HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.C.3. Adopt a Revised Street Lighting Policy-Res. No. 7301 General Business 9. C. 3. `i[4,�K(.)i'�;}; TO: Mayor and City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator FROM: Bruce Loney, Public Works Director DATE: OS/07/2013 SUBJECT: Adopt a Revised Street Lighting Policy - Res. No. 7�01 (E) Action Sought Adopt Resolution No. 7301, a Resolution Adopting a Revised Street Lighting Policy Background The City of Shakopee adopted Resolution No. 4923, a resolution adopting a street lighting policy on June 2, 1998. Shakopee Public Utilities Commission (SPUC)adopted the policy as well. There have been changes in street light poles and light fixtures, particularly with LED's,thus revising the policy was warranted. City staff and SPUC staff have reviewed and commented on the draft policy that was prepared by Ken Taillon of SEH. The major changes are in the light poles being anodized tapered aluminum poles versus fiberglass and LED luminaires. ln addition to the policy are detail sheets showing the light poles and luminaires mentioned in the policy. This dratt policy is going to the May 6, 2013 SPUC meeting for their review and approval. Any changes will be brought forward to the May 7,2013 City Council meeting. Recommendation Staff recommends adoption of Resolution No. 7301, a resolution adopting a revised street lighting policy. Budget Impact The changes will affect the street lighting cost to new developments and to City road projects where street lights are required. May see a slight increase in initial cost, but savings in the long term costs. SPUC will see a reduction in power to be donated by going to LED luminaires. Relationship to Vision This supports Goal E, "Deliver effective and efficient public services by a staff of well-trained, caring, and professional employees". Requested Action Adopt Resolution No. 7301,A Resolution Adopting a Revised Street Lighting Policy. Attachments: RESOLUTION NO. 7301 RED-LINED DRAFT REVISED STREET L1GHTING POLICY DRAFT REVISED STREET LIGHTING POLICY LIGHTING UNITS RESOLUTION NO. 7301 A Resolution Adopting A Revised Street Lighting Policy For The City of Shakopee WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a written policy on street lighting for the City of Shakopee; and WHEREAS, a Street Lighting Policy was adopted on June 2, 1998 by Resolution No.4923; and WHEREAS, changes in lighting standards for poles and luminaires are desired for the Street Lighting Policy; and WHEREAS, a Revised Street Lighting Policy has been prepared and was reviewed by the City Council at its May 7, 2013 Council meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHAKOPEE,MINNESOTA: 1. That the Revised Street Lighting Policy, a copy of which is attached hereto is hereby adopted. 2. This policy shall become effective May 7, 2013. Adopted in session of the City Council of the City of Shakopee, Minnesota,held this day of , 2013. Mayor of the City of Shakopee ATTEST: City Clerk ENGR/2013-PROJECI'S/COUNCIL-RES7301 REVISEDSTREETLIGHTWGPOLICY � ��inr.►. CITY OF SHAKOPEE STREET LiGHTING POLICY L O�'ERVIEW' �I'hr City intends that this street lighting pc�licy promote the safe travel oFCit� streets in a manncr both fair and affordable to the City and its residents. Strect li�hting promotes pedestrian and traftic safety and to that extent the Cit} shall�ppruve street lighting��here warrantcd by such concerns. Lighting requests shall come either by recommendation of the Cit� Engineer or by property o�vners. IL STREET LIGHTING STANDARDS A. GENERAL STANDARDS 1. The de�e(oper shall pa� the full capital costs ofevery�tli��i�tins unit to be installed. This includes poles,#+}tu+eslumin�iires.con�iuit.underground �•iring,li,l�tin�_�runtrollc��and all appwtenant�vork. "Che dc�eloper shalt pav operation and maintenance for the�+�tli��htina system:as per City Ordinances and Shakopee Public Utilities Commission's Polic�. PLAN APPROVAL-All lighting plans are submitted to the City and Shakopee Public Utilities ICommission for re�ie�� ���ith the appro��al of street lighting ptans�is determincd.by Shakopee Public Utilities Commission's Utility Manager ancl the Cit�'s Nublic�1 orks Directur. B. NEVV SUBDIVISlONS 1. Resldentin!street.s((Average!ot size of 2.5 acres or/ess) ��e�-I+�}t,I.i��htina units shall be placed at intersections,�ti�ith no more than 300 feet bet��een�1�?,;li�>htine units 4vhere intersections are more thun 450 fcet:apart.and at the ends of cul-de-sacs��here the distance from the end ofthe cul-de-sac to the street intersection is greater than 250 f'eet. � Decelopers shall also install�+���t,;li�htin��ui�it.