HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/1988 TENTATIVE AGENDA
Mayor Dolores Lebens presiding
1] Roll Call at 8:00 P.M. - AFTER THE POLLS CLOSE
2] Public Hearing on adopting an Official Map for T.H. 101
Bridge and Interchange Improvements (Mini Bypass)
a] Open public hearing
b] Presentation by City Engineer - attached
c] Questions and comments from Councilmembers
d] Questions from audience
e] Close public hearing
3] Adjourn to Tuesday, September 20, 1988 at 7: 00 P.M.
John K. Anderson
City Administrator
MEMO TO: John K. Anderson, City Administrt r
FROM: David Hutton, City Engineer
RE: Amendment of the City's Thor u fare Plan for the Mini
DATE: September 9, 1988
Attached is the League of Minnesota Cities Information
Packet summarizing the formal procedures for designating official
maps as outlined in the State Statutes. This memo simply
continues the next step in the process of adopting an official
map, which is the holding of a public hearing.
On July 19, 1988, City Council began the formal procedures
for adopting an official map for the Highway 169 Bridge and
Minibypass by directing staff to have the Planning Commission
amend the City's thoroughfare plan in the Comprehensive Plan.
Attached is a copy of John Anderson's memo requesting this
On August 4, 1988 the Planning Commission passed a motion
recommending that the City Council amend the thoroughfare plan to
show the minibypass and to adopt an official map to reserve
proposed right-of-way.
On August 16, 1988 the City Council officially set a public
hearing on the adoption of the amendment to the thoroughfare plan
and official map for September 13 , 1988 at 8: 00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers. That brings the City up to step 4 of the
official map proceedings as outlined in the League of Minnesota
Cities information.
The official map will be available at the public hearing for
comments and review. Again, the adoption of an official map is
solely for the purposes of protecting needed right-of-way until
the project is underway.
1. Direct City staff to prepare an ordinance adopting the
official map.
2. Take no further action on the official map process
until all of Council's concerns have been addressed by
Staff recommends Alternative No. 1. Once all public
testimony has been received, direct the appropriate City staff to
draft an ordinance adopting the official map for the minibypass.
Direct the appropriate City staff to draft an ordinance
specifically for the purpose of adopting an official map for the
Hwy 169 Bridge and Minibypass.
MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: John K. Anderson, City Administrator
RE: Procedures for Designating Official Maps
DATE: July 15 , 1985
The Shakopee City Council, at its June 29, 1988 meeting, directed
staff to provide it with information regarding the formal
procedures for use of official maps as outlined in State Statute
and summarized in the League of Minnesota Cities ir.fcrmation
summarizing the State Statute. Council also asked for
correspondence between the City and the State clarifying the
City's financial commitment to the State for the T.H. 169 Bridge
and Mini By-Pass Project and for project cost estimates.
League of Minnesota Cities Outline of Procedures
Attached is the League of Minnesota Cities informational memo li
entitled "The Use of Official Maps as a Planning Device - Notes
and Forms" dated October, 1977 . City staff along with the
Assistant City Attorney net to review the League document and the
procedures outlined therein. The procedures are listed on nage
two and three and include seven steps. After reviewing the
procedures it was determined that rather than passing an
ordinance for each such mapping the City should adc= the
nroposed ordinance establishing procedures for official mans for
this and any future projects. The draft ordinance is found on
page six through page nine in the League informational memo.
Staff also recommends that the items listed in procedure number
seven on page three, items 7a through d, be listed In the
standardized ordinance.
The staff then determined that to comply with sten number one the
Planning Commission needs to amend the present Comprehensive Plan
(page 36 and accompanying map) to include the proposed T.H. 169
Bridge and Mini By-Pass Right-of-Way.
Step two regarding preparation of the map has been completed in
detail and will be provided to the Planning Commission when it
considers amending the thoroughfare plan within the Comprehensive
Step three calls for the Planning Commission to approve they
finished map by motion or resolution and file the map with the
City Council . City staff felt that the option for a Planning
Commission public hearing should be foregone to reserve the
hearing for City Council rather than conducting two separate
public hearings. Planning Commission could act on s_ep n^ber
three at there August = t.. meeting.
Step four could be accommodated by the City Council , at its
August 16th meeting, setting a public hearing for September 6th
or September 13th.
Step five can be accomplished the night of the hearing or at a
subsequent meeting.
Step number six can follow step number five after the ordinance
is published.
Cost Es- +rates
Attached is a memorandum dated December 30 , 1986 from Ken Ashfeld
outlining the T.H. 169 Bridge and Mini By-Pass project
improvements and our partnership with Mn/DOT. Pzae number two cf
the memorandum list=_ -he total project costs at $6 , 640, 000. Cf
that cost $170, 000 = for initial planning, $1 , 280, 000 is for
right-of-way ac=_s_c 2r., $130, 000 is for by-bass design, and
$2 , 100, 000 is - _ : -amass construction, rotaliling $3 , 680, 000.
