HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Public Works capital Equipment Program CITY OF SHAKOPEE < MN CIP PROJECTS BY TYPE 2008 BUDGET fJ "1. ABC 0 G H I I I J I K 1 Type Proiect Cost Estimate Funding Source 2010 2011 2012 I 2013 I 201~____ 45 SEWER Annual Cured-in-placeJ:i~_________L___ 790,000 Sewer - B 400,000 390,000 I _________ 1___________ 46 SEWER AreaJT-D 11,70,000 Sewer-T, 170,000 __T_____]_ __.__._.__.__ _..-_ if SEWER-- Ar~a SE-C Phase-m------------------------ --T------~ 80,000 Sewer - T ---~--- - 180,000 +- .. _ ___n 3l ~~~~ =~ =~~:~~~-~:::~:~- - - ---- ---:=::-,==:~1~:~~ m-:~~---~1::g:[t~--- --- - -I ::::::_: ~ SEWER 1st Avenue Sewer Extension __ 140,000 Assess . 140,000 ' . _ __ 51 SEWER Trunk Ext S of Valley ViewlW of CR 83 _______ 200,000 Sewer - T 200,000 52 SEWER Trunk Ext S of Valley ViewlW of CR 84 100,000 Assess 100,000 53 SEWER Sewer Extension to Hillside 690,000 Assess 690,000 ~ SEWER Sewer Extension to Hillside 210,000 Tax levy 210,000 55 SEWER CSAH 18 Extension 45,000 Assess 45,000 56 SEWER CSAH 18 Extension 580,000 Sewer - T 580,000 ~ SEWER Total 3,555,000 400,000 350,000 1,280,000 900,000 625,000 58 STORM PLSL Channel Improvements 85,000 Storm - B 85,000 59 STORM Annual Erosion Control 300,000 Storm - B 150,000 150,000 60 STORM Drainaae Control Svstem . 100,000 Storm - T 100,000 __ ~ STORM Shenandoah Business Park 185,000 Storm.- T 185,000 62 STORM Harrison Street Pcmd ___ _ 100,000 Storm - B 100,000 ~ ~ORM Vallev Park 6th Addition Outlet ---1 300,000 Storm - B 300,000 ~ STORM Northern Shakopee Outlet ___+ 125,000 Stort!l- B 125,000 65 Pollution Prevention Devices 1,000,000 Grants 1,000,000 66 STORM Pollution Prevention Devices 1,000,000 Storm - B 1,000,000 ~ STORM Total __~ 3,195,000 150,000 520,000 400,000 125,000 2,000,000 68 STREET CSAH 21 254,000 CIF 175,000 79,000 69 STREET CSAH 21 254,000 State Aid 175,000 79,000 __ 70 STREET CSAH 21 510,000 Storm base 352,000 158,000 71 STREET Annual seal coat 1,577,000 General Fund - aid 377,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,QQ~ 72 STREET Annual seal coat 520,000 GeneralFund-tax 105,000 115,000 150,000 150,000 73 STREET Annual seal coat 13,000 escrow 13,000 74 STREET 2010 Pavement Preservation 180,000 Assess 180,000 75 STREET 2010 Pavement Preservation 50,000 Storm - B 50,000 76 STREET 2010 Pavement Preservation 410,000 State Aid . 410,000 77 STREET 2010 Overla~ 80.000 Assess 80,000_ ~ STREET 20100verlav _ ___________._ 195,000 State Aid 195,000 J!i STREET 2010 Street Reconstruction Prog.@.':!!___________;..... 370,000 Assess 370,000_ ~ STREET 2010 Street Reconstruction Prograrn_____ 920,000 Tax Levv 920,000 81 STREET 2010 Street Reconstruction Pr2.9ra~________ 310,000 SPUC 310,000 . ----1____________ 82 STREET 2010 Street Reconstruction ProQram 250,000 Sewer - B 250,000 . __ 83 STREET 2010 Street Reconstruction Program 120,000 Storm - B 120,000 84 STREET Railroad signals Scott/Apgar 100,000 CIF 100,000 85 STREET Railroad sianals ScottfApaar 600,000 MOOT 600,000 86 STREET CR 101 17 to Fillmore 260,000 Sewer - B 260,000 87 STREET CR 10117 to Fillmore 125,000 Storm - B 125,000 88 STREET CR 10117 to Fillmore 325,000 CIF 325,000 ~ STREET Main Street - North 25,000 Assess 25,000 90 STREET Main Street - North 45,000 Sewer base 45,000 91 STREET Main Street - North __ __' 50,000 Tax Levy 50,000 92 STREET Main Street - North 50,000 SPUC 50,000 ~ ~i:~~i ~~hS~~~~~o~~tniss pa-~~===~=====~==~====~-dgg:~gg It~~::~ 1 ,~~~:g~~ 7/30/2'<. .:05 PM CITY OF SHAKOPEE < MN CIP PROJECTS BY TYPE 2008 BUDGET . . A B C 0 G I H I I I J I K rds Type Project Cost Estimate Funding Source 2010 2011 2012 I 2013 I 2014 STREET ~::1 ~:~:: --- -- - ::::-::~~~'~~i~;:'Y--~ . ;::~~ t L-- ~ ~REET 97 STREET 2011 Oyerlai______________________+-____..J3o,o0o jState Aid_______--+-______~30,000- ___ I. ____ ~ STREET i~ ~gg =:~~~:~~~~~:~~---------+--.- ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~s-Bm-------. I =i= ;~~:g~~~------------------I----------- 99 STREET 'iOO STREET TH 300 Reconstruction--n------==-::_-:=:=-!==:__~~QO(~Qg--=-====:==-1-===-= ~_ 259,OQ.o -===:=-=: -t.==:==-=---===--t:===::--... ... 101 STREET TH 300 Reconstruction 1,320,000 I State Aid 1 ,320,000 ._____~L___________ 102 STREET 2011 Street Reconstruction Program 410,000 SPUC 410,000 .- 103 STREET 2011 Street Reconstruction Program 320,000 Sewer - B 320,000 104 STREET 2011 Street Reconstruction Program 335,000 Assess 335,000 105 STREET 2011 Street Reconstruction Program 100,000 Storm - B 100,000 -- 106 STREET 2011 Street Reconstruction Program 785,000 Tax Levy 785,000 1QZ STREET 2011 Pavement Preservation 30,000 Assess 30,000 108 STREET 2011 Pavement Preservation 100,000 Tax Levy 100,000 109 STREET Th 101 trail ext. 50,000 CIF 50,000 ------ 110 STREET CR 18 Trail 100,000 CIF 100,000 ------ 111 STREET 2012 Overlav 51,000 Assess 51,000 .~-- 112 STREET 20120verlav -- -- 119,000 Tax Levy 119,000 113 STREET 2012 Pavement Preservation -- 120,000 Assess 120,000 ill STREET 2012 Pavement Preservation 280,000 Tax Levv 280,000 - 115 STREET 3rd Ave Recon - 260,000 SPUC 260,000 116 STREET 3rd Ave Recon 240,000 Assess 240,000 117 STREET 3rd Ave Recon 240,000 Sewer-B 240,000 118 STREET 3rd Ave Recon 50,000 Storm - B 50,000 119 STREET 3rd Ave Recon 560,000 Tax LeVY 560,000 120 STREET 12th Ave Trail 200,000 CIF 200,000 121 STREET Independence Drive 1/8 miles S opfW, 93,000 CIF 93,000 122 STREET Independence Drive 1/8 miles S opfW. 217,000 Assess 217,000 123 STREET 2013 Overlav 36,000 Assess " 36,000 -- 124 STREET 2013 Overlav 84,000 Tax Levy 84,000 -- 125 STREET 4th ave Certainteed to CR 83 230,000 State Aid 230,000 --_.'~..---- 126 STREET 4th ave Certainteed to CR 83 _______________1_____- 90,000 ~sess _______ -~ 90,000 -~-~-~------_..- -:""""'_190,000 t=---==::-= 127 STREET TH 169 Ped bridge 700,000 _9Jf......___________ -------- f----.---.--.-------- - .-.---.----~------.--..-.------.- ______1______. -------.-- ~ STREET TH 169 Ped bri~~_________________________._, _ __..1'&Q~QQ.Q__ Grants ---------- 1,600,000 ~____~__ 129 STREET 2013 Street Reconstruction '=':Qgram ___________ ___~,090 SPUC---------- 20,000 ~ STREET 2013 Street Reconstruction Program __ __~pOO Assess _ 125,000__ 131 STREET 2013 Street Reconstruction Program 20,000 Sewer - B 20,000 132 STREET 2013 Street Reconstruction Program 45,000 Storm - B 45,000 133 STREET 2013 Street Reconstruction Program 290,000 Tax Levy 290,000 134 STREET 20140verlav 250,000 Assess 250,000 135 STREET 20140verlav 330,000 Tax Levy 330,000 136 STREET Beckrich overlav 50,000 Assess 50,000 137 STREET Beckrich overlav 125,000 Tax Levv 125,000 138 STREET CR 17 Expansion 800,000 CIF 800,000 139 STREET CR 17 Expansion 800,000 State Aid 800,000 140 STREET CR 17 Expansion 23400000 Countv im~~l~~~~,l'f'i'i'l!' 141 STREET Signals Wand CR 17 260,000 CIF 260,000 ~ STREET SiQnals Wand CR 17 100,000 County 100,000 STREET Sianals Wand CR 17 - 640,000 Assess 640,000 143 J..11STREET CR15 HWY 169 to 17th Ave------------ ~--- 150,000 ~IF 150,000 7/3012:. ,:05 PM CITY OF SHAKOPEE < MN CIP PROJECTS BY TYPE 2008 BUDGET A B I C 0 I G H I I J K 1 Type Project I Cost Estjmate Funding Source I 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 145 STREET g~~; ~~. ~ ~~ ~~_l~:~;;__~~_~~= -=-~====~=E_8~~_~0;Q,000 ~~~~t~i~L___l 2800000 146 STREET 150,000 147 STREET 2014 Street Reconstruction Program t 20,000 SPUC .