HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.F.2. Approval of Minutes: July 30, 2007, July 31, 2007 and August 06, 2007
(Budget Session)
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Steve Menden,
Steve Clay, Matt Lehman and Terry Joos present. Also present were Mark McNeill, City
Administrator; Gregg Voxland, Finance Director; Mark Themig, Parks, Recreation and Facilities
Director; Jamie Polley, Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Director; John Peterson,
Telecommunications Coordinator; and Judith S. Cox, City Clerk. Also prese~~:;_~.IIwembers of
the Park and Recreation Advisory Board, Arvid Somberger, Bradley Tabk~(j!!j~anie P!ItI~g,
Sonja Bereich (7:08) and Sam Mayberry 7:30)..,,' )\ii;
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Mayor Schmitt introduced Jamie Polley, Parks, Recreation, and N~tl1ltW.~e~~~ce~~eQt~r. Ms.
Polley has been hired to replace Mark Themig, who has been hir~(by S~!!!Coun" ~heir
Parks Program Manager. ~1, ~.ifr
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John Peterson, Telecommunications Coordinator, pres~,",,~!~~ Co~i>~i~h a demonstration of
web streaming that is now set up on the City of Shak;,~l!is:..~pa~;:\;~. Peterson explained
that there is a video link on the web site for the publit;I:;~o view.tllpncil meetings.
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Ms. Bercich enterediand took her seat. "i!~l\;...!.'4':ri*>,.....J
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Mr. Peterson askedJo~~il if they .w~ -:e Sch~ol Board, Sc~tt County
and Shakopee PublIr UtIlIty meetmg;~II;pn t ,!!'CIt'~Is/~eb page. CounCIl agreed that It would be
best to wait a period! of time befo.ieoi'Fli'i:..~;~.b see l1.~ web streaming works for the City's
me~tings. . Council would al~i~\)lt~~" otl1.t\(~liii.~~tities to reimburse the City's staff time to prepare
theIr meetmgs to be broadcasteli\~Ia t ,-e weB~i;ii';>,;j
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Mark Themig presentedI"~pncil and!fti~~ark and Recreation Advisory Board the 2008
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preliminary budgii~lfor th~!~:tl~~Ji~n'Und, Natural Resources and the Park Capital
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Mr. TheIl1~g~I'!_";fi)j~O~~'f'Recreation Fund Operating Budget Request. Mr. Themig
outlined;~~~t se~icbs lire'gder the Recreation Fund as well as positions in the Recreation
De~;rfiment.?!;~~. l~~Il1ig stated that the base budget request is with a continued level of
ser\ii"i;" There"'~~n?Jt!ditional staff being requested for 2008 and some accommodations for
progr~~~I~:;;:;' :
Mr. Them~ sfat~ ~t for 2008 the revenue has increased by 10.5% as well as the expenditure
increase of 4.5%. The general fund transfer for 2008 is -.9%. Mr. Themig stated that the
revenue increase wa;s due to Community Center memberships and an increase in SandVenture
memberships. Mr. Themig said that expenditures increased due to part-time wage increases,
Logis software, buil~ing rent, and printing of the Community Center brochures and park and trail
maps. I
Mr. Themig discussed budget improvement options. Council would need to consider the
Official Proceedings of the July 30, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -2-
. Seal coating of the Community Center parking lot ($25,000)
. Community Center Water infiltration repairs ($180,000)
. Curling program ($1,500-$3,000)
. Point of Sale software ($20,400)
. Recreation Superintendent ($92,750)
. Community Center Teen Center carpet replacement ($20,000)
. Community Center exterior painting ($60,000)
Council discussed what the future holds for the Community Center. All agree
that a decision needs to be made with regard to the future of the Community a
decision can be made to move forward with repairs and maintenance.
Mr. Mayberry entered and took his seat.
