HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.F.2. Approval of Minutes: April 24, 2007 & May 01, 2007
Mayor John Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. with Council members Steve Clay,
Terry Joos, Steve Menden, and Matt Lehman present. Also present were Mark McNeill, City
Administrator; Michael Leek, Community Development Director; and Bruce Loney, Public
WorkslEngineering Director; Mark Themig, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director; and
Judith S. Cox, Cit~ Clerk. Also. pres.ent from Jackso~ Township were Rose .M~ik_)1~rk;. Tom
Weckman, SupervIsor; and ChrIS Bnnkhaus, SupervIsor. Present from LOUl~Wille To~hIP
were LuAnne Lemke, Clerk; John Weckman, Chair; Susan Morevec, SU~~{"~f~; and G<t;ita
Driscoll, Treasurer. Others present were Mike Cronin, Town Planner f~;T5oui:<<tjle TOW\thip
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an ra DavIs, cott ounty P annmg Manager. .. ;"c J!, iff....?!'''
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Mayor Schmitt introduced Michael Leek, Community Developmelf\Dire(!'~?for tlfe City of
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Mr. Leek presented the 2008 Comprehensive Plan u~a'at_~: L~fft~.~ed the purpose of the
meeting with Louisville and Jackson Townships is t<jJJ'rovide;'~. township boards with an
overview ofthe work being done to update the City 6'~~hakopeelj comprehensive plan. Mr.
Leek said the meeting was also to discuss th~0'dlit~~~io~~~tthe dtty's comprehensive plan work
is taking, and how it relates to township aJ;l~~un~}comPf~~lil:g{i{re plan updates.
Mr. Leek then gave a background S~~pSrg;zttth~~08 Cmnprehensive Update. Mr. Leek stated
that the plan is projected out to 203'0. '+~. 4~ek sal~1.l)at the draft comprehensive plan will be
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upda~ed an~ te?t~ti~ely adop~fl'~t'i Sff~~pee. CitY ~ounc~l. The draft plan will th~n be sent
to adjacent JurIsdIctIOns for re~t~. 'r. Lee~~.wd the mtent IS to plan needs to submIt to the
Metropolitan Council in early 20~j!t'f'fll
Mr. Leek discusse~ the r~\iifl,~~p or:'~aiming between the City of Shakopee, Jackson
Township and L0fii.s~ille Tti)~sff~Mr. Leek stated that the maps presented represented the
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projections about wnil\,.urbai'itatiOIfmeans in the townships in terms of households, population,
employmen~('ltiJ}Ma~.~a12acifi;fS and sanitary sewer flow districts.
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May~r SC~1! i~tf€l~Uced Mark Themig, Parks and Recreation Director for the City of
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Mr. Theillf.J2re.~~hted the group WIth the mformatIOn on Parks, TraIls, and Natural Resources.
Mr. Themigsttrfed that in 2001 the City worked with Jackson and Louisville Townships on a
Natural Resources Inventory of northern Scott County. Mr. Themig stated that the inventory
followed the Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS) and identified what types
of land cover were found throughout both townships and the City.
Mr. Themig said the analysis examined several features related to natural resources such as
slopes, lakes and streams, endangered species, etc. Each resource was given points based on a
quality matrix and the points were added together to identify where the most important resources
Official Proceedings of the April 24, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -2-
were located. Mr. Themig stated that the outcome of this analysis was a detailed mapping of
Natural resources, which was termed Natural Resource Corridors.
Mr. Themig stated that the information in the natuml resource corridor map may be useful in
both townships as the townships look at future planning.
Mr. Themig then discussed the process for updating the comprehensive Park, Trail, and Open
Space plan. Mr. Themig stated that the plan is projecting needs for the existin~4a..~pal
boundary. Mr. Themig showed a map with "Cluster" search areas and pot~~~i,altrail';;'\,.\
connections.' ,,' '.
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Mr.1?emig also. dis~ussed the proj~cted facility n~eds that would ~~iede~ji~~. se~~~~:%r;~'.
growmg populatIOn In both tOwnShIpS. Mr. ThemIg stated that tg,~lCIt~~.)l~ol(lng';fo~ptldItIonal
d' . fr h h' . ,h I+@Z it .
uectIon om eac towns Ip. j' ''i,. "i%'ill'iiM Ai'
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Bmd Davis of Scott County discussed that northweste~.~cott'~~l~"fould develop and
urbanize in the future. Mr. Davis stated that the COllityrfi_4.~ing)'8'liI[tment's most important
primary interest in development is to do it in a logictand effict.ant manner.
