HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.F.2. Approval of Minutes: August 08, 2007 and August 14, 2007
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Steve Clay, Matt
Lehman and Terry Joos present. Councilor Steve Menden was absent. Also present were Mark
McNeill, City Administrator; Jim Thomson, City Attorney; Judith S. Cox, City Clerk; R.
Michael Leek, Community Development Director; Bruce Loney, Public Works Director/City
Engineer; and Andrea Weber, Parks and Recreation Landscape Designer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Mayor Schmitt asked if there were any additions or deletions to
to add 13. F .2, Budget Workshop Dates. ,$I'
Clay/Joos moved to approve the agenda as modified. Moti,~'~ie~~-O.
Mayor Schmitt gave:the Mayor's Report. Mayor Scl1ifi!,,~~,d th~lftll~ttended events at Derby
iI'zmff "%'
Days. Mayor Schmitt stated that the Derby Days co~ittee m'~bers did a nice job and he
thanked them all for.their hard work to make Derby ~/,:ys succe~~fu1.
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Mayor Schmitt asked if there were any adclit~~s oldeleti~Jft~.tLJ%fue Consent Agenda. Mayor
"". "t
Schmitt asked to remove 5.DA. Park~~.i9~tr~~i_jP Marschall Road, from CR 101 to
Bluff Avenue and on Bluff Avenuefi.:~O()'_fet l1l~,~t ~fMarschall Road.
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Lehman/Joos moved to appr~,~~~~!1\'ns~'!lt~genda: as amended. Mr. McNeill read the consent
business. Motion carried 4-eJ. +,,> ~;J ~iillw%;",/
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Lehman/Joos moved tol'_~~~:ze the~l~ppriate city staff to enter into a.Police ~iaison and
School Resourcei(fficer l\fre',,~;:.!:: 'ough December 31, 2007. (MotIon carrIed under the
Consent Agenda)+k}, :~\W,. If!!I''w
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Lehmanl~?tiS~,!'lt.\\.lt~:~:!uti)nNo. 6637, A Resolution Accepting Work on the Shakopee
Aquatici~~ S~:Q~rt~~.'1ng, Project No. PR2006-3, and moved its adoption. (Motion carried
'lilt <:1
und~l the C01!li,~nt l\;~enda)
Lehm~~~?s offtf.ed Resolution No. 6622, A Resolution Vacating an Easment for Electric
Purposesl'l~it,fh Avenue West, and moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent
Agenda) , '
Lehman/Joos offered Resolution No. 6634, A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications
and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for the City Hall Parking Lot Improvements, Project No.
2007 -8, and moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Lehman/Joos moved to authorize staff to purchase one new John Deere Tractor and Snowplow
from Ag Power (Siemon Implement, Inc.) and Tiger Mowers from MacQueen Equipment, Inc.
Official Proceedings of the August 08, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -2-
for the combined purchase price of $59,986.85 with the purchases to be paid out of the Storm
Drainage Fund. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Lehrnan/Joos moved to accept the low quote from Bituminous Roadways for 2,086 feet of trail
overlay for $14,245.00. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Lehrnan/Joos moved to grant full-time regular status to Police Officer Thor Carlson with the
Shakopee Police Department. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Lehman/Joos moved to grant full-time regular status to Police Officer Jamie
Shakopee Police Department. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Lehman/Joos moved to grant full-time regular status to Police Office~I,~!~h~lle the
Shakopee Police Department. (Motion carried under the ConsentA'~'1~) il~
((CI~:I~\\ %,
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Lehrnan/Joos moved to approve the transfer of Office Servic~ Worl\~ KeII~~:~,ft, from the
Building Division to the Fire Department, effective AUgUstf(.~I~.207;t11,~Motio~l,arried under the
Consent Agenda) "1111111, I
Lehrnan/Joos moved to authorize the assignment of 07ficer to School
Resource Officer for the school year 2007-2008. the Consent Agenda)
Lehman/Joos moved to approve the bills (Motion carried under
the Consent Agenda)'5;.1iifjlillb
Lehman/Joos moved to approveiii~~iff,<;~Jfucil minutes of July 17,2007. (Motion
carried under the Consent AgSjltta)'111ll1 'i~:ilb
4P'bxi;ll'l ~1"tlj~':iI Vi
';.1,111 II'
Lehman/Joos offered R~~.?lution ~~ber 6631, A Resolution Accepting Donation of $4,000
From The Shakopee Ro(~:.G!iub, an'WI?yed its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent
Ad) 'E .'11.,1, i'......1
gen a.t, "h\1111111':lhiiIIF
Lehman/Jo?~~o~~d t,~ese11f;~~he amount of$484,110 in General Fund - Fund Balance for
building!l(r1!i~!,l."'&i~,~it~,S. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
".I!iItb"ii'lll. ""b."'114i
Lehfan/JooSthij{?ve'\t? ~ccept the resignation of Channon Zepper from the Park and Recreation
Ad~it,~ Bo~~~d i'!Uk her for the contributions she has made for the residents of Shakopee.