-- - 20,000- ~ STREET 2014 Street Reconstruc!ion ProjEa~_____==__==J10,o@=~ess ----.-"- 710,000 149 STREET 2014 Street Reconst~uction Progran:!....______~~_L__~O,OOO Isewe~~______~_ --. ________L__-=~Q,.QQ[ 150 STREET 2014 Street Reconstruction Program____ ___ 100,000 Storm - B _ _~________L~_l 00,Q99_ 151 STREET 2014 Street Reconstruction Program 270,000 Tax Levy 270,000 - 152 STREET Vierling Drive CR 69 to Taylor Street 170,000 State Aid 170,099_ 153 STREET Vierling Drive CR 69 to Taylor Street 500,000 Assess 500,092..- 154 STREET Traffic Signal at Vierling Dr & CR 69 125,000 CIF 125,000 155 STREET Traffic Signal at Vierling Dr & CR 69 125,000 County 125,000 156 STREET Traff Signal CR 79 & Vierling 150,000 CIF 150,000 ~ STREET Traff Signal CR 79 & Vierling 500,000 County 500,000 158 STREET Concrete Alleys 210,000 Assess 210,000 159 STREET Concrete Alleys 210,000 Storm - B 210,00.Q.. ~ '-- I-c-=- -----------.----. 6,111,000 2,845,000 3,690,000 7,245,000 161 STREET Total 27,348,000 7,457,000 3 7/30/i 1:05PM City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Sanitary Sewer Annual Cured-in-Place Pipe Project $400,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 370,000 360,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 30,000 30,000 Total 400,000 - 390,000 - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 400,000 390,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total 400,000 - 390,000 - - Description: I Annual cured-in-place pipe project. + Justification' . Necessary to extend the life of existing sanitary sewer. Other Comments: Project area to be determined based on yearly televising. OperatinQ Costs: ..-...... PROJECT lOCATION City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Sanitary Sewer Area JT-D $170,000.00 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 150,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 20,000 Total - 170,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk 170,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev Total - 170,000 - - - f Descriotion: Extension of trunk sewer to serve area in MUSA. ~ Justification: Sewer extension is part of City's sanitary sewer plan and is needed in order for area to develop in the recent annexation area_ Other Comments: Trunk sewer will be extended through developments. This project is development dependent. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 5 City of Shako pee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Sanitary Sewer Area SE-C (Phase III) $180,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 150,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 30,000 Total o' M 180,000 - M - " B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk 180,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total M 180,000 - M M Description: Extension of trunk sewer to serve future development. Justification: Sewer extension is part of the City's sanitary sewer plan and is needed in order for area to develop. Other Comments: Trunk sewer will be extended as the area develops. OperatinQ Costs: 6 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Extend Sewer and Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Sanitary Sewer Water to Serv'e Hilldale Drive $450,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 land & ROW 60,000 Construction 300,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 90,000 Total - - 450,000 . - B.Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) . Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 310,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax lev 140,000 Total - . 450,000 . - I Description: Extension of sewer and water to serve the property adjacent to Hilldale Drive. ~ The project includes reconstructing Hilldale Drive with concrete curb and gurter Justification: Homeowners may request sewer service due to failing septic systems. Other Comments: Project needs to be petitioned for by residents affected. Property to the west must develop prior to the extension of sewer to Hilldale Drive, Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 7 City of Shako pee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: project Type: Project Title: Total project Cost: Bruce Loney Sanitary Sewer 1st Avenue Sewer Ext. (Apgar) $140,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 . 2014 Land & ROW Construction 110,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin, 30,000 Total - . 140,000 - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 140,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - 140,000 . - Description: + ~:nn~~~n of saHitary sewer to serve an area without municipal sewer along 1 st Justification: To replace existing on site systems which may be at the end of their life with municipal sanitary sewer service. Other Comments: This project needs to be initiated by existing property owners, redevelopment, or public health hazard concerns. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 8 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Sanitary Sewer Trunk Sewer Extension South of $300,000.00 Valle View Rd. & W. of C.R. 83 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 240,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 60,000 Total . - 300,000 - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 100,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk 200,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - . 300,000 . . j Description: ~ Extension of trunk sanitary sewer in developing areas south of Valley View Road and west of County Road 83. Justification: Trunk sewer will be needed to serve this area with municipal services. Other Comments: Timing depends on MUSA allocation and property owners willing to develop. Trunk sewer may be installed in conjunction with private developments. Operatina Costs: .PROJECT LOCATION 9 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Extend Sewer and Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Sanitary Sewer Water to Sewe Hillside Estates $900,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 750,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 150,000 Total - - _ 900,000 _ B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 690,000 Sanitary SewerFund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 210,000 Total - - - 900,000 _ Description: I Extension of sewer and water to serve Hillside Estates, The project includes ~ reconstructing Hillside Drive with concrete curb and gutter. Justification: Homewowners may request sewer service due to failing septic systems. Other Comments: Project needs to be petitioned for by the affected property owners. The costs assume extending utilities prior to development of the property to the east. Extending utilities to this area, after the property to the east develops, will result in reduced costs of approximately $200,000. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 10 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Sanitary Sewer CSAH 18 Sewer E.xtension $625,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 500,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 125,000 Total - - - - 625,000 B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) , Donations (specify) State Aid 45,000 Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk 580,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Draina~e Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - - - 625,000 f Description: Extend sanitary sewer to serve the Whispering Oaks development. ~ Justification: To eliminate the existing lift station and eliminate flow into the Savage sewer system. Other Comments: Maintenance trail construction may be included with project which could serve as a trail along CSAH 18. County may participate in other trail segments. Operatino Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 11 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Storm Sewer PLSL Channel Improvements $85,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 80,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 5,000 Total - 85,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 85,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - 85,000 - - - f Description: Additional capacity and control structures in the Prior Lake/Spring Lake Channel ~ to handle increased run-off due 10 development. Justification: Existing agreement with Prior Lake/Spring Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD) requires the City to maintain the channel upon the City utilizing the channel for urban development. Increased runoff from development will require a larger channel. Other Comments: This is the last channel segment that needs to be upgraded. This segment will be upgraded when the property develops. Operatinq Costs: PROJECT LOCATION $50,000 annually for 5 years, then $25,000 annually after channel is fully 12stablished. City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Storm Sewer Annual Erosion Control $300,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 125,000 125,000 Improvements En ineerin {Admin. 25,000 25,000 Total 150,000 150,000 - - . B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund. Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) state Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 150,000 150,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total 150,000 150,000 - - - I Description: Annual Erosion Control Project. ~ Justification: Areas may need to be fixed to meet NPDES requirements. Other Comments: The storm sewer outfa/ls along the river must be inspected prior to determining a project area. OperatinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 13 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce I,..oney Storm Sewer Drainage Control System $100,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW 45,000 Construction 40,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 15,000 Total - 100,000 . - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk . Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk 100,000 Tax Lev Total - 100,000 - - - Description: I Construction of a drainage control system south of C.R. 78. The system will ~ utilize 0 combinotion of on outlet control structure ond 0 pipe outlet Justification: Developing properties in the area will produce more storm water run-off requiring outlets to be constructed from existing wetlands. Ultimately, the outlets will reduce water running downstream to future developing properties It is recommended as part of the City's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. Other Comments: Controlled outlets will better manage the storm water discharge rates and more fully utilize the upstream storage available in existing wetlands. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 14 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Storm Sewer Shenandoah Business Park $185,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 150,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 35,000 Total - 185,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk 185,000 Tax Lev Total - 185,000 - - - f Description: Construction of a storm sewer outlet from the Shenandoah Business Park + (Industrial sites) to the Minnesota River through Murphy's Landing. Justification: A storm sewer outlet may be needed to prevent further erosion from occurring now and to handle the increased volume from industrial development. Other Comments: Project is dependent on industrial development proceeding in this area, Coordination with Three Rivers Park District will be required. OperatinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 15 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Storm Sewer Harrison Street Pond $100,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW 5,000 Construction 80,000 Improvements En ineerin {Admin. 15,000 Total - - 100,000 - . B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 100,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total . . 100,000 . - Descriotion: I Construction of a pond and outlet structure in lot 8 and lot 9 of the Husman ~ Addition. Justification: The pond and outlet will reduce discharge rates from existing development in to the Minnesota river and improve water quality. Other Comments: A controlled outlet will better manage the storm water discharge rates and more fully utilize the upstream area available for ponding. OoeratinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 16 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Storm Sewer Valley Park 6th Addition Outlet $300,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 250,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 50,000 Total - - 300,000 - _ B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 300,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - 300,000 - - Description: f Construction of an outlet for Outlot A of Valley Park 6th Addition A Justification: V Developing properties in the area will produce more storm water run-off requiring an outlet to be constructed from the existing pond located in Outlot A to North Star Auto Auction pond. Other Comments: Feasibility study may change implementation schedule of this project. Operatina Costs: 17 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Storm Sewer Northern Shako pee Outlet $125,000.00 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 100,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 25,000 Total - . . 