HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.C.1. Updates to the Transportation and Stormwater Management Plans IS.C. I . CITY OF SHAKOPEE Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator FROM: R. Michael Leek, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Proposed Updates to the Transportation and Stormwater Management Plans MEETING DATE: February 3,2004 BACKGROUND: The City's Transportation and Stormwater Management Plans were last updated in 1997 and 1998. A great deal of development has taken place since then, and the City is on the verge of additional development moving into both the bluff areas of the City, and as areas that are currently in the Jackson Township. For those reasons, it seems an opportune time to update those chapters. Staff expects that the information developed for each ofthese plans, along with the information from the land use plan update recently completed, may in fact be of use in the strategic planning process that the Council is considering entering into. It is expected that any changes that might be suggested by the strategic planning process could be incorporated into the plans prior to their finalization. The estimated cost ofthe Transportation Plan Update is $43,500.00, with a September/October date for presentation to the Council. See the attached proposal for further details. The estimated cost of the storm water update is $23,600, with a July 2004 presentation date. The studies would be paid for from budgeted professional services funds. AL TERNATIVES: 1) Authorize the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with WSB for updates to the Transportation and Stormwater Management Plans at a cost not to exceed $43,500 and $23,600, respectively. 2) Do not authorize the updates to the Transportation and Stormwater Management Plans. 3) Table the matter for additional information. ACTION REQUESTED: Offer and pass a motion to authorize the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with WSB for updates to the Transportation and Stormwater Management Plans at a cost not to exceed $43,500 and $23,600, respectively. /~ ~/j.. .:~:.,L R. Michael Leek Community Development Director SHAKOPEE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL WORK PROGRAM The City of Shakopee developed a Transportation Plan in 1998 as part of their Comprehensive Plan Update. That Transportation Plan developed 20-year (2020) traffic forecasts, as well as developed standards/guidelines for the City's functional roadway classification system. The City, since 1998, has had significant growth and is anticipated to continue to grow, specifically; the City is anticipating growth in Jackson and Louisville Townships. The purpose ofthe proposed Transportation Plan update will provide the City a vision of transportation issues during the next 20 to 30 years. The Transportation Plan will forecast traffic for 2030 and 2040. In addition, the Transportation Plan will update the City's functional roadway classification system, as well as City collector street standards. The following tasks are anticipated to be completed in development of the Transportation Plan update: Task 1.0 - Data Collection Available data will be collected from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Scott County, and the City of Shakopee. This data will include, but is not limited to: . Existing Land-Use Data by Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) - WSB will review and update the existing land-use data in the model so that it reflects the current situation. It is assumed that the City will provide the updated land-use data. . Projected Land-Use Data by Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) - WSB will review the projected land-use data and update it to reflect the current zoning and land-use plan. It is assumed that the City will provide land-use data for 2030 and 2040 to be used in the model. . Existing Municipal State Aid (MSA) Street Traffic Count Data - It is assumed that no additional traffic counts will be required to update the Travel Model. . Jackson and Louisville Township Land-Use Data . TH 41 River Crossing Study/EIS . TH 169 Interregional Corridor (IRe) Study . Scott County Transportation Plan . CSAH 21 EIS Page 1 of6 C:\DOCUME- J\MLeek\LOCALS-J\TempITRANSPORTATION PLAN WORK PROGRAM,doc SHAKOPEE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL Task 2.0 - Model Update The existing 1998 base model will be updated to existing conditions (year of most recent counts). This will include updating the existing roadway network to provide for newly constructed roadways and any other roadways that should be included in the model. This task also includes an update to the attributes for each of the roadways which includes the travel speeds and capacities of the roadway. The existing and projected land-use data by TAZ will be provided by the City and reviewed and updated in the model by WSB. This information will be submitted to the City of Shakopee for their review. The existing and forecast trip generation for each ofthe TAZ's will be updated based on the new land-use data. Task 3.0 - Model Calibration Once the model inputs have been updated, the model will be calibrated to the 2002/2003 MSA traffic counts. This will