HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.C.2. 17th Avenue Improvements, from Southern Meadows to CSAH 83, Project No. 2006-1-Res. No. 6300 /5:C · ;L. , CITY OF SHAKOPEE, Memorandum TO: Mayor & City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator FROM: Jeff Weyandt, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: 1 ih A venue Improvements, from Southern Meadows to CSAH 83, Project No. 2006-1 DATE: September 20, 2005 INTRODUCTION: Attached is Resolution No. 6300, a resolution receiving a report and calling for a hearing on 17th Avenue Improvements, from Southern Meadows to CSAH 83, Project No. 2006- 1. BACKGROUND: On November 16, 2004, the City Council ordered the preparation of a feasibility report to analyze the extension of 1 ih Avenue to CSAH 83. This report has been completed and is attached for Council review. The purpose of the feasibility report is to evaluate the feasibility of extending 17th A venue to CSAH 83. The feasibility report also addresses the estimated. costs for the improvements and the proposed assessments that result from the project being constructed. The attached resolution sets a date for the public hearing for this project for October 18, 2005. The approval of Resolution No. 6300 does not order the project nor does it commit the Council to constructing any improvements. The intent of this resolution is to accept the feasibility report and set the public hearing date. The public hearing will allow the property owners adjacent to the project area and the general public the opportunjty to address the City Council on this project. Staff will make a full presentation at the October 18, 2005 public hearing on the feasibility report to the public and the City Council. I ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 6300. This action will receive the feasibility report and set the date for the public hearing for October 18, 2005. 2. Deny Resolution No. 6300. This action will halt the project until such time that City Council reconsiders the resolution. 3. Move to receive the feasibility report but do not set a date for the public hearing at this time. This action will place the project on hold until such time as the City Council sets a date for the public hearing. 4. Table Resolution No. 6300 to allow time for staff to prepare additional information and/or revise the feasibility report as directed by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: 1. If the City Council wishes to pursue this project for the 2006 construction season, staff recommends Alternative No.1, to adopt Resolution No. 6300. 2. If the City Council does not wish to pursue this project then the appropriate action \ would be to move the approval of Resolution No. 6300, and vote against the motion. 3. If City Council provides additional direction and modifications to the report, then Alternative No. 3 may be appropriate to table this action and have staff modify the report. ACTION REQUESTED: Offer Resolution No. 6300, A Resolution Receiving a Report and Calling a Hearing for the 17th Avenue Improvements, from Southern Meadows to CSAH 83, Project No. 2006.,- 1, and move its adoption. Ntw~ Jeff Weyandt Assistant City Engineer JW/pmp ENGRl2005PROJECT/I7THA VENUElWORDIMEM6300 RESOLUTION NO. 6300 A Resolution Receiving A Report And Calling A Hearing For The 17th A venue Improvements, From Southern Meadows To CSAH 83 Project No. 2006-1 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 6146 of the City Council adopted November 16, 2004, a report has been prepared by the City Engineer, with reference to the 1 ih Avenue improvements, from Southern Meadows to CSAH 83, Project No. 2006-1, and this report was received by the Council on September 20,2005. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VEn BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHAKOPEE, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the 17th Avenue improvements, from Southern Meadows, to CSAH 83 and all appurtenant work in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting and benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvements pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $3,299,782.50. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 18th day of October 2005, at 7:00 P.M. or thereafter, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, at 129 South Holmes Street, Shakopee, Minnesota, and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. 3. The work of this project is hereby designated as part of the 2006-1 Public hnprovement Project. Adopted in session of the City Council of the City of Shako pee, Minnesota, held this day of ,2005. Mayor of the City of Shakopee ATTEST: City Clerk ENGR/2005PROJECT/17THA VENUElWORDIRES6300 I I SEPT. 2005 , Feasibility Report I SHAKOPEE I COMMuNlTY PRIDE SINCE 1857 I 17th Avenue Improvements I .Southern Meadows to CSAH 83 I I Street, Utilities and Appurtenant Work I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FEASIBILITY REPORT I I I 17TH AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS I City Proj ect Number 2006-1 I I I I September, 2005 I I I Prepared By: City of Shakopee I Engineering Department 129 South Holmes Street Shakopee,~ 55379 I (952) 233-9300 (952) 233-3801 (Fax) I I Feasibility Report I 17th A venue Improvements City of Shakopee, MN City Project No: 2006-1 I I I FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR I 17TH AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS SHAKOPEE,MINNESOTA I I I I I I I I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. I I ~-~ Date OJ II io-/ I 06 Registration No. 41342. I ,/ / I I I I Feasibility Report I 17th A venue Improvements City of Shakopee, MN City Project No: 2006~1 I .1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Descrivtion Page No. I Introduction 1 I Scope 1 I Background 1 Existing Conditions 1 I Proposed Improvements 2-3 I Estimated Costs 3 Funding Sources 4-5 I Conclusion 5 I Appendix I I I I I I I I Feasibility Report I 17th A venue Improvements City of Shakopee, MN City Project No: 2006-1 I I 1. INTRODUCTION I On November 16, 2004 the City of Shakopee adopted Resolution No. 6146, which ordered the preparation of a feasibility report to analyze the extension of I 17th Avenue, from the Southern Meadows Addition to County Road (C.R.) 83. The improvements consist of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, trail, sidewalk and street construction. I This project is included in the City's 2006 Capital Improvement Program. I 2. SCOPE I This report will determine the feasibility of the extension of 17th A venue and the extension of sanitary sewer and watermain to serve the unsewered areas adjacent I to 17th A venue. The report will provide a description of the proposed improvements~ an itemized cost estimate, a cost apportionment and a preliminary assessment roll. I 3. BACKGROUND I The project location is identified in Drawing Al in the Appendix. The extension of 1 ih Avenue to C.R. 83 is needed to relieve traffic congestion on C.R. 17 I (Marschall Road). On June 19, 2001, the City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Scott County. The MOU states upon completion of 17th Avenue to C.R. 83, the County will assume jurisdiction of 1 ih Avenue, from I C.R. 79 to C.R. 83. In addition, the City will assume jurisdiction of C.R. 16, from C.R. 17 to C.R. 83. A copy of the MOU is included in the Appendix. I 4. EXISTING CONDITIONS I The existing conditions are identified in Drawing A2 in the Appendix. I 17th Avenue is constructed to approximately 0.40 miles east of Independence Drive. 17th Avenue is a four-lane road with a center median and turn lanes. I Sanitary sewer and watermain are in-place at the east end of the project limits at the intersection of C.R. 83 and C.R. 16. Watermain is also available at the west end of the project limits approximately 0.40 miles east of Independence Drive. I I Feasibility Report 1 ih Avenue Improvements Page 1 of5 I City of Shakopee, MN City Project No. 2006-1 I I I 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I 5.1 Street I The proposed street improvements are identified in Drawing A3 in the Appendix. I The proposed street improvements consist of extending 17th A venue to C.R. 83. The proposed street section will consist of a four-lane roadway I (two lanes in each direction) with