HomeMy WebLinkAbout13.F.2. Temporary 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License-Shakopee Jaycees Inc. /3. ~ L I CITY OF SHAKOPEE Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council Judith S. Cox, City Clerk Temporary 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License - Shakopee Jaycees Inc. ATE: July 11, 2007 NTRODUCTION: hakopee Jaycees Inc. has made application for a temporary on-sale 3.2 percent malt 1 quor license for Derby Days on August 3 and 4,2007. e application and certificate of insurance are in order. I ave been in contact with Captain Tate at the Police Department regarding the a plication. He advised that the P. D. has no objections to the granting of the license, but recommends that there be no beer sales after 11 :00 p.m., as in previous years. V SIONING RELATIONSHIP: G al A: Active and healthy community St ategies: 5. Foster community connections and 7. Make community welcoming COMMENDED ACTION: M ve to approve the application and grant a temporary on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor lic nse to the Shakopee Jaycees, Inc., for the municipal parking lot at 2nd Avenue and Le is Street, on August 3 and 4,2007, with sales to cease at 11 :00 p.m. (Iiquo IJCTempBeerDerbyDays) James A. Terwedo Attorney and Counselor at Law 1 5 South Broadway Ph: (952) 492-2800 Site #100 Fax: (952) 492.2806 Jo dan, Minnesota 55352-1505 June 4, 2007 www.terwedolaw.com Ma or John Schmitt City of Shakopee 129 outh Holmes Street Shak pee, MN 55379 Re: Derby Days-Shakopee Jaycees Beer Sales Dear ayor and City Council Members, It has een a long tradition for the City of Shakopee to have the Shakopee Jaycees play an import nt role in the success of Derby Days. The organization has been 100% committed to the plannin and operations of this event whether it be elements of family games to the total operati n of the beer garden. At whatever level, the work of the Jaycees is of the highest standar . It has co e to my attention that the Shakopee Jaycees are requesting from the City of Shakopee that the eer garden hours of operation be extended from 11 p.m. to Midnight. I endorse this recomme dation whole heartily. The Sha opee Jaycees have a superb reputation for professionalism and a high sense of responsib ity when taking on projects. The City of Shakopee can feel comfortable that this extra hour of se ice will be done in the highest standards. The reven e that the ShakopeeJaycees will generate will be of great use in the many projects that theyd in the community. As their la"\\')~er for over a dozen years, they have ahvaysacted responsible in the many venues where beer was sold by them. I am confident they will do the same if this request is granted by you. If you have any questions, please contact me. As always, remam JAT/sam ... I ;;. F.1.. , DN TtA 6), (. Tom Joyal TiPS Trainer #38742 8731 Girard Ave S Bloomington, MN 55420 June 7, 2007 Judy Cox City Hall Shakopee, MN 55379 Dear Judy: I am writing to you at the request of Dana Listerud, President of the Shakopee Ja cees, regarding the request to extend the Derby Days Beer Garden until 12:00 midnight. I have been a certified TiPS Trainer for over 3 years and have successfully trai ed in excess of 200 participants in both the TiPS On-Site and TiPS Concessions. Specific to the Shak pee Jaycees, I have trained 29 of their members in the TiPS Concessions program. Upon passing the exam at the end of the training, each participant is certified fo 3 years, and at this time, 24 of those 29 members remain certified. In addition, the Shakopee J ycees have another certification course scheduled for July 28. TiPS, Training for Intervention Procedures, is a product of Health Communication , Inc. (HCI), and it is the global leader in education and training for the responsible service, sale, and consumption of alcohol. Proven effective by third-party studies, TIPS is a skills-based training pr ram that is designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking, and drunk driving. I have included three documents from HCI. The first is an overview of the TiPS rogram and lists the various TiPS courses including the target audience. The second is a Program S lIabus. Although it is specific to the On Premise course, the Concessions course uses the same s llabus, however the material is geared toward the concessions vendor instead of an on-premise se er. The third is an overview of the benefits of TiPS training. In addition, during the training I present the participants with an overview of pertain to the sale and consumption of alcohol. HCI has a staff which continuall monitors the laws of all states and keeps our documentation up to date. I have included a copy of the state regulations overview that I distribute to every participant. The current information was last erified on January 1, 2007. Finally, if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me or go to www.ge ips.com The website contains an enormous amount of information about the programs, with de ils on each course. Additionally, you will find testimonies about how TiPS certification has decreased UI arrests and other legal problems involving the sale and consumption of alcohol. Additionally, you n feel free to contact me with any questions or if you would like to review the actual training material I u e. ~ Tom Joyal TiPS Trainer #38742 (i'iJ - '6'21.