HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.C.3. Revised Comment on Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for CSAH 21 from CSAH 18 to CSAH 42
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CASELOG NO: Not Applicable
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
Mark McNeill, City Administrator
FROM: R. Michael Leek, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Revised Comment on Draft Environmental Impact Statement
(DEIS) for CSAH 21 from CSAH 18 to CSAH42
MEETING DATE: November 21,2006
Scott County prepared and circulated the above-titled document for review and comment.
At the City of Shakopee' s request, Scott County extended the comment period. The
attached letter contains additional comment related to natural resources that have been
added since this item was first brought to the City Council.in October. Also
accompanying this memorandum is a letter from the City's traffic consultant. The
comments contained in this letter will be incorporated in the final letter prior to
submitting it to the Council.
1. Offer and pass a motion authorizing the appropriate City officials to submit the attached
letter commenting on the DEIS for CSAH 21 as presented or with revisions.
RELATIONSHIP TO VISIONING: This item relates to Goal D. Vibrant, resilient and
Offer and pass a motion authorizing the appropriate City officials to submit the attached
letter commenting on the DEIS for CSAH 21 as presented or with revisions.
R. Michael Leek
Community Development Director
H:\CC\2006\11-21\CSAH 21 DEIS COMMENT REPORT.doc 1
November 21,2006
Mr. Mitchell Rasmussen
County Engineering, Scott County Public Works Department
600 Country Trail East
Jordan, MN 55352-9339
RE: City of Shako pee Comments Regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
for County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 21 from CSAH 18 to CSAH 42
Dear Mr. Rasmussen:
The City of Shakopee has the following comments regarding the above-titled document.
Chapter 1:
0 At 1.2 ALTERNATIVES, the "Build Alternative" for that section ofCSAH 21
south of CSAH 16 is described as follows;
"An urban section with reduced design speed and alignment to avoid impacts to a
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wetland."
By contrast, the alternatives for intersection design north of CSAH 16 seem to
describe a higher speed design for this section of roadway. The City of Shakopee
continues to question the efficacy of planning a higher speed section from CSAH
16 north in Shakopee, while a lower speed section is proposed south of CSAH 16.
The design requirements of such a higher speed section, and the increased noise
impacts from higher speeds are likely to have a negative impact on both existing
residential areas of the City (e.g., Southbridge, Riverside Fields) and residential
developments currently under construction (e.g., Riverside Bluffs, Ridge Creek,
Ridgeview Estates) in the area.
0 At 1.2 COSTS/FUNDING, the footnote to TABLE 1-1, COST ESTIMATES
FOR CSAH 21 EXTENSION, the footnote indicates a blended value for right-of-
way acquisition of about $105,000 per acre. Based on both the City's and
County's knowledge and recent experience with the potential acquisition of park
and ride sites along the CSAH 18/21 corridor and CSAH 16/21 corridor, the City
suggests that the blended rate may be inadequate, and that the cost of right-of-way
acquisition may be substantially higher.
. On page 1-7, it is noted that with the installation of a traffic signal at the
CSAH l8/CSAH 16 intersection 2030 operations on a four-lane section
would improve to a level of service (LOS) of C or better. With this
information in hand, the City of Shakopee questions the need to consider
either the six-lane or interchange intersection alternatives for the
Southbridge Parkway/CSAH 18 intersection.
. At page 1-8, it is stated that;
"The project corridor is largely undeveloped and the proposed roadway
extension would not divide any existing neighborhoods. No impact to
community cohesion regarding existing or planned neighborhoods is
anticipated. "
This description incorrectly describes the level of development along the
corridor in Shakopee. Much of the corridor is bounded by existing
development in the form of Southbridge Crossings East, Southbridge
Crossings, Southbridge, and Riverside Fields. Additional residential plats
under development in this corridor include Riverside Bluffs and
Ridgeview Estates. Southbridge Fields is a neighborhood commercial plat
under development in the corridor. Anew elementary school is under
construction south of CSAH 16 in this corridor. The final EIS should be
revised to correctly describe and take account of the current state of
development within the City of Shakopee,
In Shakopee, a community divided by county roadways more than any
other in the County, the construction of CSAH 21 introduces yet one more
roadway that poses an obstacle to connections between present and future
neighborhoods and makes it difficult to. achieve community cohesion in
the eastern part of the City of Shakopee. (Note: similar comments are
appropriate in response to. Community Cohesion.
