HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.C.1. Cooperative Agreement with Scott County for Improvements IS. C./. CITY OF SHAKOPEE Memorandum TO: Mayor & City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator FROM: Bruce Loney, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Consider a Reimbursement Agreement with Scott County for Improvements on 1 ih A venue from Independence Drive to ~ Mile East of Independence Drive DATE: October 21, 2003 INTRODUCTION: This item is for the Council to consider entering into an agreement with Scott County for the reimbursement of costs associated with improvements on 1 ih A venue, from Independence Drive to ~ mile east of Independence Drive. BACKGROUND: 1 ih A venue, from Independence Drive to ~ mile east of Independence Drive is being constructed by the developers of Thomas Philip Addition and Southern Meadows. The City of Shakopee has agreements with the developers to pay for the design of 1 ih A venue and to pay for certain improvements on 1 ih A venue to serve their development. 17th Avenue is major collector street in the City's Transportation Plan and is being constructed to a four lane divided roadway, with left turn lanes at public street intersections. The City of Shakopee and Scott County have a Memo of Understanding to turn over 1 ih A venue as a City street to a County road, once 17th A venue is constructed to C.R. 83. In the preparation of the plans on 1 ih A venue, Scott County wanted to have a divided roadway and built to certain standards and is willing to participate in 50% of the concrete median costs and 50% of the extra widening in the non-existing 1 ih A venue, west of Independence Drive to facilitate these improvements. The remaining 50% of the concrete median is to be paid by the developers, as per the reimbursement agreement and future developer's agreement with their developments. The City of Shakopee would pay 50% of the extra widening needed on 17th A venue, along with the County and pay for the widening of the roadway to serve as a four lane, as per previous agreements and the bituminous trail along 1 ih Avenue. In a separate installation, but part of the City's reimbursement agreement, the City will pay 50% of the collector street lighting and the developers will pay 50% of the street lighting once it is installed by Shakopee Public Utilities. Attached also to this memo, is a cost split of the improvements utilizing the developer's contractor's unit prices and a cost summary showing the cost splits for the County, City and the developers. Scott County does not wish to have an agreement with the developers but rather with the City of Shakopee. Thus, the City of Shakopee will be responsible for the County's costs and be reimbursed by the County, as per this agreement. Staff would recommend entering into this agreement in order to get reimbursement from Scott County for the concrete median work and extra widening work, as requested and authorize the execution of the agreement with Scott County. It should be pointed out on the construction for 17th A venue, all of the engineering, financing and administration costs are the developer's and the City is only responsible for the construction costs with the project. Due to timing of preparing the agreement, Scott County will have the agreement ready by next Tuesday and will be placed on the table. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Authorize the appropriate City officials to execute the Scott County Cooperative Agreement for improvements on 1 ih A venue, from Independence Drive to 14 mile east of Independence Drive. 2. Do not authorize the execution of the Scott County Cooperative Agreement. 3. Table for additional information. RECOMMENDATION: Staff would recommend Alternative No.1. ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the appropriate City officials to execute the Scott County Cooperative Agreement for improvements on 17th A venue, from Independence Drive to 14 mile east of Independence Drive. ~Ht4i ruce Loney Public Works Director BUpmp 17THA VE _,*"m Preliminary Schedule I _=1- ilillIWIIib 'll ~ ~ , '-'~_!Il_ RlllmJ!I "mi. :~ttootm,!