HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. 2010/2011 Public Works Budgets " . CITY OF SHAKOPEE 2010/11 GENERAL FUND BUDGET DIVISION: ENGINEERING MISSION STATEMENT: Provide prompt efficient, and accurate information and engineering services to citizens, elected and appointed officials, developers, contractors, agencies, and other staff members. ACTIVITY: Conduct field investigations, collect engineering data and specify the criteria for the investigations; furnish designs, drawings, specifications and criteria for such designs; secure bids, assist in the award of contracts, oversee and inspect construction to assure compliance with the drawings and specifications; testing and approving all sanitary sewer, storm sewer and roadway construction projects; prepare all reports and studies required to preserve Municipal State Aid Funding received by the City; review all public facilities proposed in the City, Wetland Conservation Act administration, review of building permits, Right of Way Management & Permitting, provide engineering assistance to other Departments, review technical engineering material and provide for City Council, City staff, City Commissions and Committees. Goals: 1. Efficiently, but accurately, provide the services necessary to insure public improvements are designed and installed per City standards. 2. Keep public improvement project costs to within 20% of the cost estimated in the feasibility report. Measurement of Goals: Compare revenues created in Engineering Division: Actual Budgeted Requested Requested 2008 2009 2010 2011 Expenditures $645,785 $685,300 $677,360 $693,090 Population 33,660 33,860 34,000 34,200 Expenditure/Capita $19.19 $20.24 $19.92 $20.27 Revenue* $378,153 $449,000 $370,500 $370,500 Number of projects 5 5 4 Value of projects $3,380,000 $3,605,000 $5A40,000 Average project cost/feasibility est. $676,000 $721,000 $1,360,000 * Includes Engineering Fees - Private Developments, Grading Permits, Public Improvements, and Right-of-way Permits Staff 2008 2009 2010 2011 Public Works Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant City Engineer 1 1 1 1 Project Engineer 1 1 1 1 Graduate Engineer 1 1 Technician IV 2 1 1 1 1 Technician III 2 1 1 1 Technician II 1 GIS Technician 1 1 1 1 Secretary .9 .9 .9 .9 OBJECT DESCRIPTION: Description of lines items: Operating Supplies: General operating supplies and small tools/equipment $5,000. Office supplies for drawings, ink pens for plotter and various engineering office supplies $7,000. Equipment Maintenance: Plotter repair and survey instruments maintenance, vehicle maintenance $8,500. Motor Fuels & Lubricants: $6,000 (2010), $7,000 (2011) Professional Services: Attorney $5,000, transportation studies $9,000, GIS and pavement management software support and training $1,000, miscellaneous services $4,000. Communications: Telephone: Cellular phones and office phones for Engineering staff $5,500. Logis/Software: Computer software upgrades and licenses for AutoCad $3,000, GIS software $3,000. Rentals: Equipment rental of vehicles $5,090(2010), $5,500(2011). Dues/Training/Travel: Conferences/School/Training: Inspection certification and AutoCad/computer training and supervisor training $7,000, Dues $1,000, mileage reimbursement $3,750. Building Rental: $8,030 (2010), $8,160 (2011). Expenses Charged Back: $10,000 (2010), $11,000 (2011). 2 R5509BUD SH005PV CITY OF SHAKOPEE 7/31/2009 9:26:33 By Co, Div (pb), Object (2 Yr Bdgt) - Portrait Budget Report Page - 1 Fiscal Period: 6 / 09 Level Of Rollup 6 2007 2008 6/30/2009 2009 2010 2011 Actual Actual YTD Final Proposed Proposed Object Code I Description Amount Amount Actual Budget. Budget Budget -- 01000 GENERAL FUND 41 ENGINEERING 6000 EXPENDITURES 6001 WAGES & BENEFITS 6002 WAGES 520,753 430,083 171,915 422,280 403,510 406,400 6100 BENEFITS 141,979 131,336 51,506 150,210 165,300 175,030 -,-~ 6001 WAGES & BENEFITS 662,732 561,420 223,421 572,490 568,810 581,430 6200 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 6201 SUPPLIES & SERVICES 31,679 15,814 4,436 26,500 20,500 21,500 6300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 33,843 25,244 8,182 34,000 30,000 30,000 6330 COMMUNICATIONS 9,403 5,758 2,940 8,800 10,150 10,150 6350 INSURANCE 81842 8,070 8,000 6,630 7,200 6360 UTILITY SERVICE 5,389 6400 RENTALS 20,328 18,601 11,588 15,110 19,120 19,660 6470 DUESfTRAININGfTRAVEL 9,351 6,399 369 10,400 12,150 12,150 6498 EXPENSE CHARGED BACK 13,200 4,478 10,000 10,000 11,000 -~ 6200 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 132,034 84,365 27,515 112,810 108,550 111,660 6500 DEPRECIATION 6600 MISCELLANEOUS 6700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6800 DEBT SERVICE ~---_.~ 6000 EXPENDITURES 794,765 645,785 250,936 685,300 677,360 693,090 ~------~_._-- 41 ENGINEERING 794,765 645,785 250,936 685,300 677 ,360 693,090 ----,._...~---- 01000 GENERAL FUND 794,765 645,785 250,936 685,300 677,360 693,090 3 Engineering 2010-11 Budget 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 0411 411 412 412 413 413 0419 419 5000 Obiect # Description Management Management County Proj County proj TransporlatiorTransporlatlor ROW MGT ROW MGT Eng Projects 6002 Wages FT - Reg. 210,290 212,780 32,350 32,350 35,590 35,590 45,290 45,290 58,990 6005 Wages OT - Reg. 12,000 6015 Wages PT - Temp 3,000 3,200 3,000 6122 PERA 14,710 14,900 2,270 2,260 2,710 2,720 3,170 3,170 5,180 6124 FiCA 16,080 16,290 2,480 2,470 2,960 2,970 3,460 3,460 5,660 6135 Health 77,440 86,730 6139 PEHP 2,400 2,400 6140 Life 2,010 2,010 6145 Dental 3,840 3,840 6170 Workers Camp 1,680 1,690 140 140 160 160 190 190 310 6180 Compensated Absences 8,000 8,000 6185 OPES 10,000 10,000 Total Personnel 346,450 358.640 37.240 37,220 44,420 44,640 52.110 52,110 85,140 6202 Operating Supplies 5,000 5,000 6210 Office Supplies 7,000 7,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 6,000 7,000 6240 Equipment Maintenance 2,500 2,500 6310 Attorney 5,000 5,000 6312 Engineering Consultants 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 6315 BUilding Maintenance 6316 Equipment Maintenance 6,000 6,000 6327 Other Prof Services 4,000 4,000 6332 Postage 1,650 1,650 6334 T etephone 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 6336 PrintinglPublishing 1,000 1,000 2,000 6352 Liability insurance 5,680 5,900 6356 Auto Insurance 950 1,300 8410 Logis/Software 6,000 6,000 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 5,090 5,500 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 8,030 8,160 6435 Other Rent 6472 Coni / School/Training 7,000 7,000 6475 Travei/Subsistence 3,750 3,750 6480 Dues 1,000 1,000 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 400 400 6498 Expenses Charged Sack 10,000 11.000 Total Supplies & Services 92,050 95,i60 iO,OOO 10,000 i.OOO i,OOO 4.500 6740 Capilal Expenditures Total $ 438.500 $ 458,800 S 37.240 $ 37,220 $ 54.420 $ 54,640 S 53.1iO $ 58,110 S 89.640 4 Engineering 2010-11 Budget 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 5000 5500 5500 Object # Description Eng Projects Eng DevProjects Eng DevProjects Total Total 6002 Wages FT - Reg. 58,990 382,510 385,000 6005 Wages aT - Reg. 12,000 3,000 3,000 15.000 15,000 6015 Wages PT - Temp 3,200 6,000 6,400 6122 PERA 5,190 210 210 28,250 28,450 6124 FICA 5,680 230 230 30.870 31,100 6135 Health 77,440 86,730 6139 PEHP 2,400 2,400 6140 life 2,010 2.010 6145 Dental 3.840 3,840 6170 Workers Comp 310 10 10 2,490 2,500 6180 Compensated Absences 8,000 8,000 6185 OPEB 10,000 10.000 Total Personnel 85,370 3.