HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.F.2. Approval of Minutes: April 10, 2007 and April 17, 2007
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Council members Steve Clay, Steve
Menden and Terry Joos present. Council Member Matt Lehman arrived at 6:40 p.m. Also
present were Gregg V oxland, Finance Director; Michael Leek, Community Development
Director; Mark Themig, Park and Recreation Director; Bruce Loney, Public Works Director; and
Kris Wilson, Assistant City Administrator.
Menden/Joos moved to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0. AI "+.
-;::::::::::,~::::::::t." --\'
Kris Wilson, Assistant City Administrator, presented Council with th~g~ni'I'~r Pl4
update. Ms. Wilson stated that the City used data ~om the Leagu~, 9t1W~nn~J~ta Cl~~'~A(flM~)
salary survey and from consultant Rod Kelsey of Riley, DettmaIU11j~d N~~$'ey, 'LL~"Ms. WIlson
'Tf:-, ~+fu%fu:::,,__ It "
reminded the Council that $50,000 was allocated from the 2007 op~\:ting~~~~~~i,~'revise the
pay plan. 4A' "'.:i;.I'
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Ms. Wilson stated that the City benchmarked its thos~lit(.id by ten comparison
Cities. The ten cities were: 14
1. Andover Grove Heights
2. Apple Valley
3. Chanhassensili"')R'::; Prior Lake
4. Chaskaf" "'t, 9. Savage
5. Cottage Grove:;,';!llili:t .:i,!;": 10. Woodbury
Ms. Wilson said the ten citieSi!!~~h~!Jcted ~d on their population, geographic location and
current state of develoPlf1::nt. Oft~~en, five+are larger than Shakopee and five are smaller than
Shakopee in terms of pril7Pation."~,!
----,,',''''';:;.,~'',,:':',', m. . .
Ms. Wilson also I~t~t~d tha~~~~l~))t\d originally set the target to pay Shakopee employees at
the 60th perC~~!i!l:oft~,com~~rison group. Ms. Wilson said that following an initial analysis of
w~at it ~i:n1a.:~st.,twJjili#~al"es ~ the 60~ percen~ile, staff ~s now reco~ending that the
CIty' s PaY}i~lan o~brouglit:;:tQ the 50 percentIle of thIS comparIson group Instead.
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Crf~~_,~.hman~v;4)Uid took his seat at 6:40 p.m.
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Ms. Wilsdii:,l:lS1U;l\aiscussed the process used to establish a "market rate" for each position. Ms.
Wilson said the'results of the process showed that the City's non-union pay plan had fallen
below the market in almost every pay grade.
Ms. Wilson also stated that the analysis also suggests: the adoption of new job descriptions for
City Clerk and Assistant City Administrator and an advancement of one grade, a title change for
the Public Works Supervisor to Public Works Superintendent and pay grade advancement, a title
change from Natural Resource Specialist to Natural Resources Coordinator as well as a pay
grade advancement, and a change in FLSA status from non-exempt to exempt for the Project
Official Proceedings of the April 10,2007
Shakopee City Council Page -2-
Ms. Wilson then discussed the implementation of the new pay plan. Ms. Wilson stated that July
9,2007 is recommended.
Ms. Wilson then stated that the City also completed a market analysis for the five City positions
that are subjects of collective bargaining agreements. Ms. Wilson stated that the police officers
and maintenance operators were slightly under the 50th percentile of the comparison group. Ms.
Wilson said the City has included the cost of bringing those two groups to the 50th percentile.
Ms. Wilson stated that if the pay plan were implemented on July 9, 2007 the
the budged $50,000.00.
Cncl. Lehman questioned pay grade 12 and why it states its position
stated she would provide Council with the information from
their explanation.
Mr. McNeill presented Council with a preliminary job and
Facilities (PRF) Director position that will be vacated
Mr. McNeill listed the major components of the
1. Recreation
2. Park Maintenance
3. Park Design
4. Natural Flesources
Mr. McNeill stated that Mr. of Facilities. Mr. McNeill
recommended that Facilities under the Assistant City Administrator
Mr. McNeill is position in the proposed Grade 11 ($79,596 to
$99,495), which position.