(Motiofl;~'irrled u}der the Consent Agenda)
LehmanlJoosiIloved to authorize to advertise for bids for the City Hall HV AC unit. (Motion
carried under the Consent Agenda)
Lehman/Joos offered Resolution No. 6636, A Resolution of Support for Service People
Returning From Active Duty in the Armed Forces ofthe United States of America, and moved
its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
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Shakopee City Council Page -3-
Lehman/Joos offered Resolution No. 6633, A Resolution of the City of Shakopee, Minnesota,
Approving PremisesrPermit for Eagles Aerie 4120, and move its adoption. (Motion carried
under the Consent Agenda)
Mayor Schmitt asked if there was anyone in the audience that wished to speak on a matter that
was not on the agenda. No one responded.
Mayor Schmitt said he asked for the removal of 5.DA, Parking Control Signalf"~_W:fshall
Road, from CR 101 to Bluff Ave. and Bluff Ave., 300 feet west of Marsha~..!d_6ad fr6~i~e
consent business, be~ause the information that carne in the Council pack~! dia\~t appeafllp be
justification for creating "No Parking". Mayor Schmitt is also conce~~tt"Th~t t1Y~~sines~,es on
Marschall Road were not informed about the City's intensions 0~i~~,0'~~~..~*~'lP~~'1~ne.
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Mr. Loney stated that the two businesses have not been noti~~d Ofl~NO"<<ki~.~;~one. Mr.
Loney stated that there was an inquiry by a resident at an ()JD'_Ai?use";!i.hich~i,followed up.
Mr. Loney stated that the street width is only 32 feet wi~~~hicl1__5ide enough ifthere is
parking on both sides of the streets. Mr. Loney said ti;~1114'.p~ld be ,"fortable tabling the
item with some direction fro~ Council. Mr. Loney 9/ted that\\would recommend no parking
on Marschall Road because It'S not safe. Mr.~oney ~'Iled that l1!, would recommend parking on
one side of Bluff Street because the road is notf_,e eirQ~gh. .Ii'
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Joos/Clay moved to table action on P~~~iI;~7~~"tr!f'tlijl~~jlunti1 the businesses on Marschall
Road are notified of the impending~",~ai:lig Otl;itif~;!all R.pad fro~ CR 101 to Bluff Avenue
and on Bluff Avenue for 300 fe~li~~s~'iM.schaU<'efad. MotIon carrIed 4-0. .
'iAd~..%. #'
Mayor Schmitt asked for theflillts~n ;jPorts'i>
Cncl. Lehman stated thJ"'it&~:nded;~~~y D~ys an? National Night Out. Cncl. Le~an stated
tha~ he had a ch1je to sPlif~M~?~esentatIve ~Ike Bear~ about. the funds for ~he nver/sewer
project. Mr. Bea 'l~.pld Mf\lOos.,,,Senator RoblIng was stIll makmg contacts WIth Mr.
Coleman an9.Mr. Beand has~i~en in contact with Representative Kline's office.
(p:4ijl;i,!'i:::iii!i!!.;II_~I. ' i!;"j'
Cncl. J06~l~tea%~atatfen~ed National Night Out and stated how much he enjoyed speaking
wit~fommun'ty rti~~be.rs, "
i'~II.'i'! ,'iliidll .)1i
Cncl."O","!!stated)pat he missed the Transit Board Meeting last month and asked Mr. Leek to
sumrnariz~'iiI,,~'feting. Mr. Leek stated they updated the Transit Review Board on the
operations. .rvtf. Leek also stated that the Park and Ride is very successful. Mr. Leek stated that
there is a tentative grand opening date of the Park and Ride set for Wednesday, October 3, 2007.
Mr. Leek also said they heard a presentation from the Anoka Transit Management Organization
and discussed if a transit management organization should be organized in Shakopee. Mr. Leek
stated that bids will be sought for the operation and maintenance of the Park and Ride site.
Andrea Weber, Park and Recreation Landscape Designer, presented Council with Approving
Plans and Specifications for Providence Pointe- Westchester Park and Authorization to Advertise
for Bidding.
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Ms. Weber stated that a neighborhood open house was held earlier in the year to select and
gather input on the final park design, which was Option B "Meadow". Ms. Weber stated that the
playground area is furthest away from 17th A venue, two youth ball fields are adjacent to 17th
A venue, and a hockey and pleasure skating rink between the fields and playground. In addition,
a full basketball court will be located either inside the hockey rink, if paved, or else south of the
play area next to a sand volleyball court. Ms. Weber said there is a 33 space parking lot along
Valley View Road.