' The difference is f__ _.=.e bridge design and construction.
Also attached is correspondence outlining the City' s financial
agreement with Mn/DOT. In chronological order is the November 4 ,
1985 letter from Bill Crawford outlining the initial Memorandum
of Understanding. T- is fcll b.v the April 27 , 1967 le=e-
from Bill Crawford res___=
_ t-�e '-Revised Memorand,= _-
Understanding" . The ieer is dated July 12 , 19SE a__ -
is - -ir. _ _z'_1 �d (slanec s__ ___sta-t
becapse Mr.� craWiora is on vacac_c , t_ eres—a-=
ccnC _-- -_e __tv's - ___ ...,
_ _Etat_ --.,at ne Cahas c_ a
Dart-= f $ _ . 9 :._____-.
Construe=-c- C- ci_ , Man
Attached __ z ec _f t. `� ...a1 report dated _ ____ 2_ , --92-
which was -_e dam c open house - _ f= -
hearing� fcr re=_.ge is a___..t d by the T.H. - ._ -__c _- _____
By-Pass r_-�.ect. -tee cover page of the ,._..a_ tr--sc-: _� __ �..
of that V ."_ _ _ also attached. -ricr _ _.
tt _ _.-c_ _ —
affected _rep Owners were indiv_4_ :a==}. ^.c
Engineer an As
cfeld to discuss the r - „t a_ - 1:
potential aboc.
Also attached is the man outlining the construction boundaries of
the proposed project as presented in the final EAW. This map, as
undated by HNTB's construction limits map, would be the map staff
Proposes the Council adopt for use as the official man for
purposes of protecting right-of-way until the project is
1- Direct City staff to begin the steps to initial the official
mapping process fcr the T.n.. 169 Bridge and Mini By-Pass
improvement right-of-way. This would include returning to
Council with a standardized official mapping procedure
ordinance based upon the one provided by the League, and
setting a Planning Commission meeting to discuss amending
the thoroughfare plan portion of the Comp Plan at their
August 4th neetinc. This alternative would set a time table
to allow the official napping process to proceed in an
orderly process so that it can be completed by the time the
City is ready to make the final deed transfers for
acquisition of the Brambilla property. Carl Hofstedt, our
Mn/DDT project representative, recommended adopting the map
before the final purchase.
2 . Take no action to start the official napping process until
the City receives further commitment from Mn/DOT _ the
financing of the T.H. 169 Bridge and Mini By-Pass t - e_t.
This alternative can be approved regardless of actio. crt_he
Brambiila recuest for buildinc perrit, y- may - .
acquisition would not fall within our $1. 9million n- -
Staff recommends alternative No. 1 for the reasons discussed
Action Reouested
1. Direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance relati^c
official maps and their effects in providing procedures __.
4 -
connection therewith as outlined in the saroler.._ .,,.
.._ _
provided in the October, 1977 publication c_ the vea
Minnesota Cities.
2 . Direct staff to prepare the necessary _r.f.,=ation _
planning commission to consider an amendn--- t-- t_ e _
thoroughfare pian in the City's Cor.nrehersiae =Ian at its
regular August 4th meeting.
HEMO TO: John K. Anderson, City Administrator
FROM: Douglas K. Wise, City Planner j
RE: Amendment of the City's Thoroughfare Plan for the Mini
DATE: August 9 , 1986
At their meeting on August 4 , 1988 the Shakopee Planning
Commission passed a notion recommending to the City Council that
the City's Thoroughfare Plan be amended to show the realignment
of the Hwy. 169 and 101 intersection, bypassing First Avenue from
Fuller to Spencer Streets, and adopt an official map to reserve
the proposed right-of-way.
At the July 19, 1988 City Council meeting the City staff
provided the Council with materials outlining the official map
procedure and recommended proceding with the adoption of an
official map for the mini by-pass. Adoption of an official map
would designate the proposed right-of-way for the mini by-pass
and allow the City to with_^.cld -c_lding permits within that
proposed right-of-way. One c' c.- first steps in the official
map process is to amend the taorcca_fare plan to conform to the
proposed new street alignment. :- - e July 19th meeting the City
Council directed the Planning cco=fission t., review the proposed
amendment to the thoroughfare plan and -w-sc - recommendation
to the Citv Council. The City Plann_-ng_ _-- has also made
contact with the staff of the Metropcl_-a- __- --
and has been informed that the Metrcno'_i_a.- _„ -us_ --__rove
all Comprehensive Pian amenaments. In discussinc _he p=-
realignment of the intersection with Metro Council s-aff , _. =ey
indicated that they were familiar with the project and t. -- -heir
approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment would be routine.