McN eill' s recommendations.
minute recess. Motion carried 5-0.
the meeting at 8:56 p.m.
Council that there will be three park openings this summer. He asked
Council would like the park opening ceremonies for each park on one day or split them up
into three separate events. Council members advised that they would prefer that all three park
opening ceremonies happen on the same day. Mr. Themig asked that one or more Council
members make a commitment to attend those openings. Mayor Schmitt stated that he would
attend the openings.
Kris Wilson presented Council with the Revised Personnel Handbook. Ms. Wilson stated that
the original handbook was adopted twelve years ago and has been amended numerous times over
the years to meet changing needs ofthe City.
Official Proceedings of the April 1 0, 2007
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Ms. Wilson stated that with the help of the attorney's at Kennedy & Graven and city staff the
current handbook has been reviewed page by page and appropriate changes were made. Ms.
Wilson said a large number of changes were related to the order and placement of particular
Ms. Wilson discussed each chapter in the revised handbook.
Cha ters Current Handbook Revised Handbook
Introduction Technical language ExpectatioI1~;~(\1!_.~!oyees
and empl~~:ert;!t"!iik
Chapter I: Purpose & General City's equal opportunity N ote~'i~ai'ije~,~.;~mplCl~,ies
Guidelines employment policy m~~8'e'a~~cipli~$d an1~;i
'" ti' '.,
'<it.. ccc4i: m:h
p'tlhcy) . +$kh tt"
Chapter II: Definitions Defines different types N ai(iphange!!!lllii'Y
em loyees "
Chapter III: Appointment Located at the end
is extended,
employee is not eligible for
step increase until passing
Allows for internal only
postings within a City
department and requires
current employees in other
departments to apply as part of
external process.
Prohibits employees from Allows for a family member
being the official supervisor of to be temporarily assigned as a
a family member. supervisor with City
Administrator's approval.
Limits the escalating sick A wards the accelerated sick
leave payout to employees leave payout to any employee
who have 15 years of service with at least 15 years of
and are of retirement age. service to the City, regardless
of the age at the time they
Involuntary separation pay for Establishes the benefit level as
long term employees available one week of pay for each year
only to employees with 12 of service to a maximum of
years of service or more. twelve weeks of pay.
Official Proceedings of the April 10, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -4-
Chapter V: Compensation and Outlines pay periods, pay No change.
Job Classification Plan days, direct deposit
requirements, overtime, and
compensator time.
Chapter VI: Benefits Outlines employee benefits No change.
provided by the City
Chapter VII: Holidays Holidays and leaves in one Separates into two chapters.
cha ter.
Chapter VIII: Leaves Outlines various types of Less lenient in allowing
leaves available to City employees
employees. leave
Chapter IV: Employee Dress Code
Employee Identification Cards
Use of Tobacco
Outside Requires employees to notify
supervisor of any outside
Tightens up when and how
employees may solicit their
Add Workplace Violence
Chapter V: Discipline constitutes just Timeline added for grievance
Grievance. discipline. procedure.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
10:04 p.m. on April 10, 2007.