Mr. Themig went on to discuss the 2008 Natural Resources
the services under Natural Resources as well as positions
Mr. Themig stated there is no additional staff requested This
includes a 2.5% increase from 2007 to 2008. ,dilii'#~<
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Mr. Themig discussed the budget improvement optid'~ which"Illklude providing trees to
residents at wholesale prices in preparation f~"ig_~,,~e'm~rald A} Borer that is expected to kill
nearly all ash trees..;. {i~li:qIj'lii;;iii'
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Mr. Themig presented the 2008-20q&~1~ i~em€tIt'Program (CIP) overview. Mr.
Themig stated that the CIP identifit}s%",~~s iild furrCJ;li.g./for construction of new parks and
recreation trails, land acquisiti~:J$sl\"~i~~~?vement'ln park facilities. The program attempts to
focus limited resources on PJ;oj::I,~ts tlllll are:l;lii,?rities for meeting the needs of a growing
community. .'th. X "
Mr. Themig stated that ~tlii_ii:~ec~~'p,to move forward on Huber Park in 2006, the City
con.unitt~d a si.gii,cFt ~~~~JiI;"jf~nt :u:d ~ture funding resources to,:"ard .completing t~is
proJect, mcludmg ~posslb~~lty of,a: $2 mIlhon mterfund loan. Mr. Themlg Said that CouncIl's
and Park aIY.i;f~:t~aHd.AdVi!sorY Board's decision to create Huber Park as a focal point for
ShakOP~,~::ilil~~Orl~~~s~ent s.low down in development and decrease in park dedication
rez, th~l: ~cant change m the CIP from what was proposed for 2007-2011. Mr.
Themig stated:that ,.: . projects will need to be deferred until funding is available after 2012.
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Mr. Th;~'!~~ai~"Jhat the amount of park development that occurred over the past three years is
unprecedert'$(;i::::"f0'f th~ City. The proposed plan focuses the City's limited financial resources on
projects that are in most demand, as well as acknowledges the projects that are underway or have
some level of commitment to undertake this year. Those include Dean Lakes trail connection,
Westchester/Providehce Pointe park, and the Greenfield /Park Meadow Park. Mr. Themig also
said that the proposetl plan is more reasonable for existing staff levels to handle.
Mr. Themig discuss9d the 2007 committed projects which are the following:
. Tahpah Park (completion and final payment)
. Huber Park (completion and final payment)
Official Proceedings of the July 30, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -3-
. 17th Avenue Sports Complex building (completion and final payment)
. Glacier Estates Park (construction by developer; developer seeking proposals)
. Valley Creek Crossings Park (construction by developer; contract award)
. Dean Lake trail system (contract award)
. Archery Range relocation (under construction)
Mr. Themig discussed the 2007 potential new projects and their timelines:
. Off-leash Dog Area (anticipated for late 2007)
. Lions Park Second Ice Sheet ( late summer/early fall)
. ProvidencelWestchester Park (site work)
Mr. Themig then discussed the 2008 projects which are:
. Providence/Westchester Park (building construction)
. Greenfield/Park Meadow (site work and building)
. Waterslide Replacement ($350,000-$500,000)
. Ice Arena Team Rooms (cost and funding would
. Park Signage
. Begin Interfund Loan Payback
. Ice Rink High School Team Rooms
Mr. Themig then presented the 2009-2012
. 2009: MNDOT Parcel 75
Purchase and Assessments
. 2010: Quarry Lake Project
. 2011-2012: All other pr~j:ijits
Mr. Themig recommended u.~t~i~m"'e as well making any changes based on
development or other funding op~.!2rtj\ities.
Mr. Themig discussed o~~.Qs for :i~~E~P12 CIP.
1. Proceed a~#ropos~r ,';q~~~~~~ilnterfund loan
2. Defer con~C;ftion ~i5ark~'fldings at Westchester and Greendfield parks.
3. Defelili,.ggnstruc1iij:m Or\i\' estchester and Greenfield/Park Meadows
Mr. ~hei:lli'~~~eir\~~itedfnathe was contacted by Randy Kubes, who is the realtor for the
M~~~n's pr()~~rtyl~j~i!ed adjacent to Huber Park. Mr. Kubes stated ne would be willing to sell
the on,~cre pare~l~ to,. the city at a cost of$119,900. Mr. Themig stated that this is something tne
council;..,~~~:J!:to consider.