The alternatives listed below are designed t0 '.leen the
official manning process for this project moving forward so we
meet Mn DOT's requirements to insure that any r-o-w purchases we
make will fall within our $1. 9 million commitment.
1. Submit the nroposal to the Met Council, direct the City
Attorney to draft an ordinance adopting the official map and
set a public hearing for September 13th. Mn DOT has stated
they expect approval of the EAW in November. Council has
also reviewed potential new building permits within the
proposed r-o-w. The official mapping process cannot be
accomplished on a faster time table, but can be delayed at
or after the hearing should such a delay be deemed
2 . Delay the official mapping process by scheduling the hearing
for later in September or in October. September will be the
month Council will be holding budget worksessions.
3 . Drop all the official mapping steps for the TH '169/101
Bridge and interchange improvements until a later date.
Staff does not recommend this alternative because steps like
submitting the proposed amendment to the Met Council are
procedural and Council can still control the process by
selecting the best date to make final approval of the
Ordinance adopting the official map.
Tae Planning Cor..-:ission at their meeting on August 4 , 1988
passed a motion recommending to tae City Council that the Citvls
Thorouahfare Plan be amended to snow the realignment of the Hwv.
169/101 intersection, bv-passing First Avenue from Pcller to
Spencer Streets, and adopt an official naD to reserve the
Proposed right-of-way.
1 . Offer and Dass a motion directing City staff to submit the
proposed ConDrehensive Plan anendment for the Thoroughfare
Plan to the Metropolitan Council of Governments for their
2. Offer and pass a notion directing the City Attorney to draft
the ordinance adopting the official map.
3 . Set a public hearing on the adoption of the amendment to the
Thoroughfare Plan and official map ordinance for September
13 , 1988 at 7 P.K. in the City Council Chambers.
S.P. 7009-52
MN. PROJECT No. 6RF005-2
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heerlPC e - zhe - Scor Cocacv Courznouse , RD CL. ?_ o
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league of minnesota cities
III' 300 nanove- cueCin?. 490 cepa- .r_san: :
for municipal officials
Rev: October, 1977
i _ s
Tne Use of Offlcia! N1,s
^'orcer. er.:
":O,Jt100 OTde:; ?-e----- D7, Of O'-JcQa! hi20
JC��ndfl Ce ACo,nng a. _ . .
One of the tools to. carrying out a compre- Though the Minnesota act may be generally
hensive p.an is the official map The official map constitutional, it may be m,alid in its impact upon
should not be confused with the comprehensive particular property owners It is one thing, for
plan or the zoning map. As the term is defined n example, for an official map to prevent the owner
the Municipal Planning Act it means an officially of a farm from building a barn within a 60-foot
adopted map showmg existing streets, p•oposed strip marked out as a future street on the map
future streets and the area needed for w den ng when he could still use that portion of his farm
existing streets of the ccty. It may also show the for crops; putting the barn elsewhere would be
location of existing and future public land and a ielattvdy m+nor inconvenience. It is another
facilities within the crty. (M.S. 462.352,Subd. 10 ) thing when the land marked out as future street
includes so much or such a central part of a lot
The primary purpose of the official map is to that the owner is not able to build at all In that
forestall the construction of buildings and other case, deny ng the owner a permit to build within
private improvements on land designated as future the street lines Is unconstitutional. (Roe, Con-
streets or the site of future parks o, other public srruction Corporation i l4w Rochelle. 207
facilities. It is designed to save the public expense Misc, 46, 136 N.Y. S. 2d 414, 1954; Re Sanson
of paving for buildings placed in such designated Street, 293 Pa, 483, 143 Atl. 134, 1928.) The
areas in the future. Adoption of the map does not unconstitutional application of official map
create public ownership in the land or give the autho,ity is most likely to occur, of course, where
city any easement in the land. It does ensure that it is used to lav out future public areas requiring
the land will be acati red at the market value of large amounts of land like parks. See Miller I
the land when needed by the city without pay- Beaver Falls, 368 Pa. 189, 82 A 2d 34 (1951),
ment for the value of a building erected later where the court held invalid a general plan for
within the limits of the area designated for streets parks which had the effect of freezing certain
or other public purposes on the map. private land for three years. It is probably for-
orthis resson that in a state like Wisconsin where a
Legal Authority study showed that at least 33 cities had official
maps, none had used the map for parks or similar
The Municipal Planning Act authorizes cities areas, which the lav; explicitly permitted, in add.