B618 concrete curb and gutter, a concrete median and left and right turn lanes. Drawing A4 in the Appendix identifies the proposed typical section at intersections with turn lanes. The proposed street improvements also include construction of I street lights, a 5-foot concrete sidewalk and an 8.;.foot bituminous trail. I 5.2 Storm Sewer The proposed storm sewer imprOvements are identified in Drawing A5 in I the Appendix. The proposed storm sewer improvements consist of extending existing I storm sewer from the intersection of C.R. 83 and C.R. 16 west, within the proposed roadway alignment, to serve 1 ih Avenue and the adjacent properties. I 5.3 Sanitary Sewer I The proposed sanitary sewer improvements are identified in Drawing A5 in the Appendix. I The proposed sanitary sewer improvements consist of extending existing sanitary sewer from the intersection of C.R. 83 and C.R. 16 south approximately 220 feet to serve property south of 1 ih Avenue. I 5.4 Watermain I The proposed watermain improvements. are identified in Drawing A5 in the Appendix. I I Feasibility Report . 17th A venue Improvements Page 2 of 5 I City of Shakopee, MN City Project No. 2006-1 I I I The proposed watennain improvements consist of extending a trunk watermain from the intersection of C.R. 83 and C.R. 16 west, within proposed 17th Avenue right-of-way, to an existing 8-inch watermain I constructed as part of the Southern Meadows Addition. The watermain extension will serve properties adjacent to 17th Avenue. I 5.5 Right-oI-Way Right-of-way acquisition will be required as part of this project. The 17th I Avenue corridor has a proposed right-of-way width of 150 feet. A portion of the right-of-way has already been acquired as part of the C.R. 83/C.R. 16 improvements constructed in 2003. Also Shakopee Gravel, Inc. has I agreed to dedicate a portion of the right-of-way as part of a Conditional Use Permit. Drawing A6 in the Appendix identifies the anticipated easements and right-of-way required to construct the proposed I improvements. Additional easements may be required for construction. I 6. ESTIMATED COSTS I An itemized cost estimate is included in the Appendix. The following costs were prepared using 2005 construction costs and are I subject to change, depending on the final design of the project, bids received and actual work performed. A summary of the estimated construction costs plus a 10% contingency and 25% for engineering and I administration costs for the projects are as follows: I Right-of-Way and Easement Acquisition $ 639,900.00 Street Improvements $1,999,731.25 I Sanitary Sewer Improvements $ 33,000.00 I Watermain Improvements $ 242,151.25 Storm Sewer Improvements $ 385,000.00 I TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $3,299,782.50 I I Feasibility Report 1 th A venue Improvements Page 3 of5 I City of Shakopee, MN City Project No. 2006-1 I I I 7. FUNDING SOURCES I 7.1 Assessments The adjacent properties will be assessed for a 36-foot street with turn lanes I and a sidewalk. The adjacent properties will also be assessed for 50% of the street lighting costs. The assessable costs associated with the street and lighting improvements will be assessed on a front foot basis. The I estimated assessment rate is $278.63 per front foot. I Benefiting properties will be assessed for watermain improvements on a front foot basis. The estimated assessment rate for the proposed watermain improvements is $30.76 per front foot. I Shakopee Gravel, Inc will be assessed for a 10-inch sanitary sewer pipe extended south to serve their property. The estimated assessment for the I proposed sanitary sewer improvements is $33,000. Shakopee Gravel, Inc. will be assessed for a 48-inch storm sewer pipe I needed to facilitate drainage on their parcel. The estimated assessment for this pipe is $385,000. I 7.2 City Costs The City will pay for 50% of the costs associated with oversizing 17th I Avenue, 50% of the trail costs, 50% ofthe costs associated with the signal revisions at C.R. 83 and 50% of the costs associated with the street lighting. The City's portion of the project will be funded by Capital I Improvement Funds and State Aid Funds. 