\- 32 q '7 T PS (Training for ntervention ProcedureS) is a dynamic ski s based training program designed to prevent intoxication, drunk driving and underage drinking. The proqram enhances the fundamenta "peop e ski Slf of servers, se ers and consumers of a coho. T PS gives individua s the know edge and confidence they need to recognize potentia a coho re ate prob ems and effective y intervene to prevent a coho re ated ragedies. T 1ere are two eve sofT PS c 'rtification:trainer and p rticipant.To become aT PS t ainer, an individua rnust 5 ccessfu y cornp ete a two day workshop. Certified trainers a e qua ified to instruct a T PS programs. Participants who 5 ccessfu y comp ete the two I' our to five hour sessions are -f PS certified for three years. T PS is a practica ,cornmon sense ap roach to serving, se ing and consuming a (oho responsib y in any setting.T PS traini 19 he. ps peop e who are drinkinq from urting themse Yes, injuring others, and dan aging property. How Alcohol Affects Your Guests Explains how alcohol works, signs of intoxication, and factors that affect the intoxication rate. Effective Server Responses Discusses the legal responsibilities of servers of aleo 01 and types of illegal sales. Introduces strategies for responding to alcohol-relat d situations effectively. Evaluating Cues Participants apply information learned previously to etermine intoxication levels for guests portrayed on video. Evaluating Responses Participants apply information learned previously to etermine the effectiveness with which a server responds to an alcohol-related sit ation with a guest as portrayed on video. Participants demonstrate their ability to use the infor ation and skills learned in the program by creating realistic alcohol-related situ tions for their peers to handle. They receive immediate feedback on their effe tiveness from the trainer and other participants. As the final step in obtaining their TIPS certification, par icipants complete a certification exam to show their comprehension of the i formation and skills presented during the program. For more information, contact our training department at 800-438-8477 or inf @gettips.com. 011 ,j . . . Businesses and organizatior~s that use TIPS ben fit immediately by .M". IO\Jvering risk and creating a safer! mor'€': f'esponsib e, work envirorunent" Legal Protection Insur nee Benefits c:> Many insurance cornpanies provide i r;> In uor liability lawsu TIPS provides a "reasonable defense." discourlts to establishments WhOS0' employees ( re TIPS certified. c> TIPS trainit19 satisfies requirerTlents in nearly all states or voluntary c> TIPS trainine satisfles the server ser\/er tra requirernenls set forth by insurance cornpanl2s. rnitiqatin9 in (o\i\jered fi.nes : and a waiver of license suspensions. Additional Benefits c:, TIPS training !'esults in added professioflalism and in'iproved custorner s..rvice. c::;> TiPS is proven to be a practical and effective method of reducing drunk 'I riving and underage drinking. c::> TIPS training rninirnizes property darnage caused by intoxicated patron_. c> T!PS is u in all 50 statt"s cmd 30 different countries, c"> TIPS-trai servers enhance an establishnH:'nt's public irna~Je. I f-c? TIPS training provides a COlTHllOn language for staff tC) use in assessing a ld handling alcohol~re!ated i incident5, in their estab!ishrnents. c;-> Tn)S offers excel.lent service to its u.Jstomers with a toll-free number, on-line services at www,~Je'ttips.comi and full-time staff knovvledgeab\e in the COlltent oft e prograrn. . -C?_~~_~~~J_~_~~~J9]19_~~__________________________________~-------------------------------------------------______________________________ Merlot Law (taking wine home from a restaurant) : Minnesota law allows customers tp remove a partially consumed i bottle of wine from a restaurant. ~fL~~~~c?~~6~~i6~~~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J}[i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !~g_~_~~J:~~r_____________________________________________J_1~____________________________________ _______________________________________ ~S~~:(~:$~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DUI and DWI Limit :.08 is uT-ci n (j-owT-C imit-U n cJe;: -21- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - --- - -11 t is- i1Teg Oaf for a -person - u -ride rth" e -a ~ e-o f -21- to - c;pe r~;te-a -m 0 to"r- - -- - - -- :vehicle with any detectable amoun of alcohol in their system -----------------------------------------------------------1---------------------------------------- -----------------_____________________ ~~-~~l~~-~!:!~9-~9JJ2?!_~~~~~___________________________~-~9-~ES~-~~~~~~-~---------------________ ______________________________________ Number of Drinks at One Time :Not Regulated }2~?:~:~~:~p:~i~~DI~:(~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J5C~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -~9_~~~~ti9_~t!J?_~0ltY-_~9yy?