HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.B. Park Naming Policy Amended-Res. No. 6757 };{. 8. CITY OF SHAKOPEE Memorandum To: City Council, Mayor, City Administrator From: Andrea Weber, Park and Recreation Landscape Design Subject: Park Naming Policy Amended, Res. No. 6757 Date: April 8, 2008 INTRODUCTION City Council is asked to adopt Resolution 6757, A Resolution of the City of Shakopee, Minnesota Amending the Park Naming Policy. BACKGROUND The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) has been working for the past several months to revise the Park Naming Policy guidelines for naming parks in honor of persons at the request of the City Council. This memo synthesizes the Adviso~ Board's comments from the two options for policy changes presented at the March 315 PRAB meeting and is offered to Council for adoption as a policy amendment. The current policy naming guidelines state: Part 1, c. Names to commemorate persons who have made significant contributions to Shakopee parks system, (with the permission of the honoree, or immediate family or designated representative, if any). Names to commemorate other local born or raised persons of historic, statewide or national importance may be considered without a park association. The proposed changes, as per the March meeting are below, are inserted into a full version of the policy and application, attached. RELATIONSHIP TO VISION F. Housekeeping ALTERNATIVES 1. Adopt the recommended changes to the park naming policy, or 2. Table the policy changes, and request further information from staff or the PRAB, or RECOMMENDATION The Park and Recreation Advisory Board recommends that the City Council approve the amended Park Naming Policy. REQUESTED ACTION 1. Offer Resolution No. 6757, A Resolution of the City of Shakopee, Minnesota Amending the Park Naming Policy, and move it's adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 6757 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SHAKOPEE, MINNESOTA, AMENDING A POLICY FOR THE NAMING OF PARKS WHEREAS, The Park and Recreation Advisory Board recommends amending a policy for the naming of parks; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to clarify the policies, standards and a philosophy for the naming of city parks and park amenities or facilities in honor of persons. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHAKOPEE, MINNESOTA, that the Park NaminQ Policy, dated April 8,2008, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted. Adopted in this 8th day of April, 2008. session of the City Council of the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, held Mayor of the City of Shakopee Attest: City Clerk PARK NAMING POLICY l. A. The Purpose of the naming policy is to develop place names that are: · Unique. Unique names are identifiable to a specific place and do not duplicate or are not confused with existing names in City of Shakopee or neighboring areas. · Meaningful. Names may reference natural features or landmarks, local historic events or persons with historic significance, locally or nationally. . Inclusive. Names shall be selected in a public adoption process. They shall be respectful of all people and cultures and reflect positive values acceptable to the community as a whole. B. Donor Naming may be considered on a case by case basis. Donor naming agreements may include provisions for ongoing and special maintenance costs, such as the renovation of a facility. Donor naming may also have specific terms for discontinuation or termination and shall be adopted by City Council resolution. C. Fundraising campaigns for dedicating memorial amenities, such as benches, pavers or trees, shall be approved as a campaign by the Park and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council under the existing Donation Policy concurrent with park improvements or new park developments. Wording on memorial features shall follow the naming guidelines in this policy. 2. Application Process: A. The process may be initiated in the following ways: i. By public announcement by the Park and Recreation Advisory Board in local papers or the city's website or in conjunction with neighborhood design process. ii. By application by a landowner, donor, group, or resident. B. A Naming Request Form shall be completed which will include: i. Location of Park or feature to by development / addition, and street frontage(s). ii. Person/organization requesting the name and their contact information. iii. Proposed name and up to two alternates, if desired. iv. Explanation of name meaning(s), including translation, or biographical information if the name is honoring a person or people. v. Description of process involved in choosing the proposed name and what type of public involvement was used. 3. Review Procedure. A. Applications shall be submitted to the Park and Recreation Department, and reviewed by staff for completeness and accuracy. A naming request made as a part of the development process, may be submitted by the developer with a plat application. If not, the Park and Recreation Advisory Board will begin the process by a public announcement as in 2.) A. i, above. B. If the naming proposed is in honor of a person or persons, the first review will be made by a subcommittee for this specific purpose. The subcommittee will meet no more than twice a