Kim Weckman
Recording Secretary
Mayor Jo1m Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Steve Clay,
Terry Joos, Steve Menden, and Matt Lehman present. Also present were Mark McNeill, City
Administrator; Jim Thomson, City Attorney; Michael Leek, Community Development Director;
Bruce Loney, Public Works Director/ City Engineer; Kris Wilson, Assistant City Administrator;
Mark Themig, Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director; and Judith S. Cox, City Clerk;
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Mayor Schmitt asked if there were any additions or deletions to the
stated that there were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
Joos/Menden moved to approve the agenda as written. Motion cti.,:~d
Mayor Schmitt gave the Mayor's Report. Mayor Schmitt S1_\~11~t~lP'ing of March
~0>CW>:>:::" ,', ,<"
29,2007 he attended the Legislative Conference. M~~~J'&~itt's'a.~~i~}hat there were over 700
City, School, and County representatives in attendan,te. Ori""llll,'211117 Mayor Schmitt stated
he attended the Downtown Partnership's annual fundtl~ser bantli'ft. On April 12, 2007 Mayor
Schmitt stated he ~tte~ded the !ranspo.rtatio~:~~~tio~:!ll);iitPiscussfd was how t~e City and the
County can deal With Its key hIghway Iss~~~:~jiiOn~nl 1't~'~I~i11J\Mayor SChmItt attended the
Rotary Reading program. <ilt" ,IM%,;
~iJi ,\ijlli;:i"Uf;,%]iiijl11:::::iilllljiyl
Mayor Schmitt asked if there were1tf~!:~~J~~lpn~'~ij~t~~ns to the Consent Agenda as
published. Mark McNeill stat~~j_'~:!lj~.(;.;:~ike LaIS;e Road Improvements, needs to be removed
,_;_' .,.,.,.c.,.,,' "''*~
from the Consent Agenda. N1:'~,cN1'ill sttl(\i,~~at he wanted Council to know there is a
corrected memo for 5.D.2, The ~~I~teer Fin~JFighter Insurance Policy. Cncl. Clay asked that
5.B.1, Extension Requ~~~i'~~ Westri'l~ Lake Estates 3rd Addition, be removed from the Consent
Agenda. Cncl. L~ran ~~~al"~~ii: .P~,'!ir:;(City Council Workshops, be removed from the
Consent Agenda,/'i'1L'1i; 47'<1'1'1i'1'
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Menden/J9QI'(\LV0~~t~jj~~~rd~e)he Consent Agenda items as modified. Mr. McNeill read the
Consent "Busine~ttl1i~n;!:caFfied 5-0.
41\1'\, "
MS:JQ,~fn/Joos'~9;ea\\,~(authorize appropriate city officials to execute the following agreements:
1 :/:;7:, Shak()~ee Coyotes Baseball Team to operate Joe Schleper Baseball Stadium
'e',", i&
....!j~~:zion stand for all home Coyote games.
2. '~I; O'pee Indians Baseball Team to operate Joe Schleper Baseball Stadium
concession stand for all home Indian and Shakopee High School games.
3. Shakopee Jaycees to operate Tahpah Softball Complex concession stand.
4. Shakopee Soccer Association to operate the 17th A venue Sports complex concession
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Menden/Joos offered Ordinance No. 778, Fourth Series, An Ordinance of the City of Shako pee,
Minnesota, Amending City Code Chapter 11, Sections 11.02 and 11.70 Relating to Signs, and
moved its adoption. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Official Proceedings of the April 17, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -2-
Menden/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate City officials to execute the cooperative
agreement with Scott County for cost sharing for aerial photography and authorizing the
payment of the City's $5,000.00 share. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Menden/Joos moved to authorize the appropriate city officials to enter into a Cleaning Contract
with Plymouth Ridge, Inc. d/b/a Coverall Cleaning Concepts until December 31, 2007 for Lions,
Memorial, Hiawatha, Tahpah, Holmes, Huber and Scenic Heights Parks, Soccer Complex at 17th
Ave. East. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
MendenlJoos authorized ~to ntilize the re-pnrchase agreement with L~~ :c. on
the 2007 S-185 Bobcat & Selmon Implement, Inc. on the 2007 Jo1m Deerep\,5 Tracto.or the
combined p.rice of~9,420.99 with the funds to be expended from the I,,~l Se~:e Eq,pment
Fund. (MotIon camed under the Consent Agenda)4i~>\,\'i,ii\i",,~)'
f'liIi\lli... . J~ii........\'iIi\!~lili!iilii7
Menden/Joos moved to accept the bid from MES for $11,055.50)~~'it~~;~'~~~e ~'t!POSi
Check machine with $5,000.00 of those funds coming fron~J_~rema~ng F\'i.~f1';;Emergency
Management Grant applied for and accepted by ChiefE~ SCfl.~,~~!g~~l!~~ No~mber of2006.
