HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.F.2. Approval of Minutes: June 06, and June 07, 2006
Chief Dan Hughes and Office Cody Homer gave a demonstration ofthe Shakopee Police
Department's new SUV service vehicle as well as all of the equipment and technology integrated
into the vehicle.
Mayor John Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Steve Clay,
Terry Joos, Steve Menden, and Matt Lehman present. Also present were Mark McNeil, City
Administrator; Kris Wilson, Assistant to the City Administrator; Jim Thomson, City Attorney;
Judith S. Cox, City Clerk; R. Michael Leek, Community Development Director; and Bruce
Loney, Public Works Director/City Engineering.
The Pledge of Allegiance was cited.
Mayor Schmitt asked if there were any additions or deletions to the agenda.
Mark McNeil stated that 5.C.5 should be added to the agenda, Authorize Surveying Services for
Cemetery Access Issue.
JooslMenden to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
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There was a presentation of a grant from Xcel Energy for the Quarry Lake Park Project. Mark
Themig introduced Pat Kline, Manager of Community and Government Relations of Xcel
Energy and John Davis of the Prior Lake Water Ski Association. The two presented the city with
a check for $30,000 to be used toward the continuing development of the Quarry Lalce Park
Proj ect.
Lehman/Joos offered Resolution No. 6430, a Resolution of the City of Shako pee, Minnesota
accepting an Environment Grant from Xcel Energy for the Quarry Lake Park Project, and moved
its adoption. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Schmitt asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the Consent
Cncl. Menden asked that 5.B.4 be taken off the consent agenda. encl. Menden also requested
that 13.C.3 and 13.F.2, 13.F.3 and 13.F.5 be added to the consent agenda. Cncl. Lehman asked
that 13.F.4 be added to the consent agenda as well as 5.C.5. Cncl. Joos asked that 5.B.2 be taken
off the consent agenda.
Menden/Joos moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Mr. McNeil read the consent
agenda business for the record. Motion carried 5-0.
MendenlJ oos offered Resolution No. 6431, a Resolution of the City of Shalcopee, Minnesota,
accepting a Donation of $8,000.00 from the Shakopee Men's Softball League, and moved its
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adoption; and offered Resolution No. 6437, a Resolution of the City of Shako pee, Minnesota,
accepting a Donation of $3,600.00 from the Shakopee Co-Rec. Softball League, and moved its
adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to authorize payment of$1,250.00 (Invoice No: 0000824837) from the
Natural Resource Profession Services budget and entering into the Intergovernmental Agreement
between the Metropolitan Council and the City of Shakopee to participate in the volunteer lake
sample study. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to authorize the Semi-final payment for Greenfield West Neighborhood
Park to Sunram Construction Inc. for the total of$3,388.98, contingent on the contractor's
submittals of required testing results and lien waivers. (Motion carried under the Consent
Menden/Joos moved to authorize appropriate city staff to renew the City's Microsoft License
Service Agreement through LOGISfor an amount not to exceed $22,859.42 from the IT budget.
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Moved to approve the request of Frank Marzario, 2328 Pike Lake Road, for the waiver ofthe
subdivision criteria regarding the City's lot size and frontage requirements to create two 10 acre
parcels. (Motion carried under Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos offered ResolutionNo. 6436, A Resolution Accepting Work on Valley View Road,
from the East Plat Line of Greenfield Addition to C.R. 83, Project No. 2004-3, and move its
adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos offered Resolution No. 6433, A Resolution Accepting Bids on the CSAH 83 Trunk
Sanitary Sewer Extension, from Church Addition to River Valley Estates 2nd Addition, Project
No. 2006-6, and move its adoption. 2. Approved a 5% contingency amount on this project for
use by the City Engineer in authorizing chance orders or quantity adjustments on this project. .3.
Authorized the appropriate City officials to execute an extension agreement with WSB &
Associates, Inc. to provide surveying and construction engineering assistance, as needed for this
project. 4. Approved payment of $50,000.00 to the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
for the temporary easement along CSAH 83. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/J oos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to execute the County
Cooperative Agreement for turn lanes on CSAH 83 at Valley View Road. (Motion carried under
the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos offered Resolution No. 6434, a ResolutionAccepting Work on the 2003 Street
Reconstruction Project No. 2003-3, and move its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent
Menden/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to execute and extension
agreement with WSB and Associates, Inc. for surveying services associated with the proposed
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access road to the cemetery off of County Road 16 with funding to be from the Capital
Improvement Fund. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos offered Ordinance No. 762, Fourth Series, and Ordinance of the City of Shako pee,
Minnesota, Amending Chapter 9 by Adding New Section 9.09, Relating to the Authority of
Community Service Officers to Enforce Disabled Parking Restrictions, and move its adoption.
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to authorize the retention of, Matt Schlenk, Dave Giddings, Darren Giese,
Scott Davis, Mick Korba as Fire Fighters for the City of Shakopee. (Motion carried under the
Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to authorize the hiring of Jean Link as a probationary records technician, at
40 hours per week, a Grade 3, Step E. at $15.993 per hour, subject to the satisfactory completion
of pre-employment medical and psychological examinations. (Motion carried under the Consent
Menden/Joos moved to authorize hiring Raoul Boudreau for the position of IT Specialist at
Grade 6, Step F of the 2006 City Pay Plan, contingent on the successful completion of the City's
required pre-employment screenings. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved the following: 1. Approved job descriptions for the Assistant City
Administrator and Human Resources Technician positions, and action to fill and post those
positions. 2. Authorized a title change for Payroll Benefits Coordinator to Human Resources
Coordinator position. 3. Offered Resolution No. 6435. A Resolution amending Resolution No.