Ms. Weber outlined the project budget. Ms. Weber said the CIP budget appr~~.~ftt<f!lii~e project
is $1,0~7,500. Ms. Webe: said the changes to budget include !he pool bu~l,~.~ being.~~'~rred
from thIS year's constructIOn to 2008. The amended constructIOn budge~:~~ ~'i,;;?50. 1V1jlt
Weber stated that the estimated total is $605,701, which is $29,951 o~~p'btt~get~i~eral'educt
alternates included can bring the estimate under budget by $56,049./ illl::::ti.....]::::::t:.. "0tt>lIiiii\;:'
'lIii.iil:i}. ,i...., ' "!.
Ms. Weber discussed the proposed timeline. She said the iS~ll~Ul~~'f~~~UgUst
31, 2007 and A ward of Contract will be presented at the in;;ting with a
proposed completion date of June 15, 2008.
Cncl. Joos asked if the plan included irrigation. irrigation would only
be included for the outfield areas of the ball fields.
Cncl. Lehman asked why the Staff stated that the cost
includes design time and construction water charge, SAC charges,
testing of materials, staking, etc. that the entire amount will
not be spent. ...iI1lllilll
Joos/Lehman offered Resolutl(J~,~~.1635, of the City of Shako pee Approving
Plans and Specification~i~~ Orde~i for Bids for ~roviden~e Pointe-. .
Westchester Park Const~'li~i~ ProJe~~~. PR 2007-3, and moved Its adoptIOn. Motion carrIed
4-0. :i~tlli'\'if'ii%I'IIr;:I.
''*111..."" i
Mr. Leek pr~~E:ted Ci1>i~cil "\',ith tne Appeal of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals
D ""_@'ill_ l''' gt art
etermm.itr6n~~.~'i'liil,..1.~e1f.M' .
i1r:!;ii.: '\'1;lil\" "",.....?II??i:ti1i1i:iln".
Mr;.!.~eek stat~lIi~ thdttt'-ppliance Smart has filed an appeal of the Board of Adjustment and
AV'(j~ljs (BOAlA~ldet~ination upholding staff s interpretation that the use of an Appliance
Smart tllttlpt perrrit!tted within the Heavy Industrial (1-2) zone.
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Mr. Leek said that Appliance Smart is looking to locate their business at 4241 12 Ave. East.
Mr. Leek stated that the primary nature of the business is the retail sales of appliances to the
general consumer. Mr. Leek stated that staff concluded that such retail use, even though much of
the facility is dedicated to the storage of the items offered retail is not permissible under the 1-2
provision of the City Code. Mr. Leek said that Appliance Smart submitted an application for a
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow retail sales in the 1-2 zone which was returned as not
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Shakopee City Council Page -5-
Mr. Leek stated that Appliance Smart filed an appeal of staff s determination to the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals (BOAA) which upheld staff s decision in a 6-1 vote.
Michael Cronin, 8809 W. Bush Lake Road, Bloomington, MN, stated he represents the
appellant, Appliance Smart. Mr. Cronin introduced, Dave Paradise, who represents United
Properties, the landlord of 4241 12th Ave. E.
Mr. Paradise stated that United Properties is not interested in renting the space to Appliance
Smart because of the slowing economy and the lack of renters in their building. Mr. Paradise
stated that United Properties believes that Appliance Smart is a very compatib!~H,iIr!li~~~s to run
out of the building. Mr. Paradise stated that United Properties is not interest~fl in re~ttliPg the
'~':::"::""~"5~::::' ",<*:
property but to allow Appliance Smart to operate out of the building., . 'llYN,} ""
Mr. Cronin described for Council how Appliance Smart operates ~,~'I~as~!lini.fjJ_:'I!I,~"Council
13 fmdings w support the consideration of retail sales as a condi~~. \,"
Cncl. Joos stated that the intent of the Planning COmmiSSiQ)1!i!!!I~~~h~\~,ity at f'j;;~"~ the Code
was drafted was preservation of the industrial areas. Joo"ss'.t~~'~at theNonly options he
would suggest to Appliance Smart is to have the Jlr.~~ another building in a
zone that accommodates retail business.
Joos/Clay moved to uphold the Board of A~f~~lits determination to uphold
staff s interpretation that the use of an Appl~",ce S;1Jp.art, A venue East, is not
permitted within the Heavy Industria~'i~~1~~::li:i~~~~::iiiiir:d;%t_)ted staff to prepare a resolution with
appropriate findings for Council c03}~i,~~ratil}1. Discussion followed.
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Mayor Schmitt asked for a vot~f;6n"1,1n.'6t~~,n. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. McNeill updated C2,unC~l o~.,~~ting ;:tt~ended this afternoon on Tier I Draft
Enviro~ental Impact S~:i~: (DE~I"%tor the "Minnesota 41 Minnesota River Crossing"
(New River Cros~g)'4;iii~,,/'"
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Mr. Leek e~Bi!~i~:~ tJ}~~"the F~~t"tiei- is the preparation of an EIS intended to determine the
alignrne~iI.an(1~tl;.,li'tii'iin~~'cro~sing. The second tier would be the preparation of an EIS in
preparaflon;(or c~~strucn'brttof a project.
,i"'llk... "'I.
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~ state~t t)nie~ I DElS process began in 2002 with the preparation of a scoping
docume~urm', the scopmg process, about 20 alternatIves were conSIdered. The scopmg
doc.ument ".H,.i,tt completed in 2005 and was amended in 2006 limiting the alternative to six
Mr. Leek stated that throughout the process of development of DEIS, the City has been
represented on the Study Advisory Committee (SAC) and Project Management Team (PMT) by
Bruce Loney, Public Works. Cncl. Lehman has represented the City at the Policy Advisory
Committee (PAC).
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Mr. Leek stated that what Mn/DOT is looking for is a determination on whether or not the Draft
EIS is adequate in qrder to make a decision on one ofthe six alternative alignments. Mr. Leek
suggested that the Draft EIS is adequate; and, that some communities have technical objections.
Mr. Leek stated that there is no ideal alternative and that each of the alignments has a range of
environmental impacts. In his analysis ofthe Draft EIS, Mr. Leek stated that he focused on the
following issues:
. Transportation Impacts
. Land Use Impacts
. Natural Resource Impacts
. Social Justice Impacts
Mr. Leek discussed with Council in detail each of the issues.
Mr. Leek then read the Resolution prepared for Council on the
Draft EIS.
1. That the W. - 2 alignment has the least POsitiV1ffu~:~~he regional
transportatIOn system;;lllkq~lll1\\
2. That the W -2 alignment ~s the gre~r\Lto~1"eIY impact land use growth
and development patterns III north Sc!, 't11)~ty;4.f' .. ,,n
3. That the C-2 and C-2A alignments 1Ia;Wth4,greatest potential impact on natural
tf0~~:~:?>::, ""O:;.}.::::It;h__
4. That the E-l, E-1A and E-2'('@_i~1rlYlalig~in!s have the greatest positive impact on the
regional transportation ~jI.~ Oji!~~0 iding 9#ffgestion relief on TH 169, TH 101 and
TH41 *Y::" .,
. 4"",;'@ttt::_ __Sl
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5. That the easterly alignnfe~!.~!:Jipact ail!I,'~fiificant natural resource, to wit the Seminary
Fen, which is no.:\Purrent1y'~~subject'of a management plan;
6. That the easterly\j~~_~1ntshai~~,nsignificant social justice impacts, in that they would
result in th~relocalloIi;'ab!!il!.larg'i1Umber of residents of mobile/manufactured homes.
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Lehman/J~~~q;if1d~1\~~01ut\~:~ N~. 6638, Approving the Submittal of Comments on the Draft
Tier I En~i=o~~t]rl.t_il'~t Sl~tement (ElS) for the "TH 41 New Minnesota River Crossing",
and ~0V'~~,~~ ado~~tonancf*'approved the comment letter on the DEIS for the New River
Cro,4,~ng, withl~~pie~l~:t' the letter to be sent to DNR Commissioner Holsten, and Metropolitan
cocii~)ikChair Peter Bell. Discussion followed.
Cnc1. Clay1al'li,,'why it doesn't say in the letter or Resolution No. 6638 what corridor the
Council prefers. Mr. McNeill stated that the City supports one of the easterly corridors. Mr.
McNeill stated that the Mn/DOT is not looking for a specific choice of corridor but stating if the
DEIS is adequate and if the City has preferences or if there are points that they missed on the
Cnc1. Joos would like the letter to include a statement reflecting the City's preference of an
easterly corridor and that a westerly corridor may be needed in the future. Mr. Leek stated he
would revise the letter to reflect how Shakopee arrives at a position favoring one of the
corridors', add additional language that talks about the fact that there will be a need for an
Official Proceedings of the August 08, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -7-
additional future river crossing and that some alignment further west and south of that may be
needed to meet spacing purposes, and more clearly state the impact on land use and economic
development. The other Council members agreed with the language Mr. Leek stated he would
insert in the letter.
Mayor Schmitt asked for a vote on the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Lehman/Clay moved for a five minute recess. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Schmitt re-convened the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Mr. Loney presented Council with the Update on C.R. 77 Trail
Mr. Loney presented Council with an email and drawing from
with Mn/DOT in regard to the Mn/DOT permit needed to extend/tie
169., '1;
Mr. Loney stated iliat after Council's authorization to !,",~\R 77, submitted a
permit application to Mn/DOT to work in their right-i~~Y4l11~r. L1>'qi~aid that Mn/DOT
reviewed the request and the response indicated that It the pe(f(',rian trail' is to be extended,
additional work will be needed on the CR 77 bridge ai,~sing ovtii.TH 169.