______________________________J~~_~____________________________________ _____________________________________ _~9_~~~_?~_~L~gi~~~_~?_~_~____________________________---_~J~~0~~!~~~-L~-~9}-9~~~~~!~-~~-~~~~}l ~~~__________________________________ Server Training Regulated : Server training is not regulated by tt e state. However, there are iseverallocal jurisdictions that do re~ ulate server training. -N ates- o~-s~;~~; i S ~Ii ~-r- T ra in in '~i R egul a tlons--- - --- -TiVliriri e s ot~; curre ntly -does - not re-9 u i a e - s-e rver tra T ri Trig-,- nor -dc;es---- - n :the state provide a training program for licensees. -----------------------------------------------------------i---------------------------------------------------------------------__________ Seller Training Regulated : No, but several local jurisdictions do. Hours of Sale : -----------------------------------------------------------i------------------------------------------ -----------------------_____________ On Premise iOn-Premise Establishments: ! Monday thru Saturday: 800am - 1: DOam ! Sunday: 1 0:00am - 1 :OOam : 2:00am closing all days by permit -~-------------------------------~--------------_________~_J___________________________________________ ___________________________________ Off Premise i Retail Stores: i Monday thru Saturday, 8:00am - 10 OOpm i Closed Sunday i May vary by local ordinance --------------------------------------------------~--------~------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- : Municipal Liquor Stores: 1 Monday thru Saturday, 8:00am - 10: Opm 1 Closed Sunday i May vary by local ordinance l~~l~~g~_(~fl~_P_~~~_~~~_______________________________J------------------__________________________ __________________________________ Acceptable Forms of 10 :. Valid Driver's License or ID Card iss ed by Minnesota, 1 another state or a Canadian province !. Valid Military ID i. Valid Passport I : It is required that someone have an ide tification card on their : person in order to be served alcohol. }3~~?:~:6i~!l~~:~:~fL~:[~~~?!~J~:g:::::::::::::::::::::::J~?:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ID Confiscation Allowed !Yes -----------------------------------------------------------;---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Notes on lD Confiscation :A licensed retailer or municipal liquor st re may seize a form ! of identification listed under paragraph ( ) if the retailer or i municipal liquor store has reasonable gr unds to believe that ithe form of identification has been altere or falsified or is i being used to violate any law. A retailer c r municipal liquor :store that seizes a form of identification c s authorized under !this paragraph must deliver it to a law en orcement agency iwithin 24 hours of seizing it. ----------------------------------------------_____________J_______________________________________________ _______________________________ Policies Regarding Underage Persons i. With respect to purchasing, possessins , consuming, selling, i furnishing, and serving alcoholic beverages, a person is not i considered 21 years of age until 800arr on the date of that ! person's 21 st birthday. i. Underage persons may not consume al oholic beverages at I i any place other than the household of the person's parent or i guardian with the parent or guardian's p rmission. . _~~~~UI~_~!!9_!:~~~l_~~f9!_~~!!9_~_____________________~______________________________________ ________________________________________ Non-alcoholic beer and wine : Minnesota treats all beverages w th .05% alcohol or higher as la/coholie. They do not have regu! tions for beverages with less :than .05% alcohol. ~iCju()rLia-b~ity------------------------------------------lf5e-naihe-s-{orf)rov,d,n~-aic;iloitCi --nniflor-or-s()nneCJnE;vvh()/s---------- ivisibly intoxicated can be civil and criminal. Civil penalties are i levied against the licensee and ca"1 include up to a $2,000 fine land/or suspension or revocation 0 the license These penalties lare classified as misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors and 1 felonies. Criminal penalties are leI, ied against the server or seller land can carry a maximum of 3 yec rs in jail and/or a fine of up ita $1,000 -StatutE;()fLjrnitati()n~----------------------------------:'Fh~(;urre-nfs-tatute-of-un;~i3~()nS-for-UqLJor-Uat)~rty-fncId-ents-fs--------- :two years. -----------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Happy Hour Laws i Minnesota has no current statutes r rules governing Happy !Hours. Minnesota Alcohol Beverag Rules Chapter 7515/0740(L) idoes not allow premiums or induce :nents used to encourage :alcoholic beverage purchases and onsumption. There is a :difference between "happy hour", lie rink specials" and/or !"promotions." Happy hour and drink specials for the most part !would be considered one and the Sc me. Drink promotions may lor may not be legal depending on th~ terms and conditions of !the promotion. The state recommenjs that licensees interested !in running drink promotions submit t~e promotions for review by ithe state agency. Contact Information : -----------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Contact : Minnesota Department of Public Saf ty IAlcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division in St. Paul -----------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ~, . '6"" "01 '"7J;"'" 1~~'i!ij21;iji~j}~;~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1J;~~~~;:~j:fr9~jji.