HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.F.5. Revised Vehicle Acquisition, Use and Replacement Policy-Res. No. 6823
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Memorandum CO'~SE'~r
TO: Mayor and Council
Mark McNeill, City Administrator
FROM: Gregg Voxland, Finance Director
SUBJ: Revised Vehicle Policy
DATE: October 2, 2008
Council is requested to adopt a revised and updated vehicle policy,
It has been three years since the vehicle policy was updated, The
attached policy has general updates with the following changes being
more significant:
1. More emphasis on fuel efficiency.
2, Including idling restrictions for fuel savings, reduced engine
wear and reduced air pollution,
3, Increasing assigned take home vehicles from three to four for the
Fire Department,
4, Clarifying usage and authorizing assigned take home vehicles to
be used for personal purposes for the Fire Department,
Number 3 above is included to increase the Fire Department assigned
vehicles as a result of hiring a full time Chief, Council approved
purchasing the 2008 Ford Explorer for the full time Chief and so that
the assistant chief and two station chief's would have assigned
Number four is included to specify that the assigned vehicles are
required to be used by those personnel and place restrictions on the
use to comply with IRS and state regulations. Previous council
authorized commuting use so that the chief's would have the vehicle at
their place of work to be able to respond to fire calls, Use of the
vehicles for personal purposes was not authorized but has been the
practice for several years. The policy revision provides for personal
use in the Fire service district,
1. Status Quo,
2, Adopt revised policy as presented,
3. Direct changes be made to the proposed revisions,
If Council agrees with the proposed revision, the appropriate action
would be:
Offer Resolution Number 6823 A Resolution Adopting A Vehicle
Acquisition, Use and Replacement Policy and Move its adoption,
Gregg Voxland
Finance Director
Whereas / the City Council has previously adopted a Vehicle Acquisition/
Use and Replacement Policy and,
Whereas, it is necessary to change the policy periodically/
SHAKOPEE/ MINNESOTA, that the City Council hereby adopts the attached
Vehicle Acquisition/ Use and Replacement Policy,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED/ that Resolution Numbers 4582, 5386 and 6170 are
hereby repealed in their entirety,
Adopted in session of the City Council of the City of
Shakopee/ Minnesota held this day of October, 2008,
Mayor of the City of Shakopee
City Clerk
City of Shakopee
Adopted by Resolution No, 6823 10/7/08
City of Shakopee
This policy will provide uniform criteria for all City departments and operations in the acquisition, use and
replacement of vehicles, The City of Shakopee is dedicated to managing its resources in a fiscally responsible
manner. Therefore, a specific need should be demonstrated before a new vehicle is added to the City's fleet, and
every existing vehicle should be utilized to its greatest economic extent prior to replacement. The personal use of
City vehicles will be defined to ensure proper accounting and maximum efficiency of public purpose, The
acquisition of additional vehicles to the City's overall fleet and their replacement should be only as necessary to
allow the City to provide the services and perform the duties and responsibilities that are expected by the public
within budgetary constraints,
1, Non-compliance with this policv bv the driver/operater may result in disciplinarv action; and
2. The supervisor shall ensure that all emplovees adhere to this policy and deal promptlv with all non-
compliance issues,
The many varied aspects of public service provided by the City of Shakopee requires the use of different types of
vehicles, These include:
Type A) vehicles used primarily to transport employees to/from locations of work activity (Le,
administrative and inspection vehicles);
Type B) vehicles necessary to assist City employees in performing their duties (Le, squad car, survey
vehicle, utility repair truck, etc,);
Type C) vehicles used to actually perform a physical function (fire truck, road grader, dump truck, etc,),
The type of vehicle purchased shall be that which is determined to be most appropriate and cost effective for that
vehicle's function, Due consideration shall be qiven to acquirinq the most enerqv efficient and environmentallv
friendlv vehicle that will meet the operational requirements,
A. Staff Transportation Vehicles
A vehicle shall be acquired by the City of Shakopee and assigned for staff transportation only if one or more of
the following occur.
1, If the City has deemed it appropriate to identify the driver and/or passengers as City employees on the
way to/from remote work locations or while performing their official duties.
2, a, If a specific job description results in an employee accumulating a minimum of a,goo 3,000
reimbursable miles per year on their personal vehicle traveling to/from alternate work locations,
b, If an operational division has a cumulative staff mileage reimbursement of ~ 10.000 miles
per year or more.