and urban towns to adopt an official map after ition to streets. See Kuc,rek and Beuscher, "The
a major thoroughfare plan and a community Wisconsin Official Map Law", 1957 Wis. Law
facilities plan have been adopted (M.S. 462 359.) Ren. 1176 at 1185-
There has been no court decision in Minnesota
on the validity of the provision, but the attorney To take care of cases of hardship and avoid
general has ruled that, with the provisions it invalid application of the official map law, the
contains for permits to take care of hardship Minnesota act provides for the granting of vari-
cases, the statute tis constitutional. (A.G. Op. antes from map requirements by the board of
59-A) LMC 430C2, April 17, 1958.) While some zoning appeals and adjustments on appeal by an
early cases cast doubt on the validity of official aggrieved property owner. The wise administrz-
map laws, particularly when they contained no iron of this variance authority can avoid illegal
provision for hardship cases, no case in the last 50 actions at the same time as it may minimize the
years has invalidated such a statute as it applies citys later costs in acquiring a street easement
to streets. See cases cited in the annotation, when opening the street becomes necessary. in
"Eminent Domain: Validity of 'Freezing' Ordi- originally proposing an official map law, Bassett
Trance or Statute Preventing Prospective Con. and Williams, Model Laws for Punning Cities,
demnee from Improving, or Otherwise Changing, Counties and States (VII Harvard Planning Studies,
the Condition of His Properev," 36 A.L.R. 3d 1935), suggested, for example, that a landowner
751-810. The courts of both New York and Wis- in an outlying district might be allowed to build
tonin have sustained the constitutionality of of- a cellar-less one-story frame building which would
ficial map laws with provisions much Rke Minne- be inexpensive to remove when the street was
sofa's. (Readley v. City of Rochester, 272 N.Y. later opened. Similarly, a landowner who wished
197, 5 N.E. 2d 198, 1936; State ex rel. Miller v to build a four-story stone building across the
Manders, 2 Wis. 2d 365, 86 N.W. 2d 469, 1957.) mapped street might be allowed to construct
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The accuracy of the future acquisition lines (d) The boars of zoning appeals and adjust-
shown on the official map must be attested menu or, if there is none, a special
to be a registered land surveyor. (M.S. board of appeals created by the ord--
462.359, Solid. 2). nance may grant a permit unoer the
circumstances outlined in M.S. 462 3�9,
3. The planning commission should approve Subd. 4. See the discussion under
the finished map by motion or resolution "Enforcement" below.
and file the map with the council. The
planning commission is not required to The first of these provisions is not specifically in
hold a public hearing before adopting the the planning lay. and needs to be included in an
map but it may prefer to give notice and ordnance, though the obvious -triplication of toe
hold such a hearing. The council may, in statute is that building permits should not be
the ordnance establishing the planning issued when any part of the building •s within
commission or in an ordinance establishing mapped street lines. The other three provisions
official map procedure, require such a are in effect by virtue of the statute without local
hearing by the commission. ordinance provisions, but it seems desirable to
include them in the ordinance to inform property
4. The council must hold a public hearing owners of the consequences of having any of
after at least 10 days' published notice their land placed within the Jim;ts of mapped
in the official newspaper, streets or public grounds.
5. After the public nearing, the council adopu Enforcement
the official map by ordinance. Adoption
must follow the procedure applicable to The building permit device is the principal
other ordinances. In statutory cities, the method of securing compliance with official maps.
ordinance must be approved by a majority The local zoning ordinance and the state building
of all members of the council and published code should make it necessary for the prospective
once in the official newspaper. (M.S.412.191, builder to furnish a building plan showing location
Subd. 4.) Home rule cities generally are of his property with reference to the nearest
subject to similar charter requirements. existing streets and any other public grounds
Both the ordinance and map should be proposed on the official map. If the building plan
published. discloses that any part of the budding is to be
erected within the boundaries of any such street
o'. A copy of the mao and the ordinance or public grounds, the application for the building
adopting it must be filed with the county permit is men denied.
recorder. (M.S. 462.359, Subd. 2, 46236,
Subd. 1.) The ordinance and map do not If the permit is denied, the law gives the appll-
constitute encumbrances on real property, cant the right of appeal. (M.S. 362.359, Suod. 4.)
The appeal is taken to the board of appeals and
7. In the ordinance adopting the official map adjustments or, if there is none, to a special 'board
or in a separate ordinance the council should of appeals established for the purpose. The council,
provide that: the planning commission, or a committee of the
commission may be given this responsibility if
(a) No permit will be issued for any strut- aesired. (M.S. 462354, Subd. 2.) Presumably,
ture on land located within the mapped when a city adopts an of4fical map, this decision
lines of a street (or on land reserved on will already have been made in the zoning ordl-
the map for other public uses) as shown nance. The essential steps in the appeal procedure
on the official map; are the followmg:
(b) No public water, sewer, or other public 1. An appeal petition must be filed w.th the
utility or service will be placed in or board by the owner of the land. Presumably
along any street unless it is shown the board or the council may adopt reason-
on the official map; able regulations specifying the information
the appeal should contain.
(c) No permit to bold will be issued unless
a street giving access to the proposed 2. A hearing should beheld by the board upon
building is shown on the official map; notice served on the appellant and published
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1. Resolution of Planning Commission Adopted by the Planning Commission of me
WHEREAS, the planning commission of the City of on , 19 _.
