HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.C.1. Milwaukee Manor Home Owner's Association request on Drainage Ditch Improvements along Dakota Street IS: c. I, CITY OF SHAKOPEE Memorandum TO: Mayor & City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator FROM: Bruce Loney, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Milwaukee Manor Home Owner's Association Request on Drainage Ditch hnprovements along Dakota Street DATE: October 3, 2006 INTRODUCTION: Attached is a letter from Rene' Vanoni, President of the Milwaukee Manor Home Owner's Association requesting to be on the October 3, 2006 City Council meeting agenda. The purpose of this request is to discuss the drainage ditch along Dakota Street in the Milwaukee Manor development. BACKGROUND: Milwaukee Manor is a subdivision approved in the 1990's, which included a drainage ditch along Dakota Street to a pond west of Dakota Street. The approval of this drainage ditch was done at the request of the developer due to cost versus a storm sewer system and approved by the City during the subdivision process. Attached also to Mr. Vanoni's letter and attachments is the Council memo of June 1, 2004 for a storm sewer improvement. Staff had prepared a design and obtained quotes for this work. The Council voted to participate at 25% of the cost of the actual construction and the City contributing engineering staff time for the project. This proposal was never accepted by the Milwaukee Manor Home Owner's Association. The request from the Milwaukee Manor Home Owner's Association Board is to address Council on this subject again. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Listen to the request of Milwaukee Manor Home Owner's Association and provide staff direction. 2. Table for additional information. \ RECOMMENDATION: Staff has no recommendation since there is not a specific request for staff to respond to. If a project is to be done, it would have to be done next year and perhaps included with the 2007 Street Reconstruction Project, if that project moves forward. ACTION REQUESTED: Provide staff direction on this item. t:e~ Public Works Director BUpmp ENGRlEFIPPENNINGTON/COUNCllJMILWAUKEEMANOR CITY OF SHAKOPEE Memorandum TO: Mayor & City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator FROM: Bruce Loney, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Petition and Letter for Storm Sewer Improvement by Milwaukee Manor Residents DATE: June 1,2004 INTRODUCTION: Attached is a letter dated March 17, 2004, from the Board of Directors of Milwaukee Manor in regard to the drainage ditch along Dakota Street in the community of Milwaukee Manor. Per the letter, the association has voted on a proposal to offer the City of Shako pee in funding this project. BACKGROUND: Attached also is a memo from September 2, 2003, when a petition was presented to the City Council from the residents of Milwaukee Manor in regard to storm sewer improvements to be installed and remove a ditch along Dakota Street.. At this Council meeting, City Council directed staff to work with the Homeowner's Association of Milwaukee Manor for a possible solution to this improvement project. Staff has prepared a design for a. storm sewer system along Dakota Street and has received quotes from two contractors on this project. The low quotes are summarized as follows: Contractor Quote . Parrott Contracting, Inc. $33,546.50 . Pat Minger Construction $32,500.00 (Quote did not include granular borrow or topsoil, sodding & silt fence) From the low quotes received, based on the work submitted, Parrott Contracting,. Inc. would be low quote at $33,546.50. This low quote was given to the Milwaukee Manor THA for their consideration on payment at their March meeting. They voted to contribute 25% of the total cost or approximately $8,000.00 and thus asking the City of Shako pee to pay 75% of the cost or approximately $25,000.00. The City would provide the engineering design, inspection and surveying as per the proposal. In review of this stormwater existing design and future design, staff would have these following observations and comments: . The drainage ditch design was approved by the City and was a proposal made by the developer ofthe Milwaukee Manor, which was done in the 1990's. . Initially, a storm sewer was proposed by staff. However the ultimate design was a drainage ditch and had a storm sewer installed in the 1990's, and this cost would have been passed on to the owners ofthe units in Milwaukee Manor. . The City of Shakopee's Public Works Department has done considerable maintenance in cleaning up the pond and ditch for it to function in its current state. . The annual stormwater drainage utility bill from the. units from Milwaukee Manor is currently $1,682.96 per year. The proposal to Milwaukee Manor residents from staff has been to donate the engineering costs including design, inspection and surveying with Public Works to place the fill and topsoil and for the Milwaukee Manor residents and the City to pay for the pipe work needed to remove the ditch and establish turf along Dakota Street. Mr. Rene' Vanoni, the President of the Milwaukee Manor THA, wishes to be the spokesperson at the June 1, 2004 City Council meeting to address the Council on a solution for the association and the City. City staff would also request City Council direction on whether there is an acceptable solution in this matter. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Discuss this item with the representatives of Milwaukee Manor THA and provide staff direction in their proposed storm sewer improvement project and payment for this storm sewer proj ect. 2. Direct staff to leave the existing storm drainage system in-place and direct staff to continue to maintain this system. 3. Table for additional information. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council decide on whether the Milwaukee Manor THA proposal is acceptable in constructing a storm sewer system along Dakota Street and removing the drainage ditch that has been constructed by the Milwaukee Manor development. Staff is looking for direction from the Council on an acceptable solution with the City and the Milwaukee Manor THA, or to continue the maintenance of the storm drainage system as it currently exists. ACTION REQUESTED: Discuss this item with the representatives of the Milwaukee Manor THA in regard to storm drainage for Milwaukee Manor and approve a motion directing staff to work to implement the storm sewer improvement project at an amount that is acceptable to the City Council, or to continue to maintain the existing drainage facility as is currently being done. /)w~ Bruce Loney PubHc W or~ rroctor )lUpmp ENGR/EMPLOYEEFOLDERlPPENNINGTON/COUNCIUMMANOR PROPOS D FES PROPOSED MANHOLE #2 MIL \J AUKEE RD, ....-. I <.~~v.,. , _.;t_...<....-...t~- ~..... <tl._~..~(<""....~k".......4~ _..,~.<')._..J;.<t"'- all. '0" RCP 30.0' e O.35X 30. RCP T \2.2' @ . . f f r, ; ll: ~ = T o ~ J") T ~..f ~ f w f q f ,..., ~ co T f PROPOSED f I MANHOLE #1 Q. u I .9 ll: . ...). o @ J") ~, .s- N T t\. . I- 'Ilt' ^ ....:. C'l V '- . ".s o '",,' W w c ~c I .;0 w I ih f N . rY: - i t 1 l- f (/) i r <[ T 1 l- f D 1 ~ MIL\JAUKEE leT, <[ 30 0 30 I ~ ~ I ~ SCALE: 1 "=30' .<~<(- EXISTING PIPE MIL wAUKEE MANOR DESIGN Jt-../?- PROPOSED RCP PIPE DA TE DRAW'N: 11/14/01 DRAW'N BY: DEG \', \.', G:\Dale\2001 Projects\Dakota St StorM Sewer\ Milwaukee ManorHOA c/o 559 Milwaukee Road Shakopee~ MN 55379 September 25. 2006 City of Shakopee Attn: Ms. Judith S. Cox, City Clerk 129 Holmes Street Shakopee, MN 55379 Subject: Drainage Ditch Milwaukee Manor Dear Ms. Cox, During our scheduled Board meeting on September 19. 2006~ it was brought to the table by some. Board members that I should try and see if there might be a possibility to be placed onthe agenda for the October 3.2006 City Council meeting in regard to the above mentioned subject. We fully understand that we may have submitted our request to late to be placed on the agenda for the October3rd.Council meeting? In the event our request cannot be placed at this date to the agenda, may I kindly ask you to forward to me some alternative dates when City Council is in session~ and we can be placed on the agenda? As you may recall~I attended some Council meetings in regard to this drainage ditch, but the outcome.was not accepted by the members. At our annual membership meeting some new Board members where elected, and they would like to address their thgughts in this matter to the City Council . As an enclosure I am submitting some information which might be helpful. A letter from our attorney dated July 25..2000~ City of Shako pee respond dated July 27. 2000, a letter dated March 17. 2003froll1 our management company, and an excerpt of the. City Council meeting dated June 1. 2004. From the Board of Directors Milwaukee Manor HOA pr"tH'-n Fi 0 Rene Vanoni,President ., i"'Gr1vc, \-.-,~ " SEP252006 \ ~--~~/h' , J CITY nr.: SUMmpFF \}i II,\! "j -- ~ '~ '", ".- Robert B. Fine Attorney At. Law 4524-C excelsior Boule"atd (612) 929-1972 St.loul$ Park, Minnesota 55416 July 25, 2000 City of ~hakppee Attenuion: Fulton Sehleisman 129 Holmes Street Shakopee, MN 5537~ . Re: Milwaukee Manor Association ",-., ~ Dear Mr. Schleis&an: Pl.ease be advised -that i represent the Milwaukee Manor Association. For about two years the Association has been waiting for a drainage ditcn and culveru to be completed. ~he city of Shakopee is holding money from bonds to pay for the improvements and there is no reason why the money cannot be released so that the contractor can begin the work. . This 1et.ter is a demand on the City t.o release the fund$ so that the drainage and culvert work ean be undertaken. If this is not done in the next 30 days, the -, Board of Directors of the Association has authorized taking legal measures to accomplish this. We will. expect a response shortly. If you wish to discuss this, please let &e know. ,r---. .' " 1 RBF/Sl copy: Milwaukee Manor Assoc. Menke Construction 11 85 So. Shunway Shakopee, MN 55379 . - JUL-28-QO SAT 10:58 AM RBFINE ATTORNEY F AX NO. 9529291972 P, 1 SHAKOPEE July 27. 2000 Mr. Robert B. Fine A1tomOY.M Law 4S24.c' Excelsior Bowovatd Sl Louis Park. MN SS416 lle: Milwaukoo Manor ...