(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)'$Wi\NI"'@llbh .'I<:ii'Jtiii!j!!ii;iiii'
Menden/Joos moved to approve the renewal of the v~'~teer'~ghter,;linsurance policy with a
three year preminm of $3,928.1 O. (Motion~_;~co,ent Agenda)
~,' ""4&\\, ,-,,@.:?t'e, }f
Menden/Joos moved to declare the 199~11111~~_~I!MI~~ia~.~I~JMITA2217XI517666 vehicle as
surplus property. (Motion carried 'li~,.ti~ir,oh:~1i!',,"!im<fa)
...).....!..f)'.. .., .
Menden/Joos moved to decla:~!.,i~~ihi~ef!Shel~ b~!..the Police Department as surplus property
for ~e pnrpo.se of prope: ~~'1,on~ )n the March 30, 2007 memo from Sgt. Forberg.
(MotIon carrIed under the Conse~~nda) (T0.~ Document No. 434)
Menden/Joos mov~d to'~~!It~,~;;~th~\,lltg of Chad Bonine and Kelly Rux as Maintenance
Operators with tl}e!l~ublic ~~iJf~.i~flttment, at Step 1 of the current union contract, contingent
upon the suc:essfur~~I~plet~n of tIe required pre-employment screenings. (Motion carried
under the S(~,,~.~~~n~~) '''':.1
i~\'I';;~;;';::N0'l!;ii_'Jiiiil!li. }17
Mengen/J~()~\m~",,~to adopt the job description for the position of Parks and Recreation
DiJ;.~~.r and:ttt~orizyppropriate staff to begin the hiring process, to include advertising the
p~sitr;I\!~d int~~iewlng qualified candidates, with an advertised salary range of $79,596 -
W~y<,:,\, tJ
$96,179 ""sear11,(Motion carried under the Consent Agenda) (CC Document No. 435)
-~::-:~:~[~i:umrJi#J/ '
Menden/Joos moved to grant Dan Eckroth full-time, regular status as a Facilities Maintenance
Worker. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Menden/Joos moved to approve the bills in the amount of $852,727.12. (Motion carried under
the Consent Agenda)
Menden/Joos moved to approve the City Council meeting minutes of April 3, 2007. (Motion
carried under the Consent Agenda)
Official Proceedings of the April 17, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -3-
Menden/Joos moved to authorize voluntary parking restrictions for a "Car Cruise" on Lewis
Street from the alley in the 100 block, south to 3rd Avenue, for 1 st and 3rd Wednesdays of each
month, from May 3, thrO'ugh September 19, 2007. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Menden/Joos moved to authorize an agreement with M & E Engineering, Inc. to develop plans to
specifications for replacing the City Hall McQuay rooftop HV AC unit, and authorize bidding for
this work. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
Menden/Joos moved to approve the application and grant a tobacco license to Grand St. Paul
CVS, LLC, dba CVS Pharmacy #3344, 4050 Dean Lakes Boulevard. (Motion under the
Consent Agenda)
Menden/Joos moved to authorize the distribution of award plaques
on Shakopee Advisory Boards or Commissions, for those
minimum of one full term on a Board or Commission that
January 1,2007. (Motion carried under the Consent Agenda)
MayO'r Schmitt asked if there was anyone in the audience
not on the agenda. ,4::&jk::~ """"""\~Ik-'-'~b'h
Rob Bredding, owner of a building located at 205 LJiis Street:\esented Council with his
concerns over the bidding process on the tri~;ifliarc~~~cated ~'jacent to 205 Lewis Street
n.orth.ofthe library. Mr. Bredding present,~l2o' "IP wi'th;'liiQii~14et of information regarding the
:'~~0<,.~:%1$fi'fbl .
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Mr. Bredding stated that during the'el~i~e "corri~~iCa~~g with Mr. V oxland via email, Mr.