6338 which adopted the 2006 pay schedule for the officers and non-union employees ofthe City
of Shakopee, and moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). (CC
Document No. 411)
Menden/Joos moved to accept the successful completion of Ryan Hughes's probationary period
and grant him regular full-time status. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to approve the bills in the amount of $524,864.90. (Motion carried under
the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to approve the minutes of April 18, 2006 and April 26, 2006 City Council
Meetings. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to approve the applications and grant on sale and Sunday on sale
intoxicating liquor licenses to EI Toro of Shakopee, Inc., 1120 First A venue East, conditioned
upon a Certificate of Occupancy issued by the Building Department and evidence of insurance.
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to authorize the proper city officials to execute the assessment agreement
with Scott County for the 2007 assessment year in the amount of $132,900.00. (Motion carried
under the Consent Agenda).
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Menden/Joos moved to set a hearing for Wednesday, July 5, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon
thereafter as possible, to review the actions of alcohol licensee: Saba Entertainment LLC, 911
East First A venue. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to declare items listed in the May 25,2006 memo from John Peterson as
surplus property. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda). (CC Document No. 412)
Menden/Joos moved to authorize out-of-state travel by Telecommunications Commissioner
Mary Hillegas to attend NATOA's 26th Annual Local Government Telecommunications
Conference August 22-25, 2006 in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. (Motion carried under the
Consent Agenda).
MendenlJoos moved to receive and file the updated City Goals and Objectives (dated 06/02/06).
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/J oos moved to 1. Authorize the appropriate City officials to execute the agreement with
the Gene and Virginia Hauer for a permanent wetland conservation easement for the wetland
mitigation associated with CSAH 21 and Pike Lake Road improvements, subject to the City
Attorney's approval. 2. Authorize the appropriate City officials to execute the conservation
agreement between the Hauer's, Scott County and the City of Shako pee, subject to the City
Attorney's approval. 3. Authorize the appropriate City Officials to execute an extension
agreement with WSB and Associates, Inc. for final construction plans and services for the Hauer
mitigation site. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to accept the tentative 2007 budget calendar. (Motion carried under the
Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos moved to appoint Police Chief Dan Hughes as Shakopee's representative to the
County's Visioning Advisory Commission. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda).
Menden/Joos offered Resolution No. 6432, A Resolution Adopting an Information Technology
Policy for the City of Shakopee. Minnesota, and move its adoption. (Motion carried under the
Consent Agenda).
Mayor Schmitt asked ifthere were any interested parties in the audience who wished to speak on
a matter not included on the agenda. There was no response.
Joos/Menden moved to open the public hearing for the 2006 Bituminous Overlay for lOth
Avenue and Holmes Street, Project No. 2006-5. Motion carried 5-0.
Bruce Loney, Public Works Director/City Engineering provided information pertaining to the
project. The project consists of a bituminous overlay of 10th Avenue from Harrison Street to
Marschall Road, which is approximately 2.1 miles of street, 60 feet in width for most of the road
with the exception of an area in front of the High School, which is 68 feet for approximately 800
feet. Also added was bituminous overlay on Homes Street from 10th Avenue to 3rd Avenue. A
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feasibility study was conducted and council accepted it and the public hearing was scheduled.
Mr. Loney said there was an information meeting on May 25, 2006 with the property owners
affected by this project. Approximately 17 residents attended the meeting with a majority of
them in favor of the project.
Mr. Loney then showed a Power Point presentation of the project area. The proposed project
will consist of milling two inches of existing pavement off along with some full depth patching
in certain areas. There will also be some minor repairs to curb and gutter where there are
drainage problems. Mr. Loney stated that this is not going to be a reconstruction project where
all curbs and driveways are replaced. There will be some minor storm sewer repairs but the
intent is to restore the pavement. Shakopee Public Utilities will be repairing 13 water manholes
prior to the bituminous project.
Mr. Loney said that the usual lifespan of an overlay is around 20 years. Mr. Loney stated that in
another 20 years when the overlay would need to be replaced, the curb and gutter would then
need to be replaced too. He said that curb and gutter usually last 60 to 70 years.
Mr. Loney said that the cost of the project is 1.1 million for street improvement, storm sewer
estimated with fixing some of the curb and gutter as well as adding some catch basins for an
additional $102,000.00. Total cost of the project $1,202,000.00. Costs will be covered by
assessments for $158,000.00 and State aid funds for $850,000. Funds of$102,000.00 from the
Storm Sewer Fund will also be used for this project.
Mr. Loney spoke of the assessment fees that would be collected. He said that assessment fees
will be 25% of a standard 45 width street, which is the width of Holmes Street. Assessments are
also on a per-lot basis. Large parcels such as the school and Shakopee Public Utilities were
converted those non-residential properties to equivalent residential lots using 60 feet as a front
footage and given the equivalent number units times a lot assessments. The remaining costs we
are proposing would be paid with state aid funds. One hundred percent of the storm sewer
improvements would be paid by our general storm sewer utility fund. The estimated assessment
rates per lot would be $774.29. The time line for the project would be after Derby Days, the
second week in August and have it finished before school starts at the end of August.