~150 3,450 568.810 581.430 6202 Operating Supplies 5,000 5.000 6210 Office Supplies 7,000 7,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 6,000 7,000 6240 Equipment Maintenance 2,500 2,500 6310 Attorney 5,000 5.000 6312 Engineering Consultanls 15,000 15,000 6315 Building Maintenance 6316 Equipment Maintenance 6,000 6,000 6327 Other Prof Services 4,000 4,000 6332 Postage 1,650 1.650 6334 Telephone 2,500 1,000 1,000 5.500 5,500 6336 Printing/Publishing 2,000 3,000 3,000 6352 liability Insurance 5,680 5,900 6356 Auto Insurance 950 1.300 6410 Logis/Software 6,000 6,000 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 5,090 5,500 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 8,030 8.160 6435 Other Rent 6472 Conf / School/ Training 7,000 7,000 6475 Travel/Subsistence 3,750 3,750 6480 Dues 1,000 1,000 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 400 400 6498 Expenses Charged Back tO,OOO 11,000 Total Supplies & Services 4.500 1,000 1,000 108,550 111,660 6740 Capital Expenditures Total $ 89.870 5 4.450 S 4,450 S 677.360 $ 693,090 5 CITY OF SHAKO PEE 2010/2011 GENERAL FUND BUDGET DIVISION: STREET MISSION STATEMENT: To provide public services in a professional, cost-effective manner in order to maintain the public investment of infrastructure in streets, alleys and public parking lots. ACTIVITY: Maintain bituminous and gravel roadways/alleys, traffic signs/striping, showplowing/ice control, street sign fabrication/installation, boulevard tree trimming/removal, and disease tree prevention. GOALS: 1. Provide snowplowing and ice control in a timely and cost effective manner. 2. Provide street/alley maintenance in a cost-effective manner. MEASUREMENT OF GOALS: (* Does not include equipment rental rate.) Actual Budgeted Requested Requested 2008 2009 2010 2011 Expenditures $1,793,946 $1,799,020 $1,919,110 $1,986,590 Population 33,660 33,860 34,000 34,200 Expenditure/Capita $53.30 $53.13 $56A4 $58.09 Snowplowing/ice control $226,348 $208,890 $188,050 $192,950 Cost per capita $6.72 $6.17 $5.53 $5.64 Street and alley maintenance $518,619 $504,120 $628,720 $651.960 Cost per capita $15.41 $14.89 $18.49 $19.06 Lane miles of street/alley 467 467 Snow plow/salting events 29 Tons of salt applied 1,743 Tons of patching material 131 Sq Yards seal coated 279,000 7 Staff 2008 2009 2010 2011 Public Works Superintendent 1 1 1 1 Street/Util. Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Engineering Tech IV 0 1 1 1 Maintenance Operator 10 10 6 6 OBJECT DESCRIPTION: Description of fines items: Salaries: Director (20%), Public Works Supervisor (40%), 1 Engineering Tech IV, 1 Street Supervisor, 10 Maintenance Operators (4 Utilities), Secretary (30%). Salaries - Temp: Temporary seasonal employees - (3-summer with one seasonal employee funded by sanitary/storm enterprise funds, 4-winter). Operating Supplies (6202): Striping ($2,500); signs ($17,500); floor mats ($1,000); safety equipment ($1,500); street light poles ($9,000); street light pole paint ($l,OOO);various supplies ($5,500). Office Supplies (6210): General office supplies ($1,000). Uniforms/Clothing (6212): ($5,400). Materials (6215): Ice control materials ($80,000)(2010) ($85,000){2011); gravel ($6,000); bituminous mix ($6,000); trees ($1,000); concrete ($3,000). Motor Fuel and Lubricants (6222): ($56,000)(2010) ($66,000)(2011) Building Maintenance (6230): Miscellaneous maintenance ($8,500) Equipment Maintenance (6240): Vehicle maintenance; truck washes/car washes. ($32,000) Professional Services Building Maintenance (6315): Miscellaneous ($7,500) Equipment Maintenance (6316): ($105,000) 8 Pavement Preservation (6322): Crack sealing ($30,000); seal coating ($340,000)(2010) ($360,000)(2011). Other Professional Services (6327): Includes paint striping of streets ($20,000)(2010) ($30,000)(2011); paint striping of crosswalks on county roads ($5,000); drug testing ($2,000); traffic signal maintenance ($3,000); tree trimming/removaljdisposaljstump grinding ($5,000); support for sign/pavement programs ($3,000); Clean-up Day ($30,000); miscellaneous services ($10,500) Communications (6334): Telephone: Office phones and cellular phones for Public Works Supervisor, Street Supervisor and Maintenance Operators ($3,500). Printing/Publishing (6336) Printing/publishing ($1,000). Utility Service (6360): Utilities - includes street lights and traffic control signals ($140,000). Utilities for public works buildings ($172,000)(2010) ($180,000)(2011). Software (6410): ($7,250) Equipment Rent -IS Fund (6425): Equipment rental ($105,420) Building Rent -IS Fund (6430): Building rent for new and old buildings 29% ($58,210)(2010) ($59,200)(2011) Other Rent (6435) None Conference/Training (6472): ($2,000) Travel/subsistence (6475): None Dues (6480): ($400) Subscriptions/Publications (6490): ($150) Expense Charged Back (6498): Facilities charge back for PW buildings to Engineering, Fleet, Park, Sewer and Storm funds ($128,200){2010), ($136,00O)(2011). Special Assessments (6620): Gorman Street ($10,190) Capital Equipment (6740): None 9 R5509BUD SH005PV CITY OF SHAKOPEE 7/31/2009 14:47:17 By Co, Div (pb), Object (2 Yr Bdgt) - Portrait Budget Report Page - 1 Fiscal Period: 6 I 09 Level Of Rollup 6 2007 2008 6/30/2009 2009 2010 2011 Actual Actual YTD Final Proposed Proposed Object Code / Description Amount Amount Actual Budget Budget Budget ~--~-- ~--- 01000 GENERAL FUND 42 STREET MAINTENANCE 6000 EXPENDITURES 6001 WAGES & BENEFITS 6002 WAGES 463,748 435,584 228,367 542,390 434,560 440,980 6100 BENEFITS 142,451 180,141 87,702 197,840 236,120 249,690 6001 WAGES & BENEFITS 606,199 615,725 316,069 740,230 670,680 690,670 6200 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 6201 SUPPLIES & SERVICES 306,498 247,287 94,481 239,210 236,900 251,900 6300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 250,379 455,114 104,266 422,000 561,500 586,500 6330 COMMUNICATIONS 5,546 4,191 2,655 5,500 4,~00 4,500 6350 INSURANCE 57,556 58,424 1,490 56,100 57,800 59,100 6360 UTILITY SERVICE 275,801 1 98,666 65.488 305,030 335,000 348,000 6400 RENTALS 246,298 271,667 94,341 183,640 170,880 171,870 6470 DUESrrRAININGrrRAVEL 5,696 3,927 2,015 4,150 2,550 2,550 6498 EXPENSE CHARGED BACK 158,396- 79,488- 167,040- 128,200- 136,000- 6200 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 989,378 1,159,788 364,736 1,048,590 1,240,930 1,288,420 6500 DEPRECIATION 6600 MISCELLANEOUS 6620 PROPERTY TAXISPECIAL ASSESS 12,153 10,752 10,210 10,200 10,190 10,190 -~.~- 6600 MISCELLANEOUS 12,153 10,752 10,210 10,200 10,1 gO 10,190 6700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6740 EQUIPMENT 15,333 7,681 ---~.'-- 6700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,333 7,681 6800 DEBT SERVICE ~-------- 6000 EXPENDITURES 1,623,063 1,793,946 691,016 1,799,020 1,921,800 1,989,280 -- ----~---- 42 STREET MAINTENANCE 1,623,063 1,793,946 691,016 1,799,020 1,921,800 1,989,280 ~-----~ 01000 GENERAL FUND 1,623,063 1,793,946 691,016 1,799,020 1,921,800 1,989,280 11 Street 2010-11 Budget 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 0421 0421 0422 0422 0423 0423 0424 0424 Object Description Manage. Manage. TreelWeed TreelWeed Signs Signs Snow/Sand Snow/Sand 6002 Wages FT - Reg. $ 158,910 $ 165,290 $ 16,390 $ 16,070 $ 25,200 $ 25,080 $ 62,020 $ 61,940 6005 Wages aT - Reg. 19,000 19,000 6010 Premium Pay 3,200 3,200 6015 Wages PT - Temp 500 500 3,500 3,500 2,500 2,500 4,500 4,500 6122 PERA 11,400 11,840 1,390 1,370 1,940 1,930 5,990 5,980 6124 FICA 12,430 12,920 1,520 1,500 2,120 2,110 6,540 6,540 6135 Health 101,180 113,320 6139 PEHP 2,700 2,700 6140 Life 2,110 2,110 6145 Dental 4,320 4,320 6170 Workers Comp 12,360 12,840 1,510 1,490 2,100 2,100 9,500 9,490 6180 Compensated Absences 14,000 14,000 6185 OPEB 12,860 12,860 Total Personnel 335.970 355.90G 24.310 ~!.:3,930 3~;,860 33,720 