7.3 County Costs I The County will pay for the concrete median on 17th Avenue, the extra storm sewer structures required due to widening, 50% of the costs I associated with the signal revisions at C.R. 83,50% ofthe trail costs, 50% of the oversizing of 1 ih Avenue and all right-of-way costs over a 66-foot wide corridor. I 7.4 Shakopee Public Utilities Costs I Shakopee Public Utilities will pay for watermain oversizing and a portion of the costs associated with non-lighting conduit. I Feasibility Report 1 ih A venue Improvements Page 4 of5 I City of Shakopee, MN City Project No. 2006-1 I I I 7.5 Summary A summary of the estimated funding apportionment is as follows: I Assessments $2,018,180.62 I City of Shakopee $ 250,081.56 I Shakopee Public Utilities $ 89,113.75 Scott County $ 942,406.57 I TOTAL $3,299,782.50 I 8. CONCLUSION I From an engineering standpoint, the improvements are feasible, cost effective and necessary to extend 1 ih A venue to County Road 83. I I I I I I I I I Feasibility Report 17th A venue Improvements Page 5 of5 I City of Shakopee, MN City Project No. 2006-1 I I I I I I I APPENDIX I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I 12TH AVE 12TH A I I I I I CHARTREUX AVE I I I I Q 0:: PROJECT >- 0:: => lOCA TION ro I 0:: W f- Z <{ u I I I X I V ALLEY VIEW RD I 83 I ~~ 17TH A VENUE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2005 SCAlE 1. - 1200' FIGURE No. IMPROVEMENTS DRAWN BY: RTH 0 1200 Ai po-,-- I I PROJECT LOCATION MAP - - ~ SHAKOPEE ENGINEERiNG DEPARTMENT I " "'''~~~ 0 I """ ZC\1 .", ~~ [i: I I I AMALGAMATED LAND CO. MYRON C WEBSTER It) :I: I- 0 li: I 3690 EAGLE 3960 EAGLE CREEK 0 z N lLJ ::e CREEK BLVD BLVD a:: li: lLJ 279090070 279090050 lD ~ ::e lLJ lLJ C I Ii: C> lLJ Vl z ii: lLJ lLJ Z (5 I z lLJ ~ lLJ lLJ Q. Z 0 W ~ :><: GENE HAUER GENE HAUER GENE HAUER ~ ~ I c c Vl GENE HAUER FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS 270470310 270470300 270470290 I 279080030 I rn. Cl)Z I ~~8 ~~S ~~Z J( I ~~8 II ~C~ II ~~Z II I II ~~E=: """'~~ Legend II Ioo....i:>< I SHAKOPEE GRAVEL INC. ~ II 1650 CO. RD. 83 279160100 -1- Existing Watermain II I II -<- Existing Sanitary Sewer II 200 0 200 --<<- Existing Storm Sewer ~ I II I Curb & Gutter SCALE: 1" = 200' II ~. I li;)S';'}.';'w:"j T r a i I Is ide w a I k II I I ;1 I Lot Line 001 I I I ,\ I ~ ~ I \ I \ \-~------ -------- I ~ "'.J ~ cYj I ~---~~~ \ I ~ ~ I I L______ 1 ""'-, ----y// -.-. i ~---- I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I AMALGAMATED l \ LAND CO. II MYRON C WEBSTER ~ ;!: l- I I I 3690 EAGLE 3960 EAGLE CREEK I ~!r ~ I CREEK BLVD I BLVD I' "ffi ~ I i \1 279090070 I 279090050 : : : : ~ ~ I I -~---~-------~--~----~--~---~-----i ' ::\\ ::: ~ ~ \' I i I III II ~ I I I I I III ~ I ! I' i I II I III :>,; ~ I I I I III m It i I I III1 III .. ~ ~ I GENE HAUER ] GENE HAUER II GENE HAUER ! 11II III ~ ~ ~ I I FARMS ! FARMS FARMS I : I I III GENE HAUER 270470310 I 270470300 I 270470290 I 1\1 II FARMS I! i II I III I 279080030 I ! ; I \. ) _ I : II ::: ~ I - ~- - +~= ==== ===-===== = t== = = == =_~_ === =-l ' -_ -.-~ : -: u - u n _-:- n u u~:C - _-u - _cc_ 'J: l-- r~ ~ I )1 r..." V'J 0 , ! III ~~~ I I. ~~~ II! III ~~~ II II! r...,,~_ III ::::"'I II ~ I II III ~~E-t III ......:::::.:~ II _ II III ~C~ )( II II l:.'~E-t I II ('"';~rn SHAKOPEE GRAVEL INC. : : I I I ~ ~ 0 1650 CO. RD. 83 I I! :: ~ ~ I 279160100 III rn III II 0 III III ~ I ::: II;, ~ III I II I I ~ LEGEND II I I > '''''\ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS _ 200 . 0 200 :: I: ~ I \ L.----j EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS ~SCA E .1" ,\ :: ,I: as I 'I I-~=j L : = 200 I : 'I ~ ; I [l----J II!: 003 I -_ II I I I I I I I 17th AVENUE E, I 75' R/W ,,' 5' 18' BLVD WAlK I , , \ . -,. 