Mayor Schmitt asked if the assessment fee of $774.29 is for a full frontage lot. Mr. Loney stated
it was for a full frontage lot. Mayor Schmitt then asked if someone had a comer lot on 10th
A venue would the assessment fee be half of $774.29. Mr. Loney stated the fee would be half of
the interior lots. Council may want to revisit the comer lot assessment policy.
Mr. Lehman asked if striping for Holmes Street or 10th Avenue was included in the price. Mr.
Loney stated the price is included on the cost estimate. Mr. Loney also stated that in the future if
different striping or added striping is needed Public Works has a striping machine and the city
could do it for a minor cost.
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Mayor Schmitt then asked if anyone in the audience had any questions regarding the bituminous
project on 10th Avenue and Holmes Street. No one responded.
Menden/Joos moved to close the public hearing. Motion carried 5-0.
Lehman/Clay moved to offer Resolution No. 6428, A Resolution Ordering an Improvement and
preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 2006 Bituminous Overlay, Project No. 2006-5,
and move its adoption. Motion carried 5-0.
Joos/Menden moved to open the public hearing for a Currency Exchange License at Wal-Mart
Stores, Inc. Motion carried 5-0.
Judy Cox, City Clerk stated that Wal-Mart Super Center has made an application to the
Minnesota Department of Commerce for a currency exchange license. Current law requires the
City to approve or deny the issuance of a license after publishing notice and a public hearing.
Wal-Mart has provided the State with the required $10,000 Currency Exchange Surety Bond.
The Shakopee Police Department advised that they have found no reason to object to the
granting of the license.
Cnc1. Lehman asked what a Currency Exchange License is. Ms. Cox stated that a Currency
Exchange License allows the business to cash payroll checks and other limited business
regarding banking. Ms. Cox also stated that there is a fee that the user must pay for this service.
Cncl. Menden asked if there were other retail business in town that have currency exchange
license. Ms. Cox stated that there are two other businesses that also have currency exchange
Mayor Schmitt asked if anyone in the audience wished to spealc No one responded
LehmanlJoos moved to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried 5-0.
Clay/Lehman offered Resolution No.6427, A Resolution Approving the Application ofWal-Mart
Stores, Inc. fora Currency Exchange License, and moved its adoption. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Schmitt stated that there were two items removed from the Consent Agenda that need to
be discussed, the first being an Amendment to City Code Section 11.28, Low Density
Residential (R-IA) Zone. Community Development Director, R. Michael Leek stated that it was
not staff s expressed intent to reduce the square feet of buildable area. The depth of a lot was
reduced by focusing on the area. We could add five feet to the front and side if there is a desire
for a larger lot.
Cncl. Joos asked Mr. Leek if there was a larger lot the builder could have a larger building. Mr.
Leek stated that was correct. Mr. Leek also stated that the lot area is a minimum and not a
mandated lot size. Cnc1. Joos stated that at 12,800 square feet the minimum is 3900 square feet
for the builder. Mr. Leek stated that was correct for a first floor footprint including the garage.
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Cncl. Lehman stated that he was comfortable with what was stated in the proposed ordinance.
Lehman/Menden offered Ordinance No. 763, Fourth Series, An Ordinance of the City of
Shakopee, Minnesota, Amending City Code Section 11.28, and move its adoption. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mayor Schmitt stated that the second item removed from the Consent Agenda was the
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Acquisition of Land for Park and Ride Facilities.
Cncl. Menden stated that he was the one that asked for this item to be pulled off the Consent
Agenda. Cncl. Menden stated that his concern was the parcel on County Road 16 and the fact
that Prior Lake is picking up 60 percent of the cost of that but because the property is in the City
of Shakopee then why is Prior Lake picking up 60 percent of the cost. If the reason for Prior
Lake picking up 60 percent of the cost is because the residence of Prior Lake would utilize the
Park and Ride more then is there a more suitable place for the Park and Ride closer to Prior
Mr. Leek stated that knowing that the parcel designated for the Park and Ride (along County
Road 16) was going to be divided by County Rmid 21, this left a 23 acre residential remnant.
When the Transit Planning Team, which is the staff group that grew out of the transit study,
identified sites, CR 16/21 was one of five sites that was looked at. Mr. Leek also stated that the
Met Council did some site evaluation on each of the sites. There were no other identified sites in
the City of Prior Lake. There was strong interest on the part of the City of Prior Lake and having
a site within their boundaries but a specific potential site was not identifiable at that point. When
evaluated there was a ranldng and County Road 18 was the most preferred site and the site in
question being (along CR 16) the second ranked because of where they fall with the present and
future travel shed.
Cncl. Menden's otller concern is that with Park and Rides there are some commercial aspects,
which is what he doesn't like to seewith every residential area. Mr. Leek said that the
Memorandum of Understanding doesn't malce decisions about the land use concern that has been
brought up.
Mayor Schmitt pointed out that the staffs report is in error. The MOD should state that
Shakopee's cost share would be 60% and Prior Lalce would be 40%. Mr. Leek concurred that
the memo was in error and Shakopee's cost share would be 60% and Prior Lake's share would
be 40%.
