HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.B.3. Purchase of a 2008 Ford F350 4x4 and Snow Plow to replace unit #155m using State Bid Pricing ~ 3~ CITY OF SHAKOPEE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council N ~N Mark McNeill, City Administrator Bruce Loney, Public Works Director FROM: Michael Hollander, Public Works Superintendent DATE: March 18, 2008 SUBJECT: Purchase of a 2008 Ford F350 4x4 and Snow Plow to replace unit # 155 using State Bid Pricing. INTRODUCTION: Public Works is requesting to purchase a 2008 Ford F350 4x4 with Snow Plow to replace unit #155 using State Bid Pricing for the cost of $32,095.94. Unit #155 will be retained for the Building Maintenance Division to replace unit #188 a 1988 GMC 3500 4x4. Public Works budget estimate for this purchase was $30,000.00. BACKGROUND: Public Works identified a need in the 2008 Capital Equipment Budget to replace unit #155 a 1998 Chevy 3500 4x4 with plow. This unit is used to tow equipment and plow snow in the street division. This truck is in excellent condition but the snow plow needs to be replaced. Staff believes this is an excellent truck to replace the 1988 GMC 3500 pickup truck used by the Building Maintenance Division and that truck can be sold on auction. The lift gate on the 1988 GMC 3500 can be re-mounted on the 1998 Chevy 3500 for continued use by Building Maintenance. With this purchase there will be no addition to the city's fleet. Staff is requesting to purchase the option of a diesel engine at a cost of $5,516.00. Data shows a fuel efficiency of 3 to 5 miles per gallon during towing and plowing activities over our existing un-leaded trucks. With new technology in the production of bio-diesel and the research being done with algae as abio-diesel, we believe this is the "Green" alternative of the future. If council concurs, we believe .this meets the city's green initiative. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Authorize staff to purchase one new Ford F350 4x4 with snow plow for the price of $32,095.94 from Elk River Ford using State Bid Pricing. 2. Deny the request. 3. Table for additional information. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative number one. ACTION REQUESTED: Move to authorize staff to purchase one new Ford F350 4x4 with snow plow from Elk River Ford for the purchase price of $32,095.94 using State Bid Pricing with the funds to be expended from the Internal Service Equipment Fund. s Michael Hollander Public Works Superintendent ACTION REQUESTED: Move to authorize staff to purchase one new Ford F350 4x4 with snow plow from Elk River Ford for the purchase price of $32,095.94 using State Bid Pricing with the funds to be expended from the Internal Service Equipment Fund. s Michael Hollander Public Works Superintendent FEB-D6-2D4B 1i:23AtI Ft~l+1-ELK RIVER FORD SALES +T632T~3338 T-OTS P.OQ3i0D3 F-T3S ~~.K RiVER Ft~RD C~ODGE J~~P ~T21~ HvVY ~0 N1~t F~c#QFPAGES FLEI=T ~ GQVEE~NMEt'~tT SALES EL1~i R,iVEt~,, MN 553~Q Y MCARTHUR WADE TURN R 783-274-3348 763-274-3319 ~ 6~ 338 FAX Tt'1: ~A~' ~ CROLlF 4B CON7 # 438604 FAX: .a,~,~„ 2 $ Ft) 350 4X4 R GULAR #G U EXTERIOR PRtC WI$ FQ4 O?C S F3~1 CX [iARK SHAi~4W GREY tN LUa~S px DARK ~I.u~ y IPI tE RI rP'I' N T Y A6ITOMATiC TRAN$MI5StQN SKID PLATES ~ Ca3 PEIEBLfI GCltt3 ,ors 't'255(TOR?TE AT TIRES (,1MITE[3 SLIP D?FFEREM'IA>, GO FI]REST GREEN 40120(40 ViNYt. $ERT E~-i 10?00# GWUR UQ BLACK XL 7RtM 8 iNCti TftA(LER BITCH RECEIVER WHITE AIR CcyNDiTtONIruG ENGINE BLOCK HEATER Z3 SILVER cRUls~ caNT~at~ TOW tiCalfs j 7rLr ~e~rrvG / YTIIUIE RUNNING LIGHTS INTERIOR PRICE: OPYIdNS PRICE CAMEL {TAN d/ BLACK RUNNING BC~AF~DS ~258.4t? ME©!UM STONE :t TQW 01~?MMANR F'KG X284-f~f? Pt~WER EQUIPMENT GRC?UP $424.00 _ ' 1'WR TRL, TOVU MIRRCiRS vVtPWR EClrrrP GROUP AR[~ $76.Qi? SERVICE DCJCUMEAlTS PI21CE: f UPFITTER 5WlTCHES $88,©Q Cd SERVI E/ELECT $230.00 f SNt'}W PLQW PREPfaFtOUP $68.tf0 PAi~ER 5ERVlCF~ELECT $~BCt.t3f! ,f LC3TH BENCH SEAT $128.114 CLCITH 4tt12Dt44 SEAT $34Q.Clt1 CLflTN HI $ACK CAPTAINS CHAIRS $412r.00 XL QECOR GRCIiJP X140,44 ~ > IMPtJRTANT-TU l~ECEI~tE THIS tCE rows ITT uuciu TAX ~ t~1 $19,903,77 GOVT PRICING TCITAL t1F ADt1lTIt~NAL C1PTlONS ~r~~ t~FTICINAL EXTENDECf S~pWERTRAiN WARRANTY Yt~U MUST HAVE A FLEET tt3 TEf2M # pEDUCTlBLE CALL US IF YQL1 D~1 NCtT RECEIVE SU8-TOTAL FtaFt EACH VEHICLE ~ ~ CO'NFtf~MATIOI'd CjF YC1UR C7RDER. SERVICE pC1CUMENi'S ( PAYMENT tS i~UE i.IPC?N NUMBER 01= UNITS DEL11fERY OF EACH VEH#CLE. f/' r~ ?.5?