Breddi~g said that he did not ~!il~1,$C(l"~ofthe :liail's Mr. Voxland sent to him asking him
for a bId on the land parcel.'i;' @:'1I1)<\\;;\;,
'~l::i.lf,fi '::"111
Mr. Br~dding stated tha~.~ng the;:"'fch 20,2007 City Council meeting all bi~s for the parcel
were r~Jected. Mr:fBred i,\__i<~ght 11'I;would have another ~hance to place a bId. Mr. .
Breddmg stated tJ;l't he wa~i)~~'W~tJa'at Mr. Voxland's emaIl was askmg for a formal bId at that
time. Mr. Breddinga~o stat~'\~ that Ie was unaware that the property was sold for $43,000 under
the previolJ~ill\~~~llji~~i<~~~~dil\~..,was advised of the sale on April 09. 2007 by the news paper
reporter.~~? w~~ea;tO'iilj4'ist6ry on the land sale.
~\\ ''''@,
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~~'1~ddinga(vise"~O'uncil that he has contacted an attorney regarding the process in which
the hi"'~as sO'la,"
('I)i))!;ii!;.i.. ....lil)i:l!
Mayor schmltt)'sfuted that the matter needs to be turned over to Jim Thomson, City Attorney, for
his review.
Joos/Menden moved to turn over the matter regarding the bidding on the triangular parcel north
of the library to' Mr. Thomson for an opinion. Motion carried 5,..0.
Mayor Schmitt asked that items removed from the Consent Agenda be discussed at this time.
Official Proceedings of the April 17, 2007
Shako pee City Council Page -4-
Cncl. Clay stated that he pulled 5.B.1, Extension Request for Westridge Lake Estates 3rd
Addition, from the consent agenda because he wanted more information as to why it was
extended a number of times since the final plat was approved in 2001.
Cncl. Joos stated that he was on the Planning Commission when this item was first discussed.
Cnc1. Joos stated that the biggest problem is the septic system. Cncl. Joos stated that all septic
system issues were turned over to the County and the property owner has been working with the
County on the septic system issues ever since.
Mr. Thomson advised Council that there is a pending law suit naming the City
but has been put on hold. Mr. Thomson stated that the negotiations with the
try to work something out so the lawsuit can be dismissed.
Joos/Lehman moved to extend the approval period of the final plat ~~lt~;~~~~ge 3rd
Addition to October 16,2009. Motion carried 4-1 with Cncl. cI~.diss"i!~ig;"",\ '"
"'\tiii~...... ;'j.
Bruce Loney presented Council with awarding a contract fo.,;jpike L3ife RofltbfrJ CSAH 16 to
1100 Feet South ofCSAH 16 and a Public Road 425 Feet ft'iL))pil~, Lake ~d, Project No.
2007-3. {'~
Mr. Loney stated that there were 15 bids opened for ~~s projec~The apparent low bidder is
Ry~ Contract~ng C?mpany with a bid of $5~~ii~~~~9~1~~. Lo~t stated that the Engineer's
estImate for thIS project was $617,695.00'/10.. \1I.t.wtJlh.............
':"'/i:iil~'~~iiillll;i .' ..;.....~"Wtwgp....
Mr. Loney stated that S.M. Hentgesa:!3lj;\~nd.,,~e.eQ;nn lowest bidder, is formally
protesting the bid. Mr. Loney ;aid~,e Ji is ~rotested because Ryan Contracting
failed to fill out, sign and submilith~iPr "'lrsal Guara,Pitee form as part of its bid. Mr. Loney
stated that the form was fille}l~;,by'ya~.e~~cting b~t it was turned in after the bi.ds were
opened. Mr. Loney also stated ;ii~other f<Jn III the bId documents serves substantIally the
same purpose as the prQ~~l of G~f'tee. Mr. Loney stated the City Attorney, Jim Thomson,
reviewed the facts..~d fe;,:tl:~!l.~~~late!{~,bmission of the Proposal Guarantee did not give Ryan
an advantage in tP.~b biddin~bP~(f~fl:"/'
'<'~,'%fV --H>
Robert Hu~e,,~~,,~'fig.P:~~ Str~~.t and Deinard. who is representing S.M. Hentges addressed the
Council;/II.\ifr. "-~~"_Il!~ifthe City should reject the bid from Ryan Contracting because of
its f~~Jure t()li~~~lll<:l~'l!he Proposal Guarantee as part of its bid.