Clay/Menden moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to. enter into a Memorandum of
Understanding between the City of Shakopee, City of Prior Lake, and Scott County for
acquisition, ownership and construction of the CR 18 site and acquisition of the CR 16/21 site.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Schmitt asked for Liaison Reports.
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Cncl. Lehman talked about the visit to the Training Facility in Jordan. Cncl. Lehman spoke
about some concerns he brought up to staff regarding the fees cities and the county will be
paying to use the facility. Cncl. Lehman then spoke about the Board of Review and Equalization
for market values. A few properties were lowered in value. Cncl. Lehman also said he attended
a Chamber Meeting.
Cncl. Menden said that he attended the Downtown Partnership Meeting. An item he wanted to
discuss is an Agenda item.
Cncl. Joos attended a Utility Commission Meeting. He said that residents from Hillside Estates
talked about their water issue and the costs involved. Also discussed was the approval of the
Franchise Agreement with the City of Prior Lake on electrical use. Cncl. Joos also stated that he
attended the Training Center in Jordan. He says he agrees with Cncl. Lehman on the financing
ofthe facility.
Cncl. Clay attended the County Transit Board which covered a lot if information regarding the
Park and Ride sites.
R. Michael Leek stated that at the last Council Meeting the Council provided him with direction
to respond to concerns regarding Amending to City Code Chapter 11, Creating a Mixed Use
Zone for the properties in the First A venue/Riverfront Area. Concerns from the last meeting
. Making the change in the use of an existing structure (e.g. single-family house to
commercial/retail use) a condition use;
. Maldng residential uses with densities between 8 and 12 units per acre a conditional use;
. Making certain neighborhood commercial uses that have the potential for negative traffic,
noise, light or other impacts condition uses.
Mr. Leek highlighted the changes he made in Ordinance No. 759, Fourth Series, SEC. 11.25
Mixed Use Zone (MU).
Cncl. Joos asked Mr. Leek what he sees as a vision of opening up the riverfront by the changes
that were made to the amendments of Creating a Mixed Use Zone. Mr. Leek said that the
riverfront is made of R -1 C and R - 2 and B-1. What the change would accomplish is doing away
with rezoning issues under the current Code.
Cncl. Lehman had a concern with G, 1 of the Ordinance, which states "shall not be a water tower
or electrical substation or a building constructed to house sanitary lift station controls." He
questioned if there would ever need to be a lift station at the Riverfront site in the future. Mr.
Loney responded by stating that there would be no need for a lift station currently because it all
runs to the Sanitary Sewer Interceptor over to L16 and then is pumped out.
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Cnc1. Lehman's second question was regarding making residential uses with densities between 8
and 12 units per acre a conditional use. As a conditional use what would prevent having over
saturation of this use when it's the vision of the City of Shako pee to open up tlle Riverfront?
Mr. Leek stated that the decision would be up to the Council on a case-by-case basis to impose
conditions to encourage harmony with single family uses.
Mayor Schmitt noted that conditions can be set for a conditional use but not so the use can not
exist. He was uncomfortable with the proposed mixed use zone. He suggested the need for the
Council members to develop a vision forthe area.
Lehman/Clay offered Ordinance No. 759, Fourth Series, an ordinance of the City of Shakopee,
Minnesota, Amending City Code Chapter 11, Zoning, by creating a New Zoning Classification,
to wit Mixed Use Zone, and moved its adoption. Motion defeated 2-3 with Council members
Joos, Menden and Mayor Schmitt dissenting.
Lehman/Clay moved to table rezoning properties in the Riverfront/First A venue area to a mixed
use zone. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Leek presented the Council with Associated Capital Corporation's (ACe's) request to re-
guide property from Rural Residential to Single Family Resident; rezone from Agricultural
Preservation (AG) Zone to Urban Residential (R-1A); and Extension of MUS A. The property
is bounded on the east by Marschall Road and on the north by County Road 78. To the north is
property that's already been extended MUSA, about 25 acres in size and rezoned to R-1B. The
property is owned by the same entity. Mr. Leek stated that City Staff has recommended a
consideration ofR-lA, which is also what the Planning Commission has recommended. Mr.
Leek stated that the applicant is in agreement with the use ofR-lA zoning on this property now
that the lot sizes have been changed.
Mr. Menden asked if there was some understanding that SPUC may need to cross this property
for a future extension. Mr. Joos stated that the question Mr. Menden asked was correct. He also
said that SPUC tries not to run the infrastructure through the County Road right-away if they can
avoid it. Mr. Menden asked Mr. Leek what the maximum number of homes that could be put
into this parcel. Mr. Leek said that the R-1A zone allows up to three units per acre. Typically in
other parcels zoned R-1A it's been around 1 to 1.5 units per acre.
Joos/Clay offered Resolution No. 6422, a Resolution of the City of Shako pee Approving a
Request to Amend the Comprehensive Plan to Re-guide Property from Rural Residential to Low
Density Residential, and to Extend MUSA to Said Property, Which is Located West ofCSAH
17IMarschall Road and South of CSAH 78, and moved its adoption (subject to Metropolitan
Council consent or waiver as required); and, offered Ordinance No. 757, Fourth Series, an
Ordinance of the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, Amending the Zoning Map Adopted in City
Code Sec. 11.03 by Rezoning Land Located West ofCSAH 17IMarschall Road and South of
CSAH 78 from Agricultural Preservation (AG) Zone to Low Density Residential (R-IA) Zone,
and moved its adoption. Motion carried 5-0.