Mayor Schmitt asked for a 10 minute recess.))ii'iwl",'.n .~
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Mayor Schmitt re-convened the meeti~~$iit~ ,,.~~m. ;'0.'$
Mr. Themig asked the Township Bb~~e;lbers'%;1 the Council how they would like to
collab~rate. Mr. Themig als~il.lef~~i~II!"~ To~sfiip's future projections are for parks. ~r.
ThemIg asked Jackson Town'Sl]~~~t~,y Wd"~:J}ke the 80 acre parcel, where the town hall IS
located, shown.as a par~on the m~_(hey wili)~e submitting to the Met. Council. Mr. Brinkhaus
agreed to keep It on the lI,i,U.as parK)~llild.
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Ms. Menke state~'hat in j~~l)$oIi't~ship there are also undeveloped parks in the
developmen~~ofFo}l,~ad(;, and Glen Ellyn. Mr. Themig stated that he will add those land
areas as ~rI.S'~1ii~lItr ~Je Met. Council.
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Mr~...lhemii:a,~:~ed'i,~~isvill~ Township Board Members what they would like the City to do and
h();w:tf~City an~..Tow,Ship can work together. Ms. Lehmke asked what data source was used in
col1ectitili~ithe dai, Mr. Themig stated he would provide the report to the Township members.
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Mik~ Cronii1~b~sultant for Louisville Township, discussed the work he has down for the
township concerning the 169 corridor issue they are dealing with at this time.
The group consensus is that the townships and the City need to work together by attending each
others meetings. Mr. Leek volunteered to be the City contact for the Townships when they have
scheduled township meetings. Mr. Leek would then assign a staff member or a commission
board member to attend the meeting.
Official Proceedings of the April 24, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -3-
Lehman/Joos moved to adjourn to Tuesday, May 1,2007, at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
The Council meeting ended at 10:00 p.m. on April 24, 2007.
Judith S. Cox
City Clerk
Kim Weckman
Recording Secretary
Mayor John Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Steve Clay,
Terry Joos, Steve Menden, and Matt Lehman present. Also present were Mark McNeill, City
Administrator; Jim Thomson, City Attorney; Kris Wilson, Assistant City Administrator;
Judith S. Cox, City Clerk; R. Michael Leek, Community Development Director; Bruce Loney,
City Engineer/Public Works Director; and Mark Themig, Park, Recreation and Facilities
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Mayor Schmitt asked if there were any additions or deletions to
stated that S.B.l, Final Payment to CenterPoint Energy for Gas
A venue, Improvement Project, Project No. 2006-1, be taken
100sIMenden moved to approve the agenda as amen~~a:i~li,2n
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Mayor Schmitt gave the Mayor's Rep?rt. Ma~~;.Sc~~t stated'tf visited Shakopee Clean Up
Day and thanked Mr. Loney, the PublIc W~.~,s~l_{{, tl1eJ'~.~~."d volunteers from SACS for
making it a successful event. ,~~:.;-
Mayor Schmitt then introduced ca~j(JJ~~:r~~~blllt1l~:~l!e Shakopee Police Department to
present Mr. Ronald Von Bank ~~f re~on.
Capt: Rob~on stated t~at ~he"Sfl~~J Crirl1~llpeve~tion Inc. recognizes ~r. Ronal~ Yon Bank
for hIS aSSIstance to his,~eIghbors~1::~~~ Shakopee PolIce Department and hIS communIty. Capt.
Robson stated that thrOl.tlbljMr. Von_~,:s actions, he has furthered the Shakopee Police
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Department' s community'~o1ici!1l,.g,effoF's.
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Capt. RobsoJ;lJhen p~~nted;;:~r. V~~ Bank with a plaque of recognition.
Mayor se~itt a'&ked ifmeF€ were any additions or deletions to the Consent Agenda as
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pub~i~hed. ~r>~e~~asked that S.D. I., Aquatic Park Improvements, Project No. PR2006-3,
beltf.Qved fro1l\.the'5nsent Agenda. Mr. Menden asked that 5.B.2., Award Contract for 2007
CuredI.!!,~.~ce P~Fe (CIPP), Project No. 2007-6, Resolution No. 6630 be removed from the
Consent A'gtiai.wp.
Lehman/Joos moved to approve the Consent Agenda as modified. Motion carried 5-0.