7 '----'~ I I TYPICAL SECTION WITIl TURN LANES I I I I I I I I ~ 17TH A VENUE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2005 AGURE No. IMPROVEMENTS DRAWN BY: RTH A4 I SHAI<oPElB PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION --_. SHAKOPEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I 0.1.', ATER 0 I Zl!':l ~<r: i:i: I I I AMALGAMA TED LAND CO. MYRON C WEBSTER II) :I: !Z 0 ~ I 3960 EAGLE CREEK 0 1LI 3690 EAGLE N :::E BLVD I' , , n: ~ CREEK BLVD lLl II m ~ 279090070 279090050 :::E lLl II lLl 0 I Ii:: (!) II lLl Vl Z IIII n: lLl III lLl Z I III C3 Z I I III 1LI IE 1LI I III 1LI D- III Z 0 W ~ lo<: <I: I III !;{ :I: I GENE HAUER GENE HAUER GENE HAUER 0 0 Vl FARMS FARMS FARMS I 'II GENE HAUER 270470310 270470300 270470290 I, , FARMS I III I 279080030 I <lJ------------ l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I , I ,- - V)~ - - - - - - -- - - - - --- _. -. ~. ~ - _. - --- I - - III ~~E=: I III ~~~ III ~~E=: III ~ ~ I III ~~Q III II . ~ Legend X II "I ~crJ) II ~~o II I II ~~~ II II II Proposed Watermain II "..." ~ II ""'-ip.. I Existing Watermain II SHAKOPEE GRAVEL INC. II I 1650 CO. RD. 83 II I 279160100 Proposed San itary Sewer II Existing San itary Sewer I I I I 200 0 200 ~. Proposed Storm Sewer ~ I il Existing Storm Sewer I SCALE: 1" = 200' CUll I I 0 I z~ ~< iL I I AM ALGAM A TED LAND CO. MYRON C WEBSTER ,~ ~ I 3690 EAGLE 3960 EAGLE CREEK CREEK BLVD BLVD 279090070 279090050 on ::J: g ~ l- I z '" w :::E Ct: ~ w lD ~ :::E w w c I Ii: 0 w Vl z 0:: w w z (3 I GENE HAUER GENE HAUER GENE HAUER z w FARMS FARMS FARMS ~ w GENE HAUER 10' EASEMENT w C":l a. 270470310 270470300 270470290 z 0 FARMS CO w ~ ~ I 279080030 !;( Vl ~ C C < 0 I 0:= ~ E-4 Z ~ I ~ < 150' R.O. W. 0 V)~ rn u ~~~ ~ 150' R.O.W. 10' EASEMENT I 0 ~o ~ ~~!i; < 38' ROW (Dedicated By Shakopee Gravel Inc.) ~ I ~.., )( ~~~ Z ~C~ \~ I ~ ~~~ = SHAKOPEE GRAVEL INC. ~~rn E-4 .,..,.~o ~ 1650 CO. RD. 83 ""'-i~ I 0 279160100 Legend 0 rn 0:= ~ I Existing R.O. W. llIIIIt.1 Existing Easement 200 0 200 'I ~ : I Temporary Construction Easement SCALE: 1" = 20b' I Proposed R.O. W. Proposed R.O. W. (Dedicated by Shakopee Gravel Inc.) 'I I . PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 17TH A VENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS DEVELOPER COST 100% UTILITIES 17TH AVENUE WlDENING 50% CONDUIT CITY COST SPUC COST* COUNTY COST I 100% SlDEW ALK TRAIL 50% CONDUIT OVERSIZING, NON- 100% MEDIAN SIGNAL REVISIONS 50% LIGHTING 50% CITY 50% COUNTY 50% LIGHTING LIGHTING CONDUIT EXTRA STRUCTURES 100% STORM I 36' STREET Line Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total No. Description Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost I 1 MOBILIZATION LUMPSUM $69,000.00 1 $69,000.00 0.61 $42,090.00 . 0.2 $13,800.00 0.02 $1,380.00 0.17 $11,730.00 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMPSUM $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00 3 REMOVE FENCE LIN FT $2.00 1,000 $2,000.00 1,000 $2,000.00 I 4 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CUYD $5.00 17,000 $85,000.00 12750 $63,750,00 4250 $21,250.00 5 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (EV) CUYD $5.00 8,000 $40,000.00 6000 $30,000.00 2000 $10,000.00 6 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CUYD $10.00 8,000 $80,000.00 6000 $60,000.00 2000 $20,000.00 I 7 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON $10.00 19,840 $198,400.00 14880 $148,800.00 4960 $49,600.00 8 2350 TYPE MV 4 WEAR MVWE35035E TON $46.00 2,175 $100,050.00 2,175 $78,300.00 2,175 $21,750.00 I , 9 2351 TYPE MV 4 WEAR MVWE35035B TON $36.00 725 $26,100.00 725 $26,100,00 $33.00 4,400 $145,200.00 3300 $108,900.00 1100 $36,300.00 . 10 2350 TYPE MV 3 NON-WEAR MVNW35035B TON 11 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $2.60 1,300 $3,380.00 975 $2,535.00 325 $845.00 I 12 CONCRETE WALK SQFT $3.00 14,000 $42,000.00 14000 $42,000,00 13 8' BITUMINOUS TRAIL LIN FT $20.00 2,800 $56,000.00 2,800 $56,000.00 I 14 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH $300.00 10 $3,000.00 5 $1,500.00 5 $1,500.00 15 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN LIN FT $8.00 10,900 $87,200.00 5600 $44,800.00 5300 $42,400.00 $3.00 32,200 $96,600.00 . 32200 $96,600.00 16 CONCRETE MEDIAN SQFT I 17 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH $500.00 1 $500.00 1 $500.00 18 RCP STORM SEWER LIN FT $40.00 2,800 $112,000.00 2800 $112,000.00 I 19 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH $3,500.00 40 $140,000.00 20 $70,000.00 . 