107.550 107.4GO 6202 Operating Supplies 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 17,500 17,500 500 500 6210 Office Supplies 1,000 1,000 6212 Uniforms 5,400 5,400 6215 Materials 1,000 1,000 80;000 85,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 56,000 66,000 6230 Building Maintenance 6240 Equipment Maintenance 6310 Attorney 500 500 6315 Building Maintenance 6316 Equipment Maintenance 6322 Pavement Preservation 6327 Other Prof Services 2,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6334 Telephone 3,500 3,500 6336 Printing/Publishing 1,000 1,000 6352 Liability Insurance 18,500 19,100 6354 Property Insurance 6,000 6,000 6356 Auto Insurance 18,000 18,000 6360 Utility Service 6362 Electric Service 6364 Water 6365 Gas 6367 Refuse 6366 Sewer 6368 Storm 6410 Software 7,250 7,250 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 105,420 105,420 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 58,210 59,200 6435 Other Rent 6472 Conf / School/ Training 2,000 2,000 6475 Travel/Subsistence 6480 Dues 400 400 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 150 150 6498 Expenses Charged Back 6620 Special Assessments 10,190 10,190 Total Supplies & Services 298.520 31D.11G 7.000 7,000 23,500 23,50Q 80,500 85.500 6740 Capital Expenditures Total $ 634.490 $ 666,010 " 31,310 $ 30.930 $ 57.360 $ 57,220 $ 188,050 $ '192.950 12 Street 2010-11 Budget 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 0425 0425 0426 0426 0427 0427 0428 0428 Object Description PW BldglYard PW BldglYard Eq. Maint Eq. Maint SI. Maint SI. Maint Seal Coat Seal Coat 6002 Wages FT - Reg. $ 31,010 $ 31,280 $ 10,660 $ 10,980 $ 25,200 $ 24,340 $ 13,570 $ 13,670 6005 Wages aT - Reg. 5,000 5,000 6010 Premium Pay 6015 Wages PT - Temp 2,000 2,000 8,500 8,500 500 500 6122 PERA 2,310 2,330 750 770 2,710 2,650 980 990 6124 FICA 2,530 2,550 820 840 2,960 2,890 1,080 1,080 6135 Health 6139 PEHP 6140 Life 6145 Dental 6170 Workers Comp 2,510 2,530 810 830 2,940 2,880 1,070 1,080 6180 Compensated Absences 6185 OPEB Total Personnel 40.360 40,690 13.040 13.420 47.310 46.260 17.200 17 ,320 6202 Operating Supplies 500 500 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 6210 Office Supplies 6212 Uniforms 6215 Materials 10,000 10,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 6230 Building Maintenance 3,500 3,500 6240 Equipment Maintenance 32,000 32,000 6310 Attorney 6315 Building Maintenance 6316 Equipment Maintenance 105,000 105,000 6322 Pavement Preservation 30,000 30,000 340,000 360,000 6327 Other Prof Services 10,500 10,500 6334 Telephone 6336 Printing/Publishing 6352 Liability Insurance 6354 Property Insurance 6356 Auto Insurance 6360 Utility Service 6362 Electric Service 155,000 160,000 6364 Water 6365 Gas 6367 Refuse 8,000 8,000 6366 Sewer 6368 Storm 6410 Software 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 6435 Other Rent 6472 Conf! School! Training 6475 Travel/Subsistence 6480 Dues 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 6498 Expenses Charged Back 6620 Special Assessments Total Supplies & Services 4.000 4,000 147.000 147.000 214.500 219.500 340.000 3[50,000 6740 Capital Expenditures Total '" 44.360 $ 44,690 $160.040 $160.420 " 261.810 $ 265,760 $ 357.200 $ 377.320 13 Street 2010-11 Budget 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 0429 0429 0430 0430 0432 0432 0433 0433 Object Description Facilities Facilities Alley Maint Alley Maint Sidewalk Maint Sidewalk Maint Striping Striping 6002 Wages FT - Reg. $ 24,920 $ 24,920 $ 5,810 $ 5,130 $ 2,170 $ 2,490 $ 4,330 $ 4,500 6005 Wages aT - Reg. 6010 Premium Pay 6015 Wages PT - Temp 500 500 2,500 2,500 6122 PERA 1,740 1,740 440 390 150 170 480 490 6124 FICA 1,910 1,910 480 430 170 190 520 540 6135 Health 6139 PEHP 6140 Life 6145 Dental 6170 Workers Comp 1,150 1,150 480 430 160 190 520 530 6180 Compensated Absences 6185 OPEB Total Personnel 29,720 29,720 7.710 6,880 2,650 a,040 8.350 8.560 6202 Operating Supplies 1,500 1,500 500 500 2,500 2,500 6210 Office Supplies 6212 Uniforms 6215 Materials 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 6230 Building Maintenance 5,000 5,000 6240 Equipment Maintenance 6310 Attorney 6315 Building Maintenance 7,500 7,500 6316 Equipment Maintenance 6322 Pavement Preservation 6327 Other Prof Services 25,000 30,000 6334 Telephone 6336 Printing/Publishing 6352 Liability Insurance 6354 Property Insurance 15,300 16,000 6356 Auto Insurance 6360 Utility Service 6362 Electric Service 60,000 63,200 6364 Water 8,000 8,000 6365 Gas 89,000 93,800 6367 Refuse 6366 Sewer 8,000 8,000 6368 Storm 7,000 7,000 6410 Software 6425. Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 6435 Other Rent 6472 Conf / School I Training 6475 Travel/Subsistence 6480 Dues 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 6498 Expenses Charged Back (128,200) (136,000) 6620 Special Assessments Total Supplies & Services 73,100 74.000 2.000 2,000 3,500 :~,500 27.500 32,500 6740 Capital Expenditures Total ,. 102.820 $ 103.720 $ 9.710 '" 8,880 S 6,150 $ 6.540 S 35,850 $ 41,060 '" 14 Street 2010-11 Budget 2010 2011 2010 2011 0434 0434 Object Description Clean Up Day Clean Up Day Total Total 6002 Wages FT - Reg. $ 2,170 $ 3,090 $ 382,360 $ 388.780 6005 Wages aT - Reg. 24.000 24,000 6010 Premium Pay 3.200 3,200 6015 Wages PT - Temp 25,000 25,000 6122 PERA 150 220 30,430 30.870 6124 FICA 170 240 33,;1.50 33,740 6135 Health 101180 113,320 6139 PEHP 2.700 2,700 6140 Life 2,110 2.110 6145 Dental 4.320 4,320 6170 Workers Comp 160 230 35.270 35,770 6180 Compensated Absences 14,000 14,000 6185 OPEB 12,860 12,860 Total Personnel 2,650 :0.780 670,680 690,670 6202 Operating Supplies 38,000 38,000 6210 Office Supplies '1,000 1.000 6212 Uniforms 5.400 50400 6215 Materials 96.000 101,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 56,000 66,000 6230 Building Maintenance 8,500 8,500 6240 Equipment Maintenance 32,000 32,000 6310 Attorney 500 500 6315 Building Maintenance 7,500 7,500 6316 Equipmerit Maintenance 105,000 105,000 6322 Pavement Preservation 370,000 390,000 6327 Other Prof Services 30,000 30,000 78,500 83,500 6334 Telephone 3,500 3,500 6336 Printing/Publishing 1,000 1,000 6352 Liability Insurance 18.500 19,100 6354 Property Insurance 21,300 22,000 6356 Auto Insurance 18,000 18,000 6360 Utility Service 6362 Electric Service 215,000 223,200 6364 Water 8,000 8,000 6365 Gas 89,000 93,800 6367 Refuse 8,000 8.000 6366 Sewer 8,000 8,000 6368 Storm 7,000 7,000 6410 Software 7.2.50 7,250 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 105;420 105.420 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 58,,~10 69,200 6435 Other Rent 6472 Conf / School/ Training 2,000 2,000 6475 Travel/Subsistence 6480 Dues 400 400 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 150 150 6498 Expenses Charged Back (128,200) (136,000) 6620 Special Assessments 10,190 10,190 Total Supplies & Services 30,000 30,000 1,251,120 1,298,610 6740 Capital Expenditures Total $ 32,650 $ 33.780 $ 1,921.800 $ 1,989,280 15 CITY OF SHAKOPEE 2010/2011 GENERAL FUND BUDGET DIVISION: FLEET MISSION STATEMENT: To provide fleet maintenance services in a professional, cost-effective manner in order to maintain the public investment of vehicles and equipment for all city departments. ACTIVITY: Maintain vehicles/equipment in streets, park, administration, police, fire, S.P.U.c., fabrication of new and existing equipment, prepare vehicle evaluation reports for all departments. Repairs for vehicles and equipment are billed to the respective departments. Operate car and truck wash for government vehicles and operate fueling stations for city, county, school district and SPUC vehicles. GOAL: To provide quality maintenance to all departments in a cost-effective manner. MEASUREMENT OF GOALS: Average cost per vehicle/equipment maintained Actual Budgeted Requested Requested 2008 2009 2010 2011 Net Expenditures $141,633 $103,640 $99,540 $115,760 Population 33,660 33,860 34,000 34,200 Expenditure/Capita $4.21 $3.06 $2.93 $3.38 Number of vehicles/equipment 313 313 314 314 Staff 2008 2009 2010 I 2011 Mechanic 2 2 21 2 Mechanic Apprentice 1 1 1 1 Secretary 1 1 1 1 OBJECT DESCRIPTION: Description of lines items: Wages & Benefits: Salaries: Public Works Director (5%), Public Works Supervisor (20%), 2 Mechanics, 1 Mechanic's Apprentice, and 1 temporary employee from School Employment Program funded through June 4, 2010 $3,000 (2010) $7,000 (2011), Secretary (40%). Operating Supplies (6202): Various shop supplies $8,300, truck wash supplies $3,000, car wash supplies $2,000, scanner up- date $1,200. Tools (6203): Small tools $1,000. 