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LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 Holmes Street South
SIiaRgpee 9dission Statement
rJfze :Mission of tfie City ojSfiaRgpee is to provid'e tlie opportunity to Eive, worftana pfay in a community witli a proud'
past, promisingfuture, ant! sma[C.town atmospliere witliin a metropoEitan setting. fJJie city wi{{ provitfe customer-frienaEy,
liigli-quaEity pu6{ic services tliat are intenaea to meet tlie clianging needS of its resiaents ana tlie community at farge.
Mayor John J. Schmitt presiding Agenda items are tied to the following long-term goals
that support the City's strategic vision as noted after
1] Roll Call at 7:00 p.m. each agenda item:
2] Pledge of Allegiance A. Active and healthy community.
B. High quality of life.
Approval of Agenda c. Great place for kids to grow up.
3] D. Vibrant, resilient and stable.
E. Financially strong.
4] Mayor's Report F. Housekeeping item.
5] Consent Business - (All items listed in this section are anticipated to be routine. After a discussion
by the Mayor, there will be an opportunity for members of the City Council to remove items from the
consent agenda for individual discussion. Those items removed will be considered following the
public hearing portion of the agenda. Those items remaining on the consent agenda will otherwise
not be individually discussed and will be enacted in one motion.)
A] Public Works and Engineering
1. Purchase of a New Copy Machine for the Engineering Department (F)
2. Buy-Back Agreement for John Deere 1445 Mower and S-185 Bobcat (E)
3. Sanitary Sewer Root Control (B) ,
B] Police and Fire
1. Underage Compliance Check Grant Application - Res. No. 6411 (A,B,E)
2. Surplus Property - 2005 Chevrolet Colorado Pick-up (B)
3. Surplus Property - 1999 Mercury Sable (E)
4. Amending City Code, Explaining Peddler Rights and Responsibilities- Ord. 756 (B)
5. Increasing the Fleet of the Shakopee Fire Department (A&B)
C] Parks. Recreation and Natural Resources
1. Accept Quarry Lake Park Grant - Res. No. 6419 (A&E)
2. Donation from Adult Softball Association forLighting Improvements at Tahpah Park
- Res. 6420 (A,D,E.)
3. Renewal of Concession Stand Agreements for Joe Schleper Stadium(A,D,E)
4. Park Construction and Administration Services (D)
D] Community Development
May 2,.2006
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5] Consent Business continued
E] Personnel
1. Hiring of a Community Service Officer - Ryan Soliday (D)
F] General Administration
1. Approve Bills in the Amount of $1-91,603.21 plus $32,664.56 for refunds, returns
and pass through for a total of $224,267.77 (F)
2. Approve Minutes for March 6, March 21, and April 3, 2006 (F)
3. Authorize Issuance and Sale of$3,155,000 G. O. Improvement Bonds - Res. No. 6412 (E)
4. Interfund Transfer (F)
5. Purchase of Additional Recycling Bins (E)
6. Uniform/Clothing Policy - Res. No. 6416 (F)
7. Fire Department Compensation Policies - Res. No. 6418 (D)
8. Amendment to Tax Abatement Agreement with CertainTeed (B)
person/subject. Longer presentations must be scheduled through the City Clerk. As this meeting is
cablecast, speakers must approach the microphone at the podium for the benefit of viewers and other
7] Public Hearing on petitions for annexation of 340 acres in Jackson Township located south of
Highway 169 and west of Marystown Road/CSAH 15 (D)
8] Business removed from the consent agenda will be discussed at this time
9] Liaison Reports from Council Members
10] Recess for Economic Development Authority Meeting: None
11] Re-convene
12] Recommendations from Boards and Commissions:
A] City Code Amendment Creating a New Mixed Use Zoning District - Ord. No. 757 (D)
B] Extension of MUS A and Rezoning for property located south of Highway 169,
east of Balinese Street and north of Queen Avenue - Res. No. 6415 and Ord. No. 758 (D)
May 2, 2006
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12] Recommendations from Boards and Commissions continued:
C] Waiver of Subdivision Criteria to allow a Lot Split without the Required Lot Width and
Street Frontage (B)
D] Boundary Marking of Park, Open Space and Conservation Easements - Res. No. 6417 (B)
E] Consideration of Bids for Huber Park and Related Riverfront Redevelopment, Fillmore
Street Extension, and Alley Improvement, Project No. PR2005-3 - Res. No. 6401 (A-D)
13] General Business:
A] Public Works and Engineering
1. A ward Contract for 2006 Street Reconstruction and Tahpah Park Improvements,
Project No. 2006-2 - Res. No. 6413 (D)
2. Accept Feasibility Report and Set Hearing Date for 10th Avenue and Holmes Street
Bituminous Overlay, Project No. 2006-5 - Res. No. 6414 (D)
3. Approve Plans and Specifications for the Extension of 17th A venue east to CSAH 83,
ProjectNo. 2006-1- Res. 6403 (D)
B] Police and Fire
1. Classic Car Shows - Request to Restrict Parking on Lewis Street (A&B)
C] Parks. Recreation and Natural Resources
D] Community Development
E] Personnel
1. Authorize Pay Plan Update (D)
F] General Administration
1. Meeting Dates (F)
2. Women's Correctional Facility - Strategic Plan - Resolution No. 6421 (D)
3. Fire Department Strategic Plan (A,B,D,E)
14] Council Concerns
15] Other Business
16] Adjourn to Tuesday, May 16,2006, at 7:00 p.m.