20 $70,000.00 20 REVISE TRAFFIC SIGNAL LUMP SUM $50,000.00 1 $50,000.00 1 $50,000.00 21 FURNISH & INSTALL SIGN PANELS LUMP SUM $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00 I 22 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (ARROW) EPOXY EACH $125.00 20 $2,500.00 20 $2,500.00 23 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT $0.30 2,700 $810.00 2700 $810.00 24 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT $0.30 4,700 $1,410.00 4700 $1,410.00 I 25 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE-EPOXY LUMPSUM $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00 0.5 $500.00 0,5 $500.00 26 CONDUIT LIN FT $10.00 2,000 $20,000.00 780 $7,800.00 780 $7,800.00 440 $4,400.00 I 27 SILT FENCE LIN FT $2.50 1,000 $2,500.00 1000 $2,500.00 28 SEEDING ACRE $1,000.00 3.2 $3,200.00 3.2 $3,200.00 29 SODDING TYPE LAWN SQYD $2.50 9,800 $24,500.00 9800 $24,500.00 I 30 STREET LIGHTING LUMP SUM $60,000.00 1 $60,000.00 0.5 $30,000.00 0.5 $30,000.00 SUBTOTAL $1,454,350.00 $882,395.00 $285,395.00 $39,180.00 $4,400.00 $242,980.00 I 10% CONTINGENCY 145,435.00 $88,239.50 $28,539.50 $3,918.00 $440.00 $24,298.00 SUBTOTAL 1,599,785,00 $970,634.50 $313,934,50 $43,098.00 $4,840.00 $267,278.00 I 25% INDIRECT COSTS 399,946.25 $242,658.63 $78,483.63 $10,774.50 $1,210.00 $66,819.50 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 1,999,731.25 $1,213,293.13 $392,418.13 $53,872.50 $6050.00* $334,097.50 I RIGHT-OF-WAY ACRE $130,000.00 4.83 $627,900.00 1.66 $215,800.00 3.17 $412,100,00 TEMPORARY EASESMENT ACRE $10,000.00 1.20 $12,000.00 1.20 $12,000.00 I TOTAL ESTIMATED ROW COST $639,900.00 $227,800.00 $412,100.00 *Shared cost with other small utilities I PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 17TH A VENUE IMPROVEMENTS I ASSESSABLE SANITARY SEWER COSTS TO SHAKOPEE SAND AND GRA VEL I I I Line Total Total No. Description Unit Unit Cost Ouantitv Cost 1 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $900.00 1 $900.00 I 2 CONNECTTOE~STrnGSAmTARYSEWER EACH $500.00 1 $500.00 3 10" PVC SAmTARY SEWER Lrn FT $80.00 220 $17,600.00 4 SANITARY MANHOLE EACH $5,000.00 1 $5,000.00 I SUBTOTAL 223.00 $24,000.00 I 10% CONTINGENCY 2,400.00 SUBTOTAL 26,400.00 I 25% INDIRECT COSTS 6,600.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 33,000.00 I I I I I I I I I I I PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 17TH A VENUE WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS I .. SPUC COST DEVELOPER COST WATERMAIN I OVERSIZlNG Line Total Total Total Total Total Total I No. Description Unit Unit Cost Ouantitv Cost Ouantitv Cost Ouantitv Cost I MOBll..IZATION LUMPSUM $8,540.00 I $8,540,00 I $8,540.00 2 CONNECT TO EXISTlNG W ATERMAIN EACH $1,500.00 2 $3,000,00 2 $3,000.00 I 3 16"DIPWATERMAIN LlN FT $33.00 2,570 $84,810.00 2,570 $51,400.00 2570 $33,410.00 4 8"DIPWATERMAIN LlN FT $20.00 630 $12,600.00 630 $12,600.00 5 8" GATE VALVE EACH $900,00 2 $1,800,00 2 $1,800.00 I 6 6" DIP W ATERMAIN LlN FT $18.00 70 $1,260.00 70 $1,260.00 7 16" GATE VALVE EACH $5,500.00 6 $33,000.00 6 $6,000.00 6 $27,000.00 8 6"GATEVALVE EACH $700.00 7 $4,900.00 7 $4,900.00 . I 9 FmlNGS LBS $2.00 5,000 $10,000.00 5,000. $10,000.00 10 HYDRANT EACH $1,800.00 9 $16,200,00 9 $16,200.00 I SUBTOTAL $176,110.00 $115,700.00 $60,410.00 10% CONTINGENCY $11,570.00 $6,041.00 SUBTOTAL $127,270,00 $66,451.00 25% INDIRECT COSTS $31,817.50 $16,612.75 I TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 242,151.25 $159,087.50 $83,063.75 I I I I I I I I I I I PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE 17TH A VENUE IMPROVEMENTS I ASSESSABLE STORM SEWER COST TO SHAKOPEE SAND AND GRA VEL DUE TO OVERSIZING I Line Total Total No. Description Unit Unit Cost Ouantitv Cost 1 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $15,000.00 1 $15,000.00 I 2 48" RCP LIN FT $150.00 1,300 $195,000.00 3 102" DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH $14,000.00 5 $70,000.00 I SUBTOTAL 1,306.00 $280,000.00 10% CONTINGENCY 28,000.00 I SUBTOTAL 308,000.00 25% INDIRECT COSTS 77,000.00 I TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 385,000.00 I , I I I I I I I I I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF SHAKOPEE 17th A venue Improvements PID PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONT STREET SANITARY WATER STORM TOTAL ADDRESS FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT Gene Hauer Farms 270470310 2449 Eagle Creek Blvd N/A O-L C KILLARNEY HILLS 412 $114,795.56 $0.00 $12,673.12 $0.00 $127,468.68 ADDN Shakopee, MN 55379 Gene Hauer Farms 270470300 2449 Eagle Creek Blvd N/A O-L 8 KILLARNEY HILLS 477 $132,906.51 $0.00 $14,672.52 $0.00 $147,579.03 ADDN Shakopee, MN 55379 Gene Hauer Farms 2449 Eagle Creek Blvd N/A O-L A KILLARNEY HILLS 429 $119,532.27 $0.00 $13,196.04 $0.00 270470290 ADDN $132,728.31 Shakopee, MN 55379 Amalgamated Land Co. 3690 Eagle Creek SECT-09 TWP-115 RNG-022 279090070 3900 Mexico Ave E, Ste 610 W 20A OF E1/2 SW1/4 LYING 563 $156,868.69 $0.00 $17,317.88 $0.00 $174,186.57 Blvd S OF RD EX 3.85A - Denver, CO 80210 Myron C Webster 3960 Eagle Creek SECT-09 TWP-115 RNG-022 279090050 3960 Eagle Creek Blvd Blvd E1/2 SW1/4 LYING S & W OF 705 $196,434.15 $0.00 $21,685.80 $0.00 $218,119.95 Shakopee, MN 55379 RD, EX W 20A Shakopee Gravel Inc SECT-16 TWP-115 RNG-022 279160100 1650 CO RD 83 SW1/4 NW1/4 & N1/2 NW1/4 $720,537.18 $33,000.00 $79,545.36 $385,000.00 $1,218,082.54 1650 CO RD 83 EX 5AEX PARK MEADOWS 2,586 PO BOX 690 1ST Shakopee, MN 55379 ... TOTAL = 2,018,165.08 *** Because of rounding the numbers in the assessment roll are not identical to numbers contained in the report. Feasibility Report 17th Avenue Extension - 8M to CR83 City of Shakopee Project No: 2006-1 I , , I MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING I This memorandum of understanding is entered into by the City of Shako pee (City) and Scott County (County) on 2001. I WHE AS, the City has prepared a feasibility study for CSAH 83/16 area, dated February 20,2001; and I WHEREAS, the feasibility study reviewed several alternatives for the realignment of CSAH 16 and 17th Avenue as it would intersect CSAH 83; and I WHEREAS, the City and County have had public meetings with the residents and property owners adjacent to CSAH 83 and CSAH 16; and I WHEREAS, the City and County have agreed that the alignment extending the new east-west minor arterial highway along 17th A venue alignment (north of Shakopee Gravel) would provide the best I operational characteristics for CSAH 83 and the new minor arterial (CSAH 16/17th Avenue); and WHEREAS, the City and County have agreed that the construction ofCSAH 83, 16 and this east- west minor arterial will be completed in phases. The first phase to include the upgrading of existing I CSAH 83 and the realignment of existing CSAH 16 both east and west of CSAH 83. The next phases would be the extension of the east-west minor arterial (17th Avenue/CSAH 16) to CSAH 83, as shown on the attached drawing; and I WHEREAS,the City and County desire to document their respective understandings regarding certain aspects ofthe proposed alignment, proposed project, future jurisdictional changes and the timing I of these items. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY UNDERSTOOD THAT: I 1. CSAH 83/16 Upgrade Project I A. The City of Shakopee wiIl be the lead agency in the development of all plans and specifications. The County will review and approve such plans and specifications. The Plans shaIl also be submitted for State Aid approval. I B. The City of Shakopee will identify and describe in legal terms for easement purposes the required permanent and temporary right-of-way required. I . The City will through its platting process acquire through dedications all permanent and temporary right-of-way from the Valley Green properties abutting this project. . The County in coordination with the City shall have the identified right-of-way needs I appraised and acquire such through negotiations and/or eminent domain proceedings. . Upon completion of the project, that part of the CSAH 16 right-of-way from the existing alignment prior to said project which is detennined by the County to be excess right-of- I waywill be vacated to the underlying fee/property owner subject to compliance with statutes and established procedures. However, the County/City will retain an easement for any public utility remaining in said right-of-way. I I I . , I C. The County will enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the City prior to award of construction I contract that will specify the rules and responsibilities of each party for the construction project. . Such Cooperative Agreement will include a detailed cost estimate for the project and a I breakdown of the costs by responsible parties. . The County agrees to participate in the project based on the final construction costs attributed to the County. Preliminary estimates have the County share at $62,550 for I right-of-way acquisition and $997,108 for construction costs for a total County commitment of $1 ,059,658. I D. The City shall have satisfied and received approval from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. I E. The City and County acknowledge that, as the jurisdictional authority for CSAR 83 and CSAH 16, the County retains the right to make any and all determinations on traffic control and access along these two highways. I F. The City as part of the Developer's Agreement with Valley Green will require a traffic analysis of CSAH 83 as a condition of each proposed stage of development in order to enforce maintenance of the Level-of-Service (LOS) for the access points of the overall development to a minimum I LOS ofD. This may include denial of specific development types due to the high traffic generating impacts to the site and access points. I Should the LOS exceed LOS D the City shall not approve the development unless the CitylDeveloper can through additional transportation improvements, reduction in development or by other means bring the LOS into compliance. I The City or its assigns shall be responsible for the cost of the traffic analysis and any measures needed to mitigate the LOS. Any proposed work within the County Highway RIW shall be I approved by the County following its procedures. 2. East-West Minor Arterial I A. The East-West Minor Arterial from approximately ~ mile east of CSAH 17 to CSAH 83 will be constructed at such time that one or more of the following occur: I . Development of the property east of C8AR 17 to the Shakopee Gravel property. I . The City and County agree that traffic conditions indicate a safety problem exists or is imminent at the CSAH 83 and CSAR 16 intersections, or adjoining segments. Such problems may be apparent through excessive delays to traffic on CSAR 16 and/or CSAR I 83 or through crash problems in this area. . Four years from the completion of the CSAH 83/16 project. I B. The City will be responsible for development of all plans and specifications for the east-west Minor Arterial road extension to CSAH 83. The County will review such plans and specifications. I c. Upon completion of 17m A venue to CSAH 83, the County will assume jurisdiction of 17m Avenue I from CR 79 to CSAR 83. In addition, the City will assume jurisdiction of C8AR 16 from C8AH 17 to CSAH 83. I' . . , I CITY OF SHAKOPEE SCOTT COUNTY I JO~::~~ I Art Bannerman, Chair City of Shakopee Scott County Board of Commissioners I Dated: .. 10 ~ 9 !o / Dated: ~ .. I I rwo. tVLuU I Mark McNeill David Unmacht City of Shakopee Administrator Scott County Administrator I Dated: 7/0"/{) ( Dated: I Approved as to form: I . Cox Thomas Harbinson Shako pee Clerk Scott County Attorney I Dated: ,il CJ /0/ Dated: , I I I I I I I 1 w:\word\mou\shakopee - 83-16-17th ave.doc I - I I~ I ~ .-~ . , ~ ~ . " I :" .."..~~ c.: ,.;.,0. ' )." ..'.-'1 . ...' ,.,.- ..... ,.,. I '\" "~-".~~~=~-'~:~~::~:::::; .,.----.----.....' .------- 83' -"":- .".... .'..-.,... '. ,...... ,: ~ -."-. -~ ~ . --.......... ...... ....-........-. I ~ .--.. ..... j . - . -,..,..' ~ . . " I - '._ ~ ""'ll1i1 .." . ...... I -- . . '."" " . .... .~ I :....::~~.::J~...F. . . · ~ . . . . . . . . . . \....:.(.. ....... :- '",', ~-:... ,.. '. . . . Future 17th Avenue ' '. .' -. .,.-. --- . . ;,;::-=::::~~" t- Shakonee I .. ,., . '...,....' ,,,..i......:... :.... "'-'. , ' '" . . : .... . :' '.;.-'" "'..,.... ..... . , " ':'-.,.. I I --'. I I I I l' I ....,.,...'..,.,'. .,..1 '.. ,.., , ,.. '. ".....:. .~. . .. '4" ... : . ....',..... ~. . . I SCOTTCO~ ,.. ..'>> l '-S I Scott County Public Works I Location Map I CSAH 83/ CSAH 16 Improvements - Feasibility Report I