17 Office Supplies (6210): Miscellaneous offic~ supplies $500 Uniforms (6212): $1,800. Equipment maintenance (6240) Miscellaneous equipment maintenance $1,500. Merchandise (6250) Shop parts $2,000. Professional Equipment Maintenance (6316): Crane/hoist inspections $1,200, Gas Boy fuel system repairs and miscellaneous $1,500, truck wash maintenance $2,000, car wash maintenance $1,800, fuel system maintenance $3,000. Other Professional Services (6327): Fleet computer services $700, miscellaneous $1,000. Telephone (6334) Shop telephone $1,500. Printing/Publishing (6336) $750 Utility (electric) service-truck wash (6362): $3,800 (2010) $4,000 (2011) Utility (water) service-truck wash (6364): $300 (2010) $400 (2011) Software (6410): $700 Building Rental (6430): Building rental for new building 24% $48,180 (2010), $48,980 (2011). Conferences/Schooling/Training (6472): Various training including schooling for the apprentice $1,000. Subscriptions/Publications (6490) None Expense Charge Back (6498): $55,680(2010) $60,000 (2011) Capital Expenditure (6700): None 18 R5509BUD SH005PV CITY OF SHAKO PEE 7/30/2009 9:58:21 By Co, Div (pb), Object (2 Yr Bdgt) - Portrait Budget Report Page - 1 Fiscal Period: 6 / 09 Level Of Rollup 6 2007 2008 6/30/2009 2009 2010 2011 Actual Actual YTD Final Proposed Proposed Object Code / Description Amount Amount Actual Budget Budget Budget 01000 GENERAL FUND 44 FLEET 6000 EXPENDITURES 6001 WAGES & BENEFITS 6002 WAGES 179,222 192,042 94,650 199,050 191,370 196,660 6100 BENEFITS 65,011 71,683 34,425 86,210 92,860 98,370 6001 WAGES & BENEFITS 244,232 263,724 129,075 285,260 284,230 295,030 6200 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 6201 SUPPLIES & SERVICES 24,560 24.680 2,518 22,800 21,300 21,300 6300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,629 13,280 11,138 12,500 11,200 11,200 6330 COMMUNICATIONS 2,039 3,281 1,449 2,250 2,2S0 2,250 6350 INSURANCE 469 852 800 900 900 6360 UTILITY SERVICE 3,076 3,710 1,795 4,100 4,100 4,400 6400 RENTALS 34,188 37,972 21,126 42,250 48,880 49,680 6470 DUESfTRAININGfTRAVEL 1,765 575 440 1,500 1,000 1,000 6497 FLEET CHARGE BACK 233,310- 117,918- 330,000- 330,000- 330,000- 6498 EXPENSE CHARGED BACK 108,778- 26,869 55,680 55,680 60,000 6200 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 37,052- 122,091- 79,453- 188,120- 184,690- 179,270- 6500 DEPRECIATION 6600 MISCELLANEOUS 6700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6740 EQUIPMENT 7,340 6,438 6,500 6700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,340 6,438 6,500 6800 DEBT SERVICE ---- 6000 EXPENDITURES 214,520 141,633 56,060 103,640 99,540 115,760 44 FLEET 214,520 141,633 56,060 103,640 99,540 115,760 01000 GENERAL FUND 214.520 141 ,633 56,060 103,640 99,540 115,760 19 Fleet 2010-11 Budget 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 0441 0441 0450 0450 0451 0451 0456 0456 Object # Description Manage. Manage. Car Wash Car Wash Truck Wash Truck Wash Fuel Sys, Fuel Sys. Total Total 6002 Wages FT- Reg. $ 179,170 $ 180,460 $ 500 $ 500 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 S 183,170 S 184,460 6005 Wages aT - Reg. 2,000 2,000 2.000 2.000 6010 Premium Pay 3,200 3,200 3,200 3200 6015 Wages PT - Temp 3,000 7,000 3.000 7.000 6122 PERA 13,110 13,490 40 40 140 140 110 110 13,400 13.780 6124 FICA 14,330 14,740 40 40 150 150 110 110 1.1.630 15,040 6135 Health 36,740 41,150 36,740 41.150 6139 PEHP 1,200 1,200 1200 1,200 6140 life 960 960 960 960 6145 Dental 1,920 1,920 1.920 1,920 6170 Workers Camp 11,050 11,360 30 30 120 120 90 90 11,290 11,600 6180 Compensated Absences 7,000 7,000 7,000 7.0CO 6185 OPEB 5,720 5,720 5,720 5,720 Total Personnel 279,400 290,200 610 610 2,410 2.410 1.810 1,810 284.230 295,030 6202 Operating Supplies 9,000 9,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 500 500 11,,500 14,500 6203 Tools 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6210 Office Supplies 500 500 500 500 6212 Unifol111s 1,800 1,800 1,800 1.800 6240 Equipment Maintenance 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6250 Merchandise 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6316 Equipment Maintenance 2,700 2,700 1,800 1,800 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 9,500 9,500 6327 Other Prof Services 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 6334 Telephone 1,500 1,500 1.500 1,500 6336 Printing/Publishing 750 750 750 750 6352 liability Insurance 900 900 900 900 6362 Elec Service-Truck Wash 3,800 4,000 3,800 4.000 6364 Water Service -Truck Wash 300 400 300 400 6410 LOG IS/Software 700 700 700 700 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 48,180 48,980 48,180 48,980 6472 Conf / School/ Training 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 6497 Fleet Charged Back (330,000) (330,000) (330,OOQ) (330,OGO) 6498 Expenses Charged Back 55,680 60,000 55,680 60.000 Total Supplies & Services (201,090) (195,970) 3,800 3,800 9.100 9AOO 3,500 3,500 (184,690) i179,270) 6740 Capital Expenditures Total $ 78,310 S 94,230 S 4,410 $ 4,410 S 11,510 S 11,810 $ 5.310 $ 5.310 $ 99,540 S 115,760 20 CITY OF SHAKOPEE 2010/2011 GENERAL FUND BUDGET DIVISION: PARK MAINTENANCE MISSION STATEMENT: To provide public services in a professional, cost-effective manner in order to maintain the public investment of infrastructure in parks and public grounds. ACTIVITY: Maintain athletic fields, rinks, trails, sidewalks, parking lots, playgrounds, park building/restrooms/shelters, public grounds, downtown streetscape, trees trimming/planting. GOALS: 1. Provide quality in maintaining athletic fields in a cost-effective manner. 2. Mow and trim parks and public grounds cost effectively. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: (* Does not include equipment rental rate.) Actual Budgeted Requested Requested 2008 2009 2010 2011 Cost to maintain athletic fields Wages and materials $221,334 $200,920 $193,550 $194,300 Population 33,660 33,860 34,000 34,200 Expenditure/Capita $6.58 $5.93 $5.69 $5.68 .. .. ..... .. Wages and supplies $44,249 $37,860 $51,430 $51,650 Acres of land mowed 404 412 412 412 Cost of mowing per acre $109.53 $91.89 $124.83 $125.36 Number of playgrounds 24 24 25 26 Number of athletic fields 81 81 82 83 Miles of Trails 39 39 39 40 Staff . 