City of has prepared and adopted a major
thoroughfare plan and a community facilities plan,
AND WHEREAS, the Minnesota Municipal Secretary
Planning Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.359 Comment:
provides that after such plans have been adopted The official mao law provides that after the
planning agency has adopted a major thorouan-
by the commission, the planning commission may fare plan and a community facilities Tian, It
may, for the purpose of carrying out the poli.
prepare an official map of any part or all of the city cies expressed in those plans, prepare and re-
commend to the council a proposed official map
showing existing streets and proposed streets and covering the entire municipality or any portion
thereof. The form set out above assumes that
other public grounds, and the planning commission the official map originates in this way. Instead,
some cities have adopted an ordinance like
has with the assistance of (title of official Form No. 2 providing for official maps as the
first step in the proceedings. If that Procedure
or name of consultant) prepared such a plan for is to be followed, the initial map of all or part
of the city will not be prepared by the planning
(all of the city, part of the city as des- commission on its own initiative. Instead, the
first form used followine adoption of the gen-
cribed), eral ordinance is iikeiy to be one like Form No.
3 directing the city engineer, the piannino com-
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the mission with such help as is provided, o: some
other official to prepare a proposed map and
Planning Commission of the City of sating what the map is to include. The map will
then likely cover only one or two streets or a
1. The attached map is approved by the Plan- limited area and the official map will eventually
be a composite of a series Of specific partial
ning Commission of the City of and macs.
is recommended to the city council for If Form No. 1 is used and it applies only to one
or two streets or an easily defined area, the
consideration and adoption pursuant to resolution may be adapted to sate the streets
or area covered by the map referred to.
Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.359 as the
2. Ordinance Providing for Official Maps
(an) official map of the City of
Introductory Now
2. The secretary shall forthwith transmit a
Although the Municipal Planning Act provides
copy of this resolution and the attached for the adoption of official maps by ordinance,
it does not require that a city utilizing the
proposed official map to the clerk for official map authority adopt an ordinance
prescribing procedure for adoption of an official
presentation to the council of the city, map and stating its effect Such an ordinance
e... -a-z_ ,nen can s sw s.zge
The CI;+ council o Ordains:
tnz- is needed for f_._ _._-_._, c_.3i1 to 362.3b.
sites nor omen necessa-, __ _. 0'. -z Niap defined. "Official ma-"
Public faciiities a^._ services is frenueraly dive.-e- -s used in this ordinance means- a reap adopted
to non-public uses wo:ch could ha,- oeen lOcaiec u-: a.orcance w'ltr. :his ordinance snowing exis-
on outer lanes with OC: n-a,osIDp or t. z-- - _:: ... _ _. ___ :�_ are;
to the owners. Moen this nmoe.^.s. .-Bile __e- ..___e_ for v.'I c.erl- c es!;:!nE .._e:. o` the
o; lane may be denied or may be d tained only city. An ofiival Mao May also show the location
at prohibitive cos: or a: the expense c` d,slc-a .n= of existin.- ane _, :ure land and racihzies within
ine owners an- occu oznt, or the an, Idem`:- the city. An off ical map mzy cower the entire
cation on an ef__ al map or land neeoec for a:y Or any poaion of the ciry.`
future oubiic uses O rmi-s be:h :he nubiiC and ---. =. Initiation of proceedings. Proceedin¢s
private property owners to adjust their building for adoption, amendment, or repeal or an official
plans ecu,tably and conveniently before invest- map or any part thereof mzy be initiated by
menu are made which will make such adjustment, (1 ) a recommendation of the planning commission.;
difficult to accomplish. It is the ourpose of this or ;2) action by the city council on its own cnida.