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Mark Themig, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director presented Council with archery range
operations plan. Mr. Themig presented the two concepts that are being proposed.
The first being the traditional ranges in a row. Access would come from the boat launch and an
access road that would be constructed and brought to the archery range site. The access road
would cross under the 101 bridge and the old 169 bridge.
The second concept plan shows an enhanced range concept. The enhanced range concept is
much more family oriented activity to bring opportunities for youth as well as adults into the
sport of archery. It contains a mix of different ranges and different shooting opportunities.
There are static ranges where people would shoot at a round circle. Then there are different
opportunities for beginner as well as intermediate and advanced interactive ranges. They are
three-dimensional targets. Under the second concept plan the roadway area has been changed
slightly. It doesn't extend as far over, more centrally located and the range makes a better use of
the entire site.
Mr. Themig said that with both of these plans the creation of the range is contingent on the
construction of the boat launch. In order to utilize the access road and the existing easement for
the boat launch the City would have to construct the boat launch or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
said that we have to re-negotiate the easement that the City has. The cost ofthe boat launch is
unknown until new bids are presented, which will happen at the first meeting in July.
Mr. Themig highlighted a few components of the operations plan and discussed some of the
costs that are incurred. First, this is a partnership between several organizations; the City of
Shal(Qpee, The River Valley Chapter of the Minnesota Deer Hunter's Association
(MVCMDHA), local residences, Shakopee Downtown Partnership, as well as a number of civic
organizations that indicated they would donate to this project. Other components highlighted
. Lease with DNR for use of the land would be the responsibility of the City of Shakopee.
. Hours of operation would be sunrise to sunset. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife strongly
opposes lighting.
. Under the Enhanced Range concept the programs become more open to youth, groups
and activities.
. Fees for Use would be the responsibility of the City and would be worked out in the
Mr. Themig then discussed the maintenance of the facility.
. Target replacement would be the responsibility of the RVCMDHA. The cost would be
approximately $5,000 for the standard range and $10,000 for the enhanced range.
. Garbage collection would be shared. The volunteers would do general clean up of the
site and they City would do the collection. No restrooms are allowed on the site.
Proposed would be portable toilets under the Cities cost.
. Field/lawn maintenance would be taken care of by volunteers ofRVCMDHA.
. No proposal for utilities.
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. Accessibility of trails would be maintained by volunteers.
. A small picnic shelter has been discussed with building maintenance taken care of by
volunteers. No other structures would be permitted due to the site being in a flood plain.
. Sign replacement would be the responsibility of the City since the City has a sign shop.
. Flood preparation and restoration would be handled by the volunteers however may
require some help of the City for target storage, etc.
Mr. Themig discussed the commitment of the volunteer group, RVCMDHA. Staff suggested
that the City proceed with a pilot program. Basically start up a small range of 6 to 10 targets, see
how it goes. At that point the City could make a decision if they would like to proceed with the
full-enhanced range. At that point the City would know what the status of the access roads
would be.
Mr. Themig stated that the Park Board was firm that the archery range should only happen ifthe
boat launch comes in. The other recommendation the Park Board had was regarding fees. They
believe that if the enhanced range concept is developed the City should have a permitting
program where users pay for this facility as they do with some of the Cities other fee-based
Mr. Themig advised the City Council that he is looking for some direction on where to go with
this project. Mr. Themig stated that he could then work on a lease with the DNR for the creation
of an archery range which would come back before the City Council in July.
Cncl. Lehman asked Mr. Themig ifhe knew what the membership fee would haveto be in order
to cover the issues outlined. Mr. Themig stated he didn't know the answer because there aren't
any use projections at this point. He said that there approximately 250 members in the
MVCMDHA and believes that there are many archers that are not associated with MVCMDHA
that would also use the facility. Cnc1. Lehman asked ifthe members ofMVCMDHA are willing
to pay a membership fee, depending on cost, to use the facility. Mr. Themig stated before a
commitment would be made to doing the enhanced range and doing anything permanent at the
site, we would get a feel for what kind of use the facility would have by starting with the
standard range.
Clay/Joos moved to direct staff to pursue with developing a lease agreement with the Minnesota
DNR for the creation ofthe archery range. Motion.carried 5-0.
Joos/Menden moved to recess for 10 minutes (9:00 p.m.). Motioned carried 5-0.
At 9:10 p.m. Mayor Schmitt re-convened the meeting.
Mr. Leek presented the Council with a preliminary plat for Ridge Creek. Mr. Leek gave an
overview of the location of Ridge Creek plat. It's an 80-acre site in eastern Shakopee which is
bordered on the south by Country Road 16, on the west it's bounded by the Shutrop North
property, which the City acquired in 2005. On the east it is bounded by the preliminary plat of
Riverside Bluffs. The north property line is the existing right-of-way that the County owns for
future County Road 21.
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Mr. Leek stated that the proposed plat is for a single-family development consisting of about 153
lots. On the map Mr. Leek pointed out the existing Prior Lake/Spring Lake Watershed District
outlet channel. The plat contains only single family lots ranging in size from 74 feet in width
and 140 feet in depth to other lots which range up to 15,000 to 21,000 square feet.