-..-..... . -' '. ' .....--"" DeatMr. Fine: This letter is in response to your July 25, 2000t letter to Mr. Fulton Scb,lcisman regarding the Milwaukee Manor townhouse development in Shako pee. ... The City is aware of the uncomplctod hnprovementl re1atins to the drainage ditch for this development. The City il also aware of the recent death of the developer. Mr. Leroy MOt'Ib. The City Bnaincer. Bruc. Loney, il communicatinS with Mr. Mark Menke. Ion ofLcroy Menke. reilJ'ding tho need to completo the required improvements for this development. Muk Menke i.loolcing into this mauer and will be in touch with Mr. Lonoy in the near futuro regarding his plans. Tho tbndl that have been earmarked for the improvements for this development are being held in elCtOW per an Escrow andPaymont Agreement betw~ LerOy MenD, Marquette Bank SbakOpM ~d the City of Shakopec. According to that Aareement. upon failure of the developer to complete the imp(ovem.en~ the City may perform oreauso to have performed uncompleted itnprovementJ and draw upon tho funds held in escrow. It is the . ...../ CitY.1 desire to have thOlO improvements completed no later than this ran by the devc\opcr or under tbe City'. direction; bowever. wo cannot suararttee that the work will be done thi. fall. If you wilh to discuss this matter. further, please, call mo or Mr. Lono)'- Sinc.orely. ~~~ ity Clerk: CC; Broce Loney, City Bnsineer Mark MeNeill. City Administrator Fulton SchlClilrn~ Building Official COMMUNn'V PluDE SINCE l857 129 HoImcI8t..,'t 5cluth' !lN~, MiN1aIOaI' as:J'19o\ssl . 9~-4&S-36eCI' fAX 951~1 .~ ., . '" Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association P.O. Box 5233 Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 (952) 238-1121 March 17, 2004 City of Shakopee Attn: Judith Cox, City Clerk 129 Holmes Street Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 Re: Drainage Ditch Mr. Mayor, Council Members: This letter is to serve as a follow up to previous discussions that have been on going since the year 2000 regarding the drainage ditch adjacent to the community of Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association. At the September 2003 City Council Meeting, progress was made and the City Council voted in favor of the association and directed staff to work with the Homeowners Association for fixing the drainage ditch problem and bring back the proposal to City Council. There may be a difference of opinion between Mr. Loney, Public Works Directors/City Engineer and the association. The numbers are in place from a City standpoint. However the request for a financial contribution from the association remains an issue. The Milwaukee Manor Board of Directors wishes to be placed on the agenda at the May 18, 2004 council meeting to resolve this issue. Mr. Rene Vanoni, President of the association would be authorized spokesperson at this meeting. The Board voted at the March meeting that the contribution from the association could be in the possible 25% of the total cost. If the lowest bid prevails which is in the amount of $33,546.50 it would calculate the City of Shakopee $25,159.88 and the association's contribution of $8,386.62. The association has no funds set aside for this project and therefore lirriits the association's ability to fund this project. \ l.. . We hope we can find an acceptable solution for both parties and put an end to this ongoing "saga". On Behalf of the Milwaukee Manor Board of Directors Personal Touch Property Management cc: Bruce Loney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark McNeill, City Administrator Board of Directors r!Dpee Meetings and Annoucements Page 3 01"4 i!!l ;1;:'- itL Menden and Cncl. J008 noted they were comfortable with directing Mr. Leek to verify the actual number of ~antings to the planting plan that was approved in 2001 and to stipulate to the developer that his planting plan leedeq to look more like the drawings that were done for illustrative purposes to show relationships to certain andscape features at maturity and shown to the residents. The elevation problems on the west end of the berm also leeded to be addressed by the developer. Mr; Leek will follow up. ' -Ielkamp/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to execute a Contract For Visioning And Strategic >lanning Services between Carroll, Franck & Associates. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). (The work >urpose shall not exceed $30,000 unless a reed to by both parties.) , h' J~//e /. 2.. co Y c/ ~.c~.,. c,/ .,..,,~c. ""'7 ~lkaplp/Menden moved to direct staff to approach the Milwaulceelv1at1orHOIneowners Association' 8 with a >roposalr'of cost sharing of 75/25 (75% for thehomeeWl1ers"am.:b'2'5i% forthe City) in the cost ofthe,iaettml,f" :onstruction and with the City also contributing the engineer.ing9stafi-ct:ime\$tftat;wOmQiliib10:'Ve(1}!-ai~d'!'fePii*,is!\.