Mr. Loney stated that staff met with MnlD~\~dl.~ott'iiCt}Utlty!to discuss what could be done
~rnporarily. Suggestions were f~r ~hi~~striPing CR 77, posting lower speed
lImIts and puttmg up a larger cham ~4:d r',ce d' B{ t~~ 'lfIdge at a cost of $70,000.
th:., :ti?':::)})\9-
Mr. Loney said that, as a secoa~iilii~"'.~~r~the CiJjr~~uld apply for a cooperative agreement
~:<>'~,'~:\,,>. i$>t ":<}%'~~:t_
with MnII?OT to get funds f6r;t'~r~'ge im~J~emen!. Mr. Loney said that ~cott County wo.uld
also contnbute to the fupds for the'llI~Il. Mr. ]Coney saId that a rough draft estimate for the traIl
\1". "''W!.1\.
to extend from Vi~rlingl~~\1~d th~~Qi~cations to the bridge is approximately $150,000.
Mr. Loney the P~~(ct wo \;rit~;'~_~ii~~~'ltted m 2008.
Mr. McBro~~:"".~hctko~~e Sc':~ols Superintendent, spoke to Council about the school's decision
j&@b:~:::~:~::~:"-t'" . _ -"!':'
regardin~:..~m-1;1i~.~in~jtnat CR 77 was going to be a pedestrian access to the new High
School.'~:i..M2~r~Olnst~f~ that he recognized the City's efforts in trying to complete this
pr~~,;,ct. ii 'I. Ii
l""ii.;~ilb.",,\1:I'I.1 . ":liii
Joos/L~~~n mol~dto pursue a cooperative agreement with Mn/DOT for a trail extension along
CR 77 to :f1:l~ii;l:~i::i['69 bridge, and do whatever can be done to fast track the project. Motion
carried 4-0. '''''ii.
Mr. Loney presented Council with the Approval of the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) and
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for Construction, Use, Operation and Maintenance of the
Prior Lake Outlet Channel and Outlet Structure. Mr. Loney stated that the agreement is
comprised of the Spring Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD), the City of Prior Lake, the City of
Shakopee and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC).
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Shakopee City Council Page -8-
Mr. Loney stated this project has been in the works for six years. Mr. Loney outlined the 18
Articles and their main points. He also provided a map depicting the outlet channel.
Mr. Loney said the difference between the JP A and the MOA is whether the SMSC is a
participant in the agreement both financially and as a contributor to the channel flow. Mr. Loney
stated that the agreement calls for the SMSC to have a $2,000,000 letter of credit for compliance
of the agreement.
Mr. Loney stated that the financial difference to the City of Shakopee on having the SMSC in the
agreement is $133,916. Shakopee's share in the JPA is estimated to be $1,24~'i~;tk~!01igin the
MOA it is estimated to be $1,110,229. Funds for channel improvements a~i1~peratioll1id
maintenance will be from the City's Storm Drainage Fund. Mr. Loney ~,~~pom!l'j~to thei'
questions from Council members. ill V "I'l~ fjiil,
1!1!!11'igii\ii\. "Iif~l:i:it ,'t
Clay/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to ex'e~~;~i~~Irlor~~':f
'.;it&, ...., -,
Agreement and Joint Powers Agreement for Construction, U~..e, Ope\ation.~~~~~!ttenance of
the Prior Lake Outlet Channel and Outlet Structure. Motiq~l~ied ,\0. ,,"g/
.~~<L0_il',,)>>::,__,u~'~\ ~)
Gregg V oxland, Finance Director, presented Counci~;fi~m\&''',r007:!@1'..lroperty and Liability
Insurance Renewals from the League of Minnesota q/jties._.
Mr. ':oxl~d ~tated that the policies propos~!~::::'~~~siCaJ'4irg~~,~~e as current coverage. Th~
premIum IS slIghtly more than last year but'''Nililre rtl;ms of Valbtlle'are covered. Mr. V oxland SaId
that the main reason for the increase i~iii4illFiu~)'i'~'i"~.ii'flse in property values from 59
million to 72 million with a premi~cwcre'~ of'1\~,5l2. The decrease in liability coverage is
$'----------<- -~-""_':':; "'W?;~'::, _______.-:,>
due to lower rates. iF' 'illf'!
Mr. V oxland stated that COuh~1.q,~s Ijp>t disct(l~ed excess liability or an umbrella insurance
police for a number of Yi~s. Mr:"'i~land sal that Council will need to make a decision as to
obtain an umbrella poli~"~"i:lpremiti~l~~Frease cost of $66,000.,
i ~1!i"\";1!1111:::ili': ".JI
Mr. Thomson eXP~id th~~br~F'jil{ability insurance policy to Council. Mr. Thomson stated
"8!l_'" -~d/
that federal Sl,flims anl'l:;land U:pe claims are not covered by the regular policy.