Mr. Leek stated the application for the preliminary plat was initially received in November,
2005. There have been a number of review extensions and the current extension ends on July 1,
2006. Mr. Leek stated that the plat application comes with the recommendation from staff and
from the Planning Commission to deny the application. The Planning Commission has identified
several unresolved issues associated with the request:
1. The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) recommended that the applicant
provide wetland mitigation either offsite but within the Lower Minnesota
Watershed District (LMWSD) or if this option was not available, the applicant
would be required to complete wetland mitigation completely on-site
2. Prior Lake/Spring Lake Outlet channel construction issues, Le. the developer has
been asked to pay the basic cost of grading the new channel, but does not wish to
pay for that cost.
3. Site grading issues; Specifically, the developer wishes to grade the site in phases.
City staff does not support this alternative and would require the developer to
grade the entire site, as well as provide access directly from CSAH 16 across the
site for trucks hauling fill, rather than using other adjacent City streets.
At the Planning Commission meeting on May 18, 2006 the applicant stated he was in
negotiations with a property owner within the LMWD to acquire land for the off-site wetland
mitigation. At this time staff has not received any confirmation of whether or not the applicant
will be able to accommodate the wetland mitigation off-site. The applicant has not provided any
revised drawings to indicate how the mitigation could occur on-site. The City has not received a
response from the applicant on how he intends to proceed regarding wetland mitigation, and
because he has not complied with the EAC recommendations, the plat is not approvable in its
present form.
Mr. Leek also stated that these items are not resolved and because of the July 1st deadline for
action by the City Council, and because it is consistent with the Planning Commission
recommendation, city staff has asked for direction to propose a resolution of denial.
Mayor Schmitt asked the applicant ifhe had anything to add. Randy Noecker, the developer of
Ridge Creek addressed the Council. Mr. Noecker stated he has worked on this project for many
months with regard to changes and redrafts. Changes included in the plan are a park trail along
the creek, the physical construction of the creek as shown on the plan, and mitigation off-site.
Mr. Noecker stated that at aPark Board meeting he suggested a creek park trail subject to the
approval of the existing plan. Mr. Noecker suggested this because in November, 2005 he
submitted a plan with mitigation on-site. Mr. Noecker then said that in December, 2005 he was
told to attend a technical evaluation panel meeting. At that meeting, Mr. Noecker stated that he
was instructed to mitigate off-site. Mr. Noecker stated that he submitted a plan with mitigation
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off-site on February 22,2006 at a cost of approximately $14,000 re-doing that plan. Mr.
Noecker said that he called for comments but didn't receive any until April 12, 2006 at a DRC
meeting. At that meeting he was told that he should now mitigate on-site. Mr. Noecker stated he
was frustrated. At the April 24, 2006 Park Board meeting and the EAC meeting Mr. Noecker
offered to install the park trail along the creek and do the physical construction of the creek with
the condition that he could use the plan with the mitigation off-site. Mr. Noecker stated that 21.2
percent of the entire property is dedicated to pond, park and channel on the property.
Mr. Noecker stated that he has located two possible sites for wetland mitigation within the
LMWSD. The first property owner wants to sell and the second property owner is unsure of a
price. Mr. Noecker then stated that he signed a contract for an off-site wetland mitigation site
but the City refused to accept it. Mr. Noecker is assuming that the City Council could make the
3.5 acres of off site mitigation a condition of approval. Mr. Noecker stated that he hesitates
signing another contract to purchase a site at this time that might be denied by the City. Mr.
Noecker requested that he has the ability to mitigate in the LMWSD like the City has done for
their lower Minnesota mitigation, which is the Prior Lake/Spring Lake District.
Mr. Noecker also stated that the creek construction is an expensive endeavor because it's large.
Mr. Noecker said that he estimated the cost to be approximately $150,000 which he is not in
favor of.
Mr. Noecker stated the he is willing to do this plan with the creek correction and the creek park
trail with off-site mitigation. He asked for the opportunity to mitigate in Prior Lake/Spring Lake
Watershed District if the Council is willing. Mr. Noecker said that he has no desire to build the
creek park trail unless the plan is accepted with off-site mitigation.
Cncl. Lehman asked Mr. Noecker why he didn't plan the site with on-site mitigation. Mr.
Noecker stated that he did but was asked to change it to off-site mitigation in a December
meeting, as requested by the Park & Recreation Advisory Board, saving 100 trees.
Mr. Leek stated that, when the first plan was reviewed by Engineering Staff, staff concluded that
it didn't make a lot of sense to have several ponding locations. At that time Staff asked the
Applicant to combine them into one or two major ponding areas. The Applicant unilaterally
decided that the wetland mitigation would not work. Mr. Leek said there was a Technical
Evaluation Panel convened and the Technical Panel was okay with mitigation occurring off-site
within the watershed district, onsite, and on/off-site in some combination. The fmal decision
under the Wetland Conservation Act rests with the City as the local governmental unit (LGU).
Mr. Leek said that the Applicant was not specifically told to mitigate off-site. Mr. Leek said that
the first site that he brought to the panel that was off-site wasn't even in Scott County. To date
staff has no specifics regarding locations Mr. Noecker's looking at for mitigation.