be done by comparing the model assignments against existing traffic counts. Adjustments will be made to the trip generation rates, roadway capacities, and vehicle speeds until model assignments approximate the actual counts. The calibration will be completed in the following order: Vehicle Miles of Travel - Trip Generation Rates and friction factors will be adjusted so that the total model VMT is within 2% ofthe calculated VMT for the roadways included in the network. Calculated VMT is determined by multiplying the ADT for a link by the length ofthe link that it applies to and summing these values for all ofthe links in the network. Breakdown of VMT by Facility Type - Once the total VMT is determined, the speeds on the system will be adjusted by facility type so that the VMT comparison of model versus actual is within 5% for each facility type. Daily Volumes Across Screenlines - Both north-south and east-west screenlines will be developed and the total model assignments for the roads in the screenline will be compared with the total of actual counts. Speeds will be adjusted until model versus actual screenline volumes are within 10%. Daily Volumes on Individual Links - Final adjustments will involve adjusting the speeds on individual links until model assignments are within 20% on any individual link. Task 4.0 - Forecasts for Alternative Scenarios Once the model has been calibrated to existing conditions, future year forecasts will be developed based on the updated projected land-use data and the planned roadway Page 2 of6 C:\DOCUME-l\MLeek\LOCALS-l\Temp\TRANSPORTATION PLAN WORK PROGRAM. doc SHAKOPEE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL network. WSB will work with the City to define the specific alternatives that should be analyzed as part ofthis task. It is assumed that up to four alternatives will be analyzed. These alternatives may include the following: 1. Base Alternative - Currently planned land-use and transportation network la. 2030 Forecasts lb. 2040 Forecasts 2. Jackson/Louisville Township Expansion (2040 Forecast) 3. TH 41 River Crossing alternate (2040 Forecast) The results of the Alternative Analysis will be documented and recommendations of what further study is needed to determine the feasibility including alignments, right-of-way needs, etc. will be made if warranted. Task 5.0 - Issue Review and Analysis WSB will work with City Staff to define, review and analyze specific transportation issues. These include, but are not limited to: 1. 1 ih A venue extension from CSAH 15 to CSAH 69. 2. Extension of Valley View Road through Mdewakanton Sioux Community. 3. Extension of Independence Drive south of Valley View Road. 4. Pike Lake Road extension. 5. CSAH 21 improvements. 6. TH 41 improvements. 7. Mdewakanton Sioux land use. It is assumed in the estimated cost that up to ten specific issues will be analyzed. Task 6.0 - Transportation System Guidelines The existing Transportation System Guidelines were developed in the 1998 Transportation Plan. This will include updating the street width guidelines, right-of-way guidelines, parking guidelines, and access spacing guidelines. Task 7.0 - Agency Coordination In order to provide the best possible Transportation Plan, coordination will be required between the City, Scott County, Metropolitan Council, and MnlDOT. This will include meetings to discuss assumptions, modeling results, and potential alternatives. It is assumed that up to four meetings (two with Scott County, and one each with the Metropolitan Council and MnlDOT) will be held during the development of the Transportation Plan update. Page 3 of6 C:\DOCUME-l\MLeek\LOCALS-lITempITRANSPORTATlON PLAN WORK PROGRAM.doc SHAKOPEE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL Task 8.0 - Documentation A draft report will be prepared outlining the updated study methodology, data collection alternative analysis, and model results and conclusions. The draft report will be distributed to the City, Scott County, Metropolitan Council, and MnlDOT for their comments. The final report will be developed addressing all comments and presented to the City Council. Page 4 of6 C:\DOCUME-l\MLeekILOCALS-l\Temp\TRANSPORTATION PLAN WORK PROGRAM,doc SHAKOPEE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL ESTIMATED COST Based on the proposed Scope of Services as outlined in the work program for the updated Transportation Plan, the cost to provide such services will be as follows: Task Cost Task 1 - Data Collection $ 2,500.00 Task 2 - Model Update 10,000.00 Task 3 - Model Calibration 3,500.00 Task 4 - Forecasts for Alternative Scenarios 8,000.00 ($2,000 each) Task 5 - Issue Review! Analysis 7,500.00 ($750 each) Task 6 - Transportation System Guidelines 4,500.00 Task 7 - Agency Coordination 4,000.00 Task 8 -Documentation 3,500.00 Total $43,500.00 Page 5 of6 C:\DOCUME-IlMLeekILOCALS-IITempITRANSPORTATION PLAN WORK PROGRAM,doc SHAKOPEE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL SCHEDULE Task Dates Council Authorization February 3, 2004 1.0 Data Collection February 4 to March 5, 2004 2.0 Model Update March - May 2004 3.0 Model Calibration May/June 2004 4.0 Forecasts for Alternative Scenarios June/July 2004 5.0 Issues Review and Analysis June/August 2004 