HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.D.2. Huber Riverfront Park Capital Campaign 1S.J0r~ . CITY OF SHAKOPEE MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator From: Mark Themig, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Director Meeting Date: October 4, 2005 Subject: Huber Riverfront Park Capital Campaign I INTRODUCTION City Council is asked to review a proposed capital campaign for Huber Riverfront Park. DISCUSSION The final design for Huber Riverfront Park is proceeding as scheduled this fall. You may recall that previous cost estimates for Phase 1 of the park showed a funding gap between City Council's allocation of $1.4 million and the preliminary cost estimate of about $445,000 (Attachment A). The gap would need to be made up either by project reductions or securing additional funding. At this time, we have secured one grant from the DNR in the amount of $92,000, and previous work on project reductions resulted in $288,600 in potential savings. Updated cost estimates are being prepared for the next design meeting when we will have a better idea of our funding. City Council is asked to consider a capital campaign for funding the park redevelopment. In meeting with a subcommittee of the design committee, we have outlined amenities that could be funded through sponsorships. They range in price from $500 to $300,000 (Attachments B and C). One concern I initially had was conflicting with fundraising for the playground. However, the playground committee is nearing their goal solely with corporate and business sponsorship. In discussing capital fundingfor the park with the design committee, there seemed to be an interest in approaching individuals who either had an interest in the performing arts or were long-time residents of Shakopee. (Obviously, adequate financial resources would be required for sponsorship of the higher priced items.) Other considerations are whether or not to make this a public effort or approach individuals privately. (I have several names of potential sponsors that have been generated by the committee and other individuals in the community.) Also, what level of support gains naming rights, if so desired. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board reviewed the concept at their September 26 meeting. Although generally supportive of the initiative, there was consensus that this effort should not be lead by staff, but come from the community. (There appears to be some individuals from the park design committee that would be willing to take a leadership role.) In addition, the Board felt that we should provide both a public and private approach to the campaign. Finally, naming rights would likely be an option for donors (Attachment D). However, the park naming policy does not specifically state an amount that is required for naming rights. (The policy was developed to give flexibility for naming right consideration.) The Advisory Board recommended that naming rights, if desired, be considered on a case- by-case basis. REQUESTED ACTION City Council is asked to consider the concepts proposed, and if so inclined, move to direct staff to work with the design committee and community members to launch a Huber Riverfront Park redevelopment funding campaign. ( P\ HUBER PARK Updated Cost Estimates 1/28/2005 PHASE 1-PARK ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST SUBTOTAL DEDUCTIDONATION COMMENTS EAR1JlWORK & EROSION CONTROL GRADE SITE 1LS $25 000 I $25 000 I Ma'or oradin fshaDina under seDsrate oro'ect StL T FENCE 2091 LF $3,00 I $6 273 I EARTHWORK & EROSION CONTROL SUBTOTAL cosn $31 173 HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS 4" CONCRETE WALKWAYS 9021 SF $5 $45105 BITUMINOUS TRAILS 2073 SY $15 $31 095 I Use existina DNR trail HANDRAILS 245 LF $100 I $24 500 I HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS SUBTOTAL cosn $100 700 LANDSCAPING CANOPY TREES 205 EA $500 $102500 ?ff:?fi,'iPF AT '$I)'M;X;X;1j)Y'Y,FfuT Potential deduct SHRUBS 240 EA $50 $12000 PERENNIALS 300 EA $15 $4 500 SOD 1174 SY $4 $4 696 LAWN SEEDING 25343 BY $2 $50 686 NATIVE PLANTINGS - SEEDING 2.4AC $4 000 $9 600 STeEL EDGING 550 LF $10 $6 500 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 7871 SY $1.50 $11807 IRRIGATION 56275 SF $0.60 $33 765 33765 i, Toro Com an Donation LANDSCAPING SUBTOTAL COST $235 054 PERFORMANCE STAGE & AREA CURVED POURED CONCRETE SEATWAI..L - ABOVE GRADE 1382 SF $35 $48 370 18" hi h x 1.5' wide' wi intearal color CURVED POURED CONCRETE SEATWALL. BELOW GRADE 3225 SF $25 $80625 Frost footina CONCRETE MOW STRIP AT SEATWALL 952 LF $15 $14280 1'wide 4D CONCRETE PAD FOR ADA SEATING 257 SF $4 $1028 4" concrete CONCRETE STAIRS 501 SF $25 $12525 CONCRETE STAGE + STAIRS 1965 SF $50 $98250 $50 000 Rota Donation CONCRETE RAMP AT STAGE 125 SF $50 $6 250 FREESTANDING BRICK COLUMNS 3EA $10000 $30 000 OVERHEAD METAL STRUCTURE 1430 SF $50 $71 500 WI acoustical com onents STAGE STRUCTURE POSTS 6EA $10000 $60 000 METAL LETTERING 45 LF 200 9000 PERFORMANCE STAGE & AREA SUBTOTAL COST $431 828 ENTRY BRICK COLUMNS WI FOOTING -SMALL 4EA $6 000 $24 000 BRICK COLUMNS WI FOOTING ~LARGE 2EA $10000 , $20000 ~otentialdeduct CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS 1 LS $5 000 I $5 000 Potential Scott Coun fundin ENTRY SUBTOTAL COS $49 000 INFRASTRUCTURE BITUMINOUS ROADWAY 2605 SY $20 $52100 CURB & GUTTER FOR ROADWAY 1527LF $14 $20615 BITUMINOUS FOR PARKING LOT 4071 SY $20 $81 420 CURB & GUTTER FOR PARKING LOT 1946 LF $14 $27244 BURY EXISTING ELECTRICAL $150000 $150000 SPUC Donation STORMWA TER PIPE 500 LF 30 $15000 CATCH BASINS 4EA $1800 $7 200 INFRASTRUCTURE SUBTOTAL COS 5353 579 AMENmES PRE-FABRICATED BENCHES 10 EA $1500 $15000 r~1r4'%1e!.,g}5'd67?Y#276%;',?