HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.F.2. Approval of Minutes: February 08, 2012 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION SHAKOPEE, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 08, 2012 Mayor Tabke called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with Council members, Pamela Punt, Matt Lehman, Steve Clay, and Jay Whiting present. Also present Mark McNeill, City Administrator; Kris Wilson, Assistant City Adminisfrator; R. Michael Leek, Community Development Director; Jamie Polley, Parks, Recreation and Natural Resourees Director; Jim Thomson, City Attorney; Judith S. Cox, City Clerk; and Julie Linnihan, Finance Director. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mayor Tabke asked if there were any additions or deletions to the agenda. Mr. MeNeill said there were no changes to the agenda. Clay/Punt moved to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Tabke asked if there were any additions or deletions to the Consent Anenda. There were no additions or deletions. Whiting/Lehman moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. McNeill read the Consent Agenda. Motion carried 5-0. Whiting/Lehman moved to declare the unused playo ound equipment surplus property and authorize stafF to appropriately dispose of these items. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda) Whiting/Lehman offered ResoluYion No. 7165, a Resolution of the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, Accepting a Donation of �1,000.00 from the Shakopee Jaycees, and moved its adoption. (Vlotion carried under the Consent Agenda) Whiting/Lehman moved to authorize the appropnate city staff to use approximately $7,685.00 of Drug Forfeiture Funds to purchase a Sharp lnteractive Whiteboard from Crabtree Companies. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda) Whiting/Lehtnan moved to accept, with a thank you for his service to the City of Shakopee, the resignation of Don Wao er from the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, and directed staff to take the appropnate steps to fill the vacancy created by his resignation. (Motion earried under the Consent Agenda) Whiting/Lehman offered Resolution No. 7165, a Resolution Setting the Public Hearing Date to Consider the Vacation of Easement, and moved its adoption. (Within four lots located on the east end of Dean Lakes Boulevard) (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). Whiting/Lehman offered Resolution No. 7164, a Resolution Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat of Shenandoah East First Addition, and inoved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda) Whiting/Lehman moved to grant Paul Affeldt and James Blatzheim full-time regular status as police officers with the Shakopee Police Deparhnent (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda) Ofticial Yrocccdings of the February 8, 2012 Shakopee City C�ouncil Page 2 Whiting/Lehmau moved to authorire the appropriate officials w sign Appendix C of the 2012- 20] 3 Labor Contract with Law Euforcement Labor Services, represenYing the City's police officers. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda) Whiting/Lehman moved to approve the bills in the amount of $1,691,696.18 and electronic transfers in the amount of $3,225,675.61 for a total of $4,917371.79. (Motion carried under tlie Consent Agenda) Whiting/Lehman moved to approve the minutcs of January 17, 2012. (Motion carried under the Gonsent Agcnda) Whiting/Lehman moved to make nominations to Boards and Commissions: Planning Commission/BOAA (2 openings): Joe C�ollins* Mark Reimler (l choice) Kevin Wetherille (l choice) Suresh Nair (2 choice) Aaron Weyer (1" choice) Debbie Barber (2 choice) Kent Robbins (1 choice) Marty Berens (2 choice) Park and Recreation Advisory Board (2 openings): Corky Mars* Jennifer Mackenthun (2 choice) John Janke Aaron Weyer (3` choiee) .iohn Danio Shakopee Pu61ic Utilities Commissiun (1 opening): Bryan MeGowan* .iamie Coffel Kent Archerd Yolice Civil Service Commission (1 opening): Stan VonBokcrn* Doug Forsman Shawn Arnundson Jennifer Mackenthun (l choice) F,nvironmental Advisory Committee (3 openings) Lukc Williams * Aaron Weyer (4�� choice) � Telecommunications Advisorv Commission (3 openings): Mark Hillegas* Jay Lyle (1 choice) Historic Preservation (3 openings): Patricia Coonen-Korte Marty Berens (I choice) Sara Weyer Jcnnifer Machenthun (3` choice) Tra►rsit Commission (2 openings): Rob Litzenberger* Ken Lud7ack (2" ehoice) Economic Development Advisory Committee (4 openings): ,iulie Kopf* Jay Lyle (2" choice) Ryan Love* Mark Reiniler (2 choice) Lucia 3cl�n�itz Aaron Weyer (2" clioice) Debbie Barber (l ehoice) Kent Robbins (2" choice) Official Proceedings of the February 8, 2012 Shakopee City Council Page 3 Suresh Nair (1" choice) Kevin Wetherille (2"� choice) Ken Ludzack (1 s ` choice) Jennifer Mackenthun (4 choice) Mary Hemandez (Motion cairied under the Consent Agenda) Whiting/Lehman moved to approve the applications and grant an off sale liquor license and tobacco license to Saga Hill Wine 8: Spirits, Inc. dba MGM, 471 South Marschall Road, conditioned upon compliance with all licensing requirements and the surrender of the current liquor and tobacco licenses issued to Roseen c� Roseen, Inc. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda) Jamie Polley, Parks, Recreation &?