�o City Standards at the intersections of residential streets with collector streets. � 'The liehting++�ft++iunit standards shall be as per Shakopee Public Utilities Commission�s recommendations and generalh as f'ollo�cs: Local Residential Streets—_2�1--t�x>t#+�-�e�4e-,dirrct embediicd.dark hrunze anodi�ed taperea_a�lurninum�lc�vith-K�E3-a 70-watt I�+alr Nresst�e �i�t�r-Na-�':��-i-�{�d�+�F�t;LED luminaire mountin�hzi�ht of 1 approvimately 19.5 feet above�lae-�xrH�+f�lli,�iish�.l��ra.lc. ti�c('varh Lant�rn Li��htin�1'nit f)ctail. -- - --- 2. Residentinl Streels(Average lot size Is greater 1/ran 2.S acres) � �t+z�t-�+<��t_�trrx#;t�l:_isliti,n�,unit�shall bc the same as for lucal residential strects�vhere averaee lot size is 2.5 acres or less. Street lights I shall bc placcd at intcrsections.��it(�no more than 600 feet bet��een a�t�liUlitin�=uni�5���herc intersections are morc than 900 tcet apart,and a[ the ends of cul-de-sacs�vherc thc distancc ti•om end of cul-de-sac tu the I street intersection is greater than S00 feet. Sc�Cc�ach Lantcrn I.i<�htina U nit l)�tail. 3. Arterin/«nd Co!lector Streets in Residen[ia/Areus 4:i�,r�l+,���!��I_i�htins uniu shall be placed at intersections and spaced no more than 300 feet bet��een li;_I�ts-li�_htin�_units where intersections are more than 450 feet apart.���ith��it_���u+�;i�a�441i��htin=_�t� �icall� altemating trom onc sidc to the other depending on the width of the street. � I'he(ightin�#t:tit«rrunit standards shall be per Shakopee Public Utilities Commission's recommendations and generally as follo�vs: Arterial and Collector Streets(north of Shakopee Bypass�Z 4Q--foot ���ooden poles���i[h?3t-}#1:{�.s'�,.-�4�}:�����,-+r�-eH� �: . 'txtr•+c:�a 1(�0- ���ai�recti(in�ar LI:I) luminaire and�{�4-+s�l 6-1��ot arm ha��inz�Iwninairc muimtin��hei�*ht of approximately 32 feet above�-arf>tt+�#tinishcd erade. Arterial and Collector Street(south of Shakopee Bypass)Z 34-_foot #+��rur=r�sdirect eml�edded.eJsrk hr�mze an��diieel ta ered aluminwn pole with3�Osi 1bQ-��attld:(a:�.-}a�{����-i�l�a��±�1aa_�-st�-l���+�tFF�Eatesrectilinear 1_Ell luminaire and�iE-'rsa(i-liiot z�rm h<i�ins a Iwninairz mountin� heiahi of'approximately 28 feet above t#�eet�tellinishtd�rade. See I2ectilinear St��le Li��hlins!l_lnit[7etail. 4. Industrinl Arens �����-I i�-4�t i N=���te��t+c4�;-sl�;�F4-I,e-t�te--�hi�e,tti-E=r��l�rit,+��tre��-f,«atrt k�t�+ ���t�3�-E�etss�—�:Er•�t�-Ii�t�;l.i�litii���_iinits shall t�e placed at intersections and spaced no more than 4�0 feet a;�rrfhet��ecn liehtin��uniu ��fiere intersections are more than 67�feet apart. l.i^_hti:i�� imitti sh,ill hr the sami as(`��Ilcctur Streets(svulh<�I�Shaku��ee {i�l,.�ssl. ���_R�clilinear Sl�'le I,i�_ltUn_ l,!nu I)�Igil, 2 S. Conrmerci�rl Areas � } ���,.,ii„,.,..c,.....��. �Ftett-Iiel�fi+t_=:�E•:�t<1�}r<<,�k;�1-��-�l�.-�;t+��—� «�.r���. T=, �-it�+��N-F�i;Ef+et�;l�;�4�-1�atirs�f������±�t-�I.i�htin��units shall be placed at intersections and spaced no morc than 300 fect behveen�i;l�t�li�hur��� unii���here intersections are more than�150 fect apart.��ith�i�,}tEsli�_htin�� unit,ahernating t�rom one side to die other depcnding on thc�vidth ofthe street. (,Strcet IiRhtin���andards shall hc�he ti�im��u C'ailrctor tiU��cts(suuth uC �Irikupez E3��pass). See Rectilinear St��le Liehtin�_Llnit DctaiL � 6. Pedcstrinrt i�'at'.s nnr!Trails �'=� -_-- ' ----- --_`�I`tc�#ale�i�u�ctitest�iz�r�ir•a+H-erttl . ��l--tcr�xt}ti+d�,� t�-i r���-=Ee��e--�ec#esn��n�._ �1'•tlk������n�l U'ail li��htina wiits.