Le~anIt~~~pe~/liabilitY ins~ce renewals from the Lea~ of Minnesota Cities
h. Ins~~ce 'rust for a depOSIt premIUm of$417,194, and not waIve the monetary
l:lj::!I'i~imits)n tort liability established by Minnesota States 466.04.
2. "<4:'iilii~taffto add the umbrella policy coverage to the City's insurance policy and pay
the additional $66,000 in premiums.
3. reduce under/uninsured motorist coverage to $50,000 for a savings of$2,265.
4. promptly and annually check motor vehicle records of persons who operate motor
vehicle equipment on city business and direct staffto develop a policy delineating
what action the city will take based various infractions.
Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. McNeill presented Council with discussion on a budget review date. Mr. McNeill stated that
there is a Budget Meeting scheduled for August 14,22, and 28th. Mr. McNeill stated that he will
Official Proceedings of the August 08, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -9-
not be available for the August 28, 2007 meeting and was wondering if Council would be willing
to move the meeting to August 20, 2007.
Council decided to wait until the meeting on August 22, 2007 to see if another Budget Meeting
would need to be scheduled.
Joos/Clay moved to adjourn to Tuesday, August 14,2007 at 7:00 p.m. Discussion followed.
Mayor Schmitt stated his concern regarding the soccer building. Mayor Schmitt stated that the
soccer building was supposed to be completed in the spring and the work still
Mayor Schmitt said he would like to withhold any further payments to the
work is finished.
Mr. McNeill stated that the contractor does have a $250 a day
not finished. Mr. McNeill stated that the city is still holding $1
is finished.
Mayor Schmitt then asked Mr. Loney if the wear construction on
Seventh and Eighth streets before winter. Mr. will be put
down before winter.
Mayor Schmitt asked for a vote on the
The Council meeting ended at 10:29
W-"ML~ - Gr-
dith S. Cox
City Clerk
Kim Weckrnan
(Budget Session)
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Steve Clay, Matt
Lehman, Steve Menden and Terry Joos present. Also present were Mark McNeill, City
Administrator; Kris Wilson, Assistant City Administrator; Judith S. Cox, City Clerk; R. Michael
Leek, Community Drve10pment Director; Bruce Loney, Public Works Director/City Engineer;
Gregg V oxland, Finfce Dir~ctor~ Ed Schw~esdall, Fire Chief; Dan ~ughes, ~*~Jiil,'",i:,~ef; C:aig
Robson and Jeff Tate, Captams With the PolIce Department; and JamIe Poll~,\Park, M~~!~atIOn,
and Natural Resources Director. . 4"%'~~it ~;i.*
;lf~;W%\'~~'i~ii\ ~lll
:4:;&- ",:;. -%::P:);\"::o_ }iV
Also present were representatives from Louisville Township and J~Y'~~e Td'~shifl'Jt:<.?#;)'
Representing Louisville Township; LuAnne Lehrnke, Township ,~erkr"I~Wec~~~
Township Supervisor; Perry Mulcrone, Township Superviso~? and ~san 1tt1'rve~~)rownship
Supervisor. Representing Jackson Township; Rose Menk~$!\J'~~~~hi\Clerk~i'Jf.fb Weckrnan,
Township Supervisor. "'%;~~'l.fu\.,'\i\ ,.&
.' ,c*-*w'ittI4
Mayor Schmitt introduced Jamie Polley, Park, R~\ources Director, to the
Jackson and Louisville Townships.
.6ft. -<<'1%:;;\
Mr. McNeill gave the Townships a brief o~~~~wt!fthe to date. Mr. McNeill
stated that a Cost of Services study ~~l4;1'Jfl~iY~4f~~:(~~~arding Park and Recreation. Mr.
McNeill said that the study will be~~d "t\h tfi\'~~~sllips. Mr. McNeill stated that the
Townships are welcome to staY~~;i~tiY\~~S;'Dep~eht presentation as the Council and other
Department Heads will be dis!&fSsrflilt1pe '~'blget overall.
jf!lf(f_:~<i ", ;J~\1i~'j%'f
Ed Schwaesdall, Fire Cl,1ief for the?'lJ}iakopee Fire Department, presented the 2008 Fire
Department General Fut4'i.~dget. ''1l\~* ,. ,,'.
;I ,<\;~.mill'ji';I~!!l\1i ".".,,;;'
ChiefSchwaesdafPz$ii~ted tIJ,~#t'het~t"!\Ja 7% ($133,000) in the overall budget from 2007 to 2008.