�latural Resources Director, presented Council with the Green Mcadows Park Shelter /Warming House Construction Authorization. Ms. Polley said that in March 2011 the City Council authorized staff to submit a 50/50 Outdoor Reareation Grant to the MN Department of Natttral Resources for the construction of the park shelteriwarming house at Green Meadows Park. Council authorized funding fhe City's 50% gant match (567,500) to come from the Park Reserve Fund. In October the City received notice from the MN DNR that they could not fund the entire request but they could offer $13,224 toward fhe project. The cost to build the shelteriwazming house at Green Meadows is estimated at $147,252. With the MN DNR grant th� cost to the City would be approximately $134,000 which would be funded through the Pazk Reserve Fund. The construction labor would be done in-house by the Public Works Department. Ms. Polley said that the construction of the shelter/watming house would be in the fall of 2012. It would be completed for the 201?-2013 outdoor skating season. Punt/Whiting moved to approve the construction of the park shelter/wanning house at Green Meadows Park utilizino funds from the Park Reserve Fund, and to direct staff to accept the Mn. Department of Natural Resources outdoor recreation grant amount of �13,234. Motion carried 5- n. Michael Leek, Community Development Director, presented Council with the Request to Set a Date for the 2012 SCALE Economic Development Educational Work Session. Mr. Leek said that a tentative meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, April ] 0, 3012 for the next series of SCALE work sessions, with the focus on economic development process and strategy. Members of the Plannina Commission and Economic Development Advisory Committee will also be invited to partieipate. Lehman/Clay moved to set Tuesday, April 10, 2012 as the date for the next in the series of SCALE work sessions related to planning and economic development. Motion camed 5-D. Mayor Tabke then asked the Council to eonsider the idea of changing the structure of the current Council meeting format. He sug�ested that the 1" meeting of the month would include nuts and bolts and the second meeting would inelude strategic planning long term matters. It was suggested the idea is something that should be address at the future Goals and Objectives Workshop. Official Proeeedings of the February 8, 2012 Shakopee City Council Pa�e 4 Ms. W"ilson presented the Council with options for Selling the Second Avenue Downtown Fire 5tation. Ms. Wilson said that staff was tasked with researching options for selling the downtown fire station. Ms. Wilson said that based on the information provided by the Leacue of Minnesota Cities and City Attorney Jim Thomson, it appears the City has three options. They are that the City could issue a Request for Proposals (RFP), the City could list the building as "For Sale By Owner" or the City could contract with a licensed commercial real estate agent to list thc building. Ms. Wilson also said that there has been some eitizen discussion of possible community uses of the fire station property. It was also pointed out that if Couneil wished to reconsider its decision to sell the property and consider retaining the building there aze utility costs, insurance and compIiance updates that need to be considered. Mike Haeg, 305 Holmes St., presented Council wiYh a presentation to utilize Yhe downtown fire station as an artist gathering place for artists to display and create their art. He also proposed the idea to include a coffee shop and community meetin' room within the same building. He stated that there are many a ants offered to support arts in the community which could be used to help fund the proposal. Todd Jacobs, unknown address, told Council that he was in favor of Mr. Haeg's idea and would be more than willing to volunteer to help Mr. Haeg's cause. Dave Zuek, a member of the Minnetonka 9rt Center, also stated his support in Mr. Haeg's idea. Marla Estasen, owner of the Shakopee Trading Post, also supports Mr. Hae�'s idea. She said the west end of Shakopee is lacking businesses and this would be a great location for an art studio. After Counci] discussion, it was the consensus of council members to table the issue of sellinQ the downtown fire station to allow interested parties time to gather additional information and create a plan for alternative uses of the property. Clay/Lehtnan moved to table the issue of selling the downtown fire station until afrer the upcomina aoals and objectives workshop. Motion camed 5-D. Mr. McNeill presented Counci] with that Status Report on Land Donation. Mr. McNeill said that since November, staff has been working with the donor to try to facilitate the donation of 3.26 acres of land located on 1" Avenue east of Marschall Road. The 3.26 acres are on three separate parcels. If tbe City is to acquire the property, it would then be the City's responsibility for marketing the parcels. The City Couneil also indicated in a previous meeting that they prefer a snow�nobile trail through Memorial Park as opposed to being along Hwy 101. It was recognized that a new foot bridee would be needed to accommodate snowmobile traffic. Mr. MeNeill said that if the City accepts the donation of property, the City will be paying the City's legal fees and closing costs which could cost between 53,000 and $�,000. Marketing decisions will also need to be made in the future, and should be reviewed for recommendations by the Economic Development Advisory Committee. Official Proceedings of the February 8, 2012 Shakopee City Council Page � Clay/Vdhiting moved to direct staff to continue with facilitating the donation of 3.26 acres of land to the city, located north of CR 101 and east of Marschall Road. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. McNeill presented Council with the Goals and Objectives Workshop Facilitator. Mr. McNeill said at the last Council meeting, staffwas directed to research possibilities for outside facilitators for a goals and objectives workshop. StaPf receioed proposals from four individuals/businesses which facilitate for local governments in Minnesota. Staffis proposing the firm of Brimever-Fursman. Mr. MeNeill said that the recommended firm is suggesting four to eight bours for pre-session data gathering and four fo six hours to conduct a goal setting session. It's possible that two nights will be needed to accomplish the goals and objectives. The proposal from Bnmeyer Fursman would be in the range of �2,500 to $3,500 with the possibility of expenses costing �200. Whiting/Clay moved to authorize the firm of Brimeyer-Fursman to be facilitator for the Goals and Objectives workshop session on March 13, 2012 starting at 6:00 p.m. If additional time is needed, Council will continue the workshop after the Mareh 20, 2012 Council meeting or The meeting may be continued to March 27, 2012. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. McNeill presented Council with a letter of Support for the Minnesota Correctional Facilitv Fence. ' Mr. MeNeill said that Governor Mark Dayton's bonding proposal includes a$�.4 million dollar fencc at the women's correctional facility. No formal application has been reeeived from the State of Minnesota, as it is waiting for funding to be approved. The norma] process would be for the City to consider this as an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit that exists far the prison. That would be heard by the Boazd of Adjustment and Appeals (BOAA). Sbould a party (either the applicant or a neighbor) feel a��*rieved by the decision of the BOAA, the decision could be appealed. Accordin� to City Code, the City Council would be the hearing body for the appeal. Therefor the Council must retnain neutral until all the facts are known. Mr. Mcl�eill explained that in lieu of a formal resolution of support, a letter supportin� funding for a fence is being requested. As drafted, the lettcr acknowledges that the construction specifics are not known at this time and the City needs to reseroe its right to reaulate aspects of the fence height, location, appearance, ete. Tracy Beltz, Warden of tiUe State of Minnesota Prison for Women, presented Council with a brief overview of the fence structure and desi�n. Dave Menden, 904 Clay Street, stated to Council that he objects to the State installing a fence around the prison. Mr. Menden also said he is a retired Scott County Sheriff and said his property is adjacent to the prison and he has never had a pmblem with the prison. He feels the �5.4 million dollars to build the fence could go toward raising Hiahway 101 goin� across the river. Official Proceedin�s of the February 8, 2012 Sbakopee Cify Council Page 6 Mr. Lehman asked for clarification from City Attorney Jim Thomson regarding the Council supportin� the funding for the fence prior to hearing any appeals from the BOAA. Mr. Thomson said that it's a fine line and iY s up to each C.ouncil member if they want to support funding prior to hearina any appeals fi the BO.�A. Cncl. Lehman said that he doesn't see how Council could remain neutral but support funding for a fence. CncL Lehman said he is boing to abstain from the vote to remain neutral. Clay:�WhitinR moved to authorize that a letter of support for funding for a fence at the women's correetional facility be sent to the State of Minnesota. Motion carried 4-0 with Cncl. Lehman abstaining. Mayor Tabke asked for Council liaison reports. Cncl. Punt had nothine to report. Cncl. Lehman attended the Derby Days meeting. They appointed officers, began fundraising and sponsorships. Cncl. Clay attended the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission meeting. They have developed a more organized and interactive website fhat will debut in a few months. Cnci. Whiting attended the Shakopee Chamber and Visitor board meetin�. They approved their budgets for 3012. Their Public Policy Committee will be looking at submitting changes to the City sign ordinance. They also have a new pricing program for membership. Mr. Whiting also attended the Economic Development Authorit}� Committee meetintr and learned about tax increment financin;. He also attended the school board meeting where they discussed curriculum and approved the attendance boundaries for the two Jr. Hi�h Schools for next school year. He also attended the Lea�*ue of Minnesota Cities Newly Elected Leader's conferencc with Mayor Tabke. He then attended the League of Minnesota CiYies' legislative reception in St. Paul with Mavor Tabke and Mr. McNeill. Cncl. Wl�iting attended a public hearino held by the Metropolitan Council in Shakopee regarding a proposed solar energy plant at Blue Lake Waste Water Facility. Mayor Tabke reported that he attended the SCALE legislative breakfast and discussed the legislative agenda. He toured St Francis and St. Gertrude's with the Saints Foundation. He also attended the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community business wuneil inauguration with Mr. McNeill and Mr. Leek. He then attended the meeting of local leaders at Scott County with Governor Dayton to discuss the expansion and raising of Hi=hway 101. Also discussed aY the meeting was economic development. Lehman/Clay moved to recess for a closed session to discuss attorney/client matters relating to the pendinb Fee-to-Trust application at 8:45 p.m. Motion eamed. Lehman/Whiting moved to recess for five minutes. Motion camed 5-0. Mayor Tabke reconvened the meeting at 9:32 p.m. and stated that there was no action taken during the executive session. Punt/Whitin� moved to adjoum to Tuesday, Febmary 21, 201 °, at 7:00 p.m. Motion canied 5-0. The meetina adjourned at 932 p.m. i ' �`�;tir� L � . �. Ju�tb S. Cox Kim Weckman C�ity Clerk Recording Secretary