M~~ s~~~e Proposal Guarantee oeeds to be signed by an officer of the company
submitti!~e~i~i Mr. Huber stated the reason the guarantee is supposed to be signed by an
officer of tl1!_t1>ffipany is to guarantee that the company is committed to the statements in the
Proposal Guarantee.
Gary Zajac, Senior Project Engineer, of S.M. Hentges also addressed the Council. Mr. Zajac
reiterated what Mr. Huber stated to the Council. Mr. Zajac also stated that every bid he has ever
turned in to the City of Shako pee always included a signed copy of the Proposal of Guarantee.
Menden/Lehman offered Resolution No. 6599, A Resolution Accepting Bids for Pike Lake Road
Improvements, from CSAH 16 to 1100 Feet South ofCSAH 16 and a Public Road 425 Feet
West of Pike Lake Road, Project No. 2007-3, and moved its adoption, and approved a 5%
Official Proceedings of the April 17, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -5-
contingency amount on the project for use by the City Engineer in authorizing change orders or
quantity adjustments on this project. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. McNeill presented Council with dates for additional meetings for workshops to consider
special presentations.
Mr. McNeill said the first workshop meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 12,2007 to discuss
the Comprehensive Plan. The second is to update the Visioning Initiative. A suggested date of
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 has been tentatively scheduled.
Cncl. Lehman asked when the Board of Review has been scheduled. Ms.
meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, May 8 and Tuesday, May 22,2007.
Menden/Lehman moved to schedule workshops/discussions for the
1. Goal SettingNisioning - Tuesday, May 29th, 6:30 p.m. ,i:l
2. Comprehensive Plan Workshop - Tuesday, June 12th, 6:3(Ji\;}.m.
Motion carried 5-0. "\
Yh, -'&;
Mayor Schmitt asked for the Liaison Report form C09ci~1!M~:b~!,liiii::::::j;;;lllii~
Cncl. Lehman stated that he, the Police Chief and th1~ity Adrif"istrator attended the Avian Flue
Pandemic seminar. Information from the seIllHbwasfl:i,yen to elph Council member.
'':I,'9!~'II;;llj~~lllj'l.j:jji "I'
Cnc!. Menden attended the Environmenta~~~~~s workshop. Cnc!. Menden
stated that he and Mayor Schmitt als~fatllC;tid" ;&''0, e~~tl~f Minnesota Cities meeting.
pi":"'jj II;i:l;j;:!:I~t.
Cncl. Joos attended the Down~~~fii1~~I~P banqilet. Cncl. Joos also attended the Shakopee
Public Utility Commission IUeli~ing. b.nce~~~s said SPUC has not hired a Finance Director at
"ar' 'ii.1
this time. ':lli,)I#:I,
Cnc1. Clay had not~ing t'.~I;,,~;f
1:,::.<,.,:::<::::.., ~i"!fi!{p/<;-
Lehman/Menden m6~~d to l~bess flf the Economic Authority Meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
'i",. .....,
Mayor ~.~~r~~~'!t._il~ltJ~i meeting at 8: 12 p.m.
--";,!."" '\\\".\:::;,. ".
M~4IJhemi?l'>-~es~iit~ig,..,.Council with the Southbridge/Dean Lakes Trail Improvements.
Mr. ;:~~l~stat:) th;:the 2007 Park Capital Improvement Program includes funding for
constructiri~aFf! in the Southbridge and Dean Lakes area. The funding is included in two
separate projects.
Mr. Themig said the two trail segments are a trail connection and trail bridge from Dean Lakes
development to Southbridge at Wakefield Circle (Southbridge-Dean Lakes trail segment), and a
trail connection from Cambridge Road to Whitehall Road (Cambridge-Whitehall trail segment).
Mr. Themig provided pictures and drawings of the trails and trail bridge.