%Y Potential deduct TRASH RECEPTACLES 5EA $500 $2 500 .. BIKE RACKS 4EA $400 $1600 PICNIC SHELTER 1 EA $40000 $40 000 PICNIC TABLES 20 EA $2 200 $44 000 INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE 4EA $1500 $6 000 AMENmES SUBTOTAL COST $109100 ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL HooKUPI SERVICE 1LS $15000 $15000 PEOESTRIAN SCALE UPRIGHT LIGHT FIXTURES 15EA $3 500 $52 500 I PARKING LOT LIGHT FIXTURES 4EA $5 000 $20 000 I LANDSCAPE UPLlGHTS 4EA $1000 $4 000 ~ SPECIAL LIGHTING AT STAGE 10 EA $2 000 $20 000 PROJECTION SCREEN 1 EA $2000 $2 000 SOUND SYSTEM llS $70 000 $70 000 ELECTRICAL OUTLETS SLEEVES ETC. 1LS $5 000 $5 000 ELECTRICAL SUBTOTAL COS $188 500 I RESTROOM & STORAGE BUILDING RESTROOM & STORAGE BUILDNG 1500 SF $230 $345000 RESlROOM SUBTOTAL COSTI $345 000 I I SUBTOTAL! $1,844,033 I MOBILIZATION 5% OF COST I $92202 DEMOLITION 2% OF COST $36881 , PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION TOTAU $1973115 I DESIGN & CONSTRUCnON ADMINISTRAnON RESTROOM/STORAGE BUILDING DESIGN $27600 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES-DESIGN PHASE $2 400 Soil borinns for buildinn/nerformance area GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES-SURCHARGE PHASE $4150 CONSTRUCTION AOMINSTRATION~BUILDING $6400 CONSTRUCTION AOMINSTRATION-PARK (2-4% $65 125 Houri estimate reflects 4% cost I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SUBTOTAL COSTI $105.675 I I PHASE 1 TOTAL PROJECT COST $2,078,790 I Toro Co. Donation '$33765. Rotarv Donation $50 000 SPUC Donation , . $150 000 PHASE 1 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS LESS DONATION $1 845 025 COUNCIL APPROVED FUNDIN $1400 000 FUNDING SHORTFALL tR}$4llS().2&_ DEDUCT ALTERNATES ;;##iS2$S'$OCl"471&,\ FUNDING SHORTFALL LESS DEDUCT ALTERNATES 1i&'$l.~;il25il!ll January 28 Estimates.xls 1 1128/2005 \; Huber Riverfront Park Redevelopment Preliminary Capital Sponsorship List (9/12/05 Draft) Amenity Estimated Cost Performance Area 300,000 Terrace Seating (6) 25,000 per terrace Park Pavilion Building 375,000 First Avenue/Sommerville Street 55,000 Entrance Plaza Picnic Shelter 50,000 Site Amenities Picnic Tables 2,500 Benches (10) 1,500 per bench Performance Area Sound System 75,000 Planting Areas (3) 5,000 Trees 500 ~ . ... eo' .... 11.II ICM.1::t.....w 0 D PARK NAMING POLICY 1. A. The Purpose of the naming policy is to develop place names that are: . Unique. Unique names are identifiable to a specific place and do not duplicate or are not confused with existing names in City of Shakopee or neighboring areas. . Meaningful. Names may reference natural features or landmarks, local historic events or persons with historic significance, locally or nationally. . Inclusive. Names shall be selected in a public adoption process. They shall be respectful of all people and cultures and reflect positive values acceptable to the community as a whole. B. Donor Naming may be considered on a case by case basis. Donor naming agreements may include provisions for ongoing and special maintenance costs, such as the renovation of a facility. Donor naming may also have specific terms for discontinuation or termination and shall be adopted by City Council resolution. c. Fundraising campaigns for dedicating memorial amenities, such as benches, pavers or trees, shall be approved as a campaign by the Park and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council under the existing Donation Policy concurrent with park improvements or new park developments, Wording on memorial features shall follow the naming guidelines in this policy. 2. Application Process: A. The process may be initiated in the following ways: i. By public announcement by the Park and Recreation Advisory Board in local papers or the city's website or in conjunction with neighborhood design process. ii. By application by a landowner, donor, group, or resident. B. A Naming Request Form shall be completed which will include: i. Location of Park or feature to by development / addition, and street frontage(s). ii. Person/organization requesting the name and their contact information. iii. Proposed name and up to two alternates, if desired. iv. Explanation of name meaning( s), including translation, or biographical information if the name is honoring a person or people. v. Description of process involved in choosing the proposed name and what type of public involvement was used. 3. Review Procedure. A. Applications shall be submitted to the Park and Recreation Department, and reviewed by staff for completeness and accuracy. A naming request made as a part of the development process, may be submitted by the developer with a plat application. If not, the Park and Recreation Advisory Board will begin the process by a public announcement as in 2.) A. i, above. B. Requests are presented by staff to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board in a regular scheduled meeting. C. The Park and Recreation Advisory Board shall discuss the Naming Request and recommend or not recommend it to the City Council. They may also table the request for due consideration before voting on it. D. The City Council will hear and vote on the Park and Recreation Advisory Board recommendation. The City Council shall have final authority on all Park Naming Requests. A Naming Request Approval shall only take effect after the land has officially been transferred to the city's ownership and the city retains legal title to the land.