HomeMy WebLinkAbout13.B.1. Apgar St. and Scott St. Railroad Safety Improvements
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TO: Mayor & City Council
Mark McNeill, City Administrator
FROM: Bruce Loney, Public Works Director
SUBJECT: Approval to Proceed with Apgar Street and
Scott Street Railroad Safety Improvements
DATE: November 17,2009
Attached is a letter from Jim Weatherhead, MnlDOT Project Manager, for the Scott Street and
Apgar Street railroad warning system improvements and on the costs for the project. Per this
letter, Mr. Weatherhead is asking the City to confer and respond with a determination on if the
City wishes to proceed or not with this project.
In 2004, the City did form a Railroad Safety Committee made up of Councilor Matt Lehman and
Terry Joos with the City Administrator, Mark McNeill, Public Works Director, Bruce Loney
along with MnJDOT and Union Pacific representatives. As part of this committee, the
recommendations were to apply for railroad safety improvements, primarily warning signals at
all existing crossings. The committee did recommend to relook at Apgar Street for possible
closure, due to its difficulty of signalizing, and also the number of track crossings associated
with that street.
In December, 2008, City Council authorized WSB & Associates to prepare a traffic study to
analyze the potential closing of Apgar Street and how traffic could be mitigated with this closure.
Attached to this memorandum is the WSB & Associates study with its recommendation.
City staff, Mn/DOT staff and Union Pacific representatives has looked at the possible closure of
Apgar Street for the past eleven months. In order for the railroad to agree, all three crossings
must be closed and essentially would prevent property in between the main line tracks and the
siding tracks from entering onto Apgar Street. The railroad has never agreed to anything less
than that and has never agreed to making any payments to the City to mitigate any possible
closure as stated in the letter from Jim Weatherhead of MnJDOT who has finally received project
costs for the project to proceed.
The question for City Council is whether to proceed with the project and to proceed with signals
and gates at Scott Street and Apgar Street or Scott Street only or no-build option. The costs are
summarized by Mr. Weatherhead of MnJDOT and the City's share for both signal improvements
at Apgar Street and Scott Street would be approximately $70,000.00. Mn/DOT is asking for
confirmation from the City on whether to proceed or not, and to what degree, in order that a
formal agreement and resolution can be prepared for the City to enter into.
Also attached to this memo is a CIP sheet for the railroad signalization at Apgar Street and Scott
Street, in which the City has budgeted $100,000.00 from the Capital Improvement Fund for
1. Approve a motion requesting Mn/DOT to proceed with the railroad warning system
installation for Scott Street and Apgar Street.
2. Approve a motion requesting MnJDOT to proceed with active railroad warning system
installation at Scott Street only.
3. Approve a motion requesting Mn/DOT not to proceed with any active railroad warning
system installation for Scott Street and Apgar Street
4. Table for additional information.
The Railroad Safety Committee has tentatively met, and the general consensus is to proceed with
the railroad safety improvements, noting that the City's share is approximately $70,000.00 as
currently estimated.
Approve a motion requesting Mn/DOT to proceed with the active railroad warning system
installation for Scott Street and Apgar Street.
Public W 0 Director
Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations
Railroad Administration Section Office Tel: 651/366-3671
Mail Stop 470 Fax: 651/366-3720
395 John Ireland Blvd.
S1. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899
October 27,2009
To: Bruce Loney, Director of Public Works
City of Shakopee, MN
From: Jim Weatherhead, Mn/DOT Project Manager
Subject: Scott Street and Apgar Street
City of Shakopee - Section 130 funded active RR warning system installations
Mn/Dot has received the fmal estimates to install active RR warning systems at the above
referenced locations in the City of Shakopee. The city is now asked to confer and pass resolution
to pay the cities share of 10% for the installation of the active warning systems. The total cost
for installation of signal systems at both Scott St and Apgar St is estimated to be $699,626. The
cities options are outlined below:
1. No Build Option - City formally requests that project be dropped - City cost $0
2. Install signals at Scott St & Apgar St. - City Share $ 69,962.60
3. Install signals at Scott St Only - City Share $ 61,349.80
Efforts where made to negotiate a closure of the Apgar St. crossing, however Union Pacific
Railway and the City of Shakopee were unable to reach an agreement on the scope and nature of
the proposed closure.
We now ask that the city confer and respond with a determination as to how the city would like
to proceed. Once we receive the cities decision I will prepare an agreement and forward to the
city for formal resolution.
cc: Julie Carr, Mn/dot Program Manager
An equal opportunity employer
Infrastructure _ Engineering _ Planning _ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South
& A.~$odales. Inc. Suite #300
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Tel: 763541-4800
Fax.: 763541-1700
To: Bruce Loney, PE
Public Works Director
City of Shakopee, MN
From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE
WSB & Associates, Inc.
