HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Transit Issues ~5 CITY OF SHAKOPEE Memorandum CASE LOG NO.: NA TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Shakopee Department Heads FROM: R. Michael Leek, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Update on Activities related to Unified Transit Management Plan (UTMP) implementation DATE: September 19,2005 INTRODUCTION: Since the Council adopted the UTMP, work has proceeded on several fronts to implement the recommendations on the UTMP. Staff believes it is a good time to bring the Council up to date on these activities, especially since some of those activities implicate the use of Shako pee Transit reserve funds in the near future. ADOPTION OF THE UTMP: There were several partners in the UTMP study. The cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee, Scott County, as well as the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) have now adopted the UTMP. One of these partners (the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community/SMSC) apparently will notbe adopting the UTMP;while another (the Metropolitan Council) has not yet adopted it, but a date will soon be set for that purpose. PARK AND RIDE SITE PLANNING: Through both the UTMP and the CSAH 21 EIS processes, a number of possible locations for park and ride sites were identified. These sites were evaluated by local staff, as well as Craig LaMothe, a Metropolitan Council staff person who specializes in park and ride location and design. This review led to the conclusion that actions be taken to secure two possible sites. The first of these is part ofthe Southbridge Crossings East area, and is located south ofTH 169 and on the east side of CSAH 18. It has been suggested that this site be used as both a temporary and permanent park and ride location. The second site is located south of CSAH16 and would be on the west side of future CSAH 21. It is part ofthe property known as Shutrop South. The Transit Review Board (TRB) authorized the use ofUTMP fund balance for site assessment and appraisal. Discussions have been initiated with the owners of both ofthejdentified sites. A key item of discussion in connection with the CSAH 18 site is whether a future east-west access can be created to connect Southbridge East and West. Funding for acquisition of the sites is expecte4 tq 9qllle from Mt:itrqpolitan Council funds, as well as Prior Lake and Shakopee transit reserve funds. The Transit Planning Team (TPT) and Transit Review Board (TRB) have begun work on an agreement that would set forth the terms of H:\CC\2005\09-20\TRANSIT UPDA TE.doc 1 ownership, operation and maintenance of the park and ride sites. Once completed, the agreement will require approval by the elected bodies of each of the partnering entities." Scott County prepared and submitted applications for CMAQ and STP funds for the sites. EXPRESS SERVICE: The UTMP recommends that the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee focus on providing express commuter service. Prior Lake previously contracted for two morning and afternoon commuter runs to downtown Minneapolis. Recently, the Prior Lake has implemented a third commuter run, and now routes those buses down TH 169. Currently Shakopee contracts with Scott County Transit to provide express connections to the Bumsville Transit Hub. To implement the recommendations of the UTMP, the City will need to seek proposals for the provision of direct service down TH 169 to downtown Minneapolis. Possible contractors for such service are MVT A, Metro Transit, private bus companies. In addition, the City will need to acquire 40-foot coaches for that service. Staff is working with consultant George Bentley to develop an RFP for the service itself, and has been working on the process to secure the needed coaches. CIRCULATOR SERVICE: The UTMP also recommends that circulator services be local services, provided by the cities. Shakopee's circulator service (and related summer service) is provided under contract with Scott County Transit. It is expected that Shakopee's circulator would continue in very much its present form. DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICE: Under the UTMP, it is recommended that dial-a-ride services be provided only by Scott County, and not by the individual cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee. MARKETING ACTIVITIES: A marketing committee was convened during the preparation of the UTMP. The members of the committee have been staff representatives from the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee, Scott County, Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVT A), and the Metropolitan Council. Now that the participating jurisdictions have adopted the UTMP, the marketing committee is scheduled to meet on Monday, September 19,2005. Topics for discussion at that meeting will be; 1. UTMP Marketing Values 2. Identify marketing committee's purpose 3. List expected outcomes from the marketing committee 4. Other resources that may be available 5. Other service or resource needs. ACTION REQUESTED: H:\CC\2005\09-20\TRANSIT UPDA TE.doc 2 Provide City staffwith direction regarding whether to continue to move ahead with the following; 1. Working with the Metropolitan Council and Prior Lake to acquire the identified transit park and ride sites using transit reserve funds; 2. Developing an agreement for ownership, operation, and management of the transit sites; 3. Acquiring coaches for express commuter service; 4. Working with Scott County Transit to transition all dial a ride service to the County. dAu~ R. Michael Leek Community Development Director H:\CC\2005\09-20\TRANSIT UPDA TE.doc 3