HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. 10 Year Equipment Lists
I Police f5.
2010: 2 Patrol Cars ($82,000). Replace two patrol cars purchased in 2006.
2011: 2 Patrol Cars ($78,000). Replace two patrol cars purchased in 2007.
1 4x4 Patrol Vehicle ($44,000). Replace 4x4 vehicle purchased in 2006.
This vehicle will be evaluated at this time.
2012: 5 Patrol Cars ($200,000) . Replace 5 Patrol Cars purchased in 2008.
2013: 5 Patrol Cars ($200,000). Replace four patrol cars purchased in 2009;
and pne Sergeant's vehicle.
1 Chief's Vehicle ($30,000) . Replace one 2003 Chevrolet Impala.
2014: 2 Patrol Cars ($86,000) . Replace two patrol cars purchased in 2010.
I Fire I
2010: One Ton 4x4 with Grass Pak ($75,000) . Replacement for the 1996 Chevy
Pickup/grass pak. This unit is for fighting grass fires, towing the ice
angel and hauling hoses and equipment.
All-Terrain Vehicle with Grass Pack ($30,000) . This unit will replace
the 2000 Polaris 6x6. This unit is for fighting grass fires, swamp
fires, and removing patients from areas that a normal vehicle cannot
Fire Inspector Vehicle ($22,000). This unit will replace unit #9594-1994
. Chevy Suburban.
... .... -
2011: Airboat and Trailer ($65,000) . Replacement for the 1999 airboat and
trailer that is used for water rescues, diving and all ice rescues.
2012: No Anticipated Purchases.
2013: Chief's Vehicle ($35, OOO) . This unit will replace the 2003 Dodge Ram 4x4
chiefs' truck. This unit will be used for the Assistant Chief's
response to fire calls in the city.
2014: Aerial Truck ($1,700,000) . Replace Aerial truck purchased in 1994.
One Ton 4X4 with Grass pak ($78,000) . This unit will be an addition to
the fleet for Station 3 (Southbridge Station) . This unit is for fighting
grass fires, towing the six wheeler and hauling hoses and equipment.
I Building Inspection I
2010: 1 Inspector Vehicle ($22,000) . Replacement for unit #425, 1999 Ford
Ranger. Retain for rec. to replace 1992 GMC Sonoma. Retain for Park to
replace 1989 Chev S-10. Staff is researching options for the most cost
efficient and practical vehicle.
2011: 1 Inspector Vehicle ($23,000). Replacement for unit #421, 4x4 Ford
Ranger, acquired in 2000.
2012: 1 Inspector Vehicle ($24,000). Replacement for unit #424, 4x4 Chevy
S10, acquired in 2001.
1 Inspector Vehicle ($25,000) . Replacement for unit #426, 4x4 GMC ...
Sonoma, acquired in 2002.
2014: No Anticipated Purchases.
I Engineering I
2010: No Purchases.
2011: 2 Inspector Trucks ($48,000). Replacement for units #303 & #306, 4x4
Chevy extended cabs.
2012: 1 Inspector Trucks ($25,000) . Replacement for unit #302, 4x4 GMC 4x4
2013: No Anticipated Purchases.
2014: No Anticipated Purchases.
I Street I
2010: 1 Ton Pickup 4x4 with Plow ($35,000). Replaces existing unit #125, Chev
3500 4x4 with plow, acquired in 2000.
2011: No Anticipated Purchases.
2012: Pick-up Truck 4x4 with Plow ($38,000) . Replaces existing unit #163, 2002
Ford F350 4x4 truck.
2013: Alley Grader ($75,000) . Replace existing unit #123, 1993 Gehl.
2 Single Axle Dump Trucks ($325,000) . Replace existing units #106 &
#107, both 1998 Ford L8511 dump trucks.
2014: No Anticipated Purchases.
I Park Maintenance I
2010: Large Mower ($100,000). Replace unit #129, 2000 Taro Groundmaster 580D.
2011: 1 Truck Dual Wheel 2x4 ($38,000) . Replace for unit #114, Chevy C3500 I
acquired in 1993. To be evaluated yearly.
1 Ton pick Up Truck 4x4 wi th plow ($37,000) . Replace unit #161, 2001
Ford F350 4x4.
2012: No Anticipated Purchases.
2013: Garbage Truck ($85,000) . Replacement for unit 122, Isuzu Garbage Truck,
acquired in 2000. To be evaluated at this time.
1 pick Up Truck ($39,000). Replace unit #164, 2003 Ford F350 4x4 wfplow.
2014: 1 pick Up Truck ($40,000). Replace unit #165, 2004 Ford F350 4x4 wfplow.
I Recreation I
2010: No Anticipated Purchases.
2011: 1 Mini-van ($28,000) . Replace for unit #701, 2001 model. This unit will
be evaluated at this time.
2012: No Anticipated Purchases.
2013: No Anticipated Purchases.
2014: No Anticipated Purchases.