~I~n~~l~~~~~\[~~~\i1.1(;1i1it~~:::::::::::::::::::: This information has been provided to us by the regulating agency and is believed to be correct. However, laws and regulations may change at any time, and the information provided should not be relied u[ on in place of official documents. For more information or clarification, consult the regulatory body for this jurisdictic n directly. Copyright 2007 - Compliance Solutions, Inc. .' ~ "~k.. ,,"'0. /'C:;;",,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,, (SCott KEVIN STUDNICKA · SCOTT CO NTY SHERIFF LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER. 301 FULLER STREET SO TH' SHAKOPEE, MN 55379 I ~,--=-- ,/ ""'_~ '._,' __,.' 911 Emergency Only' (952) 496-8300 . FAX: (952) 49 -8305' WWW.co'scott.mn.U5 July 9,2007 Mayor John Schmitt City of Shakopee Shakopee, MN. 55379 Re: Derby Days-Shakopee Ja cees Beer Sales Dear Mayor and City Council Members: The Shakopee Jaycees have a long tradition in the City of Shakopee of showing dedication, commitment and support to the community. As an organi ation that has worked with the Jaycees for several years, we feel that they are trust orthy, professional and show incredible responsibility. It was brought to my attention that the Jaycees are interested in exten ing the beer garden hours at Derby Days from 11 PM to Midnight. I feel that this w uld not only be a great opportunity for the chapter, but for the community as well. I feel that if given the opportunity, the Jaycees will utilize the additional hour to generate revenue that will only enhance their already generous donations to the community of Shakopee. As previously mentioned, we have worked with the Shakopee Jaycees for several years and have come to depend on their accountability, their dedication to th projects and have proven to be reliable when working with beer sales. We feel confi ent in their ability to handle all situations due to the fact that they insure that all their members receive the proper TIPS training and haven shown great demonstration of their ability to handle difficult situations. I am confident that if given the opportunity, the Jaycees will excel and s ow the City of Shakopee that your faith in their abilities were not unfounded. If you have any questions, please contact me at 952-496-8318. Sincerely, ~';") "'"i. 2-1 't<.,.,;~~~, (~,,- '.>.~;'~ I > 't<evin Studnicka Sheriff An Equal Opportunity/Safety Aware Employer o Prill/ed Oil recycled fJ(lfJ(,j" ("oJllui!Jill,t; 3f)(:;' eOS! ('OIlSWlle'/" {'(Jll!cU! Insurance by Design, LLC 15 West Cliff Rd, Ste A Burnsville, MN 55337 952-808-7005 (phone) 952-808-7004 (fax) June 27, 2007 City of Shakopee Re: Shakopee Jaycees To Whom It May Concern: I understand the Shakopee Jaycees are asking to extend their hour Days from 11 :OOpm to 12:00am and there has been some concern. I represent the Minnesota Jaycees and have been fortunate to provide general I'ability and liquor liability coverage for the Shakopee Jaycees for the last severa years. As a condition of providing the liquor liability coverage, we require strict c mpliance with loss control efforts that have been established. The Shakopee aycees are required to attend T.I.P.S. training in addition to the many pro-active easures they have adopted to control their serving. In summary, they have excellent procedures that they require all se ers to follow and I would not be concerned in the least with an additional hour of s Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. Sincerely, LuAnn Paulet President June 4, 2007 Mayor John Schmitt City of Shakopee Shakopee, MN 55379 Re: Derby Days-Shakopee Jaycees Beer Sales Dear Mayor and City Council Members, It has been a long tradition for the City of Shakopee to have the Shak pee Jaycees play an important role in the success of Derby Days. The organization has been 1 0% committed to the planning and operations of this event whether it be elements of famil games to the total operation of the beer garden. At whatever level, the work of the Jayc es is of the highest standard. It has come to my attention that the Shakopee Jaycees are requesting from he City of Shakopee that the beer garden hours of operation be extended from 11 p.m. to Mid ight. I endorse this recommendation whole heartily. The Shakopee Jaycees have a superb reputation for professionalism an a high sense of responsibility when taking on projects. The City of Shakopee can feel comfo able that this extra hour of service will be done in the highest standards. The revenue that the Shakopee Jaycees will generate will be of great use in the many projects that they do in the community. As their lawyer for over a dozen years, they have always acted responsible in the many venues where beer was sold by them. I am confide t they will do the same if this request is granted by you. If you have any questions, please conta t me. As always, I remain Sincerely, J ames A. T erwedo Attorney at Law JAT/sam