2008 2009 2010 2011 Park Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Operator 7 7 7 7 OBJECT DESCRIPTION: Description of lines items: Salaries: Public Works Director (10%), Public Works Supervisor (25%), 1 Park Supervisor, 7 Maintenance Operators, Secretary(30%). Salaries - Temp: Temporary employees - (8 summer) 21 Operating Supplies (6202): Flower planting ($6,000), Hockey rink repairs ($500), Irrigation system ($7,500), Athletic Field Supplies ($10,000), Floor mats ($500), Playground equipment/safety mulch ($8,000), Picnic tables ($500), Fence supplies ($1,000), Safety Supplies ($1,500), Stadium Seats ($2,500), Small Hand Tools ($1,000), Vandalism ($1,500), Lightbulbs/Ballasts/Parking Lot Lights ($1,000), Restroom Supplies ($1,500), Miscellaneous ($3,000). Office Supplies (6210): ($500) Uniforms (6212): ($3,900) Materials (6215): Trees/shrubs ($1,000), Sod/seed ($4,000), Ballfield aggregate ($5,000), Fertilizer ($9,500), Weed killer ($8,500), Concrete/pavers ($5,000), Concrete/paver sealer ($2,000), Landscape mulch ($1,500), Miscellaneous ($2,500). Motor Fuels & Lubricants (6222): Management(0621) ($39,000)(2010) ($47,000)(2011) Building Maintenance (6230): Window/door replacement ($1,000), Youth building ($l,OOO), RPZ Testing ($4,000), Miscellaneous ($4,000). Equipment Maintenance (6240): Vehicle maintenance ($8,000), Car/Truck Washes ($2,000), Athletic Field Light/Scoreboard Repairs ($6,000). Professional Services Building Maintenance (6315): Youth building ($4,000). Professional Equipment Maintenance (6316): Vehicle maintenance ($87,500), Equipment maintenance ($15,000). Pavement Preservation (6322): Trail/Parking Lots/Courts maintenance ($90,000) Other Professional Services (6327): Contract cleaning of park buildings ($13,000), Irrigation system maintenance ($1,000), Miscellaneous ($2,500). Telephone (6334) Telephone ($2,000) Utility Service (6360): Gas, electric, telephone for park buildings, rinks, athletic fields and youth building ($105,000) 22 Software (6410): ($6,500) Equipment Rent -IS Fund (6425): Equipment rent ($55,100)(2010), ($56,000)(2011) Building Rent -IS Fund (6430): Public Works buildings 29% ($58,212), (2010) ($59,200)(2011) Other Rent (6435) Park Assets Rent ($271,680) (2010), ($271,680)(2011), Satellites for ball-fields ($12,000). Conf/SchooljTraining (6472): ($3,500) Dues (6480): ($100) Subscriptions/Publications (6490): ($100) Expense Charge Back (6498): ($62;520)(2010) ($65,000)(2011) Special Assessments (6620): Assessments ($27,560)(2010) $27,560(2011) Capital Expenditures (6740): None. 23 R5509BUD SH005PV CITY OF SHAKOPEE 7/31/2009 12:00:50 By Co, Div (pb). Object (2 Yr Bdgt) - Portrait Budget Report Page - 1 Fiscal Period: 6 I 09 Level Of Rollup 6 2007 2008 6/3012009 2009 2010 2011 Actual Actual YTD Final Proposed Proposed Object Code I Description Amount Amount Actual Budget Budget Budget --_._~ 01000 GENERAL FUND 46 PARK MAINTENANCE 6000 EXPENOITURES 6001 WAGES & BENEFITS 6002 WAGES 423,832 460,401 232,611 514,030 471,880 476,790 6100 BENEFITS 128,638 145,776 75,119 180,440 176,340 184,450 -- 6001 WAGES & BENEFITS 552,470 606,177 307,730 694,470 648,220 661,240 6200 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 6201 SUPPLIES & SERVICES 185,599 134,273 41,287 169,250 154,400 162,400 6300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 64,078 176,363 42,992 154,500 213,000 213,000 6330 COMMUNICATIONS 2,206 2,059 961 2,000 2,000 2,000 6350 INSURANCE 77,051 80,315 83,400 82,900 83,400 6360 UTILITY SERVICE 76,207 100,372 35,365 84,000 105,000 105,000 6400 RENTALS 153,149 262,866 105,623 210,600 403,490 405,380 6470 DUESrrRAININGrrRAVEL 3,681 3,169 1,589 3,700 3,700 3,700 6498 EXPENSE CHARGED BACK 61,598 32,467 62,520 62,520 65,000 6200 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 623,568 791,883 227,816 769,970 1,027,010 1,039,880 6500 DEPRECIATION 6600 MISCELLANEOUS 6620 PROPERTY TAXISPECIAL ASSESS 41,754 29,634 33,964 30,560 27,560 27,560 -_._,._~ 6600 MISCELLANEOUS 41,754 29,634 33,964 30,560 27,560 27,560 6700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6740 EQUIPMENT 29,771 6,124 6760 IMPROVEMENTS 21,850 -_.__..~- --,- --. 6700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 51,621 6,124 6800 DEBT SERVICE --_...._------~--- 6000 EXPENDITURES 1,217,792 1,479,315 575,634 1,495,000 1,702,790 1,728,680 ----_._~ 46 PARK MAINTENANCE 1,217,792 1,479,315 575,634 1,495,000 1,702.790 1,728,680 -_._-_._-~ -- 01000 GENERAL FUND 1,217,792 1,479,315 575,634 1,495,000 1,702,790 1,728,680 25 Park 2010-11 Budget 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 0621 0621 0622 0622 0623 0623 0624 0624 0625 Manage- Manage- Athletic Athle!ic Park Eq Object Description men! ment Park Maint Park Main! Mow I Trim Mow I Trim Fields Fields Main! 6002 Wages FT - Reg. $ 147,340 $ 149,120 $ 19,770 $ 19,990 $ 16,540 $ 16,730 $ 56,490 $ 57,130 $ 10,090 6005 Wages - OT - Reg 1,250 1,250 750 750 750 750 6010 Premium Pay 3,200 3,200 6015 Wages PT - Temp 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 22,000 22,000 6,000 6,000 1,000 6122 PERA 10,800 10,920 1,650 1,660 2,700 2,710 4,430 4,470 780 6124 FICA 11,800 11,940 1,800 1,820 2,950 2,960 4,840 4,890 850 6135 Health 60,220 67,450 6139 PEHP 2,400 2,400 6140 Life 2,110 2,110 6145 Dental 3,840 3,840 6170 Workers Comp 5,970 6,030 760 760 1,240 1,250 2,040 2,060 360 6180 Compensated Absences 11,000 11,000 6185 OPEB 11,430 11,430 Total Personnel 273,860 283,190 27,730 27,980 45,430 45,650 74,550 75,300 13,080 6202 Operatin9 Supplies 1,000 1,000 500 500 22,500 22,500 6210 Office Supplies 500 500 6212 Uniforms 3,900 3,900 6215 Materials 3,500 3,500 5,500 5,500 17,000 17,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 39,000 47,000 6230 Building Maintenance 6240 Equipment Maintenance 6,000 6,000 10,000 6315 Building Maintenance 6316 Equipment Maintenance 15,000 15,000 87,500 6322 Pavement Preservation 6327 Other Prof Services 5,500 5,500 6334 Telephone 2,000 2,000 6352 Liability Insurance 12,500 13,000 6354 Property Insurance 66,000 66,000 6356 Auto Insurance 4,400 4,400 6360 Utility Service 6362 Electric Service 14,020 14,000 39,000 39,000 6364 Water 7,300 7,300 2,000 2,000 6365 Gas 6366 Sewer 280 290 6368 Storm 400 410 6410 LOG IS/Computer Software 6,500 6,500 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 55,100 56,000 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 58,210 59,200 6435 Other Rent 12,000 12,000 6472 Conf / School/ Training 3,500 3,500 6480 Dues 100 100 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 100 100 6498 Expenses Charged Back 62,520 65,000 6620 Special Assessments 27,560 27,560 Total Supplies & Services 341,890 354,760 26,500 26,500 6,000 6,000 119,000 119,000 97,500 6740 Capital Expenditures Total $ 615.750 $ 637,950 $ 54,230 $ 54,480 $ 51,430 $ 51,650 $ 193,550 $ 194,300 $ 110.580 26 Park 2010-11 Budget 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 0625 0626 0626 0627 0627 0628 0628 0629 0629 0630 Park Eq Park Park Youth Object Description Maint Rinks Rinks Snow Snow Buildings Buildings Tree Tree Building 6002 Wages FT - Reg. $ 10,200 $ 13,720 $ 13,870 $ 12,510 $ 12,650 $ 35,510 $ 35,910 $ 14,120 $ 14,280 $ 10,670 6005 Wages - aT - Reg 750 750 5,500 5,500 500 6010 Premium Pay 6015 Wages PT - Temp 1,000 2,000 2,000 500 500 4,000 4,000 500 6122 PERA 780 1,010 1,020 1,400 1,410 2,520 2,550 1,270 1,280 820 6124 FICA 860 1,110 1,120 1,530 1,540 2,750 2,790 1,390 1,400 890 6135 Health 6139 PEHP 6140 Life 6145 Dental 6170 Workers Comp 360 470 470 640 650 1,160 1,170 580 590 380 6180 Compensated Absences 6185 OPEB Total Personnel 13.200 17,060 17.230 23,580 23,750 42.440 42,920 21,360 21,550 13.760 6202 Operating Suppiies 500 500 3,500 3,500 500 500 6210 Office Suppiies 6212 Uniforms 6215 Materials 1,000 1,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 6230 Building Maintenance 9,000 9,000 1,000 6240 Equipment Maintenance 10,000 6315 Building Maintenance 4,000 6316 Equipment Maintenance 87,500 6322 Pavement Preservation 6327 Other Prof Services 10,500 10,500 6334 Telephone 6352 Liability Insurance 6354 Property Insurance 6356 Auto Insurance 6360 Utility Service 6362 Electric