125,000 - Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 125,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev lotal - - - 125,000 - Description: j Storm Sewer and Ponding Improvements to meet future development needs in ~ the area west of County Road 83 and south of County Road 101. Justification: Upon full development of this area, an improved drainage system may be needed to prevent flood damage to existing properties. Other Comments: Hydraulic study done indicates to lower the current 1 aO-year high water level, additional culverts are needed under railroad spur lines in the CertainTeed property. Need CertainTeed drainage agreement. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 18 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Storm Sewer Construction of Pollution Prevention $2,000,000 Devices A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 1,700,000 Improvements En ineerin {Admin. 300,000 Total ~ - - - 2,000,000 B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 1,000,000 (Grant) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund- Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 1,000,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - - - 2,000,000 Description: j Construction of pollution prevention devices in the downtown to treat storm ~ water, prior to discharging Into the Minnesota River Justification: This may be mandated in the future. Other Comments: Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 19 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction CSAH 21. - CSAH 18 to CSAH 42 $1,018,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 582,000 253,000 Improvements . En ineerin IAdmin. 120,000 63,000 Total 702,000 316,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 175,000 79,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid 175,000 79,000 Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 352,000 158,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev Total 702,000 316,000 - - - j Description: Extension of CSAH 21 from CSAH 18 to CSAH 42. + JustlDcatlon: Scott County traffic will warrant the construction of CSAH 21. other Comments: City costs will be for a bituminous trail, a traffic signal, storm sewer, and curb & gutter. Scott County has received Federal Grants for construction. Costs shown above are the City's portion of the project. Total estimated project cost is $26,000,000. OperatinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 20 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Annual Seal Coat $390,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 390,000 405,000 415,000 450,000 450,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. Total 390,000 405,000 415,000 450,000 450,000 B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (developer escrow) 13,000 State Aid 377,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev 105,000 115,000 150,000 150,000 Total 390,000 405,000 415,000 450,000 450,000 f Description: Seal coat, crack seal and pavement markings. ~ Justification: Seal coats and crack seals are essential parts of an effective Pavement Preservation Program. Other Comments: Project area will be determined on a yearly basis. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 21 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: . Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2010 Pavement Preservation $640,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 570,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 70,000 Total 640,000 . - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid 410,000 Assessments 180,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 50,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total 640,000 - - - - f Description: Bituminous Overlay. 4th Avenue, from Gorman Street to Scott Street; Spencer ~ Street, from 4th Avenue to Shakopee Avenue; Roundhouse Circle and Sarazin Street south of Eagle Creek Boulevard. Justification: Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to improve paved roadways. Other Comments: Bituminous overlays are much more cost effective than reconstructing pavements. Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 22 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: 2010 Bit. Overlay Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Vierling Drive $275,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 225,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 50,000 Total 275,000 - - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid 195,000 Assessments 80,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total 275,000 - - - - Description: f Bituminous Overlay. Vierling Drive, from C.R. 79 to west of Kennsington Drive. ~ Justification: Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to maintain existing infrastructure. Other Comments: Bituminous overlays are more cost effective than reconstructing pavements. Vierling Drive will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. ..-f.. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 23 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2010 Street Reconstruction $1,970,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 1,620,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 350,000 Total 1,970,000 - . - . B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 310,000 (SPUC) State Aid Assessments 370,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 250,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 120,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 920,000 Total 1,970,000 . . . - f Description: Sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain and street reconstruction of 7th and 8th ~ Avenue, from Market Street to east of Dakota Street, Minnesota Street and Dakota Street, from 7th Avenue to Shakopee Avenue and Shako pee Avenue from Main Street to Market Street. Justification: Continue with the rehabilitation of the City's infrastructure in the older sections of the City. Other Comments: Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. OperatinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 24 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Railroad Signalization $700,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 600,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 100,000 Total 700,000 - - - . B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 100,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 600,000 (MNIDOT) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total 700,000 - - - - .I Description: + At grade railroad crossings at Scot! Street and Apgar