. At page 1-9, under "Land Use," the draft EIS posits that the six-lane and
four lane interchange alternatives would have "relatively minor impacts on
commercial land. " The City believes that this significantly understates the
impacts in the following regards;
. The interchange alternative would wipe out a commercial lot on
which a TCF facility is currently proposed to be built in the near
. The interchange alternative would result in the closure of
important right-in access to both Southbridge Crossings and
Southbridge Crossings East.
. At page 1-17, under Land Use/Right of Way/Farmland/Indirect Impacts
the analysis provided is inadequate. In this letter, in the paragraphs above,
the City has set forth more specific descriptions of developments that
might be impacted, and the nature of the impacts to both residential and
commercial development within the City of Shakopee.
Chapter 2:
0 At 2.4.2, Travel Demand/Capacity, it is asserted that the travel forecast analysis
conducted "show that the proposed CSAH 21 would primarily serve the
communities of Shakopee, Prior Lake, and Spring Lake Township... ."
Especially if constructed with a six-lane or interchange design north ofCSAH 16,
the City of Shakopee believes that 1) CSAH 21 would primarily serve Prior Lake,
Spring Lake Township, and areas south and not Shakopee; and 2) that the
proposed six-lane and interchange designs would negatively serve Shakopee by
further restricting access within Shakopee.
0 At 2.4.5, Transit Need, and elsewhere in the draft EIS, existing transit services
are inaccurately described. Specific inaccuracies are as follows;
. Scott County Transit provides dial a ride service, and express connection
to the MVT A transit hub at Bumsville. Scott County Transit does not
currently serve the Southwest transit hub in Eden Prairie.
. Regular route (Circulator) service inShakopee is provided by Shakopee
Transit, which contracts with Scott County Transit to operate the service.
. Shakopee Transit will, beginning in 2007, be providing up to four express
buses to and from Downtown Minneapolis.
. Prior Lake's Laker Lines currently operates three buses to and from
Downtown Minneapolis.
Chapter 3:
0 3.1.1, 1990 Scott County Transportation Study: County Road 18
. The description of the current state of Shako pee's development found at
page 3-2 in inadequate, and should be revised to include the information in
this letter regarding 1.5, POTENTIAL IMPACTS.
Chapter 4:
0 The description of transit services found at 4.2, TRANSIT SERVICES, should be
revised as described above in the comments to Chapter 2.
Chapter 6:
0 Section 6.1.5 - The DEIS indicates studies have been completed for the proposed
CSAH 21/CSAH 16 transit station. Please provide a copy of these studies to the
City of Shakopee.
0 Section 6.2.3 - The DEIS indicates much of the land in the project corridor is
currently vacant. Currently, much of the area west of Dean Lake, north of County
Road 16, and west of County Road 18 is inthe process of development. Noise
mitigation measures may not have been incorporated in these developments.
Please provide information explaining the noise mitigation measures the. County
will implement to reduce impacts to the adjacent developments completed in
these areas or in the process of being completed.
0 Section This section does not reference the Natural Resource Inventory
of Northern Scott County (2002) as it relates to the natural resources within the
proposed CSAH 21 alignment. The area north of County Road 16 is documented
in this inventory and provides beneficial information for consideration in the
0 Section - Please see comment for Section Additionally, the DEIS
does not reference the Natural Resource Corridor Map (2005) for the City of
Shakopee. This map was created using an analysis of the Natural Resource
Inventory of Northern Scott County (2002) and information obtained from other
local, state, and federal agencies. Please provide an analysis of the impacts and
mitigation measures to this corridor north of County Road 16.
0 Section 6.5.3 - The DEIS indicates trees removed as part of the project will be
replaced according to local ordinances. The project will be required to be in
compliance with the City of Shako pee Woodland and Tree Management
Ordinance. For more information please visit
http://www.ci.shakopee.mn.us/nr trees woodlands.cfm or contact the City of
Shakopee Natural Resource Specialist.