Mr. Themig stated that at their March meeting, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
recommended to City Council to proceed with the Dean Lake-Southbridge trail connection and
Official Proceedings of the April 17, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -6-
trail bridge as proposed. The second recommedation is to defer the Cambridge-Whitehall trail
segment until such time as either MNDOT parcel 75 is conveyed to the city and a connection can
be made to the trial along Southbridge Parkway, or CSAH 21 and related trails are constructed to
Chris Gilbert, 1583 Coventry Lane, addressed the Council with his concerns about the
Cambridge-Whitehall trail segment. Mr. Gilbert believes that the Cambridge-Whitehall trail is
not necessary because all sidewalks lead to Red Oak Elementary. Mr. Gilbert would rather see
the trail eliminated and keep it as green space. Mr. Gilbert believes the money that would be
used to construct the Cambridge-Whitehall trail should be used for signage and()~.l<:~,~~ks on
existing trails and a trial on Eagle Creek Road. .,....Jl!fI;;:;;:i;;:"r.,
,,. qC1Jj
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Kim Lukaskawcez, 1617 Windsor Dr., stated that when the Cambridge:~"ll~teff~~.!~ail s~'lnent
is constructed, if the trail could be put down the center. The propos~.'t~ail i~".,,,,,,,,,?esi~~.d tC}pe off
set 10 feet from the center which would bring the trail close to h~'hJ~,~~;:Jille. tl,}.'
". '\'1'1&. At>
Menden/Lehman moved to approve plans and specificatio~~~? aut\~?rize "~'i,!Pg for the Dean
Lakes-Southbridge trail segment, trail bridge, and all related'~I",..Pi~icussiop\lfollowed.
it11~il;II"i;,. "'lll'lil),l;
Cncl. Lehman asked Mr. Themig asked if the Dean ~tl.kes-Sl}'ibridge'!ail could run along the
north side between 169 and the houses to ;: ~:f.;Ug the trail stop where users
would have to cross a street, use the sidewalk~5attirthe . 'iponneclon the trail.
~r. Themig stated that i~ is possible to..~ tf_,~iI,~~;~}~'ho~ses but a trail to the street may
still be necessary for reSIdents to co~ec't"l;tpe '~,,!.'$'W,*#ilW
"lllii" .....
q. ..".i.....1
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Mayor Schmitt asked for a vot~!t.()~i: ITt~~i~n. Motion carried 5-0.
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Menden/Lehman moved to re-ev_tWi~.ed the c;Btruction of the Cambridge-Whitehall trail
segment until either MNr~!~,,! Parcel'ii is cOIiveyed to the city and a trail connection can be
made to Southbrid5e Parl\r€li~~I!~I~CS~zl is constructed and a connection can be made to trails
that would be CO!)~.l~cted~~~g.t'111~()ldway. Discussion followed.
Cnc1. Lehn}.~!I:~~it~ghei!i:lYoulq'..like to amend the motion to include that the future trail corridor
b . gn dJii' "\ j,lth. x;
e Sl e.... '~i ,.\. "'hi. m' # "iW\!&
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Cl},*l~l)t!~oos a~~~,foiil\ic~!~ification on the motion. Cnc1. Joos's understanding is that the trail will
be dd:,~d this yt,ar Hut it will be built in the future.
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Cncl. Me~~~1I1.u{gested instead of using the word defer in the motion to replace it with the word
re-evaluate the construction of the Cambridge-Whitehall trail segment.
Mayor Schmitt asked for a vote on the amended motion. Motion carried 5-0.
LehmanlMenden moved for a 10 minute recess.
Mayor Schmitt re-convened the meeting at 9: 19 p.m.
Official Proceedings of the April 17, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -7-
Jo1m Peterson, Telecommunications Coordinator, presented Council with recommendations
from the Telecommunications Advisory Commission (TAC) that the City enter into a contract
with Granicus to provide web-streaming services for government access programming.