Lehman/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to proceed with having the
graphics package installed on the City's express bus service MCI coaches. (Motion carried
under the Consent Agenda)
Official Proceedings of the May 1, 2007
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LehmanlJoos moved to authorize the transfer of funds from State Aid Fund to the General Fund
in an amount not-to-exceed $30,000 for crack sealing of 10th Avenue, from Harrison Street to
Marschall Road; and direct staffto prepare a budget amendment for the Public Works
Department, Street Division, Pavement Preservation Account. (Motion carried under the
Consent Agenda)
LehmanlJoos moved to authorize the four year lease of the Gestetner DSc 454 (copy machine for
Police Department), with service agreement. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
LehmanlJoos moved to authorize, appropriate city staff to close Lewis Street ~~.~.~iii%~ ve. to 3rd
Ave. .on Sam:day, June 16,2007, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (for a charita~~d:~otorc"iif run).
(MotIon carrIed under the Consent Agenda) ... P ~;Pi, .,11
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Lehman/Joos moved to authorize execution of the Facility Use Ag~!;}e.~~~t BI~ee1I1~~6pee
Area Catholic Education Center and the City of Shakopee by appn'prhi'f~~ty offic~i~~pending
[mal review by the City Attorney. (Motion carried under the Conse!\l Agefi\a),.ilw
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Lehman/Joos moved to authorize a contract extension B01res.'i~:.:,~r parl{construction
inspection and administration at a cost not to exceed T~'. and Huber Parks).
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda) ,'"
LehmanlJoos moved to accept, with regret, Stang and offered Resolution
No. 6601, A Resolution of Appreciation its adoption. (Motion
carried under the Consent Agenda)
LehmanlJoos moved to accept, of Cristian Diaz from his position as
an Engineer Technician III. Consent Agenda)
LehmanlJoos moved regular status as a Police Officer. (Motion
carried under the
LehmanlJoos move~to in the amount of$758,653.00. (Motion carried under
Le~anf.fl'l!.l~ ~ ~ve the City Council meeting minutes of Aprill 0, 2007 and April
17,.~007. (Mo~ion\i:lP"ied under the Consent Agenda)
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Le~~'i~s of;~edkesolution No. 6605, A Resolution Appointing Jane DuBois to the
Telecomm"i~ons Advisory Commission, and moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the
Consent Agenda)
LehmanlJoos moved to approve the transfer of$189,724.97 from the 2006A Debt Service Fund
to the 2004 Capital Projects Fund and $131,060.00 from the 2006A Debt Service Fund to the
2005 Capital Projects Fund. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
LehmanlJoos offered Resolution No. 6604, A Resolution Adopting a Personnel Handbook for
Employees of the City of Shakopee, and moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent
Official Proceedings of the May 1, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -3-
Mayor Schmitt asked if there was anyone in the audience that wished to address an issue that is
not on the agenda. No one responded.
Lehman/Clay moved to open the public hearing on the application from Cash Systems, Inc.,
1100 Canterbury Road, for a currency exchange license. Motion carried 5-0.
Judy Cox, City Clerk, stated that Cash Systems, Inc. asked the City to approve the granting of a
currency exchange license by the Minnesota Department of Commerce for the Canterbury Park
Location. Cash Systems, Inc. has made application for a currency exchange license with the
Minnesota Department of Commerce. Ms. Cox said that the license is ultima~~.w;~~ by the
State of Minnesota. Although the State has not yet forwarded the applicati~lC? the Clf'\lor
consideration, Cash Systems, Inc. asked that the City consider their req~~~af\,,~time.,!:
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Ms. Cox also stated that the Shakopee Police Department has advis~'tb.at tH~ are{\II;~avv;me of
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any reason for the City to object to the granting of a currency eX91\nge~~ilse to ~e::ifpplicant.
Carm~llin Gillil~d of ~ash S~st~ms Inc. addressed the CO~\\l;,~~att~i tha~'t\"r1i~ve r~quest~d
the CIty to consIder theIr applIcatIOn due to the State ~f :r~'l!l1?esO't~'k~!.r,i backlogged With theIr
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Mayor Schmitt asked for comments from the public. 'Ilih 'll
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Eric Hallstrom, Vice President of Racing fro..ICa4'erburY~b~+addressed Council. Mr.
Hallstrom stated that Canterbury Par~~~i~ter,j!i;.tf;liiiii:ii~~ment with Cash System, Inc. and
state~ t~at they are a reputable comJl"~.' HiH~,,!o~ stated that he is in support of their
applIcatIOn for the currency exc.~lii~ lI'l~~~"#
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Joos/Clay moved to close theJ~t!I;_lic 'ari~g~~otion carried 5-0.