Service 4,540 3,590 2,500 6364 Water 2,000 2,000 200 6365 Gas 7,210 7,430 1,000 6366 Sewer 450 470 300 6368 Storm 23,800 24,510 6410 LOG IS/Computer Software 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 6435 Other Rent 271,680 271,680 6472 Conf / School/ Training 6480 Dues 6490 Subscriptions/Pubiications 6498 Expenses Charged Back 6620 Special Assessments Total Supplies & Services 97,500 500 500 332.680 332,680 1,500 1,500 9,000 6740 Capital Expenditures Total $ 110,700 $ 17,560 $ 17,730 $ 23,580 $ 23.750 $ 375,120 $ 375,600 $ 22,860 $ 23,050 $ 22,760 27 Park 2010-11 Budget 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 0630 0632 0632 0633 0633 0635 0635 0636 0636 Youth Trail School School Bldg & Bldg & Playgr. Playgr, Object Description Building Trail Maint Maint Fields Fields Grounds Grounds Maint Maint 6002 Wages FT - Reg. $ 11,030 $ 6,460 $ 6,530 $ 12,110 $ 12,240 $ 14,530 $ 14,690 $ 29,050 $ 29,380 6005 Wages - aT - Reg 500 500 500 6010 Premium Pay 6015 Wages PT - Temp 500 6,000 6,000 500 500 6122 PERA 840 450 460 880 890 1,440 1,450 2,070 2,090 6124 FICA 920 490 500 960 970 1,570 1,580 2,260 2,290 6135 Health 6139 PEHP 6140 Life 6145 Dental 6170 Workers Comp 390 210 210 410 410 660 670 950 960 6180 Compensated Absences 6185 OPEB Total Personnel 14.180 7,610 7,700 14,860 15,010 24,200 24.390 34,830 35,220 G202 Operating Supplies 2,000 2,000 8,000 8,000 6210 Office Supplies 6212 Uniforms 6215 Materials 5,500 5,500 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 6230 Building Maintenance 1,000 6240 Equipment Maintenance 6315 Building Maintenance 4,000 6316 Equipment Maintenance 6322 Pavement Preservation 90,000 90,000 6327 Other Prof Services 500 500 6334 Telephone 6352 Liability Insurance 6354 Properly Insurance 6356 Auto Insurance 6360 Utility Service 6362 Electric Service 2,500 6364 Water 200 6365 Gas 1,000 6366 Sewer 300 6368 Storm 6410 LOGlS/Computer Software 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 6435 Other Rent 6472 Conf / School/Training 6480 Dues 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 6498 Expenses Charged Back 6620 Special Assessments Total Supplies & Services 9.000 90,000 90.000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6740 Capital Expenditures Total $ 23,180 $ 97,610 $ 97,700 $ 14,860 $ 15,010 $ 32,200 $ 32,390 $ 42.830 $ 43,220 28 Park 2010-11 Budget 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 0637 0637 0640 0640 Vandalis Vandalis Down. Down. Object Description m m town town Total Total 6002 Wages FT - Reg. $ 2,020 $ 2,040 $ 5,250 $ 5,300 $ 406,180 $ 411,090 6005 Wages - OT - Reg 500 500 10,500 10,500 6010 Premium Pay 3.200 :3.200 6015 Wages PT - Temp 4,000 4,000 52.000 52.000 6122 PERA 140 140 680 690 33.040 33,360 6124 FICA 150 160 750 750 36,090 36,490 6135 Health 60,220 67,450 6139 PEHP 2,400 2,400 6140 Life 2,110 2,110 6145 Dental 3,840 3,840 6170 Workers Comp 70 70 310 320 16.210 16.370 6180 Compensated Absences '11.000 11,000 6185 OPEB 11.430 11,430 Total Personnel 2,380 2.410 11,490 11,560 648,220 661,240 6202 Operating Supplies 1,500 1,500 6,000 6,000 46,000 46,000 6210 Office Supplies 500 500 6212 Uniforms 3,900 3,900 6215 Materials 6,500 6,500 39.000 39,000 6222 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 39.000 47,000 6230 Building Maintenance 10.000 10,000 6240 Equipment Maintenance 16.000 16,000 6315 Building Maintenance 4,000 4,000 6316 Equipment Maintenance 102,500 102,500 6322 Pavement Preservation 90,000 90,000 6327 Other Prof Services 18,500 16,500 6334 Telephone 2.000 2.000 6352 Liability Insurance 12,500 13.000 6354 Property Insurance 66.000 66,000 6356 Auto Insurance 4.400 4,400 6360 Utility Service 6362 Electric Service 60,060 59,090 6364 Water 11,500 11,500 6365 Gas 8.210 8,430 6366 Sewer 1.030 1,060 6368 Storm 24.200 24.920 6410 LOG IS/Computer Software 6.500 6,500 6425 Equipment Rent (IS FUND) 55,100 56,000 6430 Building Rent (IS FUND) 58,210 59,200 6435 Other Rent 283,660 283,680 6472 Conf I School /Training 3,500 3,500 6480 Dues 100 100 6490 Subscriptions/Publications 100 100 6498 Expenses Charged Back 62.520 85.000 6620 Special Assessments 27.560 27,560 Total Supplies & Services 1,500 1.500 12,500 12,500 1,054.570 1 ,087,440 6740 Capital Expenditures Total $ 3.880 $ 3.910 $ 23,990 $ 24,080 $ 1,702,790 $ 1.728,680 29 ..-,~.~ 3, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2010 CIP 2010 CIP .....-- J ...- ... Overlay/Recon & year projection Year R;eport Planned Difference 2007 $1,957,000 $1,740,000 (actual) -$217,000 2008 $1,980,000 $1 ,504,000 (actual) ..$476,000 2009 $2,023,000 $1,510,000 -$513,000 2010 $2,085,000 $2,155,000 $70,.000 2011 $2125000 $3,780,000 $.1,655,000 , . ,. . *2012 $2,186,000 $1,550,000 -$636,000 Total $12,356,000 $12,239,000 -$117,000 *2013 $2,251 ] 580 $1,405,000 ...$846,580 *2014 $2319100$1 455 000 -$864,1 00 , J' ..).) Total $16,926,680$16,649,000 -$1,827,680 'Ie Not included in the pavement management report Applied a 30/0 inflation factor. ..,,~.,>,,",-,-,'."W",.'!_"" _W",._"_"~.'''''_''~'''''''''''''' .,-,-c-.'_~'->",",'~ "'- ".."",~ ,'~~'.,.'. . .i~mlI1._'\1~1!~'II~~I!jl~!I~~j~~~~k~~ijiH3;";''''''''..... :...-.. state Aid I Street Fund 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Balanoe 1/1 $3.,086,935 $413521234 $4,091,416 $3,594,969 $4,197,743 $5,086,641 $5,785,540 Maintenance Allocation $215,010 $248.,331 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 Construction Allooation $1,039,812 $226,439 $700,000 $750,000 $750,0.00 $750,000 Turn Back Funds $1,320,000 Interest $123,477 $19'51851 $184,114 $1161,774 $188,898 $228,899 $260,349 Total Revenue $4,465,234 $4,796" 416 $4,751,969 $6,026,743 $5,386,641 $6,315,540 $7,045,889 Expenditure $113,000 $3801000 $780,000 $1,529,000 $0 $230,000$1,120,000 Transfer to general fund $3251000 $377,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,00.0 Balanoe $4,352,234 $4,091..416 $3,594,969 $4,197,743 $5,086,641 $5,785;540 $5,625,889 Assumes 4.5% interest on previous end of the year balance. --- "l-'" ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2010 CIP Sanitary Sewer Projects .,--".." ~ ....",\...,'"'.,'-'.,'..,..".. ,,,,,_,-,,,,~'.'C'c-"-",,"_,-s_,,_ pj~MI~rl~I!I~j~lltiilml~~!ml;~\;;1;;H;i\iim;i3\"';'",',_.. ., -.:. ~- .. City of Shakopee CaPital Improvement Program 2010.2014 Pf9Je!;t Menager: Project Type: Project TItle: Total Project Co.st: Bruc:e un~y Sanltal')l Sewer Annual CUf~d~lrt.ph\Ce Pl:pe Projed $400,000,00 A" e~ dlture Items: .. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land 8. ROW Constnrotlon 37.0.000 300,000 lfi1)to\l&l'FIei'lts 1;. ll'leerin IAdmin. 30.000 30 900 Tobl! 400000 . 390 000 - . B.~P:uJ1d'n Source: Giil!neral Fund Caplmllmpr.owment Fund Park R.seM fund Gm.l'll$ ($pecifY) Donations {specify') Smte Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 400.000 390,000 Sanltarysewar fund-Trunk Storm Orainaijolil Funr;l.ea'Se Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Ta"X la ,Total .. u39O,OOO.. . . ". .. set Piton: ~ ""..., """,0"",",,'"'' P.... "",)oel. 'l Justification: . . Ne;t:essary to ~xte;11d the life of existing sa nitary $~r, Other Comments: Projeot area to ba determined based on yearly tlitlevising. ODl!l'1rtioo Costs: PROJECT :lOCATION "l -~ .It ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2010 CIP Storm Sewer Projects . ~. . Cif;y of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Man..ger: ProJej%t Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney SfDrm Sewer Annual Erosion Control $300,000.00 A. Ex "dare Items: 2010 "2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Conslru clion 125,000 125,000 Impl"O\I;e,ments En ineerinAdmin. 