Mayor Schmitt asked Mr. Leek what determines where the mitigation should occur. Mr. Leek
stated that the Wetland Conservation Act was put in place to preserve wetlands as an important
natural resource. In terms of replacement there is a preference within the Act and the regulations
for mitigation which has the likelihood of replacing the value that the wetland had in the natural
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system. By proposing a replacement that was outside of these watershed districts Mr. Noecker is
talking about today didn't address the basic policy intent. Again Mr. Leek stated that Mr.
Noecker has not provided the specifics about the off-site mitigation sites he is talking about.
Cnc1. Lehman stated to Mr. Noecker that ifhe were unable to find an off-site mitigation area
that's acceptable then the alternative would be to have it on-site. Mr. Noecker stated that he has
an off-site area in the LMWSD. Cnc1. Lehman then asked where the off-site location is. Mr.
Noecker offered to give the information regarding the off-site area but not in the public forum.
Cnc1. Joos is concerned about the grading issue since it hasn't been discussed. Mr. Noecker
stated that he doesn't have a problem with doing the entire site grading at once. Mr. Noecker
stated that he does not want to phase the property and that all of the grading would be done over
a period of time with houses being built on the south side of the property first.
Mr. Loney stated that there needs to be a lot offill in the lower part of the property and does not
desire any houses being build until all ofthe grading is done on the entire property. Mr. Loney
also stated that the process Mr. Noecker stated has never been brought to Staffs attention.
Mayor Schmitt stated that with Mr. Noecker's plan of grading not being documented, he is
recommending that Mr. Noecker needs have all the details of his plans documented and reviewed
by Staff in a satisfactorily manner before July 18, 2006.
Cncl. Lehman asked Mr. Noecker ifhe would be willing to, in writing, allow an extension to
July 18,2006. Mr. Noecker stated he would do that. Cncl. Menden asked whether, based on the
issues before the Council, there would be an adequate amount of time to try to address any
issues that may arise. Mr. Leek stated that it all depends on what information is presented by
Mr. Noecker.
Cncl. Joos said that this entire issue is getting irritating in that every time Mr. Noecker comes
before the City Council the same issues keep arising. Cnc1. Joos told Mr. Noecker that this is the
last time the Council will be negotiating a plat. encl. Menden concurred.
Lehman/Joos moved to continue the plat application for Ridge Creek to July 18, 2006 pending
receipt of an extension letter from the Applicant by June 20, 2006. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Leek presented the Council with a Petition by Ryan Contracting/DR Horton for the
Annexation of Land in Jackson Township. The 350-acre parcel is located south of Highway 169
and west of Marystown Road (CSAH 15). Mr. Leek stated that atthe last Council meeting this
item was tabled to allow for discussion with a full council.
Tim Keane of Ryan Contracting/DR Horton addressed the Council with information regarding
the 320-acre master plan of their master plan community. Mr. Keane estimate a five to seven
year build out for the project to be completed.
Joos/Lehman offered Ordinance No. 761, Fourth Series, An Ordinance relating to the
Annexation of Certain Property, and moved its adoption.
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Discussion followed the motion. Cncl. Menden's concern is that he feels that the City's housing
stock is high enough that the city doesn't need to annex the property at this time. Cncl. Joos
stated he likes the concept of a master development as well as the school property being included
in the plan. Cnc1. Clay asked if anyone has talked to the school district to see what their current
student projection is for the need of an elementary school. Mayor Schmitt advised that he spoke
to the Superintendent of Shakopee Schools who stated that are seriously interested in the
property offered by Ryan Contracting. Mayor Schmitt also is concerned that the City needs to
have their five percentpart of sewer capacity allocation.
Motion carried 4-0 with Councilor Menden dissenting.
Mr. Leek presented the Council with an Appeal of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals
Determination on Allowable Building Materials for Valleyfair, located at One Valleyfair.
Valleyfair has filed an appeal of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals (BOAA) decision
concerning a variance to allow for the construction of (2) 40' by32' steel sided buildings at their
property. The application noted that the proposed buildings would remain consistent with
existing steel structures and by doing this it would not draw attention to the proposed buildings.
They also noted that this view of the park along Highway 101 is a service area, and that they are
presently looking into additional landscaping in this area in an effort to enhance the appearance
of the park from Highway 101. The BOAA denied the variance with a 4-3 vote. Valleyfair is
now making their appeal to the Council.
Larry McKenzie, General Manager ofValleyfair, stated to the Council that Valleyfair fully
supports the spirit of the ordinance but they felt that in this particular case the support buildings
would not be either a dominant feature on the property nor materially attract or stand out in a
current look in a material way. Valleyfair's intent is to maintain consistency to be somewhat
subtle and blend these buildings in with other existing buildings. Mr. McKenzie stated that if the
appeal is granted, the Park would line the visibility site area from the highway with Pine or shade
Cnc1. Menden asked Mr. McKenzie if there would be adequate room to install Pine trees or
shade trees. Mr. McKenzie stated that there would be enough room.
Cncl. Lehman asked if the building has a color to it other than being a primer color. Mr.
McKenzie stated that the building would be a tan color.
Cncl. Joos had a concern regarding the material standards that the City upholds. Mr. Leek stated
that there is a provision that allowed for a cement material on the street facing side. When the
last change was instituted it applied to all sides of commercially related buildings.