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Menden/Joos offered Re~,~ii~n No.~.g~, A Resolution Approving the Application of Cash
Systems, Inc. for ~fCurren,Y.~.i,ifg~Jlicense, and moved its adoption. Discussion followed.
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Cncl. Le~~i.:'~~d~'; Co,~~... clarify the recommended action of holding the Resolution until
the ~ity~~cef\.~f~.~th~iJlpplication ~~m th~ state. Cncl. Lehman stated that ~he req~est is
n~t m th~solul\!en. .~;\CoX stated that It IS the mtent of staff to hold the ResolutIOn untIl the
CIty.'i'[eCeIVesI~~e ap~~.~catIOn from the State.
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Mayo;~_~itt a~ed for a vote on the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Loney presented Council with the consideration of awarding a contract for the 2007 CIPP,
Project No. 2007-6.
Mr. Loney stated that on May 1,2007, a bid opening was held in which three bids were opened.
Mr. Loney stated that the apparent low bidder is Viet & Company, Inc. with a bid of
$118,352.00. The Engineer's estimate for this project is $140,000.00. Mr. Loney also stated that
staffis requesting a contingency amount equal to 5% of the contract to cover minor change
orders and quantity adjustments that may occur on the project.
Official Proceedings of the May I, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -4-
MendenlJoos offered Resolution No. 6603, A Resolution Accepting Bids for the 2007 CIPP,
Project No. 2007-6, and moved its adoption. Motion carried 5-0.
Lehman/Joos moved to approve a 5% contingency amount for use by the City Engineer in
authorizing change orders or quantity adjustments on the 2007 CIPP, Project No. 2007-6.
Motion carried 5-0.
Cnc1. Lehman stated that he had taken off the Consent Agenda, S.D. I., Consideration of Aquatic
Park Improvements, Project No. PR2006-3, because the total project cost of$I,072,240.00 is
over the project budget costs. Cnc1. Lehman stated that he was told by IS
Travis Karlen, Recreation Supervisor, stated that the numbers are
$1,007,240.00, not $1,072,240. Mr. Karlen stated that the
MendenlLehman moved to:
I. Authorize installation of a new fence by ~i~~~ii"_,ipg $24,000 ($17,500
with a ~redit back from the contract). . li!!,'i .
2. Authoflze the purchase of sand play eqUl~.smt from 'ProgressIve and Burke not to
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exceed 15,928. 00 ',A.~i"'l!!!ii\'!lrri\>....JJ'
3. Authorize purchase of materialsff~~hei~igatl~n~,s'm and installation by the
Lion's.CI.ub in the amoun~~'1iirtg~'~.i~ii]~~uncil's sincere thanks ,and .
. ~pprecIatIOn for the don~tf~or~e Llt!1'~~~UD' s labor to complete the mstallatIOn.
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Mayor Schmitt asked for the4t:;~;i!J'iais~1ti:~ports.
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Cncl. Clay stated that ati'~t4ii~~ oftrT'~~Pda th~re are tr~sit items to discuss such as the Joint
Powers Agreem~~i:and tH',~~'~~i~~!~~ement With SChmItty'S Garage.
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Cncl. Joos stated that'1\~ attei\Q.ing the Shakopee Clean up day. He thanked everyone who
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participat~d'Tfi\ll~.~U~it a,uccessful event.
Cn~~tMendek'l;~aid~ a~ended the School Board meeting. Cncl. Menden said he wanted to
exp~i:t~is graiitllde ~ward the school board and all of the entities in what will be a huge
transitioi!14:!i~currilg ove~ the s~er. Cncl. M~nden sai~ that during the sch?ol board ~ee~ing
the electro~'%lili~tsage SIgn was dIscussed and It was deCIded not to put the SIgn up at thIS time,
They are lookIng at other possible locations.
Cncl. Lehman stated attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting. Cncl. Lehman said the
Chamber redid the agreement with the Southwest Minneapolis chamber group. Cncl. Lehman
said that the Chamber also put out a survey to the business community membership regarding
Cnd. Menden stated that Mr. Leek attended the Downtown Partnership meeting and asked if
there was anything Mr. Leek wanted to add. Mr. Leek stated that the business development
Official Proceedings of the May I, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -5-
committee is ready to distribute the folders for the vacant space marketing efforts. Mr. Leek
reported to the Partnership that the circulator busses that will run from 10:00 until midnight to
shuttle people to different festivities during the sesquicentennial events.