Street will need crossing signal due to traffic volumes at these intersections. J ustificatio n : Traffic, volumes of vehicles crossing, increased number of trains and possible increased speed of trains warrant the signal installation. Other Comments: Funding from the State of Minnesota is programmed for these intersections. City cost is for 10% of signal cost and roadway realigned to,place signals, Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 25 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction C.R. 101 Improvements, from CSAH $710,000 17 to S encer Street A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 570,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 140,000 Total 710,000 . - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 325,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 260,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 125,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total 710,000 - - . - Description: f Street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain improvements to C.R 101, ~ from CSAH 17 to Spencer Street. Justification: , Other Comments: This would be a County project with the City contributing funds for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, street lighting, sidewalk and concrete curb and gutter. Costs above are only for the City's portion of the project. Operating Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 26 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Main Street Reconstruction $170,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 130,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 40,000 Total 170,000 - - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify}" Donations (specify) 50,000 (SPUC) State Aid Assessments 25,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 45,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 50,000 Total 170,000 - - . - I Description: Reconstruction of Main Street north of Hwy. 101. ~ Justification: Aging infrastructure should be replaced and sanitary sewer should be rerouted to eliminate shallow lines. Other Comments: Could be constructed as part of the Hwy. 101 improvements. OperatinQCosts: 27 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Shenandoah Business Park $500,000 1m rovements A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 400,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 100,000 Total 500,000 - - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund J Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 500,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total 500,000 - - - - Description: f Infrastructure for Industrial Property east of Shenandoah Drive and North of ~ Fourth Avenue. Justification: Sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and streets are needed to serve this development Other Comments: Property owner may request a 429 Special Assessment Public Improvement Project Developer may want to request assistance from City due to the subsurface. conditions and to allow sanitary sewer and storm sewer lift stations to develop the site. Operatinq Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 28 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Opus Development $1,400,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 1,100,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 300,000 Total 1,400,000 - - - . B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 1,400,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total 1,400,000 - - - . Description: j Extension of a road and utilities to allow for further subdivision of property ~ located in the Industrial Park. Justification: . Owner petitioned the City for improvements and has requested that the project be put on hold, Other Comments: OperatinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 29 City of Shakopee CapitallmprovementProgram 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2011 Bituminous Overlay $490,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 410,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 80,000 Total - 490,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 150,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 340,000 Total - 490,000 - - - I Description: Bituminous overlay of 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue, from Atwood Street to t Sommerville Street; 1st Avenue, from Holmes Street to Sommerville Street; Atwood Street, Fuller Street, Lewis Street and Sommerville Street, from 1 st Avenue to 4th Avenue; and Holmes Street, from 1st Avenue to 3rd Avenue. Justification: Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to maintain existing infrastructure. Other Comments: Bituminous overlays are much more cost effective than reconstructing pavements. Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. OperatinCl Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 30 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2011 Bituminous Overlay $470,000 A.Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 400,000 1m provements En ineerin {Admin. 70,000 Total - 470,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capita/Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid 130,000 Assessments 140,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 200,000 Total - 470,000 - - - f Description: Bituminous Overlay of Ruby Lane, Ruby Circle, Granite Drive, Granite Court and ~ Sapphire Lane, from Vierling Dnve to Murphy Avenue; Heritage Drive, from Vierling Drive to Onyx Drive; and Vierling Drive, from Limestone Drive to Ramsey Street. Justification: Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to maintain existing infrastructure. Other Comments: Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. OperatinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 31 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction TH300 Reconstruction $2,200,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 1,750,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 450,000 Total - 2,200,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 250,000 (SPUC) State Aid 1,320,000 (State Turnback Funds) Assessments 380,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 250,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev Total - 2,200,000 - - - I Descriotion: Reconstruction of old T.H. 300. 6th Avenue, from 10th Avenue to Adams Street ~ and 10th Avenue, from 6th Avenue to CR 69. Justification: To continue with the rehabilitation of the City's infrastructure in the older sections of the community. Other Comments: City does qualify for State turnback funds for improving Old T.H. 300, which has been turn backed to the City. Ooeratin<:! Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 32 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2011 Reconstruction Project $1,950,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 1,750,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 200,000 Total . 