25 00.0 25 000 Tood 150,000 150,000 - - - B. ,Fund'in Source: General Fund Oapitallmprovament Fund Ps.rk :Re$ewe Fund Grants (speCify) Donations {specify} Slate Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer FUnd.aas~ Sanitary $ewerFund~Trun;k Storm Drainage Fund.Base 150,000 150,000 Storm Drainage Fund- Trunk Tax La Totti' 1S0,OOO 150,000 - - - ~$cJiptipn; + Annua' ",..I.n ConIroI "")e'" I J st' ation: I Areas may need to be fixed to meet NPOES requirements, Other Comments: The swrm sewer olJlfalls 21'101'19 the river must be inspected prior to deliO<rmining a project area. Opera'lllul Costs: PROJeCT LOCATION y .. ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2010 CIP Street Improvement Projects ~~:;"-'.,,~,::~~;~:;~,," -'.,', ;;-;;.~~~~;:,:-~~~;:~<~_;,~,~~..;c~;'~-:''"'~' Bli~l~l~il'lilll~ll'ilil~'~11j;iiini~;;m;i'Mm""".,..,..,., 'J '~ ~ ,. City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010.02014 Project Manag.er: Project Type; Project Title: Tot~1 Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Annual Seal Coat $390,000 A. Ex nditure ftems: 20141 2011 2012 2013 2014 land & ROW CQnstmcliQn 390,000 400,000 415,000 450.000 450,000 Improvements E ineerin fAdmin. .. Total 390000 405 000 415000 450 000 450 000 B. :Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Impro\lfl me nt fund Park R4ilse:m Fund Grants: (specify) O\onatlons (developer escrow) 13,000 Slaltl Aid 37'7,000 300,000 :3(10,000 300,000 300,000 Assessments Sanitary Sewe-r Fund.Sase Sanitary Sew'e'r Fund. Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk TalCle 105.000 115000 100 000 150000 Total 405,000 415,000 450,000 400,000 (' Deserl t n: + So" _. ...ok...l and..___, . I ~ustlflcation: Seal ocate and crack seals are es.sential parts of an effective Pavecment PJ'e$>6lVatlol'l progr,a M. other Comments: Project orea 'will be determined on a yearly basis. Ooeratlna Costs: PROJECT lOCATION -, . "- City of Shakopee Oa.pitallmprovement Program 2010..2014 Project Mamtger; Projett TYpe: Project Title: Total Project Cost: aru(;~ It;lflftY Streete: Qn$tmctiol1 201G SU'~~ R~oonsttuctiOJt $1..970,\100 A. ~Ex ndilure Items: 2010 2Q11 2012 2013 2014 Land .& ROW Construction 1,620.000 If'llllroVemel'lts E In~eTln {Admin. 350.000 Total 1 97n ono . . - . B. : FundlnSource: Gene-reI! Fund Ct\plmllmprOVen!\i)nt fund Pa~k Reserve Fund Granl$. (speoify) Donations (specify) 310,000 (SPUC) Slat~ AId Assessments 370,000 Sanitary Sewar fund.Base 250.000 Sanit<llY S~r flmd.Tnmk $wrm Orain~ge Fund-elilSi '120.000 .storm Oraina;gEi Fund-Trunk Tax La , Total . . . (' [)eseI' nUon: }4 Sanitary sewer, storm !Sewer, watefTllain and streEtt reconslruction of 7th and 8th t Awl.... from Ma".' Stroot to 0&<1 of Da>ola Stroot, Mioo._ - and OakotaStrelllt, from 7th Avenue to Shakopee Avanue and ShakoP8e AVenl,le I from Main Street to Mark&t Street. Justification: Continua with too rehabilitaUon of the Cily's infrastructure in the o!dersectioos of the City. Other Comll'lents: Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up {)r !roved back in the OIl', OooratinaCosts: PROJECT lOCATION ~ ., ,., City of Shako pee Capital Improvement P.rogram 10104014- project Manager. P fQje.etType: Project Title: Total Project 00$1; Bruce Loney Street ConstRIction CSAH 21 - CSAH 18 to CSAH 42 $1,018.000 A. Exndlture Uem$: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014- Land 8. ROW Construction 582,000 253,000 Improvements En .jneeri tAd min. 1~O.000 ~3,OOO Tota. 102 000 316,000 - - - B. Fundln Source; General; Fund Capital Improvement Fund 175,000 19.000 Park Reserve Fond Grants (specify) Donations {specify) State Aid 175,000 79,000 Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sfli'lililry Sewer FUfiu:Hrunk Storm Drainage FuneH3ast! 352.000 155,000 Swrm Dr.alnage FUnd-Trunk Tall:Ll1lv Total 316.000 - . - " DescrlDtion: ~ ......k>" 01 CSAH 21 fmm C$AH ,. '" CSAH 42. .. Justification: .. SoottCoooly tmUie will warrant the construction of CSAH 21. Other Comments: Cily oosts will b& for fi. bituminous trail, a traffic signal, st.orm sewer ,and cmb 8; gulter. Scolt. County has received Feders t Granls for construction. Costs rshovm above are the City's portlol'l of the project. Totall estimated projact OO'6t i$ $26,000,000. Ooeratlna Costs: PROJECT LOCATION ) . "" City of Shako pee Capital Improvement Program _ 2010:-20'14 Project Manageil'~ ProjeCt Type: Projectlitle: 2010 Bit Overlay Total Project COtt: erUC~ Loney Stffml Construction Vierling Drive: $215.000 A. Ex J'lclltu~!tem$-;u___ __ 2010 ,_.._2011 _._._ __2012 2013 .---,"---- 2014., Land & 'R0'iN Construction :225,000 Improvements Enin~u)fl {Admin, 50.000 Totat 2750GO . . .~ . B. ,Funclln $Ql!rc::e: .- -- __ ____ m.___ _ u ____. Genma! Fund Capimllmprovemenl Fund ParK Resel'\l& Fund Gram$. ($pecilY) Donat/om (spooil'y) State Aid 195.000 Assessments 80,000 Sanitary Sewer FlIoo.Base Sal"lllary SElW$r Fund.TJ!Unk Storm Oraina;ge Fund.Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax lA Total 215,(01) ~ . - l'II: Description: j Biluminous Overlay. Vierling Drive; from C.R. 79 to west of Kennsingtoo Drive. + ,. Justiffaltlon: , ,:{ Continuation of the City's Pavement Preserva.tion Program to maintain existing inffastrutture. Other Comments: Bllumioous. overlays al'amor& oost effective than reconstructing pavements. Vier1iog DriVE!! will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the: CliP. OllftratinaCosts: :PROJECT LOCATION .'1' . .- City of Shakopee CaP'itallmpro~ement program 2010~2014 PIOJect Manotger; project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: a"ijc~ ll)~Y St...t C(ln$ttuetij,ln 2&10 Pa'lffl!1lent Pf~$el'V~tli:Ul $640,OOU: A. Ex dlture Items: 2010 2011 ~O12 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 570.000 lfi'1)rovemel'ils J: In&&rin IAdmin. 70 000 Total 640 000 - ~ . ~ B. ; Fundln Source: Gene-ral Fund Caflltallmprwe I"!'leot Fund Park: R"em Fund Granb> ('Spaoify) OQnation$ ($peely) State Aid; 410,000 Assessments 180.000 SanitOiiTY Se\lt.!er ftind~BaS(! Sanitary Sew&r FI.An(Hrunk Storm Omintilge Fund-ease 50,000 storm Drainage FumHn,mk Tax~ Total . . - Dest:r l)t; .. n: Bitumll'lous Overlay. 4th Avenue, from Gorman Street to Scott Street; Spe'fi'oer Str$et, from 4th AV$flU6 to Shakopee Avenue: Roundhouse Circle aM Sarazin $treet south of Eegl#;tCreek eoulevard. Justification: CQnlinuatjon of the City's PaViflTll1fnt Preservation Progrllffi t-o improV1\l paved rOOir:lways. Other Comments: eituminQus overlays are much fOOre CQst effective than reconstructing pav~ment$. Streets wiill 00 evaluated each year and may 00 moved up or moved back in the elF'. OveratlnaCosts: PROJ1!Cr LOCATION . ~ or City of Sha.kopee Capitallmpr:.,vement P.rogram 20104014 Project Ma"~er. PrQje.ct Ty~; P,roject Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Railroad SignaliUi'lion $700,000 A. Ex diture Items: 2010 2011 2012 201S. :2014 Land &FtOW C;mstruclion 000,000 ImprovelMnt$ En lneeri {Admin, 100.000 Total 100 000 . - - . B. ,Fundln Sou ree; General: Fund Capilallmprovement Fund 100,000 Patk ReselVe Fund Gmnls (specify) Donatiom {specify) 600.000 (MNtOOTj Slate Aiel Assessments SamJary Sewer Fund.Ba!5e Sanllary SewerFund~Trunk Storm Dralnag.l) Fl.lfid-13ase storm Drainage FUnd-Trunk Tax lev Total . . - . j OescrilJtion: + AI gm.. ~'ood _' ~ S~ s_t.~ ~p ~~I .-,_ o_ J signal du& to traffIC volumes at these inlerscetioM. i Justification: I Traffic volumi!l1!i or vehicles crossing, incniased number or trains liI.rId possihle increased speed of trains warrant the signa.! instal!atkm. Other Comments: Funding from the State of Minnesota is progmltll'i'ledfor thfie internectiol'llil. City oost is fOr 10% of sigoal cost and' roadway realiglloo to plaoe signals. Overatlna Costs: PROJECT LOCATION . !'