Mr. Karlen presented Council with the Aquatic Park renaming. Mr. Karlen stated that when the
park opens in June it will have a new look. The park will have a new building, landscape, fence,
shade structures, diving board, and playground area. Because of the new look, staff is interested
in giving the park a new, fun and innovative name.
Mr. Karlen showed examples of names and graphics other cities have used to
aquatic parks, as contained in the staff memo. He also showed two
Shakopee's logo to include a sun.
Mr. Karlen stated that staff was asked to brainstorm some names
facility. Staff brought the ideas to the Park Advisory Board.
asked staff to come back with logo options for the name
decision on the name.
At the April Park and Recreation Advisory Board were to present
City Council with the name Shakopee SandVenture presented, in the
staff memo.
Cncl. Lehman stated that he went on the and stated that a poll
indicated that a majority of people
Cncl. Menden stated he would~:~i:0J~ logo incorporated into the
graphics. .1> ... . .'1.
Cncl's. Joos and Clay h~d no opini~;, the name change or log.
~!]ij'i ....."!-.
Mayor Schmitt st~led he'~p~l~ll~~~~o"J'" in the printed advertising or the printed logo that it is
at Lion's Park, to co~inue'he(ss~iiltion with Lion's Park.
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Joos/Me~~eit~!I'_lU.e:01!il'the reco~endation ~f t~e Park and Recreation Advisory Board
and offeredjl~es01JJ.tIon ~':ffl;bbOb, A ResolutIOn EstablIshmg the Name of Shakopee SandVenture
Aql!~tic Pa;~?i;f!Ild~\?ved its adoption. Motion carried 4-1, Cncl. Lehman dissenting.
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Mr. L~~_;~resent~d C~uncil with the Waiver of Subdivision Criteria for 539 and 549 Market
Street Sou~''#>...{p
Mr. Leek stated that Mark Gergen, owner of the properties at 539 and 549 Market Street,
submitted a request for approval of a waiver of subdivision criteria. Mr. Gergen would like to
sell both units separately, which will require a minor subdivision to create individual parcels for
each dwelling unit. Mr. Leek stated that the structure was built to the standards of a twin home.
All other setbacks to adjacent properties meet the current standards of the Rl C Zoning District.
Official Proceedings of the May 1, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -6-
LehmanlJoos moved to approve the requested waiver of subdivision criteria for side yard setback
in the R-1C Zone to illlow a zero foot side yard setback at PID 27-282001-0 located at 539 and
549 Market Street South. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Leek presented Council with the Joint Powers Agreement for Southbridge Crossings Transit
Station for discussion.
Mr. Leek stated that the new park and ride facility (Southbridge Crossings Transit Station) will
open in June, 2007. Mr. Leek stated that because there is not one transit authority in the County,
Shilk~pee, Pr~or Lake and Scott Co~t~ staffs have been working together thr~~*~i~c~tt
Tran~It PI~~~g Team to d~velop aJ?mt powers. agreement (JPA) that ~dd~l~~is Own~~IIP of
the SIte, actIvIties related to Its operatIOn and mamtenance, and the shan~ of\,~ts";il:.
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Mr. Leek stated the presentation is to inform Council and for Council'Rpro\itle dit~~ti,S?ibefore
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finalizing the JP A for approval and execution by the city c,\.~ Dbat~.. JiAr
Mr. Leek provided a PowerPoint presentation explaining antfc9ted costs,
. p
budget, and cost sharmg.
Cncl. Lehman asked Mr. Leek if it was possible to h&~e an e~_llte Shakopee's annual
cost will be in cash and in-kind services. Cnc~\;>>~e~.also asIC, if anyone has considered
where the dollars would come from for th~~ ~) funds went away.
Mr. Leek stated that ~e didn't have e~li~.\~' ~~'I"~'i!vuormation avail~ble but wo~ld email
the answers to CouncIl Members d~.i.the;;lYeeK:;i~. ..Leek al~o stated that If the tranSIt ~d
. does.not expand th~t there are .aJ~i;~tr~'iiJSJ'~odI~,ther servIces that we have. Ifth7re IS no
fundmg, the operatIOn of thei~~'~ oullt tQi%i'4kdIscontInued and then go to the MetropolItan
Council.' ;ii~ ~w ''ti..,
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Cncl. Joos asked how lo"~~~,~ity w~~~qneed to be involved in a JPA. Mr. Leek stated that it's
possible that a TraJiIsit Ati'~dlt"'~i~uld;testablished one year to eighteen months after service
begins. /.'AiZ[+i.. 'T_Ai,;"'~.Yf'
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After disc!lssil1.f;N..;le~~k reit~fated what Council's concerns were with regard to the IP A.