Joos/Lehman moved to direct staffto prepare a resolution supporting a variance to allow for the
construction of two (2) 40' by 32' steel sided buildings at One VaUeyfair Drive, with the
highway side to be in conformance with City Code building materials and with landscaping and
trees to mitigate the appearance from the south. Motion carried 4-1.
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Bruce Kimball ofSpringsted presented the Council with the results of2006A G.O. Improvement
Bond bids. Mr. Kimball stated that the winning bid went to Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc. with an
interest rate of 3.9437 percent. Mr. Kimball stated that a month ago their recommendations
projected a rate of 4.23 percent, and this is 29 basis points better than they had projected.
Menden/Joos offered a Resolution No. 6426, A Resolution Awarding The Sale of $3,440,000
General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2006A, Fixing Their Form and Specifications,
Directing Their Execution And Delivery; and Providing For Their Payment, and moved its
adoption. Motion carried 5-0.
Bruce Loney, Public Works Director asked the City Council to consider an ordinance pertaining
to the installation of grease interceptors and amending Section 3.10 of the City Code.
Mr. Loney stated that the City created a sanitary sewer policy in April 2005, which established
guidelines for maintenance and inspection of the system, an emergency response, reductions to
inflow/infiltration, training, work schedules, weather conditions, and documentation. This was
created on the recommendation from the League of MN Cities. The League is also
recommending that cities require grease interceptors for places that prepare food for the public.
These include schools, restaurants, cafes, dining rooms, hotels, motels, bars, taverns and other
related businesses. Generally the grease is washed down the drain as a liquid when it is hot.
After it enters our sewer system, it cools and hardens which reduces or even blocks sewage flow
resulting in a sewer back up.
Mike Hullander, Public Works Supervisor, presented the Council with a PowerPoint presentation
regarding the implementation of grease interceptors. The presentation included video of a sewer
line partially blocked three months after being cleaned. Discussion followed.
Clay/Menden directed staff to include in the ordinance requiring grease interceptors: 1) criteria
for restaurants that would be exempt and exempt those that meet the criteria, and 2) requiring the
installation of grease interceptors within 18 months rather than three years, to be brought back to
the Council at a later date. Motion carried 5-0.
Joos/Menden moved to extend the meeting five minutes. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Loney presented the Council with information on the C.R. 101 Reconstruction Project
regarding undergrounding of power and street lights. He described the area as C.R. 101 from
CSAH 17 to the Mill Pond Bridge. He said that he has met with Shakopee Public Utilities. Mr.
Loney is recommending temporary street lighting on three overhead power poles, putting 1 %
inch street light conduit behind both sides of the curbs for future street lights, and putting in three
3-inch conduits under C.R. 101 in three locations for future undergrounding of the power lines.
Mr. Loney estimated the cost to be about $22,000 and stated that this will set the City up for
street lights and the future undergrounding of power; and, maybe there could be some cost
sharing of the underground conduits for future undergrounding from Shalwpee Public Utilities.
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Joos/Lehman moved to approve staff's proposal to put in conduit underneath C.R. 101 from
CSAH 17 to the Mill Pond Bridge for future street lights and for future undergrounding of the
power lines and doing the temporary lights on the poles and to determine the lights at a later time
and directed staff to consider the cost sharing with Shakopee Public Utilities. Motion carried 5-
Joos/Lehman moved to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, June 7, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Motioned
carried 5-0. The meeting wa~ adjourned at 11 :25 p.m.
(;I ith S. Cox,
lty Clerk
Kim Weckman,
Recording Secretary
Mayor John J. Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. with Council members Steve
Clay, Terry Joos, Matt Lehman, and Steve Menden present. Also present: Mark McNeill, City
Administrator; Jim Thomson, City Attorney; Judith S. Cox, City Clerk;R. Michael Leek,
Community Development Director; Bruce Loney, City Engineer/Public Works Director; and
Gregg V oxland, Finance Director.
JooslMenden moved to recess for an executive session to discuss pending litigation. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mayor Schmitt re-convened the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Lehman/Menden moved for a five minute recess. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Schmitt re-convened the meeting at 8:27p.m.
Jessie Hart, Springsted Inc., presented copies of her DRAFT Cost of Services Study for 2005
relating to building permits.and development. She explained the methodology used and how a
bench mark cost was derived at for the various building permits.
Ms. Hart provided copies of the summary of Actua12005 Building and Construction Fees
Revenues and Expenses. She identified certain permits and compared the frequency of the
issuance of the permits, costs for the permits, bench mark fee for the permits and the excess
revenue collected.
Ms. Hart provided copies of a Reconciliation from Model to Almual Report ( Actual 12/31/05)
which identified the indirect cost allocations. She explained that the indirect allocations are
those costs that are incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one service or
activity and not readily assignable to the service or activity benefited, such as maintenance of
government buildings, information tec1mology, etc. She said that this reconciliation from model
to annual report is part of the model that will generate information for each year.
Ms. Hart then responded to questions raised by the Council members.
Mr. Joe Springer, Attorney for the Builders Association of the Twin Cities (BATC), asked Ms.
Hart what work remained to put the draft Cost of Services Study in final form. Ms. Hart
responded and advised that it would be presented to the City Council on June 20, 2006.
Lehman/Joos moved to adjourn to June 20, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
. J ~
~~~~ox: Ci~ lerk
R cording Secretary