm No Not Ie al
CIF No Not Ie al
Buildin No Inade uate resources
With the additional funding options being pursued for Huber Park and the Shutrop
property, the funding picture could change substantially, so it is difficult to provide you
with any further clarification on the CIP. Please provide direction as you deem
Adopted 2005-2009 CIP Updated 2005-2009 CIP
Cost Funding Cost Funding
Prolecl Task Esti... -... .... 2008 2007 2008 Prolecl Task Esti... Sou... .... "08 2007 .... 2008
land Acquisition Acqlisition PatkR....... land AcqUisition Acqlisition ---I
17thAvenue Sports Complex (Building & ADA mods) Building, ADA Mods., Final Site Park Reserve 17thAverue Sports Complex Building, J!lJ)A Moda, Final Site 480,000 Park Reserve
Skate Park Addition Construction Park Reserve Skate Park Addition Construction 25,000 Park Reserve
MilYle6C)!a River Boat Landing Relocation Design and Construction G..... Mimesota River Boat Landing Relocation Oe$ign and Construction 145,000 Gnll'ts
~1W Oaks Pam Co""",,""" Donations Whispering Oaks Park Construction 100,000 Donations _
COOrch Addition Park Co""",,""" Donations Church Addition Park """""","on 215,000 Donl!IIions
Quany lake Reuse Project Acqlisilion PatkR....... Quany Lake ReU$e Projed Acqlisition 250,000 Park Reserve
DesiDn 25.000 Park Reserve 25.000 Deo;gn 25,000 Park Reserve @I~~J
Construction 815.000 Gram 450.000 165,000 Construction 615,000 Gtalts 450,000 165,000
Construction 250,000 Donations 100,000 150,000 Construction 250,000 Donations 100,000 150,000
Hitler Park Improvements"' Park Construction 745,000 Park Reserve 745,000 Park Consl:luction 1,400,000 Park: Reserve
Roadway Construction SO,OOO Assessments 50,000 Roadway Construction 50,000 Assessments
Park Building Design and Consl PatkR....... 220,000 Park Building Design and Cons! Park Reserve
Park Construction 250,000 Donations 250.000 Park Construction 233,7$5 Donations
Hl.tler Park Riverbank Stabilization. Design an! Construction Park Reserve Design and Construction Pari( Reserve
Design and Construction G..... Design and Construction G.....
Comm~ily Playground System Construction 150,000 Donations 150,000 ConstrucI:ion 150,000 Donations
Tahpah Park Redevelopmert Design and Construction 313,500 Park Reserve 313,500 Design and Construction 313,500 Park: Reserve
Design and Construction 375,000 Toax Levy 375,000 Design and Construction 375,000 Tax Levy
Co"""""",, 140.000 Donations 140,000 Comlruolion 140,000 Donations
Greenfield W8fll Park Developmert Design and Comtruction 346,000 Park Reserve 346,000 Design and Construction 348,000 Park Reserve
Prairie Village Parle: Larx:I AcqLisitionlConstrucl:ion 157,500 Park Reserve 157,500 Lam AcqlisilionfConstruction 357,500 Park Reserve _1I%jIJit.@JG
Dean lake Trail System Design am Construction 192,500 Park Reserve 192,500 Design and ConstIucfion '92,500 Park Resenre 192,500
Southbridge Comml.tlily Park Oevelopmert Design and Comtruction 800,000 Park Reserve 105,000 117,500 52,500 525,000 Design am Construction 800,000 Park Reserve 105,000 117,500 52,500 525,000
Impnwement 20,000 Gram 20,000 Improvem~nt 20,000 Gralis %!7((t-~!~0
ProvidQnceM/'estchesler Park Development Design am Construction 860.000 Park Reserve 860,000 ProvidenoeJW'estchester Park Development Design and Constfuction 880,000 Park Reserve ;;;{);_w,,~~
Valley Creek Crossing Park Olavelopmert Design and Construction 125,000 Donations 125,000 Valley Creek Crossing Park Developmel'lt Design and Construction 125,000 Donations 125.000
