LOCATION: 129 Holmes Street South
Mayor Jon Brekke presiding
A] Roll Call at 5 :00 p.m.
B] Approval of Agenda
C] Cleaning Contract
D] Joint City of Shakopee /Jackson Township Board Meeting to discuss an
orderly annexation agreement
I. Presentation and Discussion of Proposed STH 169 transportation improvement plan
and its implications for land use.
(Presentation by Scott County Staff and/or Consultant)
II. Presentation and Discussion of Commercial Reserve Zone
(Presentation by Scott County Staff
A. Restrictions on unsewered land uses in the zone
B. Effect of future decisions by the City and Township on the use of land currently
in this zone
III. Presentation and Discussion of Orderly Annexation Agreement Outline
(Presentation by Shakopee City Staff
A. The status of the City's natural resource inventory.
(Presentation by City of Shakopee Staff
B. Identification of Items of Consensus
IV. Subsequent Steps:
A. Set Additional Meetings to Reach agreement on identified issues, and Review
Draft OAA.
E] Adjournment
City of Shakopee
TO: Mayor and City Council
Mark McNeill, City Administrator
FROM: Tracy Coenen, Management Assistant
SUBJECT: Cleaning Contract
MEETING DATE: July 26, 2001
The City contract with Masterpiece Cleaners to perform general custodial work at
Shakopee City Hall, the Community Center, Community Youth Building, Public Works
Building, Library, the old and new Fire Stations, and the Police Department. Lions Park
bathrooms were added to the contract.
Council approved the cleaning contract with Masterpiece Cleaners early this year after
three years of service to the City.
Due to performance issues and lack of response to staff direction and suggestions, city
staff would like to seek permission to explore alternate options for cleaning services for
city facilities.
Action Requested
Council is asked to authorize city staff to explore options for cleaning services for city
facilities including submitting RFPs.
Tracy Coenen
Management Assistant
Outline r r a Joint Resolution
Regarding Orderly Annexation
Between the
City of Shakopee and Jackson Township, NlinnesotM
Prepared 7/13/2001
I. Declaratory Statements:
A. The City of Shakopee and Jackson Township, Scott County, Minnesota
are in agreement that the future annexation of some portion of Jackson
Township is of mutual benefit.
B. The City and Township have reached agreement as to the process by
which future annexations, and subsequent development, should take
C. The City and Township wish to set forth the terms of this agreement_
II. Jurisdiction:
III. Planning and Land Use Authority — There are several options, including the
A. Upon adoption of the agreement, planning authority would vest with the
City, while zoning authority would remain with the Township /County
until such time as land(s) are annexed into the City.
B. A joint planning board composed of representatives of the City and
Township would be established for a specified time period.
C. A joint planning board would be established, and would remain in place
unless and until the entire Township area is annexed by the City.
IV. Staging of Annexation — Several options exist for staging as well. In this
regard it is assumed that a map may be developed, and become a part of the
joint resolution.
A Identify areas that are to be subject to annexation, but do not specify a
specific timeframe for annexation, relying instead on future petitions;
B. Identify areas to be annexed on the basis of a specific timeframe (e.g. 5,
10, 15, and 20 years)
C. Identify areas to be annexed according to a specific timeframe (e.g. 5, 10
years); areas subject to annexation based on future petition without a
specific timeframe; and any areas not intended to be annexed.
V. Partition and /or Reimbursement of Taxes
A. Submittal of development plan to the City of Shakopee;
B. Review of development plan by the Township,
C. Final approval by the City