3, If the City Administrator has determined that a vehicle should be provided as part of a position's
responsibility and meets the requirements of State Law,
4. A pooled vehicle shall be available at City Hall for multi-departmental use.
B. Job Assistance Vehicles
1, In certain circumstances, City provided and equipped vehicles are necessary to allow employees to
perform their job functions, In those circumstances, the City shall provide the specific required type
of vehicle and equip it with the tools, equipment and devices necessary to allow a City employee to
perform their duties in an efficient and safe manner, These vehicles are available through a pool
concept within 3 division or dop3rtmont on an operational basis determined to be most efficient by
the department head(s).
C, Job Performance Vehicles
1. If a certain specialty type of vehicle is deemed necessary by a department to perform a specific work
task, it shall be justified in writing by the department head and subject to budgetary constraints, The
method of acquisition (purchase, lease or rental) shall be determined by the Finance Director.
2, Specialty pieces of equipment shall be shared interdepartmentally to the greatest extent possible
subject to seasonal/usage availability in order to avoid redundant acquisitions,
A. Minimum Replacement Standards
City acquired vehicles should not be progr3mmed or budgeted for replacement until they have met the
guideline ropbcement standards for the particular vehicle c3tegory (see attached), Similarly, vehicles should
Rat be replaced just because thoy have met the guideline replacemont stand3rdE: based on the condition of the
vehicle and abilitv to perform its function as determined bv Fleet Manaqement. Any deviationE: for early
repl3cement mUE:t be justified in writing by the Department head
B, Replacement Evaluation Process
Any City (including Fire Department but excluding SPUC) vehicle which has been proposed for replacement
shall have a standard Vehicle Evaluation Form completed with a written recommendation by the City Mechanic
and Fleet Manager delineating the justification for its replacement. A sample Vehicle Evaluation Form is
attached hereto,
C, Disposition of Used Vehicles
Before a vehicle is removed from the City's Fleet, the Fleet Manager shall review all City current vehicles of
similar type and determine if it would be economically beneficial to switch with another existing vehicle before
disposal. All vehicles to be disposed of will be coordinated by the Fleet Manager and Finance Division to
determine the most economical method and time. Vehicles may be retained for continued use by the City for a
period not to exceed 9 months from the date the new vehicle is placed into service, Vehicles removed from
service in the Police and Fire Departments and those vehicles that regularly operate out of the city limits, shall
be evaluated for reliability to see if they should be retained for local use and thereby minimize the acquisition of
new vehicles. An example of this is a car removed from squad duty that is serviceable for non-emergency use
and assigned to a building inspector, Assignment/reassignment of vehicles shall be determined by the Fleet
City vehicles aFe shall not ::lVoiloble for t3ke home use by City employees be used for personal use except for
the following situations:
A, Assigned Take-Home Vehicles
City employees, (listed below) whose position responsibilities require them who are required to respond directly
to a work related situation from their residence or normal work location outside of normal work hours, will be
allmved to shall use a City vehicle (Type A or B) to commute to/from their pbee of residence under the
following conditions:
1. Full time staff;
. The Police Chief and Fire Chief shall use an assigned vehicle for commuting use if it is within 30
minutes of the City of Shakopee,
. The vehicle is not available for other than minimal personal use outside of the city and/or
commuting to/from the place of residence,
. Assigned vehicles mav be used for personal business and dependants may ride along if the
employee plans to respond to calls. Dependents shall be removed from the vehicle before
responding when practical, if not. the response shall be "non-emergency",
. Assigned vehicles are not designated for the exclusive use of the employee,
2, Paid On Call Staff;
. Three high ranking officers of the Fire Department shall may use a light duty vehicle for
commuting use including their regular place of employment if it is within 15 miles of the City of
. Assigned vehicles. are not de.sjgnated for the exclusive use of the emplovee. For scheduled
leaves of absence by the designated employee exceeding .:J- ~ workday'~, the City vehicle shall be
made available for departmental use ond rem3in ot the employee's normol pl3CC of work,
. These vehicles shall not be taken out of the limits of the Citv of Shakopee, Louisville and Jackson
townships (except commuting use above) unless the trip is for a Fire Department business
. Assigned Fire Department vehicles mav be used for personal business and dependants may ride
along if the emplovee plans to respond to calls, Dependents shall be removed from the vehicle
before respondinq when practical, if not. the response shall be "non-emergencv",
3, Job performance specialty type vehicles (Type C) shall not be modo 3voilable used for personal use
or commuting,
B, Occasional Take-Home Vehicles
City employees may occasionally use a City vehicle (Type A or B) to travel to/from the employee's residence
under the following conditions,
1, Police officers on duty may take cars home in the city at the discretion of the Police Chief,
2, If the City employee has scheduled City business away from their normal work station and the
number of miles traveled, or time needed to conduct the business, will be minimized if the employee
uses a City vehicle to commute to/from the employee's residence before/after traveling to the place
of business,
3, The vehicle is not available for other than minimal personal use beyond commuting to/from the place
of residence,
A, Mileage Reimbursement
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1, All employees of the City will be paid mileage for use of theirperspnaf.lJet'liCIes andr~imbursed for all
related legal parking costs while conducting official City business:>rHemileage rats 'rill be the
maximum reimbursement rate allowed by the IRS for non-taxable income, . However, employees are
encouraged to use available City vehicles whenever possible while conducting official City business,
2, Normal personal commuting mileage from home to work or work to home is not reimbursable, If an
employee uses a personal vehicle to travel to a work responsibility on the way to or from work,
normal personal commuting mileage shall be deducted from the total trip mileage used to calculate
the reimbursement.