Chief Schwa.!~~.g~llbriJ~r do~the increases for the Council.
l'(itj~rf(l'iili:.i~::~f 11lf.70 ($33,420) for increased calls for service
2..''l\'i!;tBen~~~~ illc~e,of 5% ($26,350)
-'$'c,..... "";:,__.
,.J~ Su~pli;si;;~d Services increase of 3 .5% ($10,400)
"'''ii, I*'i":';/ f $15 5% ($6 400)
,'.. \'ii;~i;!:! nsu~ce fITcrease 0 . 0 ,
5. ;;~';ji~;.Train~g increase of 68% ($53,000) because of the contribution to the Scott County
"'i~~al Training Facility.
6. CapItal Outlay increase of22% ($50,000) due to the audio/visual equipment for
Station 51.
Chief Schwaesdall stated that there are 54 fire fighters budgeted and the current roster is 50. He
noted that the 2008 Budget Improvement Package includes some additional full-time staff. Chief
Schwaesdall stated that on August 20, 2007 the full-time Office Services Worker will begin her
duties. Chief Schwaesdall outlined the ranking of the fire department.
Official Proceedings of the August 14, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -2-
Chief Schwaesdall stated that one township pays per call and the other township pays a lump
sum on a call percentage. He stated that it would easier if both townships were to pay on a
percentage. Cncl. ~oos stated that he wanted to make sure that the budget increases are reflected
in what the townships are paying for fire service.
Perry Mulcrone asked if a cost analysis should be done to see if Louisville Township should be
on the same type of contract as Jackson Township. Mr. V oxland stated that the decision to
change from direct billing to a contract would solely depend on what the township board votes
on. Mr. V oxland sta,ted that a contract would be easier to deal with rather than billing on a per
call basis. ~
Ms. Lehrnke stated that they are now getting bills within 30 days and
quick turnaround.
Chief Schwaesdell went over the 2008 Budget Improvement
Requests include:
1. Full Time Fire Chief ($1 00,000)
2. Full Time Assistant Fire Chief ($75,000)
3. Support for the 125th Fire Department A.I1iiv~f'_+f$1
ft' ":'<:ftUfP_
4. Paid on Call SCBA (Self Contained Brea~~ing App~*~tus) Coordinator ($2,000) and
Assistant Coordinator ($1,500) ,"'w \f~
'-,,':;:, '_ \ir",:,,::::;;_ '(
5. Resurface Parking Lot at Station~;II'l;irkinl~b,ot) ($1~,000)
'::~:-:- '4':t:::::i"'." ">'-%f'Zfi:~'}(:,,:,\,:,,_, _. __"",{:'?
6. Asphalt apron at Station 51 ($5~~'QO)I~l%;*;;;;j;i&jf)W"
7. Addition to Station 51/ant~ji_,~e'i~!~~!,iiQ~i~*00)
8. Replacement of sound/vJ4',~.. eqt.JmeH_'~50,l)\)0)
Mr. McNeill asked if the To~!~ip~"ad"'~~ing tltfy wanted to discuss with Council. Sue
Morevek asked the City if t1tey~~;u~~be wlr_!~to participate in an educational program
regarding storm water P911ution P1_;~ll'
"I:~bh~", "'-'w;'J:~:t
t::;::"iWW:~::t.::::::,: .,"'(r:'tt:r"f'
Gregg Voxland pr~sented';~tJle'c"WJlci11ith the 2008-2012 Capital Improvement Plan.
(&!ltiV;, . . '14~i!;iI*t"YiiiMi~!i';%if
Mr. VoxlandiQiscuss~,~he C~$t estimates for the following 2008 CIP.
~,;:n'::fi!:M]r0:);.:~,~,::",,: ;_'" _ {:j\",,_: '{:}:,.
1'/1&Cd~_ti;1~~~tefi!Water problem, $150,000
2. "if!it)Debt;'iervice~v~W Bonds $475000
"~:'t':::,-'0:% "
~![ Fi1;~;Sta1\~~.~ Site (carryover), $300,000
ll$'~i';, Fire'~flati~~l~ Site (carryover), $200,000
5. Y~J~'fii Fire Sfb,tion addition/antique fire truck, $100,000
W;i#;k. ,;e'
6.iV%I~L;,nde, $400,000
For a total cost of$1,625,000.
Mr. V oxland then discussed the revenue projected for 2008 at $985,933 minus the total
expenditures of $1,625,000 for a deficiency of $639,067.
Mr. Leek updated Council on the land purchase from Tollefson Development for future land to
house a Park and Ride in the vicinity of future County Road 21 at County Road 16.
Official Proceedings of the August 14, 2007
Shakopee City C01:lIlcil Page -3-
Mr. Leek presented Council with the Community Development-Planning 2008 general fund
budget. Mr. Leek stated that there is an increase of7% from 2007-2008. Mr. Leek highlighted
areas of the budgetll Mr. Leek said that the category, Other Professional Services, there was an
11 % decrease. In Building Rent there was an increase of$14,740.