1,950,000 . . _ B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 410,000 (SPUC) State Aid Assessments 335,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 320,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 100,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 785,000 Total - 1,950,000 _ . _ Description: f Street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain reconstruction. A. Justification: V To continue with the rehabilitation of the City's infrastructure. Other Comments: Streets should be reconstructed with old T.H. 300. Turnback funds for T.H. 300 are available in 2011. OperatinCl Costs: PROJECT lOCATION 33 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2011 Pavement Preservation $130,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 110,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 20,000 Total - 130,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 30,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 100,000 Total - 130,000 - - - j Description: Bituminous Overlay or Reclamation of Bluff Avenue, from Naumkeag Street to ~ T.H.101. Justification: . Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to maintain existing infrastructure. Other Comments: Operatinq Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 34 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction T.H. 101 Trail Extension $50,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 40,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. . 10,000 Total - 50,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 50,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev . Total - 50,000 - - . f Description: Construction of a bituminous trail on the south side of C,R. 101, from Sarazin + Street to the bridge over the Mill Pond Justification: Pedestrian traffic in the area may warrant construction of this trail. Other Comments: Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 35 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction CSAH 18 Trail $100,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 80,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 20,000 Total 100,000 - - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 100,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev Total - 100,000 - - - f Description: Raise the elevation of the trail along CSAH 18 north of the Glacier Estates ~ Development Justification: The existing trail floods during times of high water. Other Comments: Operatinq Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 36 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: .Bruce Loney Street Construction 2012 Bituminous Overlay $170,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 140,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 30,000 Total .. 170,000 - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 51,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 119,000 Total -. 170,000 - - Description: j Bituminous overlay of Minnesota Street, from Vierling Drive to 11 th Avenue, ~ Minnesota Court, Clover Court and Vierling Court. ~.. . Justification: Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to maintain existing infrastructure. Other Comments: Bituminous overlays are more cost effective than reconstructing pavements. Streets will be evaluated on a yearly basis and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOeA TION 37 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2012 Pavement Preservation $400,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 340,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 60,000 Total -. 400,000 . _ B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 120,000 , Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 280,000 Total - - 400,000 - - Description: I Bituminous overlay of 11th Avenue, from Polk Street to Adams Street; Monroe ~ Street, Madison Street and Jefferson Street, from 10th Avenue to 11th Avenue; and Polk Street, Harrison Street and Jackson Street, from 11 th Avenue to 12th Avenue. Justification: Continuation of the city's pavement preservation program to maintain existing infrastructure. Other,Comments: Bituminous overlays are more cost effective than reconstructing pavements. Streets will be evaluated on a yearly basis and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCA TION 38 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 3rd Avenue Street Reconstruction $1,350,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 1,100,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 250,000 Total . . 1,350,000 - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 260,000 (SPUC) State Aid Assessments 240,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 240,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 50,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 560,000 Total - - 1,350,000 - - I Description: Street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain reconstruction on 3rd ~ Avenue. from CSAH 17 to Spencer Street and on Minnesota Street. from Srd Avenue to C.R. 101. Justification: To continue with the rehabilitation of the City's infrastructure in the older sections of the Community. Other Comments: Operatina Costs: PROJ ECT LOCATION 39 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 12th Avenue Trail $200,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 160,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 40,000 Total . - 200,000 - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 200,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev Total . - 200,000 - - Description: I Construct a bituminous trail from CSAH 83 to Quarry Lake Park. ~ Justification: Construction of this trail will help gain regional points when applying for Federal funding for a pedestrian bridge over Hwy. 169. . Other Comments: OperatinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 40 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Independence Dr. 1/8 Mile South of $310,000 Valle View Rd. A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 250,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 60,000 Total - - 310,000 - - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 93,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 217,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev Total - - 310,000 - - I Description: Collector street construction on Independence Drive for a 1/8 mile south of ~ Valley View Road. Includes sanitary sewer and watermain extensions. . Justification: Collector street needs to be installed to provide access to properties south of Valley View Road. Other Comments: Project is dependent on development. Operatinq Costs: 41 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2013 Bituminous Overlay $120,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 100,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 20,000 Total - - - 120,000 . B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 36,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 84,000 Total - - - 120,000 _ Description: f Bituminous overlay of Sharon Parkway and Tyrone Drive. A. Justification: , Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to maintain existing infrastructure. Other Comments: Bituminous overlays are much more cost effective than reconstructing pavements. Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. Ooeratina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 42 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Bituminous Reclamation of 4th Ave. $320,000 from CertainTeed to CSAH 83 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 land & ROW Construction 250,000 Improvements' En ineerin IAdmin. 70,000 Total - - - 320,000 - B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid 230,000 Assessments 90,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax lev Total - - - 320,000 - j Description: Bituminous reclamation of 4th Avenue, from the CertainTeed property to CSAH ~ 83, and construction of a right turn lane at CSAH 83. Justification: l Pavement is in need of rehabilitation due to age and truck traffic. Other Comments: Traffic levels from development do not warrant construction of a three lane roadway. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 43 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction T.H. 169 Pedestrian Bridge $2,300,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 2,000,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 300,000 Total - . . 2,300,000 . B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 700,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) 1,600,000 Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base , Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - - 2,300,000 - f Description: An additional pedestrian bridge east of C.R. 83 over T.H. 169 along PLSLWD ~ channel is needed to complete trail connections. Project is to build a new pedestrian bridge utilizing Federal Aid Highway Funds. Justification: For pedestrians or bicyclists to cross T.H. 169. Other Comments: Coordination meetings are needed with Mn/DOT and Scott County for this project to obtain funding a project is dependent upon receiving Federal funds. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 44 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2013 Street Reconstruction $500,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 400,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 100,000 Total ~ - - - 500,000 ~ B. Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 20,000 (SPUC) State Aid Assessments 125,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 20,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund~Trunk Storm Drainage Fund~Base 45,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 290,000 . Total - - - 500,000 . Description: f Street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain reconstruction: Scott Street + and Atwood Street, from Levee Drive to 1 st Avenue; Levee Drive, from Scott Street to Holmes Street. Justification: To continue with the rehabilitation of the City's infrastructure in the older sections of the Community. Other Comments: Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 45 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2014 Bituminous Overlay $280,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 240,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 40,000 Total - - - - 280,000 B. : Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) . Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 84,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 196,000 Total - - - . 280,000 j Descriotion: Bituminous overlay of Vierling Drive, from Spencer Street to Parkview Court. i Justification: V Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to maintain existing infrastructure, Other Comments: Bituminous overlays are much more cost effective than reconstructing pavements, Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. Ooeratina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 46 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010.2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2014 Bituminous Overlay $300,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 250,000 Improvements En ineerin {Admin. 50,000 Total - - - - 300,000 B. ; Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 166,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 134,000 Total - - - - 300,000 Description: Bituminous overlay of Sarazin Street, from Eagle Creek Boulevard to 4th Avenue; Market Street, from 7th Avenue to T.H. 101, Disc Drive and Secretariat Drive. Justification: Continuation of the City'sPavement Preservation Program to maintain existing infrastructure. Other Comments: Bituminous overlays are much more cost effective than reconstructing pavements. Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. Operatinq Costs: PROJECT LOCATION .47 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Beckrich Park Estates Bituminous $175,000 Overla A. . Ex enditul'e Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW ConstruCtion ,. 145,000 Improvements . En ineerin IAdmin. 30,000 Total - - - - 175,000 B. : Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 50,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev 125,000 Total - - - - 175,000 f Description: + Bituminous overlay of Barrington Drive, Carriage Circle and Cortland Circle. Justification: Continuation of the City's Pavement Preservation Program to improve paved roadways. Other Comments: Bituminous overlays are much more cost effective than reconstructing pavements. Streets will be evaluated each year and may be moved up or moved back in the CIP. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 48 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction CSAH 17 Expansion $25,000,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW . Construction 23,000,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 2,000,000 Total - - - - 25,000,000 B. : FundinSource: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 800,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 23,400,000 (County) State Aid 800,000 Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - - - 25,000,000 j Description: Expansion of CSAH 17, from St. Francis Avenue to CSAH 42, ~ Justification: Projected traffic volumes warrant the expansion of CSAH 17. Other Comments: City costs will be for a bituminous trail, storm sewer and concrete curb & gutter. OperatinQ Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 49 City of Shako pee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Extension of Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Valley View & Control Signal at CSAH $1,000,000 17 & Valle View A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 800,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 200,000 Total - - - - 1,000,000 B. : Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 260,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 100,000 (County) State Aid Assessments 640,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev Total - - . - 1,000,000 f Description: Extension of Valley View Road to Sarazin Street and construction of a new traffic ~ control signal at the Valley View Road and CSAH 17 intersection. Justification: Growth in the area and traffic will warrant construction of this roadway. Sufficient traffic movements may warrant the signal system. A warrant study will need to be done to justify the signal. Other Comments: Will need to coordinate the project with the County. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 50 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction CSAH 15 - T.H. 169 to 17th Ave. $3,100,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW 700,000 Construction 2,000,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 400,000 Total - - - - 3,100,000 B. ; Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 150,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) .2,800,000 (County) State Aid 150,000 Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - - - 3,100,000 f Description: County road expanded to four lanes to meet growing traffic due to commercial ~ development along CSAH 15. J ustificatio n: County road needs to be upgraded to provide for increased traffic due to future development. Other Comments: Dependent upon rate of development in the area and County approval. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 51 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction 2013 Street Reconstruction Program $1,150,000 A. Ex enditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 980,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 170,000 Total - . . . 1,150,000 B. : Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 20,000 (SPUC) State Aid Assessments 710,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base 50,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 100,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev 270,000 Total . - - . 1,150,000 f Description: Street, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and watermain reconstruction: + Bluff Avenue from Main Slreetto Marschall Road Main Street and Prairie Street from Bluff Avenue to 1st Avenue Dakota Street from Bluff Avenue to 2nd Ave Naumkeag Street from 1 st Avenue to Bluff Avenue Minnesota Street from Bluff Avenue to 1 st Avenue Justification: To continue with the rehabilitation of the City's infrastructure in the older sections of the community. Other Comments: Reconstruction of streets should be done in conjunction with redevelopment of the area. SPUC has not determined the extent of the watermain improvements. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION 52 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Vierling Drive - C.R. 69 to Taylor St. $670,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW 100,000 Construction 450,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin. 120,000 Total - - - - 670,000 B. ; Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid 170,000 Assessments 500,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk T ax Lev Total - - - - 670,000 f Description: + The construction of street. utility. sidewalk and trail system trom County Road 69 to Taylor Street. Justification: Vierling Drive completion is needed to provide access to commercial property south of Shakopee Town Square and North of the Shakopee By-Pass while completing this east-west collector system. Other Comments: This project is dependent on a commercial development proposal adjacent to this street. Operatina Costs: 53 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Traffic Control Signal at Vierling Drive $250,000 and C.R. 69 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 200,000 Improvements En ineerin IAdmin. 50,000 Total - - - - 250,000 B. : Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 125,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 125,000 (County) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - - - 250,000 f Description: . New traffic control signal at Vierling Drive and County Road 69 intersection. ~ Justification: Sufficient traffic movements may warrant a traffic signal. A warrant study will need to be done to justify the signal. Redevelopment of commercial district is needed to generate traffic for signal system. Other Comments: Will need to coordinate funding and signal justification with the County. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION $2,400/year for operation and maintenance. 54 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Traffic control signal or round-a-bout $650,000 for C.R. 79 and Vierlin Dr. A Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction 500,000 Improvements En ineerin /Admin, 150,000 Total - - - - 650,000 B. : Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund 150,000 Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) 500,000 (County) State Aid Assessments Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - - - 650,000 I Description: New traffic control signal or round-a-about at County Road 79 and Vierling ~ intersection. Justification: , Sufficient traffic movements may warrant the signal system. A warrant study will need to be done to justify the signal. Other Comments: Relocation of High School to the south will change traffic patterns and may justify a signal or round-a-bout at this time. Scott County has jurisdiction over the intersection. Operatina Costs: PROJECT LOCATION $2,400/year for operating and maintenance costs if a signal is installed, 55 City of Shakopee Capital Improvement Program 2010-2014 Project Manager: Project Type: Project Title: Total Project Cost: Bruce Loney Street Construction Concrete Alleys $420,000 A. Expenditure Items: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Land & ROW Construction '1' 320,000 Improvements En ineerin {Admin. 100,000 Total - - - . 420,000 B. : Fundin Source: General Fund Capital Improvement F.und Park Reserve Fund Grants (specify) Donations (specify) State Aid Assessments 210,000 Sanitary Sewer Fund-Base Sanitary Sewer Fund-Trunk Storm Drainage Fund-Base 210,000 Storm Drainage Fund-Trunk Tax Lev Total - - - - 420,000 .I Description: Reconstruct existing alleys with concrete pavement. ~ Justification: To rehabilitate existing alleys and improve drainage. Other Comments: Project location has not been determined. OperatinQ Costs: PROJ EeT LOCATION 56 .