3, Employees must have liability insurance coverage on their vehicle and may be required to furnish
proof of insurance to the city.
B, Monthly Allowance
The City Administrator, Public Works Director, Assistant City Engineer, Community Development Director and
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Director may receive a monthly allowance as set by the City
Council. A monthly car allowance is subject to the following conditions:
1, The monthly allowance covers all business miles driven within the seven-county metropolitan area.
Any travel outside this region in a personal vehicle will be reimbursed according to Section VA
2, City vehicles may be used:
a. In an emergency work situation when the personal vehicle is not available,
b, For work related off road driving when the personal vehicle would be subjected to conditions
above normal wear and tear on a vehicle,
c, In severe adverse weather conditions,
d, Where the department head emplovee must travel by vehicle outside the seven-county
metropolitan area
3, The employee has the option to decline the mileage allowance and claim reimbursement under VA
C. Other Costs
Employees are responsible for all costs related to personal vehicle ownership and operation, The City is
responsible for all costs related to installation and maintenance of City equipment in the vehicles which is
necessary in order for the employee to perform the position's functions, The City is also responsible for all costs
related to the removal of such equipment and to the restoration of the vehicle caused by such removal.
A. Color/City Logo
All City vehicles shall be licensed and marked as appropriate for their specific use as follows:
1, All Administrative transportation vehicles (Type A) shall have the City's name prominently displayed
on the side €IooF panels complyina with state law, The City's official logo will be applied when it is
beneficial to have it displayed to the public as determined by the Department Head,
2, All specialty type vehicles (Type B or C)shall have the City name prominently displayed on the door
panel or other highly visible location,
3, Marked police squad/patrol vehicles shall be white or black and white and shall display the City name
and vehicle number, and it shall contain lettering identifying it as a police/law enforcement/emergency
vehicle. The color of unmarked police vehicles will be at the discretion of the Police Chief as
necessary to minimize their detection as a law enforcement vehicle,
4, Fire Department vehicles shall be red with the City's name and vehicle number displayed and shall
contain lettering identifying it as a fire response emergency vehicle prominently displayed on the side
5. All other vehicles purchased new shall be manufacturers standard medium blue in color or if blue is
not available as a standard color, white shall be used unless there is no color choice available,
Vehicles shall not be repainted solely to change the color.
VII, PassenQers
Carrvina of passenaers. (other than city employees. carpoolina to meetinas or dependents aoina alona to a
conference) is prohibited unless it is for a business purpose. Exceptions to this provision may be approved by
the City Administrator,
Fire Department vehicles in parades and musters in surroundina cities. Shakopee community events, fire
prevention activities and Shakopee fire fiahter funerals, may carry passenaers as specifically authorized by the
Fire Chief, All passenqers shall wear proper restraints except durina the actual parade at "parade speed",
See IV A5 for assigned fire vehicles,
VIII. Seat Belts
All occupants of city vehicles shall use proper restraints devices (seat belts) when the vehicle is in motion,
The exception is for freauent stops where the vehicle is moved two blocks or less such as street patchina,
IX. EnQine IdlinQ
A, Purpose
This document outlines the policy of a one minute idle time to: reduce the air pollution from vehicle and
eauipment exhausts. create a healthier environment, promote eneray (fossil fuel) conservation. reduce noise
pollution and reduce wear and service needs on vehicles and eauipment.
B, General
Vehicles and eauipment idlina have a sianificant impact upon the environment. The main areas of
environmental impact are air auality and fuel consumption, Air auality is affected by the creation of smoa (ozone
in the lower levels of the atmosphere and production of carbon monoxide and other air borne pollutants ), The
affects on humans (and animals) may include respiratory problems ranaina from not beina able to handle
extended outdoor activities to asthma and related disorders,
C, Scope
This applies to all employees who are authorized to operate a vehicle/equipment owned, leased or rented by the
City of Shakopee.