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1t Con~'eU1 of'~greement and potential devolution of the full cost to the city and how we
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1'2~ ~; ~ and the City provide a better mechanism of agreement for other
co"'_ies within the county to participate.
3. Continue working on how to serve areas other than downtown Minneapolis and the
possibility to link up to other transit users.
4. Specify the term of agreement.
Mr. Leek thanked the council for its input and stated he will bring their suggestions to the JPA
Mr. Leek presented Council with a Contract for Express Bus Service.
Official Proceedings of the May 1, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -7-
Mr. Leek stated that its been proposed that the City enter into a contract with Schmitty and Sons
that essentially "piggybacks" on an existing contract between the City of Prior Lake and
Mr. Leek highlighted some of the contract areas such as the duration of the contract, the hours of
service, and the service charges.
Mayor Schmitt asked about a fuel escalator in the contract. Mr. Leek said he needs to look more
closely at this language.
CncL Menden asked if the contract could be changed to a two year contract,~lh a orl~'l?I"
extension and questioned the paragraph regarding the cost ofloaned cap~i;l~C}:,,;~~ent ~lpage
121' "'.';;1zY ,
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CncL Clay asked what the rider fees might be. Mr. Leek said Shatopeeii~~efvlce i'!.~e~s to
comply with the regional fare structure which is $1.75. .Ai "\;~I~;'i,;"i
CncL Joos asked if it was possible to use the pumps .~~~~~,hef'ca"ii~i~. W ~rKs to red~ce the
costs. Mr. Leek stated that under the contract SChmI~'S ~~~e wIrl"'~ntam the vehIcles at
their site. '.'f'%111;
illl",. \;,:
Mr. Leek summarized the points made by C~fl1'~_~ei1ili~~, and,~ll bring the contract b~lCk with
clarifications for Council action.;;rZill>.. i~1 "lli;I;;;;;oi;'.
Mayor Schmitt asked if there were~';fol1\ril ~~~n;~': f'Cncl. Lehman has concerns about the
construction at Tahpah park~t\~~~i~'t\,~~ect is ~.,tJfinished.
Mr. Themig gave Council an: d~~~~~ oft:{vi,~rrent project's and their timeli~es. Mr. Themig
stated right now the SO\;r.:f ComPl~'1i:s two months behind schedule and a letter was sent to the
contractor regarding thi~::~;i;.!henilllf~~!ed there is a letter drafted for Hentges and Sons for the
Tahpah Park proj~rt but t~~ '~1l111i1~~s~";been sent at this time.
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Lehman mo~~~~?aufb,~:ize \t~~f to' send S. M. Hentges and Sons a letter of default for the
Tahpah Pf}fK'~"ji:I~!lli~ir~~pss~~n followed.
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Mr:...!j~os asI<\~~r;""eel11ig to explain what the reasons are for not sending the letter to S. M.
H~: S:t ~Themig stated that S: M. Hentges and SO?S provided .a contract schedule
and fatl11iJ,i!0 mee ,heIr schedule. Mr. ThemIg stated that he receIved an ematl from S. M.
Hentges tl1~'1~111~eting was needed to discuss a trail issue.
Mr. Thomson, City Attorney, suggested that a letter be drafted putting the contractor on notice
that the contractor is behind schedule and that the City intends to enforce a certain provision in
the contract.
Lehman/Clay moved to put S. M. Hentges and Sons on notice that they are behind on the Tahpah
Park project and that the City intends to enforce a certain provision in the contract.
Mayor Schmitt asked for a vote. Motion carried 5-0.
Official Proceedings of the May 1, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -8-
Mr. Thomson stated that the Council will need to recess for an Executive Session for the purpose
of discussing a law suit of Ridge Creek Association vs. the City of Shakopee.
Mayor Schmitt stated that the Council will be adjourning to Executive Session. When the
Council re-convenes no action will be taken accept to adjourn to Tuesday, May 15,2007, at 7:00
Joos/Lehman moved to recess to an Executive Session at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Schmitt re-convened the meeting at 9:45 p.m. and stated that no action
the Executive Session.
Lehman/Menden moved to adjourn to Tuesday, May 15,2007 at 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Judith S. Cox
City Clerk
Kim Weckman
Recording Secretary