6.0 Transportation System Guidelines July/August 2004 7.0 Agency Coordination Ongoing February - August 2004 8.0 Documentation August/September 2004 Final Council Presentation September/October 2004 Page 6 of6 C:\DOCUME-IlMLeekILOCALS--IITempITRANSPORTATION PLAN WORK PROGRAM,doc SHAKOPEE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL WORK PROGRAM This proposal has been prepared to incorporate the concerns and issues raised by the City of Shakopee and Scott County in regard to developing a storm water management plan which establishes storm water storage, infiltration, and allowable discharge rate requirements for the Jackson Township and Louisville Township Annexation areas. The limits of the study area will be defined as part of the data collection task. The proposed work area and estimated cost to complete the storm water management plan for the Jackson Township and Louisville Township annexation areas is provided below: Task 1.0: Data Collection This task consists of collecting the following background information regarding the study area: 1. 2-foot contour mapping and aerial photography provided by Scott County. 2. Proposed development plans within Jackson Township. 3. MnJDOT hydrologic and hydraulic studies for areas within Jackson Township. 4. Drainage study for areas in the vicinity of Scott County Road 78 prepared by Barr Engineering. 5. Existing land use information for Jackson and Louisville Townships. 6. Projected future land use information for Jackson and Louisville Townships. Task 2.0: Hvdroloe:ic Boundarv and Study Limits Upon review of the background information, a subwatershed delineation map for the Jackson and Louisville Townships annexation areas will be prepared. It is anticipated that upon completion of this map, a meeting will be held with the City of Shakopee and Scott County to discuss particular areas of interest or concern, and to define the exact limits of the study. For the purposes ofthis proposal and estimating the cost to complete the scope of work, it is anticipated that the study area would include all areas of Jackson and Louisville Townships which are tributary to crossings 1, 2, and 3 of the Trunk Highway 169 storm water conveyance system. Task 3.0: Hvdroloe:iclHydraulic Modeline: The City's existing hydrologiclhydraulic model will be updated for the subwatersheds within Jackson and Louisville Townships which drain to the City of Shakopee, as well as that portion of the City which may be impacted by the increased runoff resulting from the future development of the annexation areas. The watersheds within Jackson and Louisville Townships will be modeled to determine the 2-year, lO-year, and lOO-year flood elevations and allowable discharge rates. This analysis will apply the policies established in the City's and Scott County's Storm Water Management Plans for determining allowable storm water discharge rates, storm water treatment and infiltration requirements for the anticipated development within the Jackson and Louisville Townships annexation areas. This analysis also anticipates identifying possible regional locations for storm water rate control, treatment and infiltration ponding areas. Page 1 of 4 C:\DOCUME-l\MLeekILOCALS-IITemp\STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM,doc SHAKOPEE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL Task 4.0: Revise Comprehensive Storm Water Mana2ement Plan Upon completion of the hydrologiclhydraulic modeling, a summary of the results and the proposed ponding locations and peak discharge rates will be completed, and a meeting will be held with the City of Shakopee and Scott County to review and discuss the findings and recommendations. Following this meeting, the City of Shakopee's existing hydrologiclhydraulic model and watershed mapping will be revised to reflect the proposed fully developed Jackson and Louisville Townships annexation areas. This model will include revisions to the Upper Valley Drainageway, peak discharge rates, and high water elevations. Page 2 of 4 C:\DOCUME-l\MLeek\LOCALS-l\TempISTORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM,doc SHAKOPEE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL ESTIMATED COST Based on the proposed Scope of Services as outlined in the work program for the updated Storm Water Management Plan, the cost to provide such services will be as follows: Task Cost Task 1.0 - Data Collection $ 2,500.00 Task 2.0 - Hydrologic Boundary and Study Limits $4,900.00 Task 3.0 - Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling $7,800.00 Task 4.0 - Revise Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan $8,400.00 Total $23,600.00 Page 3 of 4 C:\DOCUME-l\MLeekILOCALS-lITempISTORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM,doc SHAKOPEE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE PROPOSAL SCHEDULE Task Dates Council Authorization February 3,2004 1.0 Data Collection February 4 to March 5, 2004 2.0 Hydrologic Boundary and Study Limits March - April 2004 3.0 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling May 2004 4.0 Revise Comprehensive Storm Water July 2004 Management Plan Page 4 of 4 C:\DOCUME-l\MLeek\LOCALS-lITempISTORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN WORK PROGRAM,doc