year, as needed. The subcommittee shall be appointed by the City Council and may consist of members of: City Council, Staff, Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, other City Boards and Commissions, and residents not associated with the IlOnoree(s) or with the application. Tlte subcommittee sltall determine wltetlter tlte park name will continue to be reviewed through the regular naming process or not. If the subcommittee agrees that the name is meets tlte intent and guidelines of the policy, it will recommend it to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, wlro will tlren offer a recommendation to City Council. City Council Iras tire final authority on park names. If the subcommittee decides the park name does not appear to meet the intent and guidelines of tire policy, tire applicant, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council will receive a memo from the subcommittee that a name application in honor of a person was not recommended andfor what reason. Appeals of the decision of the subcommittee can be brouglrt to the Parks a~d Recreation Advisory Board. If tire Advisory Board chooses to discuss the application, it may do so. C. Name Requests which are complete (and if in honor of people, have been recommended by tlte subcommittee) are presented by staff to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board in a regular scheduled meeting. D. The Park and Recreation Advisory Board shall discuss the Naming Request and recommend or not recommend it to the City Council. They may also table the request for due consideration before voting on it. E. The City Council will hear and vote on the Park and Recreation Advisory Board recommendation. The City Council shall have final authority on all Park Naming Requests. All park names shall be adopted by Resolution by the City Council. A Park Naming Resolution shall only take effect after the land has officially been transferred to the city's ownership and the city retains legal title to the land. City of Shakopee Park Namin!! Application Part I. All namine: reQuests shall follow the e:uidelines below: A. General Name guidelines: . Should not duplicate or be easily confused with existing public or private places in or near Shakopee. . Should avoid adjectives such as east, west, big, long, etc., and numbers when possible unless an adjacent feature name uses the same descriptor. . Should use the fewest words possible. . Shall include an appropriate designator of the type of park, i.e. Community Park, Neighborhood Park or Tot Lot. H. Names of historic places, events and cultural ideas and names using Dakota language or concepts shall be appropriate to the site and proposed use, and should follow standard current spelling of the Dakota language. C. Names for site features, wildlife or other natural ideas, when site specific D. Guidelines for naming in honor of persons are as follows. A person honored with a park or facility name must meet all of th efollo wing: . Have resided or worked in Shakopee or the area which has become Shakopee, and, . Be separated from city service for at least one year prior to application or be deceased for at least one year prior to application. (If the person is not deceased at the time of the naming, the name shall be conditional until the person has been deceased for at least one year, the City Council will formally adopt or not adopt the name after this time), and, . Be highly esteemed in the community (without criminal or legal judgments which show poor character- a background check may be performed with consent, character references will be contacted). In addition, the llOnoree(s) are recommended to meet at least one of the folio wing conditions: a. At least 10 years of civic service (must have made a significant and exceptional contribution to the parks or community as a whole for recreation purposes). b. A local historical individual or family who were influential in the development of the city or of other widely acknowledged historic importance. c. A major financial contribution (donation of at least 50% of the value of park land dedication). Note: Meeting the guidelines does not guarantee that a name will be approved. Part II. Please fill in all of the Questions below Return completed applications to Shakopee Community Center or mail to: City of Shako pee Parh, Recreation, Natural Resources and Facilities Department, Attn: Director, 1255 Fuller St., Shakopee, MN 55379. I. Name and Location of Park or feature/amenity to be named or Development / Addition name, and adjacent street frontage(s). 2. Person/organization requesting the name Phone (daytime) Fax E-mail address (please print clearly): Relationship to the park name honoree, if the name is in honor of a person or persons 3. Proposed name (and up to two alternates, if desired). 4. Explanation of name meaning(s), including translation, or biographical information and character references if the name is honoring a person or people, if applicable (attach additional sheets). 5. Please describe the process involved in choosing the proposed name and what type of public involvement was used. Note: 1. Applications determined to be incomplete by staff will not be considered for formal review. 2. Meeting the naming guidelines does not guarantee that a proposed park name wi/l be approved. Policy revised April 8, 2008