~t~1ll1!H,1" sewer Improvement. Motion carried 4-0. '-- -Ielkamp/Joos offered Resolution No. 6053, A Resolution Adopting Design Criteria For Chapter 12 Of The City :ode, Subdivision Regulations, and moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). -Ielkamp/Joos moved to direct staff to move the letter forward to Scott County regarding the draft Scott County ~005-2009 Highway Capital Improvement Program with the addition of Mr. Loney's comment regarding :ignalization at the intersection of County Road 83 and Valley View Road. Motion carried 4:-0. (CC Document No. ;54) -Ielkamp/Joos offered Resolution No. 6059, AResolution Outlining The Meaning Of Substantially Complete As :ontained In The Developer's Agreement For Public Improvements, and moved its adoption, (Motion carried under he Consent Agenda). -Ielkamp/Joos moved to authorize staff to enact the re-purchase agreement with Lano Equipment, Inc, on the 2003 ;-185 Bobcat for the price of $3,690.23 with the funds to be expended from the Internal Service Equipment Fund. Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). -Ielkamp/Joos moved to terminate Jamie Theis's probationary status and to have JamieTheis fill the Maintenance )perator position in the Public Works Department. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). , -Ielkamp/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to execute the Joint Powers Agreement For \ssessment of the City Of Shako pee with Scott County for the 2005 assessment year in the amount of $ 109,700. Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). -Ielkamp/Joosmoved to reclassify the Recreation Fund from an Enterprise Fundto a special Revenue Fund. Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). -Ielkamp/Joos moved to approve of transferring enterprise fund equipment and purchases thereof from the Internal ;ervice Fund back to the respective Enterprise Funds. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). -Ielkamp/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to purchase a GE Osmonics water softener from v1N Plumbing, excluding the bulk salt delivery system, for $3,405. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). -Ielkamp/Joos moved to approve the application and grant a temporary on-sale 3.2 malt liquor license to the ;hakopee Lions Club, in the designated beer garden adjacent to the concession stand at Tahpah Park, June 5 and 6, ~004. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenq(t)~ lttp:llwww.cLshakopee.mn.us/Council%20Minutes%202004/announce _minutes _ citycouncil_ 6-1-04.htm 6/17/05 . " Official Proceedings of the June 1, 2004 Shakopee City Council Page-ll- certain landscape features at maturity. He noted that the illustrative drawing did indeed show many more trees than the landscape plan showed, Mr. Leek noted the developer took elevations of the berm in January 2004 and again in May 2004; a nine-foot berm had been shown on the plan. Mr. Leek showed the elevations received from the developer. Cncl. Helkamp noted he had been to the site and he stated more dirt was not going to solve the problem. He felt the problem was a lack of trees. Mayor Schmitt stated he thought the planting schedule should be re-Iooked at and the developer needed to be held to this planting schedule and to the design standards in effect at the time the Shenandoah Apartments Final Plat was approved, Cncl. Menden and Cncl. Joos noted they were comfortable with directing Mr. Leek to verify the actual number of plantings to the planting plan that was approved in 2001 and to stipulate to the developer that his planting plan needed to look more like the drawings that were done for illustrative purposes to show relationships to certain landscape features at maturity and shown to the residents. The elevation problems on the west end of the berm also needed to be addressed by the developer. Mr. Leek will follow up. Mayor Schmitt noted the representation of the berm showed a consistent berm along County Road 16 and right now the berm dipped and peaked. Helkamp/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to execute a Contract For Visioning And Strategic Planning Services between Carroll, Franck & Associates. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). (The work purpose shall not exceed $30,000 unless agreed to by both parties,) Mr. Loney reported on the Milwaukee Manor storm sewer improvements. He noted that this was a follow-up to the Council action directed on September 2,2003. At that time a petition had been presented to the City Council from the residents of Milwaukee Manor asking the City for storm sewer improvements to be installed. . Mr. Loney showed via the document camera some pictures of this proposed storm sewer improvement. Mr. Loney gave some history of the storm sewer issue in this development. Mr. Loney noted that Council had directed staff to work with the Homeowners Association of Milwaukee Manor to come up with an acceptable solution for all. Mr. Loney noted the low quote he had received for all the improvements proposed was around $32,500. Mr. Loney explained what the storm sewer improvements consisted of for the approximate $32,500 figure. Mr. Loney presented this figure to