D. Policv
1. The driver/operator shall:
Not idle the vehicle/equipment while completinq a circle check (unless required for air brake pressure
or other critical checks necessary), shut down the vehicle/equipment when it is expected to exceed the
one minute idle time. ensure that vehicle/equipment deficiencies are reported immediately to the
immediate supervisor or if it is unsafe to turn the unit off, idle the vehicle/equipmentonlv if the motor is
required to power auxiliary equipment, idle the vehicle/equipment only under extreme weather
conditions, and idle the vehicle equipment only when the health and safety of employees or others may
be ieopardized.
2. The supervisor shall:
Make sure that employees are made aware of this policy and ensure that all employees adhere to this
3. Fleet Services shall:
Idle vehicles/equipment only when necessary for maintenance and diaqnostic purposes, and ensure
that idlinq be kept to a minimum.
E. Exemptions
1. For vehicle equipment maintenance and diaqnostic purposes.
2. Under extreme weather condition or any other time when the health and safety of employees or others
may be ieopardized.
3. If the unit is not expected to restart due to mechanical problems (to be repaired ASAP).
4. Police of Fire units while operatinq in emerqency mode or traininq when needed to power warninq liqhts
and equipment and not for the convenience or comfort of the operator.
5. When the enqine is required to power auxiliary equipment (i.e.: hoist. lift, computers, safety Iiqhtinq, and
internal equipment).
6. For proper cool down for heavy vehicle/equipment
7. When stopped in traffic or at an official traffic control device.
F. Procedures
1. The driver/operator will:
a) Check the vehicle/equipment prior to leavinq to ensure that safe turn off of the unit can be
b) Report the defect in the Vehicle Inspection LOQ Book and provide to the immediate supervisor to
determine if it is safe to be operated or needs to be repaired immediately if the unit can not be
turned off.
c) Turn off and remove the keys from the iqnition when the vehicle/equipment is left unattended.
d) Turn off the vehicle/equipment. unless the vehicle/equipment motor is to be used for auxiliary
e) Turn off the vehicle/equipment when it is expected to exceed the one minute idle time, and it is safe
to do so.
2. The supervisor will:
a) Fill out the Vehicle Repair/Service Request when the vehicle/equipment is reported to be unsafe to
turn off.
b) Determine if vehicle/equipment is to be operated or put in for immediate repair.
c) Put in a request to Fleet Services and with copy of Vehicle Inspection LOQ Sheet.
d) Instruct employees of this policy.
e) Ensure that all employees adhere to this pOlicy.
X. Operation
Only city employees may operate city vehicles or equipment unless the vehicle is used bv another aqency
under a mutual aid aQreement.
Operators shall obey all applicable rules. reQulations and laws and have a valid license.
Operators shall not be under the influence of druQs or alcohol.
No smokinq in city vehicles/equipment.
Use of cell phones/PDAs and other distractions should be avoided when operatinq vehicles or equipment.
No temporary part-time employee shall operate city vehicles/equipment unless directed to do so by a
Operator shall report any involvement in an accident or any ticket/citation with a city vehicle to their supervisor
who in turn shall report it to Finance.
GPS units may be installed in vehicle/equipment for fleet manaQement purposes.
Departments with assigned vehicles are responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of such vehicles.
Vehicles may be professionally cleaned once per year. The cost of cleaning a vehicle before it is disposed of or
turned over to another department is the responsibility of the department that had prior use of the vehicle.
Operators are responsible do a daily walk around for the condition of the vehicle which includes checking
enqine oil at least weekly. Vehicles shall be washed at least weekly durinq the salt season and as needed
otherwise to maintain the vehicle and present a qood appearance to the public.
The City Administrator is responsible for the enforcement of this policy. City employees may not deviate from
the policy unless they have approval from the City Council.
The employee is responsible for any traffic violations/citations incurred while operatinq a city vehicle.
Revised 9/2008
Fleet Services - Equipment Maintenance Section
Unit# Serial # Department
Year Make Model
Vehicle Description
Special Eqpt/Attachments
Primary Use
Current Mileage Hour
Last Year Miles Hour
Avg. Annual Miles Hour
Purchase Price (includes special equipment)
Estimated Replacement Cost (includes special equipment)
Estimated Average Life years/hours/miles
Annual Operating Costs
Cumulative Operating Costs
Annual CPM or CPH
Life-To-Date CPM or CPH
Average CPM or CPH for
vehicle class
% Downtime - Annually
% Downtime - Cumulative
%Downtime by Class
Body, mechanics and/or chassis condition comments:
I Prepared by I Reviewed by I