/e #MJNTHLY INTEREST RATE Wilt BE A$$E$$EO ~ GRAND TOTAL 1` QR AE.I~ UNCfS c~~~J I ~ ~ A Ac~auNTS NoT RECEivirts wiTr+iN ~o OaYS of DEUV~zY f!Y I}AT(: aR ANY PART THEREGIF. N U ASE C1Q N()T HESITATE TC3 CAL! WITH ANY QUESTIIJNS! EL R!V R F Rd INC. EGtAL fN RUCTICINS $ t`~ Feb•13. 2408 8:81 AM CRl'STFtL TRUCK tUUI}'MtNI ~o•u~~~ r. , 547-7~G-6t~#1 CRY'T'~~L TRIJ~K ~a~-~z2~-2~~s~ 52248 EMEER. R.C3.AD EQ~~~' P.f3. BE7?~ 73~ LADE CRYSTAL, MN. 56455-4'33 February 1 2448 Gene Je~vrissen City of Shakopee Public Services $uildin8 40tj ~rm~? St. Sbakope~, R+IN 553?9 Phrnae: 952-233-3824 Fax: 4S2 233-382I Cell:{9S2) Z15#9$34 Dear Crane; We are pleased tcs qu~ate the fc~Ilowing equipmentt for y~otrr consideration. The platy wt~I be instsrlled on a 8 Fntd F-~" piek~wp. REF~tEATCE: C~PERATI;IE Pt3RCHASE 4F EMENT }~Tit3M STATB t}~' i~Il~3NESOTA CON'TI~CT ATCJ: 437475 RF~,EA.SE 1~€C3: T-699{5 CgNTitAC'T PI~RI4D: December I5, 2A46 through h+ia~rch 31, 2Q4'~ EXT~tSIQN taPTICIN: 3'o NCatch 31, 2448 I-U~'I'I` STA'I'D Ct~'?1'E1tATiVE FRIC]~tC ITEM# D$SCRIPTIDN PRICII~iC3 B.0 Frotrt ~~now Pt~tnr Make Price $3,85~i.34 Warranty ~ Y$e~ Gate & I,i~s. oi` PfiCe Sheet NIA D'~coum, ff any, to tae applies! to pace ahsert N1A lnstailation $360.00 P~semhlyt~f nx~d6oard S 124,04 Cab Commend control IE.Q Standard ~ ~6-~ snow I1ei(et~or tnstalteci 8 257.$a StJB T{~TAL DF STt~TE BIT) PRICING & ,A,DJUSTMEi~'TS $ 4,625.26 A brief descxiption mud. slpecific~tions of proposed epmt to meet t~ needs of the City crf Shakopee, £'L 5£00 E6£1T00 6b'£T OT8'Z 08'6 TO £0 bZ~SI 80/TT/£0 9512 1£00 ZL00 00000 LOZZO Zb6T MON K S.NIfZYS Z'9 OE00 0£85L00 99'£T OI8'Z 98'6 TO £0 9b~6T 80/IT/£0 ISTZ I£00 2500 00000 50ZZ0 T66T Z'9 ObTO 2690010 8£'LL 006'£ 9L'ZZ ZO ZO 9I=bI 80/IT/£0 bZ5£ L500 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Clltra-Mount Flow Hitch ? 31" high tnaldbnard ? maldb~cl reimfvrcing ribs ? 4 moldboard trip springs ? 2 double acting shack absorber ? 1-it2" x 12" a cylinders with l" pins ? Powder coax paint standard red f Blade guides ? Law~pro~le lights with built in turn sisals ? Standard solenoid csontral ? Torsion tube construction ? I•ieavy duty tubular quadrant ? 1" diameter pivflt bolt ? A-frame cans~ucted t~f 3" sqt tubing ? For rubber snow deflector it~stall~. ? NO SHOES h1EEf3ED ? We pick up tb~ir Faxd F-350 pick-up with our transport truck when. wee 1na~ve apace available and deliver back at our ec~nvenience, n+~ ciat trip ? Call Gene 1 day ahead of time(minimtisu) to let lnm lcuow when we will pick up track TDTAL INSTALLER PRICE LESS 'TAX FOB LASE CRYSTAL $4,625.26 6.5% MII~NESt~TA SALES TAX OQ.64 T(JTAL INSTALLED PRIGS WITH TAX FOB LAKE CRYS~`AL Sd,5.99 t?PTIOAIS: t~UCD IhTSTALLEI~ LESS TAX Truck Chassis Delivery if we have to make a special trip Lake Crystal, t)etivery Stetting Point MN [~etivery price per kKad~ mile $ 1.88 ,A; WRITTEN PURCHASE CIRI~ER MUST BE RETURNED SPECIFS~'NC~ PXJRCI~ASE CtF THIS Et~UII'MEI3T Op'F THE STATE OF i~!iIl+1N'ESl7TA CQ4PERATI I"URC~IAS.E CONTI~AiC'T I~i(7TE; Installation cast is quoted for a cab and c#~assis with a clean frame. No moving or a2taring a~F any tretck cla?assis item is included in this quote, Any chassis item that needs to be moved or altered for the proper ittstallatiott of the equipment quoted will be biped at time and/or material. State Bid Submitted I3y; Bob Chlcas Crysteel Truck Equipment, Inc,