the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association. The Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association notified the City that they were only willing to pay for 25% of the pipe installation (City to pay approximately $25,000 and the residents of the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association would pay approximately $8,000 in total). . :J" Official Proceedings of the June 1,2004 Shakopee City Council Page -12- Mr. Loney noted there was plan to put in a storm sewer pipe originally in the Milwaukee Manor development but that pipe was taken out as part of the approval process for the Milwaukee Manor Final Plat. Mr. Loney eXplained the water flow in that area. Mr. Loney noted that in 2003 the Public Works Department went in and cleaned up the ditch and pond because it was left unrnaintained and it was in need of a lot of maintenance. This cleanup of the pond and ditch was done with a condition that the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association would start maintaining this ditch and pond. Mr. Loney noted the City had cleaned up this area significantly but there was ongoing maintenance that needed to be continued. Mr. Loney noted the money collected from the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association for storm water charges annually was insignificant compared to the clean up costs incurred by the City. Mayor Schmitt noted all the Council was really talking about was putting storm sewer along Dakota Street and about 30 feet to the east of Dakota Street. There would be a long linear pond running between Dakota Street and Minnesota Street. Renee Vanoni, 559 Milwaukee Road, President ofthe Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association, approached the podium. He gave a brief history of the development of Milwaukee Manor. He stated based on information from the Planning Commission meeting the developer went to the City Council and asked for a scaled down version of the drainage system because of challenges encountered with bedrock. This request was granted by the City Council despite the recommendation from the Planning Commission for an enclosed storm water system. Mr. Vanoni noted on July 25,2000 the legal counsel for the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association wrote a letter to the City asking the City to release money to the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association so they could hire a contractor to finish the drainage system (the developer had died leaving this drainage system partially finished). The City responded on July 27,2000 that they were aware of the unfinished storm water system but they needed to contact the heirs of the estate first before releasing any money. The bottom line was the money was released to the estate of the developer and nothing was done with the storm water system. The Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association felt this was an eye sore and hazard to the community. Mr. Vanoni noted the design change was made by the City Council and this change should never have happened in the opinion of the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association. The City had control over the escrow money and released it knowing the storm water drainage improvements were not completed. He noted the homeowners of Milwaukee Manor believed they paid for a well functioning storm water drainage system. He also noted more than half of the storm water carne from some place else but happened to run through their property. Mr. Vanoni stated it did not seem fair the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association should have to pay half of the cost of the improvement (they already paid once for it when they bought). He stated the amount of $8,386.62 cents was all the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association was willing to pay, Mr. Vanoni thought it was possible to reduce the length of the pipe and thus reduce the cost of the improvement. Mr. Loney stated he thought the length of the pipe could be looked at and he ':~... Official Proceedings of the June 1, 2004 Shakopee City Council Page -13- thought there might be some other ways to lower the cost. It appeared the main goal of the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association was to get the storm water drainage system along Dakota Street fixed. Mr. Vanoni also showed some pictures via the document camera of the area. He stated some day a speeding car coming down the hill on Dakota Street would flip into the ditch. Mr. Loney noted that the standard for the storm water system for this system was before his employment with the City. He noted the standard at that time would have been a storm water pipe. Mr. Loney stated he thought Mr. Vanoni was correct that the City Council did approve a whittled down version for a storm water system; the Planning Commission did recommend a storm water pipe. It was noted today the maintenance of a storm water system was part of the storm drainage fee. Mr. Loney noted, in this case, the City was trying to do some kind of improvement and to save maintenance