0 Section 6.5.3 - The DEIS indicates a wildlife crossings will be incorporated into
the project southeast of Dean Lake. The wildlife corridor crossing is not included
in Figure 7.5 or 7.6 for this area. Please include the proposed location of this
crossing in these figures for consideration by the City of Shakopee.
0 Section 6.7.3 - According to the DEIS the visual effects of the four-lane
interchange option with a 27 foot high CSAH 21 bridge over CSAH 18 will be
mitigated by the buffer between residential lots and the roadway on the north end
and a grassy median and landscaping. Please provide additional information on
the visual mitigation in this area i.e. type of landscaping. Additionally, please
provide an analysis and mitigation components for the visual impacts from the
proposed CSAH 21 alignment from County Road 16 to the Southbridge Parkway
segment for the residents in the Southbridge and surrounding Dean Lake area.
0 Section 6.9.1- The DEIS has not evaluated whether highly erodible (HEL) soils
are within the proposed alignment. Please provide information pertaining to
which HEL soils are within the alignment and what specific BMP's will be
utilized to reduce erosion issues associated with disturbing these soils.
Chapter 7:
0 Section 7.3.1- According to the DEIS Dean Lake is an expression of the
groundwater table in the. area. Based on this information the increased
impervious surfaces in the area and soil corrections needed for CSAH 21 may
alter the hydrology in the area. Please provide information for the anticipated
impacts to the surface water of Dean Lake from the construction of CSAH 2 L
0 Section 7.6.2 - According to the DEIS the proposed alignment will cross a 35-
acre wetland complex identified on the DNR's Regionally Significant Ecological
Areas (RSEA) map. Additionally, the functions and values assessment (MnRAM
3.0) for this wetland rated the area as high for shoreland and water quality
protection for Dean Lake and maintenance of hydrologic regime. The wetland
also was rated as moderate for flood and stormwater attenuation and maintenance
of wetland water quality. Please discuss the wetland replacement plan.
0 Section 7.6.3 - According to the DEIS bridges would have other impacts to
adjacent development sites and the park area. Please discuss these impacts in
more detaiL
Thank you for your considered consideration of the City of Shakopee' s comments on the
CSAH 21 DEIS. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the comments
contained herein, please contact Community Development Director R. Michael Leek at
(952) 233-9346.
John J. Schmitt, Mayor
City of Shakopee
.. WSB & Associates, Inc.
WSB 701 Xenia Avenue S. Suite#300
Minneapolis, MN 55416
(763) 541~4800
& Associates. Inc. (763) 541-1700 (fax)
To: Bruce Loney, PE, Public Works Director, City of Shakopee
From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE, WSB & Associates, Inc.
Lynn Kiesow, PE, PTOE, WSB & Associates, Inc.
Date: November 16,2006
Traffic Engineering Review
WSB Project No. 1566-11
WSB has received a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for CSAH 21 from CSAH 18 to
CSAH 42. The following comments are offered for your consideration:
. The EIS evaluation included the analysis at the intersectionofCSAH 18/CSAH 16 whereCSAH 16
connects to the west. Why wasn't the intersectionofCSAH 18/CSAH 16 where CSAH 16 connects
to the east also included?
. The document notes a reduction in traffic on paralleling roadways CSAH 83, CSAH 18, the
connection between TH 169 and TH 13, and TH13. However, the reduction in traffic on CSAH 83
is minimal, and the corridor will require six-lanes in both the Build and No-Build condition. As a
four-lane facility, CSAH 18 should be able to handle the No Build traffic volume of 18,000 vpd.
The reduction on the connection between TH 169 and TH 13 is also minimal. Therefore, TH 13 will
see the most relief from the extension of CSAH 21.
. The north-south traffic volumes in the No Build condition equates to 87,000 vehicles per day (vpd).
When compared to the Build condition, the north-south volumes increase by 10,000 vpd.
Additionally, the east-west movements into the area from the east decrease by 16,000 vpd. Please
explain this shift in traffic.
. Section 4.4 noted the elimination of the right-iti access to Shakopee Crossings. Will this have any
impacts to any other accesses to Shakopee Crossings?
If you have any questions or require any additional information on these comments, please contact me at
\ \wsb6\projects\O 1566-11 \Admin lJJocslMem-06116-CSAH 21 ElS.doc