, Sewer Fund I
2010: ~ Ton 4x4 Dual Wheel pickup/Dump Box/Plow ($55,000). This is to replace
existing unit #128 a 2000 Ford F550.
2011: Sanitary Sewer Jetter/Vac ($250,000). Replacement for unit #144, 1993
Ford High PSI Jetter. This unit will be evaluated at this time.
Combination unit may be required if NPDES storm water regulations
require cleaning of storm sewer pipe.
2012: No Anticipated purchases.
2013: No Anticipated purchases.
2014: No Anticipated purchases.
I Stor.m Drainage Fund I
2010: No Anticipated purchases.
2011: No Anticipated purchases.
2012: No Anticipated purchases.
2013: Street Sweeper ($195,000). Replace existing unit #151, 2003 Elgin
Large Tractor/Mower ($80,000). Replace existing unit #172, 2003 John
Deere 4710 Tractor.
2014: No Anticipated purchases.
2010 2011 Wi 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Police 'w -,~ --
Marked Patrol Cars ,
Administrative Car 30,000 32.~
4x4 Patrol Car
Chiefs Car 30,000
Fire ,,~,
2 Trucks - Pumper , " "_I, . ","J,; ~., , '
EquipmenURescue Truck (Step Van) .-. 350,00~ .-
Truck -- Tanker/pumper --
Truck -- Medium Rescue(StepVan) , "
Airboat & Trailer ,
Aerial 1,700,000 ,--
Truck - T elesquirt , "" ,-- ~v,":~~~
-i;; "
One Ton 4x4 With Grass Pak 75,000 78,000
Chiefs Vehicle 1_3 , -'9'.
Fire Inspector Vehicle 22C1C1C1
All terrain vehicle/Grass Pak ,
Building .,
Inspector Vehicle (s) -
Engineering --
Pickup Truck 4X4
Loader ,
Single Axle Dump Truck/Equip .- " ~ 0 ''''x-
Alley Grader . 75,000
Asphalt Roller , ...,'
Truck n, 4x2 42,000 "'"
Pick-up Truck 4x4 w/plow O' ~
, ,; ,"~ ~
Asphalt Truck I 1 00,00~.1
Snow Blower " ., "",
Park I
Large Mower -- ,"" -
Pick-up Truck 4x4/with plow 37,000 39,000 40,000
R' ,.. ",^'" @ " -
Pick-up 2x4 1.5T. '.,,,,,Ji " "
Bucket truck
Tractor " '_m:~->
, '"
Skid steer
Small mower 1<' ,
... --
Garbage truck i.
Chipper ,
Hook Truck 180,000
Recreation Fund
Ice Resurfacer '.' .
Mini-van 28,000
Total Governmental Funds $ 366,000 $ 361 ,000 $ 287,000 $ 814,000 $ 1,904,000 $ 1,016,000 $ 693,000 $ 1,037,000 $ 2,229,000 $ 489,000
Sewer Fund
Low Pressure Jetter ,
Sewer Jetter/vac 250,000
non truck - dump box/plow "", '~ 1./ '" .; ;
Pick-up truck 4x4 w/plow 42,000
Storm Drainage Fund
Large Tractor/mower ,
Street Sweeper , 195,000 ~,' --' '- 200,000
Side Broom .' --
, .' '/
non truck -- dump box/plow I I I I I
Small Track hoe '"A"_' ,~~-
Budget 2009 - 10 Year Projection
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018
Projected Cash Balance 1/1 $ 4,164,870 $ 4,725,290 $ 5,329,103 $ 6,047,094 S 6,282,545 $ 5,450,852 $ 5,397,958 $ 5,681.419 $ 5,646,312 $ 4.433,795
Rentals 688,650 702,423 716,471 730,801 745,417 760,325 775,532 791,042 806,863 823,000
Sale of Assets 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000
Interest 145,770 165,390 186,520 211,650 219,890 190,780 188,930 198,850 197,620 155,180
Block 3 & 4 Note Payments 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 95,000
Total Revenue 926,420 964,813 1,004,991 1,049,451 1,072,307 963,105 976,462 1,001,892 1,016,483 990,180
Expenditures - open orders
Expenditures per List 366,000 361,000 287,000 814,000 1,904,000 1,016,000 693,000 1,037,000 2,229,000 489,000
Excess (Deficiency) 560,420 603,813 717,991 235,451 (831,693) (52,895) 283,462 (35,108) (1,212,517) 501,180
Cash Balance Available 12/31 4,725,290 5,329,103 6,047,094 6,282,545 5,450,852 5,397,958 5,681,419 5,646,312 4,433,795 4,934,975
Cash Loan to Blocks 3 & 4 365,000 280,000 190,000 95,000
Fund Balance 12/31 $ 5,090,290 $ 5,609,103 $ 6,237,094 $ 6,377,545 $ 5,450,852 $ 5,397,958 $ 5,681,419 $ 5,646,312 $ 4.433,795 $ 4,934,975