money. Mr. Loney gave an example of how other residents handled this situation. Mr. Loney stated this storm water ditch was in the City's right of way and it was the City's obligation to maintain the ditch. The storm water drainage system as it is now was functioning but not in an acceptable manner for the residents of the Milwaukee Manor development. There was ongoing maintenance for this ditch, however. Mayor Schmitt and Cncl. Joos agreed that this drainage system needed to be fixed. Cncl. Helkamp stated if this drainage system were repaired it would be an enhancement to the properties. Cncl. Helkamp noted if this total improvement were assessed 100% to the households now living in the Milwaukee Manor development, it would mean a payment of approximately $650 per household. He saw that much benefit to each property owner, He did not think that amount of money was unreasonable for the homeowners. He stated the City was doing some of the work for the storm water improvement. Cncl. Menden noted that he did have a big problem with the City paying for this improvement because in 15 years the residents would have paid for the improvement through their storm water fees. Cncl. Joos pointed out the people who benefited from this improvement were the homeowners in the Milwaukee Manor development. He thought most likely the homeowners got a break on the price of the property originally because not as much money initially was spent on the storm drainage system. The City would still have the maintenance in the ponding area after these improvements were made. Mr. Loney noted the Storm Drainage Utility Fund was established in 1985 as a way to get away from storm water assessments because storm water assessments were very difficult to prove benefit. Jim Thomson, City Attorney, suggested if the City Council could come to some cost participation agreement staff should be directed to use that cost participation percentage and come to some agreement with the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association. Mr. Thomson stated that legally he did not think the City was under any obligation to do anything because the City approved the plan in the first place. ~~:- . Official Proceedings of the June 1,2004 Shakopee City Council Page -14- Mr. Helkamp noted the engineering costs for the storm sewer improvement were quite significant and the City would be picking up that cost. He would like to see the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association pay their fair share. Helkamp/Menden moved to direct staff to approach the Milwaukee Manor Homeowners Association's with a proposal of cost sharing of 75/25 (75% for the homeowners and 25% for the City) in the cost ofthe actual construction and with the City also contributing the engineering staff time that would be required for this Storm Sewer Improvement. Motion carried 4-0. Helkamp/Joos offered Resolution No. 6053, A Resolution Adopting Design Criteria For Chapter 12 Of The City Code, Subdivision Regulations, and moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). Mr. Loney reported on the draft of Scott County's 2005-2009 Highway Capital Improvement Program (CIP). He noted for the last couple of years Scott County had been giving the City the opportunity to comment annually on their CIP plan prior to the finalization of the CIP by the Scott County Board. Mr. Loney stated Scott County's CIP from last year showed some railroad safety improvements to some Shakopee crossings, improvements to County Road 17 in 2008 and County Road 21 was starting to be funded (an EIS was being done). Now the City was being asked to comment about next years CIP for Scott County. Mr.Loney stated he put together a list of CIP requests from the City of Shakopee for Scott County. Mr. Loney requested Council members to add, revise or delete comments from his draft letter to the County Board regarding CIP improvements. This addition, deletion of revision could be done via e-mail to.Mr. Loney. He would then send a letter to Scott County combining all the CIP requests from staff and councilors. Mr. Loney did note that the City did get some results from Scott County with what the City requested to be put into Scott County's CIP. Mayor Schmitt did think County Road 17 should be improved up to County Road 78 if the County was going to improve County Road 17. As of now the proposed improvements were for the intersections at 4th A venue and County Road 17, 10th A venue and County Road 17 and Vierling Drive and County Road 17. Mr. Loney noted he had added one item to the lists of possible CIP projects that the City would like to see done and that was the signalization of the intersection at County Road 83 and Valley View Road. Mr. Loney would like to add this request to the letter. Helkamp/J oos moved to direct staff to move the letter forward to Scott County regarding the draft Scott County 2005-2009 Highway Capital Improvement Program with the addition of Mr. Loney's comment regarding signalization at the intersection of County Road 83 and Valley View Road. Motion carried 4-0. (CC Document No. 354)