Mr. Leek then discussed the Inspection budget. Mr. Leek said there is a reduction of 4% from
2007 to 2008. Mr. Leek said a portion of the reduction was due to an employee moving to the
position of Office Service Worker for the Fire Department. Other contributing factors to the
budget are building rent which increased $23,570, and Dues/Training/Travel increased by 3%.
Mr. Leek then discussed the inspection activity for 2008. Mr. Leek said th~~~{[s a r~a't~?n of
new construction activity. Mr. Leek said that new residential units and ~~€rif41~la1/indli~!ial
building permits are down approximately 31 %. Mr. Leek said there ",le"a"'!ew%l'~rease~~ln the
multifamily units. Mr. Leek outlined additional inspection activit~:$fu'l~hc~,~,be:~~j~piented
by current staff. /fui/$,WWhiW tip
fl ii\t, ""i_h 'fiti~Jf"
Mr. Leek then discussed the EDA budget. Mr. Leek stateqf~.toveri:i-L1 therel!~~''decrease of
Cii'41tjW:R:::"...'B-" ,Jf-'
48% from the 2007 to 2008 budget. Mr. Leek discusse4i~Ile sign~''5~~~change to the EDA
budget and that is in the 2007 budget there was a ful~1\tiffi~~'$itionwfo'. Economic
Development Coordinator. After consultation with ~f CounCi~w~t was decided to contract out
~or part-t~me services.. Therefor~ ther~ was a ri~~,ucti\~tn the wlie of the EDA budget but an
mcrease m the professional serVIces SIde of lJ;te*Bt~ D~I~t.J)W
4/1(1**"", "f,i~i1'~#tll~i~&fhW#*"
';OW}!>, P#~
Mr. V oxland presented Counci! with~~~,~~8W~f(.~1!iii~ Bu~get. Mr. V oxland said that the
General Fund revenues are proJecte,dt\~ibe 'awn t~\lPe~Iifee major areas related to development.
They are permits, planning and~iii~ee~~;1i\~The 2~t'frevenue in those three areas is
$1,457,451. For 2008 they arQ/IftoJ.i,ed l~l~Qe $871;~00.
Mr. V oxland said the b~~iget statU~~ 2008 a~'it stands now with keeping the same tax rate is a
surplus of $44,000. He'\~'iw~~~ted t1ftl)_J~f~ping the same tax rate is a levy increase of 12%.
Mr. Voxland the~!!i~iscuss\ff~~l(\?!i~~~lrraverage budget under spend. Mr. Voxland said that
the general fundSl1e~f~ing l~\fB% '1l11 a 7% under spend.
-'ifit\t::::,~, %1,;:::
Mr. vox~i~ftit!._.oti.))tl1e 2008 General Fund Summary. The tax rate of31.938 and a
levy increa~~ of'\~.18%rt~tal revenue and transfers is at $17,303,060. The total expenditures
"V,> -.i.th
and,@ttansfersili~+$18'~,~2;~640 for a Net Surplus of $43,726. The requests for 2008 not included in
theWs~ary to~ $8~~~600.
"fffl'Wili ...
Cncl. Meif~'~4~~~fed he preferred increasing the tax rate to make up for the lost revenue. Cncl.
Menden also"suggested looking at the number of employees the City has and their activity level
and possibly reducing expenditures by reducing the number of employees.
Mr. V oxland asked Council if they are willing to keep the same tax rate of 31.938 and not to
include the possibility of including the Market Value Credit from the state. Council consensus is
to keep the same take rate. However, Cncl. Joos stated he didn't want to make a decision until
he hears from the department heads what they are willing to give up to keep the tax rate the
Official Proceedings of the August 14, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -4-
Mr. Voxland asked Council's direction to staff as to what to do. Cnc1. Menden suggested that
the department heads come back to Council with some expenditure reductions.
Mr. V ox1and asked if Council agreed to keep the Truth and Taxation date for the 2nd Monday in
December as done in the past. Council agreed. Mr. V oxland asked if the Council wanted to
include the insert with the County's mailing. Council agreed to omit the insert.
Mr. V oxland asked if the soccer complex and the Huber Park building should be included in the
building fund or set uP an internal service fund for park assets. Council agreed that an internal
service fund should bF set up for the park buildings.
Mr. V oxland asked Council if they wanted to consider putting any
fund beside the Park Dedication. Council agreed that the discussion
for park projects should be deferred to another time.
Joos/Lehman moved to adjourn to Tuesday, August 21, 5-0.
The Council meeting ended at 10:10 p.m. on August
(rl,i,l0. (}p
tlith S. Cox
City Clerk
Kim Weckman
Recording Secretary