ordinance to provide a uniform orocedure for the -live, recommendation of an advisor), commission,
Proper use of official raps zs a..rhorized by the _,_es: of an outside governmental body, or
Minneso:a Mur icipal Planning Ac, ASinnesoi- petition of the owners e` or more parcels or
Sec. 4. Sketch maps and reports. Every proposal mission without a recommendation from the
or request for an official map or its amendment commission, the council may call a public hearing
or repeal, however initiated, shall be accorri on the proposal. A notice of the time, place, and
by a sketch map or plat showing the lands pro- purpose of the hearing and a description of pro-
posed to be included and the public purpose to perty to be included in the mapped streets and
be served. The council may request a report of public grounds shall be published in the official
the city engineer as to the feasibility of any con- newspaper at least ten days prior to the date of
struction involved 4 the hearing. At least ten days prior tc the hearing
Sec. 6. Reference to planning commission. the clerk shall also mail a copy of the notice
Except when proceedings have been initiated by to each owner of land situated within or abutting
recommendation of the planning commission, any street or other public ground shown on the
every proposed official map or change in a map official map. For purposes of this notice the
shall be referred to the planning commission for owners shall be determined by the records of
advice and recommendation thereon, and such the county audi for and the notice shall be addressed
recommendation shall be submitted to the city to the last known address as shown by the audi-
t council within 60 days after reference to the tor's records. Failure to serve any such notice
planning commission along with the report of the shall not invalidate the proceedings.6
commission on the effect of the proposal on the Surd. 2. Hearing. At the rime and place speci-
comprehensive plan of the city. If no recommends- fied in the notice, the council shall hear evidence
tion is received by the council from the planning and arguments concerningthe proposal.The hearing
commission within 60 days after reference of the may be continued from time to time not exceed-
proposal to the commission by the council, the ing 60 days without further notice. A final vote on
council may take such action as it may deem the proposal shall be taken by the council within
proper upon the proposal without further action such 60-day period.7
by the planning commission.5 Sec. i. Preparation and filing of maps. The
Sec. 6.Noticeand hearing. Subdivision 7. Notice. official map or maps shall be prepared in sufficient
Upon receiving the recommendation of the plan. detail to permit the establishment of future ac-
ning commission or after 60 days from the sub. quisition lines on the ground. In unplatted areas a
mission of the proposal to the planning com- minimum of a centerline survey shall be made
prior to me or. C` :_. a 0' tn' rive :._ . .. - rater-st
o P'r. 2 man. Tre o C Cc'w, ide'.t",.P .0' p__ . . -_ eC'.. ...i the
tion lines snoK'n on the official man shall De at- a000:ion of ine mar toes auznonae the otc to
tested to by z re£isterec land surveyor a'at!Ire su'h mteres: wgjou: ca\ In- compema
enzctmen: o` an, ordinance 2dop:w-, an e..!c:2'. lion or built Ings o- s:ru'v res erected in such
map of amending or icucaling z previous O.fi C!--: area, wthout a Derm,: or in violation of the
man ordicznce, a cert,"lea copy of the o5finalcond:b0nsCn2 erm:: 10
map or section to which tit- ordinance relzies Se:. 5 Appeals. P+h^never a building permit is
IOgetn.e' ,.an z.. z:.2_7_- eD^to, _..e ord -..2nce ceraez .,_.>..c'. ,C Cl�inan'E, me oearc Of
shall b_ niec wish :he county record^_r.S _ ._ ...1-1 . upon anDeal
Sec. €. Effect. Att_r 21 ol-7ici21 map has been wrtr. is Dy :ne oener o.'the lane, enc niter receivin=-
adopted and filed, ,he issuance or building permits the advice and recommendations Or the planning
by the ury shall c_ subject to the provisions or commission„ g a Dtrnn -, for ouiidmi, in an area
alis ordinance. The c shall dem' _ - _- -,ne o'fidzl m- .r a scree, or other
ever-v aCPii'2tion for a permit to construe: a _, t_�.,_ __.___c .., a-,, cast :r. tvn 4^. me Ove,..
Dmlc:nS C. __.d,ure Or eXDviv an eX!c,!n£ CL'I'..E I], C. _�J : o..J., and :ne a'£U^enS DrE-
O: _:...._ w;zhin anv area dCsi£nai2d on i.._ _2C___ ._ - -nG- :ne entire property of ,Oe
O'ficialman for Sti tel or Other Cubli' v -- DL which :^- 2(ea Gt5!£n2teC i0' D'Jbh'
Whenever any Street or hignway is videnec or purposes forms - _cant cannot vleld a rta50nable
improved Or any new Street is opened, Or any return. to the OK•ner unless SL_n - Derml: Is £(anted,
.,.tress in lands c,ner Public purposes is and (c) z a. OF :ne city in
zcduired oy :,._ '!t, ,ne city is not reeuirec in preserving int the 0771'121 map and or
such proceedings to pap for any building or strut- the comprehensive c -n and ,he interest o`the
cure placed ve thou: z permit or in violation o7 proper.), owner in :;me use o7 his property and in
conditions of 2 permit within the Timis c, ,he the benefits Of owners-.:D, the gent of such permit
mapped street or ousioe Of anv building fine that is recurred by considerations of iusti'e and eeuity.
may have been eszbitshed upon the exis:in street Failure oT the o;znnmg commission to repot. on
or Kizhi n =_m• area thus identified for public our- the proposal wi:n in 60 -211 after referral
Poses. The adoption of an Official map does not OT the matter t0 I: is c--med to De the recom-
_ F -
mendations and advice of the planning commis-
Sion. The board of appeals and adjustments shall
hold a public hearing upon the appeal after notice Clerk
of the hearing has been published in the official Footnotes:
newspaper once at least ten days before the hearing. 1 Except for the last sentence, this section is
substantially the same as the statement of purpose
If the board authorizes issuance of a permit, it in M.S.'462359, Subdivision 1. It may be omitted
if desired.