Mr. Tnemig asked for some future feedback, after reviewing the discussed options, with regard
to tne options presented regarding construction projects planned for 2008.
Mr. Themig presented the MN/DOT Bridge No. 4175 Historic Bridge Management Plan. Mr.
Tnemig stated that at some point MNIDOT plans to request a meeting witn tne City Council to
discuss the management plan and future of tne bridge.
Mr. Themig stated tnat he nad a discussion with Mr. Cyrus Knutson from MN/DOT. It seems
that MNIDOT nas concluded that restoring tne bridge is required due to its historical
Official Proceedings of the July 30, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -4-
significance. Mr. Themig stated that the cost to renovate the bridge could approach $5 million,
and MNIDOT is working on identifying potential funding sources.
Mr. Themig said that in the next six months, MNIDOT will want to meet with Council to talk
about the City's needs related to how a renovated bridge would function, as well as long term
plans for the bridge.
Joos/Clay moved to adjourn to Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 6:45 p.m. Motion Carried 5-0.
The Council meeting ended at 9:00 p.m. on July 30,2007.
Judith S. Cox
City Clerk
Kim Weckman
Recording Secretary
(Budget Session)
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. with Council members Steve Menden,
Steve Clay, Matt Lehman and Terry Joos present. Also present were Mark McNeill, City
Administrator; Judith S. Cox, City Clerk; Gregg V oxland, Finance Director, R. Michael Leek,
Community Development Director, Bruce Loney, Public Works Director/City Engineer, and
Mike Hullander, Public Works Superintendent.
Mr. McNeill introduced Lynn Clarkowski, MnlDOT Metro South Area
Scott/Carver/Dakota Counties and Diane Langenbach, Project
regarding the river crossing locations for the T.H. 41, who made a
Environmental Impact Study (DEIS).
Mr. McNeill also noted that a decision will need to be
August 08, 2007 City Council meeting. The decision will
August 10, 2007 comment period deadline. .,;;'_:,:;x'.'
Ms. Clarkowski presented Council with the Tier I EI!. Ms. Cl~owski stated that Tier I is
basically the planning level and not a const~~~~'lirv"'.iJ:ct:lhe main goal of the Tier I is to
identify and preserve a corridor for th~~.....lI"-'
Ms. Clarkowski stated that MnlDOJi:::iiii:,pr~~I~~~~~lliili~ture river crossing in the vicinity of
existing TH 41 connecting US !Ii.~~'~.:,,~,~er Coj)tty with US 169 in Scott County. Ms.
Clarkowski also presented ~,irll_.lmel~.~...for the project which runs to 2028. Ms.
Clarkowski stated that the bridl~~~irolfbt is n'W MnlDOT's 20 year construction plan. Ms.
Clarkowski also discus~:,:~.~he wo~~~t' s been done to date as well as traffic studies that have
been completed'f,lt;II;!};> '!::'I.
Ms. Langenbachi5~~~ented;~~fl:IIFit~the six alternatives proposed and the impact study for
each of the ~~i,.~:~i~gs.,!\ ~;;"
1.,:::W~~'~.@.ii~;:~0 TJ;g 169 one mile west of existing TH 41 near CSAH 14
2. iC-2A:'!!;~onriect~\;US 169 at existing TH 41, new US 212 at Engler Blvd.
~!! ~4~;;. C~r:!S to US 169 at existing TH 41, new US 212 at existing US 212
4; . .... E-1 :1!,~nn,ets US 169 near CSAH 69, new US 212 near Audubon Rd.
5. fJ1! ... E-1A:IConnects US 169 at CSAH 69, new US 212 near Bluff Creek Dr.