-. . City of ShAko"..e C.apitallmprovement Program Z010~Z014 proJeGt M.mager, project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street ConstNdlon Main Street Reconstruction $170,000 A. Ex nditure Items:: 201& 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land 8. ROW Construction 130,000 ImpfQlle~tlts E . ineerln fAdmin, 40,000 u,T9t,,1 . ,.170 01l0. ~ . .... . B. : Fundln Source: General Fund Capih\llmprovement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (spooify) i:Xll'letlons ($pecify) 50,000 ($PUC) Stakl Air::! Assessrrlij111s 25,000 Sanitary Sewer FYnd~e:a$l\l 45.000 Sanitary Se\ver Fund. Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund. Trunk Tax le Total ~ . . - D@&c' i Uon: I Reconstruction of Main Street north of H\IIIY. 1ot. + ............, . Aging infrastructure should be replaoed and sanitary $(i".'\i'er should be rerouted to eliminate shallow linoo. Other Comments: Coold be constructed as part of the HVIti, 101 improvements. Ooeratlna Costs: PROJECT LOCATION . ~ . City of Shakopee Capita' Improvement Program 2010..2014- Project Mal1iigt!lt; project Typei prOject lUll!!: Total project CQst: Bruce lon.ey Street Construction C.R. 101 lmpi'OllCments, frQm CSAH $110,00.0 11 to S . @nem' Street A. Ex enditlJre Items: 2010 20.11 20.12 2013 2014 Land & RCIJN Construction 570,000 Improvements E inee' lAd min;. 140.000 Tota. 110000 . . . .. B. ,fundln Source: General! Fund CapilallMpi'OVemMt Food 325.000 ParkRe~IVEli Fund Gmms. ($fJeeify) ()QnaUon$ {s~Ctfy} Stlte Aid Assessments Sanitary Se_r Fund-Base 200,000 Sanitaf)' Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 125,000 Storm Drainage Fund.Tf'LII1k Taxle Total .. - . .. .. OMcrlDtlon: ~ "'- _""'_. """" _..nd ....rmaln _...n.. ioCR. 101. I from CSAH 17 to Spencer Slreet l / Justification: Other Comments: This would be a Counl.y project 'II1Iilh till} Cfty contributing funds for sanitary sewer, 'Storm sewer, street lighting. sidewalk am:ls6f'1tlrekl etlrh BiRd EfYlteF. Costs abOVe are only for tM City's portion of the project. Oceratlna Costs: PR.OJECT LOCA ltON .. ~, ~ city of Shako.,.... capital IMprovement Pt09r~m2010-2014 p#'oJllId Manager: prOJKt Type: Project Title; TObit Project Cost; BrucQ Loney Street Construction Shenandoah 8US~M$S Park $500,000 1m rovemltnts A. ex nd.ture hems: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW ConsUoollon 400,000 IfI1)fO\femimts E ineerin IAdmin, 100 000 .Total 500 000 ~ ~ ~ ~ S. ,Fundi Source; General Fund CapllallrnprovementFl.lnd Park R~5el'Ve Fund Grants (specify) Oo;natiofis {specify) Slate Aid Assessments 500,000 Sanitary Sewer FlJnd~Base Sanitary Sewer fund-Trunk Slotm lJrainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax La Total - - - . t' DucrlDtfon~ ,,- ll"lfrastruclur~ for IndustrIal Property ea'Stof Shenandoah Drive and North of + ~.urlh Avo..., " JUstification: , .. Sanitaty sewer, 'Wateri"l'1ail'l,stofli'J sewer and streets are needed to serve !his development Other Comments~ Property o~r may request a 429 Special Assessment AJblio IfI1)fOVemeflt Project Developer may waht to requestassismnoo from City due to the subsurface conditions and to a!lowsanilary sewer and storm se\lVef lift stations to develop the site. Qneratlna CostS: PROJECT lOCATlON .. ~ ~' City of ShakopeD Cap,ibl Improvement Program 20104014 Project Man~ger. Project TYpe; Project Title; Total Project CO$t: Bruce: Loney Street Construction opus Development $1,400,000 A. Ex ..ndlture ltem$: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land .& :ROW Construction 1,100,000 lmprl\i\,ermtnh. En ioeeri IAdmin. 300.000 falsi ",400 OM - - - - e. ,Fundin Source: Genersl: Fund Capilallmprover:l1&lit Food P.arkReserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid AS$e$$ment'S 1,400.000 Samtary Sewer Fund-Base Sinltary SeW&rFl#id~Tj'lJfik SI.crm Drainage FUl"lcli-l3ssEI Storm Drajnag$ Fund-TrlJl'lk Ta1C Le TOIIlI . - .. - OeEribtion: I Exfension of a road and utilities to allow for further subdivision of propiil'rty .' + _lad"........... ""'" t , Justification: r. Owner petitioned the City for improvements and has requesttld thai the projlwt be put on hold. ~Uher Comments: Ooeratina Costs: PROJ:ECT lOCATION . ..- K ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2010 CIP Miscellaneous Projects :~:;')~:':'~~~~~""" , .~lilrimi[~~I{l~1IiFlI1j~I!111HITj;it;tltii:"?V"'.a,"",.,., .. -=-... City of Shako pee Capitat'mprov@mant P,l'ogram 2.0104014 Project Manager~ Pf9je'l;t Type; Project TUle: Tot.,1 Project Cost: Bruce lOM)! Street Construction TH300 Reconstruction $2,200,000 A. Ex dltu/l! Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land 3 iROW Construction 1, {SO,OOO Imprmt~ments. t:n ineeri fA~mrn. 450.000 Tota' - 2,200,000 - - - B. ,Fundln Source: General Fund Clipilallmprovement Fmd Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donalioll$ (specify) 250,000 (Sf/Ve) Slale Aid 1,320,000 {StfJIte Tumback Funds} ASMssments 380,000 Sanilary Sewer FUrl(M1ase 250.000 Sanilary Sewer Ft.ft'ld~Trul'lk Storm Drainage FYncH:la~ Storm Ore1na-g& Fun~Hrunk Ta)(le TOfal - 2.200,000 - . - j Descrictkm; Reconstruction of old T. H. 300. 61h AVEll1ue, from 10th Avenue 10 Adams Street ~ and 10th AWl'nue, from 6th Avenue to C.R. 69- Justification: To continue with the rahabilltation of the City's infrastructure in the older'l!ections of the oommunily. Qther Comment!}: Cily does qualify for Slate lumbaok funas for improving Ok! T.H. 300, whi~h hils been tum backed 10 the City, ODeratinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION -~ C_-II( City of ShakopM' Oa:piiallmprovement Program 2010~2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Proj.ed Cost: 6ruce Loney $U~CQ~$tl'U~tiOJl 2011 RecQn$tmctiOh PtQj~C.t $1.950,000 A, ex dlture Items: .2010 .2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Constwetlon 1.750.000 Improv&l'I"Ie Ilts E ineerin IAdrnin, 2QO.QOO Tot.., . 1 950 000 = - . 8: :Furidh1 S<nU'(:;e: GQo&ral Fund CapltallmprOWil"l'\eflt Fund Park R&serve Fund Gmnt!> ($p&oify} Donatjems {speclty) 410,000 (SPUC) Slat~ A.id: As~ssmenttl 335.000 Sanitary Sewer Ft.md..Base 320,000 Sanltafy' S~r Fund.Tn,J:I'lk Storm Drainagtll Fund-ease 100,000 Storm Drainage Fwd-Trunk Tax lEI 7a5,OQO Total ., 1,951),000, . - .. [)es-cril3ton: ~ ....... .....'Y ....." stmm....., .Ad ""..""'~ ",,,,,!l1Mldion, Justification: . ... T() COll!jn1,l9 with tnj(l rel1abjlitafir:)J) of the City's infrastructure, Oth.er Comments: Streets should be reconstructed with old ni. 300. Turnback funds for T.H. 300 are available in 2011, ODeratinu Costs: PROJECT LOCATION f"'" ~..' " City of Sha.kopee Capital Improvement Program 2010..2014 rQ ed Manager: Project ype: PrQ !act utle: Qtal PrQl~ Co<st: Bruce Leney Street Construe.'on CSAH 11 Expansion $25,000,000 A. e~ endlture Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 !Land 8. ROW Construction .23,000,000 lmprovemi)f'ti$ En insert 'Admin. 2.000 000 Totat .. - .. - 25,000 000 ~. ,Fumtl S~"rc,: ----- --.--- ,..---- -, --- .-- ~.- --_.. Gef'llmil Ft.md Capil'allmprovement Fund 800;000 Park Reserve Fund Granls (!ij)eciry) Donalions ('SpecUy) 23.400,000 (Cour'ttyl Stale Aid 000,000 AllSe5$menta. Sarlilsry S&W'/!Ir FUl'lt'HJsse Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Dminage :Furtd-BMe Storm Drainage FuncHNi'lk TalC I.; rota~ - ~ - - 25.000,000 cr .. t Dn: Expansion of CSAH 17, from St Fmncis Avenue 10 CSAH 42. Justification; PrOjected traffic voluml')$ warmnt tlia exr,h~nsiol"i of CSAH 17. Cily t10sl$ will 00 for a bituminous trail, storm MtWer .and ooncrete cutha. gutter. PR.OJeCll0eA110N