$ =",Rl "".m,.,<< '" WSB Project: 17th Street Extension Project Location: Shakopee, MN WSB Project No: 1281-59 Opinion of Probable Cost Developer Cost 17th Ave 17th Ave City Cost 100% Sidewalk Widening Median 100% Bit. Trail Remaining Bit. And Agg. St.. 9+1 0 to Sta. 15+00 Widening From 36' to 52' 50 % Conduit 50% Conduit Pro' eet Total 100% Storm Sewer 50% Cit /50% Countv 50% County /50% Dev. 100% WB LTL to Ind. Ave. TAB SHEET Item Unit Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated No. Number Oescrintion Notes Unit Price Ouantitv Cost Ouantitv Cost ()uantit" Cost Ouantitv Cost Guantitv Cost 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $1.00 1.00 $1.00 0.70 $0.70 0.09 SO.09 0.07 $0.07 0.14 SO.l4 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GlTITER UN Ff S4.00 673 $2,692.00 613 $2,692.00 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SQYD S6.00 21 S126.00 21 $126.00 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQYD $6.00 306 SI,836.00 306 $1,836.00 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQYD $3.00 678 $2,034.00 618 $2,034.00 2104.509 REMOVE PERMANENT BARRICADE EACH S150.00 3 S450.00 3 $450.00 2104.513 SA WING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN Ff S3.00 550 SI,650.00 5jO $1,650.00 2104.523 SALVAGE CASTING EACH $200.00 I $200.00 I S200.00 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE SPECIAL EACH SIOO.OO I SIOO.OO I $100.00 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE C EACH $100.00 I $100.00 I SIOO.OO 2105.523 SALVAGE PERMANENT BARRICADE EACH $150.00 4 $600.00 4 S600.00 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) I CUYD S1.40 11900 SI6,660.00 11150 $15,610.00 7jO $1,050.00 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (P) CUYD SI.70 550 S935.00 jjO S935.00 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) CUYD $2.75 715 SI,966.25 715 $1,966.25 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 (100% CRUSHED) 3 CUYD $22.00 5737 SI26,214.00 3947 S86,834.00 j20 SII,440.00 1270 $27,940.00 2350.501 TYPE MV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (C) TON S30.50 1179 S35,959.50 812 $24,766.00 367 $11,193.50 2350.502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON S28.35 1969 $55,821.15 1253 S35,522.55 150 S4,252.50 566 SI6,046.1O 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON S2.50 552 SI,380.00 379 S947.50 173 $432.50 2501.515 30" RC PIPE APRON EACH S965.00 I $965.00 I $965.00 2501.515 36" RC PIPE APRON EACH SI,OOO.OO I SI,OOO.OO I $1,000.00 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 30" PIPE APRON EACH $550.00 I S550.00 I $550.00 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 36" PIPE APRON EACH S650.00 I $650.00 I $650.00 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN Ff S21.35 1269 $27,093.15 1269 S27,093.15 2503.541 18" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN Ff $23.50 17l $4,018.50 171 $4,018.50 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN Ff S28.00 265 S7,420.00 265 $7,420.00 2503.541 30" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN Ff S36.80 132 $4,857.60 132 S4,857.60 2503.541 36" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN Ff $57.00 245 SI3,965.00 245 $13,965.00 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH $850.00 ] $850.00 I S850.00 2506.50 I CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN G LIN Ff $237.00 34.4 S8,152.80 34.4 $8,152.80 2506.50 I CONST DRAINAGE STRUCfURE DES 48.4020 LIN Ff S192.00 135.4 $25,996.80 135.4 S25,996.80 2506.50 I CONST DRAINAGE STRUCfURE DES 54-40Z0 LIN Ff $213.00 8.6 $1,831.80 8.6 $1,831.80 2506.50 I CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60.4020 LIN Ff $317.00 38.4 SI2,I72.80 38.4 $12,172.80 Prelimina/)'_ Schedule_contractor's-price 1 10/17/2003 K Wi, ,Wmm@!lll TI, , "='., ~',~" Preli~ina7, Sch~~ule I ~3 l1~_m:s,'* ,__e_'liiiL$IJm,iillII_Ii'~' ~~,~~- WSB Project: 17th Street Extension Project Location: Shakopee, MN WSB Project No: 1281-59 Opinion of Probable Cost Developer Cost 17th Ave 17th Ave City Cost 100% Sidewalk Widening Median 100% Bit. Trail Remaining Bit. And Agg. SI.. 9+10 to Sta. 15+00 Widening From 36' to 52' SO % Conduit 50% Conduit Pro'ect Total 100% Storm Sewer 50% Cit /50% Connlv 50% Connlv /50% Dev. 100% WB LTL 10 Ind. Ave. TAB SHEET Item Unit Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated ~~mated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated No, Number Descrintion Notes Unit Price ()nantitv Cost ()uanl.tv Cost uantitv Cost ()uantitv Cost ()uantitv Cost 2506.50 I CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 66-4020 UN Ff $350,00 6,8 $2,380,00 6,8 $2,380,00 2506,501 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 78-4020 LIN Ff $600,00 6,2 $3,720,00 6.2 $3,720,00 2506.521 INSTALL CASTING EACH $250,00 I $250,00 I $250,00 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY 2 EACH $385,00 41 $15,785,00 41 $15,785,00 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH $350,00 I $350,00 1 $350,00 2511.604 ARTiCULAR CONCRETE RIP-RAP (CABLE CONCRETE) SQYD $96,00 7L2 $6,835.20 7L2 $6,835,20 2521501 4" CONCRETE WALK (SIDEWALK) 4 SQFf $2.50 9735 $24,337.50 7060 $17,650,00 2675 $6,687.50 2521501 4" CONCRETE WALK (MEDIAN) SQFf $2.50 7148 $17,870,00 6936 $17,340,00 212 $530,00 2521511 2,5" BITUMINOUS WALK 5 SQFf $1.60 11378 $18,204,80 94 $150,40 11284 $18,054.40 2531501 CONCRETE CURB & GlITTER DESIGN B618 LIN Ff $7.34 505 $3,706,70 505 $3,706,70 2531501 CONCRETE CURB & GlITTER DESIGN B424 LIN Ff $9,25 5929 S54,843.25 3076 $28,453,00 2853 S26,390,25 2531503 CONCRETE MEDIAN (RAISED) SQYD S33,OO 278 S9,174,OO 278 S9,174,OO 2531.602 CONCRETE MEDIAN NOSE DESIGN 7109 EACH S675,OO 3 $2,025,00 2 SI,350,OO I $675,00 2531.602 CONC ENTRANCE NOSE DES 7113 EACH S675,OO 2 $1,350,00 2 $1,350,00 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH S275,OO 4 $1,100,00 2 $550,00 2 $550,00 2545,603 1.25" PVC CONDUIT 8 LIN Ff S6,OO 240 SI,440,OO 120 $720,00 120 $720,00 2563,601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $3,200,00 1.00 S3,200,OO 0,70 S2,240,OO 0.ll9 S288,OO 0,07 S224,OO 0.14 $448,00 2563,602 TYPE III BARRICADES 6 EACH S450,OO 4 SI,800,OO 4 SI,800,OO 2564,602 INSTALL SIGN TYPE SPECIAL 7 EACH $340,00 I S340,OO I $340,00 2564,602 INSTALL SIGN TYPE C EACH SI50,OO I SI50,OO I $150,00 2564,602 INSTALL PERMANENT BARRICADES EACH $250,00 4 SI,OOO,OO 4 $1,000,00 2564,602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (L T ARROW) EPOXY EACH $125,00 6 S750,OO 6 $750,00 2564,602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RT ARROW) EPOXY EACH $125,00 2 $250,00 2 $250,00 2564,603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN Ff $OAO 4844 $1,937.60 3754 SI,501.60 1090 $436,00 2564,603 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN IT $0,90 881 $792,90 736 $662,40 145 $130.50 2564,603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW - EPOXY LlN IT $0,45 3365 $1,514,25 2775 $1,248,75 590 $265.50 2564,603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW.EPOXY LIN IT $0,85 190 $161.50 190 $161.50 2564,603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW.EPOXY LlN IT $12,00 45 $540,00 45 $540,00 2564.618 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQIT $25,00 119,75 $2,993,75 91.75 $2,293,75 28,00 $700,00 2573.502 SILT FENCE TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN IT $1.80 220 $396,00 220 $396,00 Preliminary_ Schedule_contractor's_price 2 10/1712003 Ijmm1~\ ill :1: ", , nunn~nu1? li!nuW1_Prelimin:ry~~~~~~~!.,_ W>_ ia&ii1'ill .,,=,=...%=~...~.~~~ ~i11:___.anuiE - WSB Project: 17th Street Extension Project Location: Shakopee, MN WSB Project No: 1281-59 Opinion of Probable Cost Developer Cost 17th Ave 17th Ave City Cost 100% Sidewalk Widening Median 100% Bit. Trail Remaining Bit. And Agg. Sto. 9+10 to Sta. 15+00 Widening From 36' to 52' 50 0/0 Conduit 50% Conduit Pro' eet Total 100% Storm Sewer 50% Clt /50% County 50% County /50% Dev. 100% WB LTL to Ind. Ave. TAB SHEET Item Unit Estitnated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated No. Number Oescrintion Notes Unit Price "uantitv Cost Onantitv Cost "uantitv Cost Ouantitv Cost "uantitv Cost 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE $650.00 1.65 $1,072.50 1.32 $858.00 0.33 $2t4.50 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 50B POUND $0.01 82.5 $0.83 66.0 $0.66 16.5 $0.17 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT RESISTANT SQYD $2.50 6581 $16,452.50 5335 $13.337.50 1246 $3,115.00 . 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE I TON $0.01 2.48 $0.02 1.98 $0.02 0.50 $0.00 2575.532 COMMERCIAL FERT ANALYSIS 22-5-1ll POUND $0.01 330 $330 264 $2.64 66 $0.66 2575.605 DISK ANCHORING ACRE $0.01 1.65 $0.02 1.32 $O.O! 0.33 $0.00 CONSTRUCTION COSTS I $ 554,974.9711 $ 394,328.7311 $ 47,468.271 $ 38,343321 $ 74,834.641 NOTES: 1. INCLUDES TOPSOIL STRIPPING. BASIS FOR QUANTITIES 2. ALL CASTINGS SHALL BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE, SEE DETAILS. UNIT WEIGHT OF BITUMIINOUS MIX II 0 LBS/SY /IN INCIDENTAL TO CASTING ASSEMBLY. AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD. 1115 LBS/SY/IN 3. USE OF RECYCLED MATERIAL WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 4. INCLUDES SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND SELECT GRANULAR. TACK COAT 5. INCLUDES SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND AGGREGATE. . MILLED SURFACE 0.07 GAL/SY 6. TYPE III BARRICADES AND SIGN TO REMAIN ON PROJECT. - BETWEEN NEW LAYERS 0.05 GALlSY CONTRACTOR TO SECURELY ANCHOR TO PAVEMENT. 7. COMBINATION STREET SIGN AND STOP SIGN. TURF ESTABLISHMENT 8. MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY S.P.U.C., CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL PVC. . SEED MIXTURE 50B 50 LBS/ACRE . MULCH MATERIAL - TYPE I U TON/ACRE . COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER - 22.5-1ll 200 LBS/ACRE Preliminary_Schedule_ contractors_price 3 10/17/2003 . Developer Cost 17th Ave 17th Ave City Cost 100% Sidewalk Widening Median 100% Bit. Trail Remaining Bit. And Agg. Sta. 9+10 to Sta. 15+00 Widening From 36' to 52' 50 % Conduit 50% Conduit I 100% Storm Sewer 50% City / 50% County 50% County / 50% Dev. Totals 100% WB LTL to Ind. Ave. Developer Cost $394,328.73 i II $19,171.66 I ~ $413,500.39 ICity Cost I $23,734.14 ~ $74,834.64 I $98,568.78 Icoonty Cost $23,734.14 i $19,171.66 ~ $42,905.80 Project Totals $394,328.73 $47,468.27 ~ $38,343.32 ~ $74,834.64 ~ $554,974.97 . \ .. IS C. , COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of ' 2003, by and between the City of Shakopee, a body politic and corporate uoder the laws of the Stale of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the County of Scott, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the" County". RECITALS: 1. The City and County have agreed, by separate Memorandum of Understanding, that upon completion of 17'" Avenue to County State Aid Highway (CSAR) 83, the County will assume jurisdiction of 17th Avenue from County Road (CR) 79 to CSAH 83; and 2. The City has approved the final plat for "Thomas A. Phillip Addition" and for "Southern Meadows", both residential developments which in total include the construetion of 0.3 9 miles of 17" Avenue from Independence Drive to the east; and 3. The City and the County agree that it is in the best interests of the safety of the traveling public to include left turn lanes and a center median along this segment of 17th A venue; and 4. Such improvements will require widening of existing 17. Avenue at Independence Drive, and will also result in median costs over and above what the City would normally construct for such a facility; and S. The County has expressed its willingness to participate in the construction costs for 17'" A venue; and 6. Said work shall be carried out under the direction of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED: 1 17th Avenue @ Independence Dr. , City of Shakopee County of Scott . ) I All work shall be completed under the direction of the City, consistent with the plans and specifications completed for 17th Avenue, from station 9+10 to station 29+65, approved by the City on September 26, 2003. The City shall inspect the construction of the necessary work for 17th A venue at the sole cost of the City. II The County will reimburse the City Treasurer for 50% of the construction costs of the median, and 50% of the construction costs for widening 17th A venue at Independence Drive, as part of the project. Based on the City's estimate for the project of $554,974.97, the County's contribution will be $42,905.80. This amount shall be paid by the County to the City upon the County's approval of all work completed as part of the project. III The construction of this project shall be under the general supervision and direction of the City. The City Engineer shall cooperate with the County Engineer and his staff at their request to the extent necessary. IV Neither the County, its officers, agents or employees, either in their individual or official capacity, shall be responsible or liable in any manner to the City for any claim, demand, action or cause of action of any kind or character arising out of, allegedly arising out of or by reason of the performance, negligent performance or nonperformance of the hereinbefore described maintenance, restoration, repair or replacement work by the City, or arising out of the negligence of any contractor under any contract let by the City for the performance of said work; and the City agrees to defend, save and keep said County, its officers, agents and employees harmless from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of negligent performance by the City, its officers, agents or employees. Each Party shall maintain public liability coverage protecting itself, its Board, officers, agents, employees and duly authorized volunteers against any usual and customary public liability claims in amounts which shall, at a minimum, comply with Minn. Stat. 466.04 and Workers' Compensation and shall be in accordance with the Minnesota statutory requirements. Said policies shall be kept in effect during the entire term of this Agreement. 2 , 17th Avenue @ Independence Dr. City of Shakopee County of Scott V It is further agreed that neither the City, its officers, agents or employees, either in their individual or official capacity, shall be responsible or liable in any manner to the County for any claim, demand, action or cause of action of any kind or character arising out of, allegedly arising out of or by reason of the performance, negligent performance or nonperformance of the hereinbefore described maintenance, restoration, repair or replacement work by the County, or arising out of the negligence of any contractor under any contract let by the County for the performance of said work; and the County agrees to defend, save and keep said City, its officers, agents and employees harmless from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of negligent performance by the County, its officers, agents or employees. VI It is further agreed that each party to this agreement shall not be responsible or liable to the other or to any other person whomsoever for any claims, damages, actions, or causes of actions of any kind or character arising out of, allegedly arising out of or by reason of the performance, negligent performance or nonperformance of any work or part hereof by the other as provided herein; and each party further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising in connection with or by virtue of performance of its own work as provided herein. 3 17th Avenue @ Independence Dr. City of Shakopee , County of Scott VII It is further agreed that any and all employees of the City and all other persons engaged by the City in the performance of any work or services required or provided herein to be perfonned by the City shall not be considered employees, agents or independent contractors of the County, and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under the Workers' Compensation Act or the Unemployment Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said City employees while so engaged any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged in any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole responsibility' of the. City shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the County. Any and all employees of the County and all other persons engaged by the County in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall not be considered employees, agents or independent contractors of the City, and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under the Workers' Compensation Act or the Unemployment Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said County employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged in any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole responsibility of the County and shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City. VIII The provisions of Minn. Stat. Sec. 181.59 and of any applicable local ordinance relating to Civil Rights and discrimination and the affirmative action policy statement of Scott County shall be considered a part of this agreement as though fully set forth herein. 4 . , 1 th Avenue @ Independence Dr. City of Shakopee County of Scott IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF SHAKOPEE (SEAL) By And William Mars, Mayor Mark McNeill, City Administrator Date Date ATTEST: By Date Judith S. Cox, City Clerk COUNTY OF SCOTT ATTEST: By By David Unmacht, County Administrator Jon Ulrich, Chair of Its County Board Date Date Upon proper execution, this agreement RECOMMEND FOR APPROV AL: will be legally valid and binding. By By Pat Ciliberto, County Attorney Bradley Larson, County Highway Engineer Date Date APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: By Pat Ciliberto, County Attorney Date \\Hwyblue\wp\ WORD\AGRM1\MISC\SH-17th Ave.doc 5