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6. ';'i~!i'nnects TH 169 near CR 69, new US 212 near Bluff Creek Dr.
Ms. Langenbach stated that the estimated cost does not include mitigation costs and is based on
2006 figures. A decision on an alternative corridor for the crossing will be made by June, 2008
and then acquisition of parcels may begin with willing sellers. Discussion followed.
Council took a ten minute break at 8:15 p.m.
Mayor Schmitt re-convened the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Official Proceedings of the July 31, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -2-
Mike Hullander, Pu~lic Works Superintendent, presented Council with the 2008-2012
Equipment List. Mr. Hullander stated that there are 10 units requested to be replaced in 2008:
1. F our squad cars being replaced will be cycled down and the worst cars in the fleet
2. 1999 Malibu - Police Department. Anticipated replacement by a seized vehicle.
3. 1988 Mack Tanker - Fire Department
4. 1998 Ranger - Building Inspection
5. 1998 Chevrolet on ton truck which would be recycled to Gov't Buildings and their
1988 Chevrolet would be sold - Street Division
6. 1990 Ford bucket truck - Parks Division
7. 12 passenger van - Recreation Department. Replace the
Mr. Hullander then discussed the additions to the fleet. be
added to the fleet:
1. Police - 1 squad and 1 administrative car.
2. Fire - additional pickup for proposed full time
3. Park - retain a compact pickup cycled downfrom
4. Storm Drainage - additional street swee~
Mr. Hullander stated that the Fire Department has req.~i~ted repl~fement oflarge trucks at 18
years. The equipment fund rental charge is 20,(~;.~s. It,Council decides to change to
an 18 year replacement, calculation, op~,*~; budget need to be increased.
Mr. Loney presented Council with budget. Mr. Loney first discussed
the Engineering budget. Mr. LO!l.~~ is needed which he hopes to hire in
b ~;~~" ,
Octo er 2007. ow...' "'///I~\
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Mr. Loney then outline~11~~e ~007"4~J..ects:
1. Street reconst".,~~\\llii;+"
2. Trail I~prove~~1l11.f:!::::i::ili::iil'I.fi5/
3. Sewer lil'li~g P;djhett'tS '~'1~*' '"
4. Parking lo~&" '
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Mr. Lon~~~I!ate~~:itci'~"2008 budget has a decrease of $28,236 from 2007 or a decrease of
2.92210. *tk
Mr. i~'~~lthen d~~cu;sed the Public Works budget. The Street Division budget for 2008 is
$1,854,25'Olmn.i>>freasing of$148,390 from 2007(9210) from 2007. The increases are due to
wages, heal;~'nsurance, fuel costs, equipment rent, building maintenance and seal coating.
There is an increase in the capital expenditure for a small trailer, a dump box, two dumpsters and
a tire cage.
Mr. Loney discussed the Shop Division budget. Last year a shop rate was established but the
number of hours that were on the time sheets didn't correspond to the numbers on the work
orders so there isn't as much revenue as to what is showing up on the budget sheets. Mr. Loney
said that the shop rate has been increased to $75.
Official Proceedings of the July 31, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -3-
Mr. Loney said the budget request for 2008 is $96,250 after department charge outs. Without the
department charges, !the requested shop budget is $409,450. This is an increase of $25,590 from
the 2007 budget of$383,860 (3.2%).
Mr. Loney then discussed the Park Maintenance Division. The requested budget for 2008 is
$1,406,440. This is an increase of$91,180 (6.93%) from 2007. Mr. Loney stated that the
request includes one additional season employee due to growth in parks and increased
maintenance standards. Mr. Loney said the capital expenditure request includes an air
compressor and backstop replacements at Tahpah Park at a cost of$15,000 each, also, a flatbed
and chipper box for a hook truck at a cost of$12,500.
Mr. Loney noted that the park assets are about $10,000,000 including
basketball courts, park buildings, etc. At sometime the City needs to
Jeff Weyandt, Assistant City Engineer, presented Council
Improvement Program (CIP) for sanitary sewer, storm project
areas for the City of Shakopee.