shall specify the exact location, ground area,
2The definition of official map is taken from the
height, and other details as to the extent and statute. If the council wishes to confine the map to
streets and not apply it to other potential public
character of the building for which the permit is grounds like parks, it may wish to omit the second
sentence of the definition. Actual ordinances
granted. If the board authorizes issuance of a sometime, include definitions of other terms,such
as 'Comprehensive plan", "community faciiities
permit, the council or other board or commission plan", and 'capital improvement program", but
these are probably not necessary unless other
having jurisdiction shall have six months from the provisions are added to the model ordinance
making a definition of these terms useful,
date of the decision of the board to institute pro-
3This procedure for initiation is not prescribed
ceedings to acquire such land or interest therein, by statute but some such section is typically
included in local ordinances. Provisions for mitia-
and if no such Proceedings are started within tion by petition of owners sometimes require both
a minimum number of owners and a minimum
that time, the g shall issue the permit number of parcels to be represented by the pe-
if the application otherwise conforms to local
- 4This section is not required by statute but
ordinances.77 some such provision is usually included in Minne-
sota ordinances and seems desirable.
Sec. 9. Penalty. Any person violating any pro-
SThe statute does not require reference to the
vision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor planning commission but the procedure seems
desirable if the planning commission is to perform
and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to its proper planning role. It seems consistent with
the statutory requirement, embodied in section 9
a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for of the ordinance, that the board of appeals and
adjustments must secure the recommendations of
a term not to exceed 90 days or both, plus, in the planning commission before acting.
either case, the costs of prosecution- Each day fThe statute does not require mailed notice to
property owners but in view of the effect the map
that a violation is permitted to exist constitutes may have upon them,such a notice seems desirable
and is usually included in local ordinances. The
a separate offense. requirement for published notice is imposed by
statute except that the statute does not require the
Adopted by the council this day cu notice to describe affected lands (M.S. 462359,
Subdtvislon 1). Some ordinances add an option for
19 personally served notice in r lieu of mailing.
- 9 -
c 6C.-czs c-e.•sinr •� oD; o'd.. -Here s '.c _.,-_ - -. _ -.- -._. _. _ c<._ ..
O '.. Ir.. .n(
of tnls section are zi .c _ _-m ., ro"ii"or' rc
_ - _z;ute (V.S_ 4b_ �S. Su Dm. MC r.zrninr
5 o` officer resDonsiui� .__62nc
shoulc me ins rtec here
_ .sloes 90r
3. Resolution Ordering Preoaration o
Official Nizp
prepeseo' t rookie .,.r me- us-- upon la..s in The City Dr 25 foliows:
within trig CitV .Or 1OtO re 1.2vi- Scree:: Pro DoBe� from the intersections of
_,tension Cr "IceninE o. Scree: and .avenue in
sVe`S a.._ io; c:-e' D:•niic eye, rtssruing 12nds 2 soutne,1%, direction and terminauns a.
as hereinafter se: i,.r pursu2nt to Minnesota a point, etc.
Statutes, Sections '- __c thrown ^7132 and Street: Prep^sed Street stamris from
Ordinance No. Avenue a_ - poin, etc.
THEREFORE PE IT RESO_VED by the Park: Proposed with boundaries ss follows: etc.
city council of the Cityo.
The city engineer (or other 2ppropriate official)
is directed to prepare and file with the city council Crerl:
rap ;ndicztmg proposed 12yinc out, extending, Comment:
improving. o: wideninz_ of streeu or other publi: This fora 2s .,...e_ _.,o -edin=< have been
initiated ir. 2_C.,. __r.ct Section 3 of the
10 -
model ordinance. The resolution is authority Street: Proposed Street starting from
and direction for the city engineer or other
designated official to put the specific street Avenue at a point etc.
etc. proposal in sufficiently precise form to
meet the requirements of the official map statute Park: Proposed with boundariesas follows: etc.
and the ordinance and thus provide the basis
for the public hearing to be called when the 2. The city clerk is directed to give notice of
report is received back from the engineer or
other designated official. References to other such hearing by one publication of the notice in
public uses should be deleted if only streets
are to be proposed, the official newspaper at least ten days before
4. Resolution Calling Hearing on Official Map the hearing date and by mailing a copy of the
WHEREAS, a proposed official map of future notice to each owner of land situated within or
streets and other public uses has been prepared abutting any street or other public ground shown
by the city engineer (planning commission or on the proposed official map.
other designated official)of the City of and
recommended to the city council,
AND WHEREAS, the council proposes to con- Clerk
sider adoption of such official map pursuant to Comment
Minnesota Statutes,Section 462959, The published notice provided foristhe minimum
required by the planning law. The mailed notice
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the is that required unaer the model ordinance.
