HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda TENTATNE AGENDA CITY OF SHAKOPEE ADJ. REGULAR SESSION SHAKOPEE, M~ESOTA JUNE 20, 2006 LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 Holmes Street South Sfiafi.gpee :Mission Statement , %e :Mission of tfie City of Sfia{opee is to provirfe tfie opportunity to uve)wor{ancf pray in a community witfi a proua past) promisingfuture) ancf sma[f-town atmospfiere witfiin a metropoutan setting. %e city wife provitfe customer-jriencffy) fiigfi-quauty puGtic sen;ices tfiat are intencfea to meet tfie cfianging neecfs of its resid'ents and tfie community at farge, Mayor John J. Schmitt presiding Agenda items are tied to the following long-term goals 1] Roll Call at 7 :00 p.m. that support the City's strategic vision as noted after each agenda item: 2] Pledge of Allegiance A. Active and healthy community. B. High quality of life. Approval of Agenda C. Great place for kids to grow up. 3] D. Vibrant, resilient and stable. E. Financially strong. 4] Mayor's Report F. Housekeeping item. 5] Consent Business- (All items listed in this section are anticipated to be routine. After a discussion by the Mayor, there will be an opportunity for members of the City Council to remove items from the consent agenda for individual discussion. Those items removed will be considered following the public hearing portion of the agenda. Those items remaining on the consent agenda will otherwise not be individually discussed and will be enacted in one motion.) A] Community Development 1. Appeal of Board of Adjustment and Appeals Denial of V ariance on Allowable Building Materials for Valleyfait- Resolution No. 6438 (D) 2. Preliminary and Final Plat for Vierling Estates 1 st Addition, located north of Highway 169, east of Calvary Church and south of Vierling Drive East - Res, No. 6442 3. Rezoning Property from Agricultural Preservation (AG) to Low Density Residential (R -lA) and Extension of MUSA for property located south of CR 78, east of Stonebrooke Golf Club, and north ofFairhaven Drive, Resolution No. 6443 and Ordinance No. 765 B] Public Works and Engineering 1. Approve Plans and Specifications forbids for the 2006 Bituminous Overlay, Project No. 2006-5- Resolution No. 6439 2. Approve Transfer of Retired Squad Car to the Engineering Department TENTATIVE AGENDA June 20, 2006 Page 2 B] Public Works and Engineering continued 3. Approve Extension Agreement with Bonestroo for Construction Staking for Utility Replacement on Highway 101, Project No. 2006-3 4. Approve Purchase of aW anner Weed Sprayer 5. Authorize Repurchase Agreement for the John Deere 1445 Mower (E) 6. Request of S.M. Hentges and Sons, Inc. Regarding Hourly Restrictions on Construction Activities on CR 101 Reconstruction Project (D) 7. Authorize 2007 Truck Purchases for Public Works (E) 8. Authorize Trail Overlay in Memorial Park (A) C] Police and Fire 1. S1;reetClosure Request from Scott County Historical Society (F) D] Parks. Recreation and Natural Resources E] Personnel 1. Authorize Hiring a Police Officer - Michelle Schmidt (B) 2. Authorize Hiring a Police Officer - Jamie Sears (B) 3. Authorize Hiring a Police Officer - Thor Carlson (B) 4. Accept the Resignation of Gary Snyder, Maintenance Operator, and Authorize Advertising to hire a Maintenance Operator (F) 5. Authorize Hiring HR Technician (D) - memo on the table F] General Administration 1. Approve Bills in the Amount of$ 1,782,960.01 plus $ 96,369.63 for refunds, returns and pass through for a total of$ 1,879,329.64 (F) 2. Approve Minutes of May 2, May 16, May 22, and May 30,2006 (F) 3. 2006 On-Sale, Sunday On-Sale and Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Renewals (F) 4, 2006 On-Sale and Off Sale 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License Renewals (F) 5. 2006 Wine License Renewals (F) 6. Application for Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor and Tobacco Licenses - Dennis G. Wells dba/Minneapolis Wine Cellars (B) 7. Application for On Sale 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License - Luis A. Charles db aiEl Sausalito Mexican Restaurant (B) TENTATIVE AGENDA June 20, 2006 Page 3 6] RECOGNITION BY CITY COUNCIL OF INTERESTED CITIZENS - (Limited to five minutes per person/subject. Longer presentations must be scheduled through the City Clerk. As this meeting is cablecast, speakers must approach the microphone at the podium for the benefit of viewers and other attendees.) . 7] 2005 Annual Financial Report 8] Business removed from the consent agenda will be discussed at this time 9] Liaison Reports from Council Members 10] Recess for Economic Development Authority Meeting 11] Re-convene 12] Recommendations from Boards and Commissions 13] General Business: A] Community Development B] Public Works and Engineering 1. Scott County Cooperative Agreement for 17th A venue, Project No. 2006-1 (D) 2. Awarding Contract for 17th Avenue, Project No. 2006-1 (D) - memo on the table C] Police and Fire D] Parks. Recreation and Natural Resources E] Personnel F] General Administration 1. Scott. County HRA Bond Refundings (River City Centre) - Res. Nos, 6440 and 6441 (E) 2. Purchase of a Storage Area Network (SAN) (D) 3. 2006 On-Sale and Sunday On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Renewals for RAM Arizona's LLC{Arizona's) (B) 14] Council. Concerns 15] Other Business 16] Adjourn to Tuesday, June 27,2006, at 7:00 p.m.