Mr. Weyandt outlined the following 2008 proposed
Pro' ect
Sewer extension for Beckrich Park
Krystal Estates
Continuation of the
program of the sanitary
Storm Draina e
Pro' ect Cost
Improvements for the $350,000
Prior Lake-Sprin~'I,~ake
channel improverneiats in
Additional(>it.l~~,:~~~ol $100,000 - Development driven.
improveIBflntSki1t'l1llilllli'i?i and CR 17
Chm:nef sl~~(i~iza~i'ln projeCt on the channel $60,000
fr~~~cn~icli~~rk~~~~tes to Patterson Dr. in
A.C.~~. addltl~p
Street rm.\'..rovem.~nts
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Pro' ect \'i:<:~t Cost
2008 pavement preservation $630,000 - 30% assessed
2008 bituminous overlay pro'ects $300,000 - 30% assessed
Bituminous Reclamation of rural streets in $770,000 - 30% assessed
various neighborhoods
Railroad signal at Atwood S1. $200,000 - 90% Mn/DOT
429 improvement project for OPUS on $1,400,000 - Development driven.
property by CR 83 and Fourth Ave.
CR 101 bridge improvements $160,000
Official Proceedings of the July 31, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -4-
Mr. Weyandt also highlighted other street improvement projects for 2009-2012.
Cncl. Lehman asked Mr. Loney what needs to be done to increase the speed limit on certain
streets. Mr. Loney stated that there are several streets in Shakopee where the speed limit should
be raised from 30 mph to 40 mph. A traffic study would need to be completed by the state which
could take up to a year to complete. Mr. Loney stated that he would like a comprehensive study
Joos/Menden moved to adjourn to Monday, August 6,2007 at 7:00 p.m.
The Council meeting ended at 10:10 p.m. on July 31, 2007.
~:~: 'Cf
ity Clerk
Kim Weckman
Recording Secretary
(Budget Session)
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Steve Clay, Matt
Lehman and Terry 100s present. Councilor Steve Menden was absent. Also present were Mark
McNeill, City Administrator; Judith S. Cox, City Clerk; Gregg V oxland, Finance Director, Dan
Hughes, Police Chief, Craig Robson and Jeff Tate, Captains with the Police Department.
Chief Hughes presented Council with the 2008 Police Department general~\l(d'b~dg~il~~l'\Th~hief
Hughes outlined the. Police Department's services and goals. Chief Hugg.ps Sit~that in'. next
. . . . . ,A9kZt\_,. ." tt'\M
few months he WIll be askmg CouncIl to authonze a strategIc plan fo:....~lte p~llce'''''artmiJt.
The task force would be comprised of 1 0 to 15 members of the co~,~ty ~jrli~enfi~\~"
services they would like the police department to provide. Chiefjll~glie'i!so saidY1~h~within the
-1& W4%-
next year the ?olice department would be making recommen~ation\withrrt,!~?~~/etealing with
rental propertIes. ,,''''lSr'lL.. ,''''r
Capt. Jeff Tate, Operations Division, presented Coun,'11"WI'1JJ!mi;~ 26ojgJJJJ~I~posed budget which
reflects a 2.8% increase. The increase is due to the ;~t of fuel~iit'rcreased contribution to the
training facility, the cost of ammunition and th~.,.,.800 ~z radio'~~stem.
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Capt. Tate outlined the police department:.sJ"f~niJ~tion~t;'~'t~rncluding captains, investigators,
officers and office ~taff. Capt. Tate ~~i~i~r::lr~C~'r'i~lls for service, arrest data, and case
clearance for the CIty of ShakO~~i:::;::::l~l; .Ii~~ll
Capt. Robson, Servi;ces DiVislr7pr_,;~~it,<~ouncil~~th the needs for 2008. Capt. Robson
stated that the police de:artJ1f"~':tsmyee more officers for 2008 and two seasonill
CSO's. Capt. Robson stated that .t11 the add' lOnal three officers there would be 1.52 polIce
officers per 1 000 ;oPI~i: ~iS the nationill average.