O'Dowd lake Park Improvements Design and Construetion 210,000 Park Reserve 210,000 O'Dowd Lake Park Improvements Design and Construction 210,000 Parle Reserve 210,000
Riverside Fields Park Developmert Design am Construction 282.500 Perk Reserve 262,500 Riverside Fields Park Deve!opmert Design and Construction 26Z,500 Park Reserve 282,500
Greenfield East Park Developmert Design and COnstruction 660,000 Park Reserve 580,000 Greenfield East Park Development Design and Construction 860,000 Park Reserve
Horizon Heights Park Developmenl Design and Construction 210,000 Park Reserw 210,000 Horizon Heights Park Developml;!nt Design and Construction 210,000 Park Reserve
CR 79 Trail to Q'Dowd Lake Park Design am Construction 262.500 Park Reserve 252,500 CR 79 Trail to O'[)cwd Lake Park Design and Construction 262,500 Park Reserve
Kilamey Hills Park Developmert Design am Construction 367,500 Park Reserve 367,500 Kilamey Hills Park Developmert Design and Construction 367,500 Park Reserve 367.500
PUSl Channel Greenway Corridor Design and Construction 157,500 Park Reserve PUSL ChameJ Greenway CoJridor Design and Construction 157.soo Park Reserve 157,500
10th & Spencer Park Developmerl: Design and Construction 50.000 Park Reserve 10th & Spencer Park Developmert Design and Consttuction 50,000 Park Reserve 50,000
Momd & CR 79 Park DevelopmeJt Design and Construction 50,000 Park Reserve Motnl & CR 79 Park Developmert Design and Consttuction 50,000 Park Reserve 50,000
Commlrity Park OeveIopment Acqusition 1,050,000 Park Reserve Community Patte: Development Acql.isitiorJ 1,050.000 Park Reserve 1,050,000
Lions Park Improvements Construction 130,500 Donations 25,500 ....000 60.000 lJons Park Improvements Construction 13O.soo Donations 25,500 ....000 60,000
Small /mprovemert Projects ConsllUCfion 100.000 Park Reserve 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Smalllmprovemert Projects Construction 100,000 Park Reserve 20,000 20,000 20,000 20.000 20,000
Small Trail Projects Co_ 100,000 Park Reserve 20000 20000 20000 20000 Sma" Trail Projects """",""",n 100,000 Park Rese1\'e 20,000 20.000 20000 20000 20.000
9,025,000 3,900,000 2,335,000 730,000 932 500 13,278,765 6,111.265 2,330.000 1,957,500 932.500 1,347.500
1/1 BegInning Balance 177,502 -1.749,898 111 BeginnIng Balance 3,366,671.91 -1,100,328 -1,395,328 -1,571,f.r1.8 -1,110,328
Park Dedication Fees I 900,000 $ 900.000 $ 900.000 $ 900,000 Park Dedication Fees $ 900,000 $ 900.000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000
G..... 470,000 165,000 G..... 145.000 470,000 165,000
Tax levy 375,000 Tax levy 375,000
-- _.... 50,000
Xcel Agreemert 500,000 500.000 500,000 Xcel Agreemert: 500,000 500.000 500.000 5OO,OOJ
Donations 600,500 145,000 210,000 Donations 774.265 165,000 210,000
SPUC Well Field and Watennain SPUC Well Field snd Watermain
Inle.... 1,100 (70,OOO) (85,600)
..... 3.900 000 335.000 .000 6711265 330 1957. 932,500 1,347500
12/31 ending BaJance .1,749,898 -2,138,188 -1.180,49& -1,100,328 -1,395,328 -1,577,128 -1.110,328 -1.057,128
"2XJ4 CIP included $500,000 kom Parle Res&MJ and $50,000 in donations for Huber Park. Represerts l.4Jdated total flI'lding allocation for HUber Park deveIopmert. including restroom1storage building.
Repre&elts projeets in 2004 C/P that we", not completed but are stiR planned.
:illi0iJ{$ifAiJflfim@?~8)Represerts proposed changes In adopted 2005 CIP.