Mr. Peterson stated web-streaming government access programming is a top priority of the T AC
for 2007. Mr. Peterson stated that online streaming will provide another means for residents to
stay informed on City issues. Mr. Peterson stated that the 2007 TAC budget includes $30,000 to
pay for the initiative.
Mr. Peterson demonstrated how web streaming works by showing council web stre~~ing from
the Egan and Bumsville websites',djl~!hi;j!01!)
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Mr. Peterson stated th~t the Granicus cost would be $11,670.85 for UP~,~1qt ~~~~~d $7,.00
for ~ac~ month of servIce. The total would be $16,344.85 for start-~jlllll~osts~d si~~iio~~'s of
servIce III 2007. A total of $9,348.00 would need to be allocated (~om'~!\~~,~08. T~<YIIl:1uget to
pay for the monthly service fees in the out year of the contract. $dR';i ~!!.!l!.!!d ,,1'
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Joos/Lehman moved to authorize appropriate staff to negodt'il_QffAl~owing~ City
~~~r;ed;/;;~~~~:~t~~:~~~:t~o:~~~~~ ~:~,~~~:~;,if:!~tl~~~';:~,,:~:~~e~~~~~hrOugh
carried 5-0. '...L ""'I;.
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Mark T?emig presented Council with the 9~ ],.~/S~~i~J)Je Intersection Realignment and
PedestrIan Improvements. <w;;".;I;llil;'w
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Mr. Themig stated he was notified OYi~~ttpountY~i.;.+v1arch 23 that the County has prepared a
cost sharing agreement for the.,~~l!.J.~~merviUeintersection realignment and pedestrian
improvements. The CitY'sc~S~,'~~t\" proj~.~ estimated at approximately $40,000.
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Menden/Lehman moveC\I!II: ...........i"J\l\i, ..'
1. Authorize a cost s~.gagre~"ent with Scott County for the CSAH 10 1/Sommerville
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intersecti94;i;~~pro"~i,ntSl"!jl:jlP 0 ..
2. Fund the wot~.~hroulr the (lapital Improvement Fund or if there are any excess funds
leftv~_.~liil~ii;~~~i~~ P~~.,development, the excess funds should be used to reimburse the
9~~ital~pro~e_Jit Ptind.
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Motion cameu 5~~4i.
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~. J'~g pre~'il'teJ'Council with information on the demolition of a restroom bnilding at the
west en ~~I'I~~?~'i Park on Levee Drive. He explained that the building was constructed in 1985
with cost sl.1amng:With the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD). Mr. Themig
stated that the LMR WD has not responded to repeated requests for an opinion on the building.
Mr. Themig stated that Public Works indicated that they could do the demolition work. Mr.
Themig stated that since Public Works would do the work with assistance from Shakopee Public
Utilities, the demolition costs would primarily be involved in disposal of the building materials,
estimated at approximately $5,000.
Joos/Menden moved to proceed with the demolition of the restroom building at the west end of
Huber Park on Levee Drive. Motion carried 5-0.
Official Proceedings of the April 17, 2007
Shakopee City Council Page -8-
Mayor Schmitt asked for any Council concerns. Cncl. Lehman would like posted the City
Ordinance regarding leash laws for animals. Mr. McNeill stated that he would have the link
posted on the City's website. Mayor Schmitt stated he would also like the policy for contacting
the dog catcher posted.
Cncl. Lehman also asked when the restrooms will be ready for Huber Park. Mark Themig stated
that the restrooms will be done when the park is finished probably mid June. Mr. Themig stated
that there are portable restrooms in the park for the time being.
Cncl. Lehman stated he would like information on the Posi Check for the fir~flefff~'i~ that
was approved in the Consent Agenda. Mr. McNeill stated that he would get:i:~i,infon:rl~,~n to
M L hm "'fIll
~ e ~ ~ ~
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Cnc1. Menden asked who IS responsible for clean up on the roadyt'11stated
there is a lot of liter in the area. JY
Joos/Menden moved to adjourn to Tuesday, April 24,
The Council meeting ended at 9:57 p.m. on April 1
City Clerk
Kim Weckman
Recording Secretary