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Capt. Robson disbu~;~ed dif~~>>eritP:.'~ams the department offers or is involved in such as the
Citizen's ~~ijjt7~~~~~.m'f';I~ational Night Out. Capt. Robson said the police department is
based on c01Ul.1\l1l.ilQ.~~ng.,r
;i'1;11111;;'1\1111;;;\. .. ",..lwwU:llbii\.
Mr:4~cNei1I;l1l,~sei)~~ ~ouncil with the Mayor/Administration/Legal budget. Mr. McNeill
discTf~~.id the M~~or/~ouncil budget first. He said that the cost relating to communications, i.e.
The Hd~ii~~~Jessenger, ~as been moved fIOn: the Mayor/Council budget t? Administration.
Mr. McNe1;)~.t that there IS a 10.7% decrease m the budget from $198,090 m 2007 to
$176,890 in 2008.
Mr. McNeill discussed the Administration budget which is increased 7.9% for 2008. The
increase is due to the HomeTown Messenger being placed in the Administration budget. If
Council should choose to deliver the HomeTown Messenger with the Southwest Saturday paper,
or an independent mailing, the cost would increase significantly.
Official Proceedings of the August 06, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -2-
There was a brief discussion on reducing the amount of information provided to Council
members on paper and instead going onto the City's website to see the agenda packet. The City
Administrator will research the reduction of the use of paper.
Mr. McNeill discus~ed the Legal budget. He stated there is a proposed increase of 10% for 2008.
The increase is for the costs paid to SJP A.
Mr. McNeill presented Council with the Information Technology budget proposal. Mr. McNeill
stated there is a request of $3 i2,000 or 10.6% increase for 2008. The increase is due to the need
for new storage server. Mr. McNeill also discussed a recommendation from t~,;'F~:II::I:I:D~ordinator
for a disaster recovery plan.,,?,' i"';%!~111
Mr. McNeill presented Council with the Government Building Operat~fiil~budi~~~:I::I;'tv1r. q~Neill
stated that there about a 25% reduction for 2008 due to the reallocat~;efb~J~ing'i~~~,,~at will
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go into other divisions. Mr. McNeill stated the library staffwoU~I~ike'~unl1pn~ojlthe
entrance to the library at a cost of $46,000. Mr. McNeill sta~~d thisr\s S0n1~,i,!ng1'~ Council
would need to consider in the future. A. h """"'0',;'"
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Judy Cox, City ~lerk, presented.Co~cil ~ith the Ci}re'~,~,~?8b(ft1r.~:. Ms. Co~ stated that
the 2008 budget IS $363,940 WhICh IS an mcrease ofl,\~.6% mG1%'lse. The mcrease IS due to
additional wa~es. and benefits, electiOnjUd~:~t~~~ii~~e;~~",,~rimr and presidential elections
and for the bUIldmg rent. ,".h.:. ........
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Gregg Voxland, Finance Director, pr~il~~~~C~CGil'",I.i'~I,p.e Finance Department's 2008
budget. Mr. Voxl~d stated there i~~ i~tfeasrt\~~~l~dihg a request of$3,000 for overtime as
opposed to compo tIme. .",,],f .....:1. ,. W411,11:'IIIIIIII:'li'II;~'::;~~f.'II;i;i
Mayor Schmitt asked if.there "'~~er u,;ness to discuss. Cncl. Joos stated he attended
the Shakopee PublIc Ut,l.~I}y Co~l~on meetIng. Cncl. Joos Said SPUC Will be domg a tIme of
use program with 7~~ns because of their electrical use.
Joos/Clay moved"'to,adjour\1'Wegesday, August 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
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The C0ll119iI"'fl'II~I!;:tr~~,d a~:29 p.m. on August 6, 2007.
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'm Weckman I
Recording Secretar)l