Date: July 14, 2009
Re: Apgar Street
Railroad Crossing Study
Shakopee, MN
WSB Project No. 1381-26
Historv / Backeround
Railroad crossing safety has always been a priority to the City of Shakopee. In 2004 the City
formed a Rail Safety Committee (RSC) that recommended short and long term improvements for
the downtown area. Currently, there are numerous public streets and private crossings of the
Union Pacific Railroad in the downtown Shakopee area. One of the RSC identified
recommendations was the potential closing of the Apgar Street crossing on the west end of
downtown. The City, together with Mn/DOT, secured funding to study the potential impacts
closing this crossing would have on vehicle and truck circulation in the downtown area. The
purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the findings of the Apgar Street railroad crossing
Traffic Volume / Diversion
Existing Traffic Volumes - Existing daily and hourly traffic counts were conducted for the City
of Shakopee in the area surrounding Apgar Street in January and February 2009. These counts
were conducted at:
ACEC 2008 Firm of the Year
K:\01381-26\AdminIDocs\MEMO bloney 071 409.doc
Bruce Loney - Memorandum
City of Shakopee
May 26, 2009
Page 2 of3
1. Apgar Street - 1037 ADT
2. Scott Street - 678 ADT
3. Atwood Street - 1324 ADT
4. Fuller Street - 849 ADT
5. Holmes Street - 1800 ADT
In addition, the City's State Aid street system counts were also used to document the existing
background traffic. Figure 1 illustrates the existing ADT and peak hour traffic volumes.
Currently, the Rahr Malting. facility located north of 2nd Avenue, west of Apgar Street has
approximately 30 to 45 trucks exiting an entering the facility. Some of these trucks currently use
the Apgar Street crossing to 18t Avenue.
Traffic Diversion - In order to determine impacts of closing the Apgar Street crossing, the City's
2008 Transportation Plan Model was used. The existing link at Apgar Street was removed from
the system to determine the redistribution of traffic and impacts on the adjacent street systems.
Based on this analysis, it was determined that approximately 40 percent of the traffic currently
on Apgar Street would use Scott Street, 30 percent would use Atwood Street, 25 percent would
use Fuller Street, and approximately 5 percent would use Holmes Street.
The resulting traffic diversion ADT and peak hour traffic volumes are shown on Figure 2.
Impact Analvsis
Based on the anticipated traffic diversion from Apgar Street to other adjacent streets, the
resulting traffic volumes are well within acceptable levels of traffic for typical, two-lane local
streets. The Cities Transportation Plan indicates that street with a volume of up to 9,000 ADT
will function as local two-lane streets.
K:\01381-26IAdmin\DocsIMEMO bloney 071409.doc
Bruce Loney - Memorandum
City of Shakopee
May 26, 2009
Page 3 of3
The local business access north of the railroad tracks on Apgar Street will be maintained from 1 st
Avenue through the construction of a cul-de-sac.
With the closing of Apgar Street, the Rahr Malting truck movements will be diverted to 2nd
A venue then to Scott Street or further east to cross the railroad tracks to get to 1st A venue. The
section of 2nd Avenue from Pierce Street to Scott Street is currently a 24-foot wide roadway with
parking on both sides of the roadway.
Conclusion / Recommendation
Based on the existing traffic volumes and the potential diverted traffic as the result of the
possible closing of Apgar Street, it can be concluded that the additional traffic that may be
diverted from Apgar Street will have little or no operational impact on the adjacent street system.
Based on this conclusion, the following recommendations are made:
1. Maintain local access to business on Apgar Street north of the railroad tracks with the
construction of a cul-de-sac from 1 st Avenue.
2. Divert as much local traffic from Rahr Malting to the existing crossings and access points
west of Pierce Street to 1 st A venue and 2nd A venue, as possible. Coordinate with Rahr
Malting on site circulation to accomplish the internal traffic diversion.
3. Post and enforce a no-parking zone on the north side of 2nd A venue from Pierce Street to
Scott Street.
K\01381-26\Admin\Docs\MEMO bloney 071409. doc
Figure 1
City of Shako pee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014
Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost:
Bruce Loney Street Construction Railroad Signalization $700,000
A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Land & ROW
Construction 600,000
En ineerin IAdmin. 100,000
Total 700,000 - - - -
B. Fundin Source:
General Fund
Capital Improvement Fund 100,000
Park Reserve Fund
Grants (specify)
Donations (specify) 600,000 (MN/DOT)
State Aid
Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base
Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk
Storm Drainage Fund-Base
Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk
Tax Lev
Total 700,000 - - - -
I Descriotion:
~ At grade railroad crossings at ScoIl Street and Apgar Street will need crossing
signal due to traffic volumes at these intersections.
Traffic volumes of vehicles crossing, increased number of trains and possible
increased speed of trains warrant the signal installation.
Other Comments:
Funding from the State of Minnesota is programmed for these intersections. City
cost is for 10% of signal cost and roadway realigned to place signals.
Ooeratina Costs: