HomeMy WebLinkAboutHazard Factsheet
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involved in operating or maintaining What are the Legal
diesel-powered vehicles. RequireDlents and
Control operator exposure to diesel Professional Guidelines for
exhaust by closing the cab windows Diesel Exhaust Exposure?
when vehicles are running. Air- Federal OSHA has jurisdiction over
conditioned cabs are critical to
providing this safeguard year round. private sector workers. Many public
This will limit operator contact with sector workers are covered by state
the particulate matter found in diesel OSHA plans. Federal and state OSHA
exhaust. Diesel gases can still seep plans both require the inclusion of
into vehicle cabs even when the information on the potential cancer
windows are closed. hazards associated with diesel fuel
Pre.re1tir e mail t:en.ance and diesel exhaust on Material Safety
Preventive Maintenance Data Sheets (MSDS). Both federal and
can h epre::1ucee xpos.re Following the preventative maintenance state OSHA plans also require training
practices below can also reduce in diesel hazards for workers who
rod:iese.1e1h aust.. exposure to diesel exhaust: handle diesel fuel or who may be
exposed to diesel exhaust.
· Maintain and tune-up diesel Federal and state OSHA plans have
equipment regularly. Check the
exhaust system for leaks. permissible exposure limits (PELs) for
· Fit vehicles with emission control some components of diesel exhaust,
devices (air cleaners), such as including carbon monoxide, sulfur
collectors, scrubbers, and ceramic dioxide, benzene, carbon dioxide,
particle traps. Regularly check nitrogen dioxide, acrolein, and
and replace air cleaners when formaldehyde. OSHA also has a
they get dirty. standard on "nuisance" dust that is
· Fix cracks in vehicles with weather applicable to the soot in diesel
stripping and repair holes in the exhaust. As a potential human
floor to prevent exhaust from carcinogen, NIOSH recommends that
seeping into a vehicle. diesel exhaust exposures be reduced
to the lowest feasible limits~
Personal Protective Equipment
Respirators are the least effective
method of controlling exposure to
#1'-- diesel exhaust and should only be
used as a last resort. NIOSH has not
IIiiII iiIIr . '. approved respirators that use air This factsheet was made possible through a grant
National Transit Institute cartridges for protection against diesel from the Federal Transit Administration. It was
RlJ:gG:'s, exhaust. Only a full facepiece, positive developed in cooperation with the New York
TheState univa:;s. qr Committee for Occupational Safety and Health
of New J€rSW" pressure, supplied air respirator can (NYCOSH). The information presented is based on a
120 AIte:1yStreet,Sti te 7fJ5 provide adequate protection at high review of regulatory standards and current thinking
New B:runswu, NJ 08901-2163
concentrations of diesel exhaust. in the field of workplace health and safety. The
phone 732/932-1700 contents do not necessarily reflect the official views
tax: 732/932-1707 Respirators must be fitted, cleaned, or policies of the U.S. Department of Transportation
w w w NT :ONLINE can or Rutgers University. It is intended for informational
stored, inspected, and maintained in purposes only. Published December 2000.
RuTGERS accordance with OSliNs respirator
regulation. In addition, workers must
be trained on how to use a respirator
0: u.s, Department of Tronsportotlon properly and receive a medical
Federal Trcm.slt Administration evaluation to assure they are
physically fit to wear a respirator..