It is not required by sate law. This resolution
city council of , Minnesota: need not be published in smtutory cities anc in
other cities with charters not reouirmg publica.
1, A public hearing will be held by the council tion of resolutions.
to consider the proposed attached official map at Some cities may prefer having the planning
commission and the council hold a joint hearing
a public hearing on 1 9_at_o'clock if the planning commission has not alreadv
considered the proposed map. There is no
m. in the council chambers of the city hall, statutory requirement for a public hearing
except one by the council.
The map describes the following proposed future
If the proposed offic:ai map covers all or a large
streets or other public use of land in the city as part of the city, it will not be feasible to des-
cribe particular proposed streets or other public
follows: grounds. In that case the resolution should be
revised accordingly. If the map includes only
Street: Proposed from the intersection of proposed streets, references in the resolution to
other public facilities should be omitted.
Street and Avenue
S. Notice of Hearing
in a southerly direction and terminating
Minnesota, , 19
at a point etc. I
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the council
11 -
O` the Cit, O' , V,nne:p:2 wdl Tea I.. resfr'e 21C nelez-1e, TO ac Cj1'C Me 121131 n__!. C_C
co,;, ::! ,na-ne" C inc c;v ;al: on v..:M11 in- „cases C. s:ct strec;s and c.:ner
19 _ and conduct 2 oubiic nea,mc to consiae: ouDhc lanes shown on tue reap w,inout comoer•
Z p,onosed afirial ma: of proposed stiects and sauoa fo: 2np oud'nc nereafte: erected wand.:'
ether Fu'oll: uses ,i-min the Gty Of 2De-rnn or u, vwla,ork of 2 oermr ..,in-r t.,
The sweets anc otrie: public uses oroposed on tins orni, of any „ z?pec street of ounce o; ;tie
m2o a,e as folio', es:_-bushed budding line: i^. 2nd e\IStm[ SIIet:
(USC the Same oescrgnuon cont2:neL in -.ne or w:thin 2n, 2a inos denii5ed ip' o, ,
,esolution caliing :he he271..r.`, --The proposed -ac _ c-
Inspection at my o7i:t. -.'v _-ers_
be hea•c .viii •eferente iz :tie pre.
street, oO,r, public l2ntis o, aaz.l, 5
an opportunity to be heard at nearing. -__ _. -.- --- - _-= -_:Lce: such zs a
Designation o.' such lands as streets or other
D_.biic tants 0 . :ifs is rnaC_ .. .. _ .rt, __ _
of IAIlnne'>O_a 62b_ 6_ct On 4_3.5_ an: C-ner
snou:c 2'51 DeeC-
staiutes to enable the City o now to
6. Ordinance Adopting Oficial Map
The Cay council of ordain,_;
Section 1. Recital of Facta. After the planning Pursuant to due publishes notice, :ne council held
commis-cion had adopted a major thoroughfare a public hewing on sucn proposed official map on
Dian and a community "acilives pian, the corn- 19 _ at — o'clock — m. a:
mission prepared and submitted to the council whicn time all persons oesiring to be heard were
on i9 with its lecommendatioc ghen an oppc^unity :o be heard.
io, adoption 2 proposed ofnclal map or the car Sec. 2. Adoption of Mze. Tne m=, _n
pursuant to Minnesez Statutes, Section =c23S9. ''OcfiCial M1',ap of Crsy c" - Coo\' of
which is hereto attached and made a par[ of , 19
this ordinance by reference, show,ng existing
streets, proposed future streets and the area needed
for widening existing streets and the location Clerk
of existing and future public lands and facilites Comment:
within the city is hereby adopted and designated The •offic-al map, and anv amendment to the
map, must be adopted by ordinance and pub-
as the Official Map of the portion of the city lished with the ordinance in the same manner
as other ordinances. If the ordinance s adoot-
shown on the map. The proposed future streets ing a map covering all or a large part of the cuq,
the description of particular streets and public
and other future public lands and facilities des- grounds should be omitted. If this ordinance
proposes an amendment to a more general
cribed more particularly on such official map are official map, it may be preferable to recast
the ordinance to adopt an amendment to the
as follows: existing official map.
(Use same description as in resolution calling The law requires a certified copv of the map
adopted by the ordinance, toeether with the
heating.) adopting ordinance, to be filed with the county
recorder. (M.S. 462.359, Subd. 2, 462.36,
Sec 3. The city clerk is hereby authorized Subd. L) The latter statute expressly provides
and directed to publish this ordinance and
that the map aces not constitute an encum-
_) map brance on real property,
in accordance with law and to irie a certified copy If the map was not proposed and recommended
by the planning commission, the recital in
of this ordinance and map in the office OF the section 1 should be revised to conform to the
facts. The recital is not legally necessary bu:
recorder of County. may be useful in showing thzt the necessary
requisites to adoption of the official Mao have
Adopted by the council of the City of been met-
10/77 3 -