��hen a��ro�ed h� the Cih.shall bc pl�iccd alon�� pcdcsh•i�n trails and��alk��a�s and at intcrscctions��ith �s�in<>to hr drtrrinincd on a desi��n hasis.l.i2htin�_unit orientatiun��ill be ot�timiie�tu pro�idr lishl r�rimaril� tu the��esU•ian��a�.The dunatiun of�no���cr tbr thcse t��c of liehtins units�could be detern�incd b�� SPIEC on a casc b� r.ise basis. (�hc li��htin�� unit standards shall bc per Shak«pee Puhlic lliilities Commission's recommcndatic�ns and eenerall� as li>Ilo���s: �)u��ntoan Centr�l 1.3usiness District.bridee t�alk��atis_pcdcstrian tr�ils and plur�s: Decorati��c tlutcd uluminum}x�le,ni����der-coated d.�rk bronze in ct�lur���ith�tn g0-���att LI�U(ui»inaire ha��in�a luminaire mowitinQ hci�ht of'a�ni�im�jtrl� 1� fcrt aho�r linishe�l eiaiie."The pole shaU l�e mountcil to a eoncrete anchor bxsc._Sec Pe�lestrian�4'a��and T�rail Liehtin�� l_'nit Uctail. 7 Specia/Leghtl»g Dishlcts Formatted`Fonr.Ita�ic —_���—� Special lighting districts can be estabiished only �;hen appro�cd b� the Cit� Council and lJtilities Commission(LE. Do«nto�rn Ccntral Busin�ss nistrict). � Formatted:Indent:left: 1" C. EXISTING SUBD(VISIONS I Where[raffic safet�clearl� �+arrants,a strcet-�+�tliehtin��iinit may bc placcd upon the recommendation of the City Engincer s oftice.The basis of such ��arrants shall be a minimum average daily traffic of 2000 vchicles or a layout 3 such that.in thc City Engineer's estimation.signiticant impro�ement in safet} � might be obtained by�the placement of a street-Ei�t:li�htin;�unit, Since the benefit af such installations extends to the Cit� as a��hole,these��•ill be donc at Cit� expense. Whcn prupem owners request additiunal lighting lor thc ncighborhoods.the} must do so b� �titian -signed b, 60°io ot�the propeity o��ncrs affectrd by the propused light. The allected area shall be (�0 lincar fcet on either sidc of the I proposed light.on both sidcs of thc strcct. 'Chc placement of the t+r�E�k*se k+���ru�u;r,i li<=htin�� uni� shall be srecitied in thc petition. Petitioncrs shall approach the City.prior to circulatine their petitian.to obtain diccction as to � ���here street liehts are warranted for their neighborhoods. �:+glat�;f_i�htin_u��_it shall be appro�ed if the��meet thc criteria f'or street li¢hting standards. Cf appro��ed.each st+e�=t-�+��rt(i�htin�� unit shall be paid for b��th�affected residents. Pa�ment shall be made prior to the installation of the 1i<_I}tli�_htin�_unit and shall includc thc cost of�les, tixtures.r�md��ii,underground wiring and all appurtenant���ork. "t�he method of pa}ment shall be as directed by the City Finance Department. The Citv shall assume operation and maintenance costs for a light from lhe time it is energized b}'thc utility and as per City/Shakopee Public Utilities Commission agre�ments by separate resolutions. ln existing de�clopments,new���;li�htin�units shall match in st;le and wattage those almady in place. [f no�i�Fi�sliehtine uni�;are currenUy in place. then I(i�)r��-z;�a I6(I-���att1-r��_•���T���.���;€�l+trritf{ .4-�':�-}-4+•�1��4-t+t-tN�i+��-4�ea<1-�+ E���c4+ti«t�<��-4H-Fel I�,D rrculin�ar li�htir�e unit or a 70-�rt�tt coz�h lant�rn shall be the standard. D. COUNTY HIGHWAYS � L �t+rtE-�±�;I.i��htin«unit>shall be placed in intersections���hen the strcct light warrants,as established by Scott Countti {ti�h��ay Department hace becn met. lf warrants are met.per County polic�.the Cvunl� pays for thc � installation of the I���_htli<_>4�tinr�w�it Fvith the cost of maintcnancc and operation to be provided as a¢reed upon in separate resolutions b� the Cit� and Shakopee Public Utilities Commission. � 2. �:�ee-�-�+=l�t� Li_htin_unit�at intersections of City strcets to County� roads may he installcd b� the City,if trafEic and pedestrian safet;cEearly I warcan[s a�i��Ii��htin4_iinit in the estimation of the Public Works Director anct as appru�ed b� City Council. 'Che basis of such��arrants shall be a minimum a�eraee dail} traffic volume throueh the intersection of 2,500 vehicles per da� or 250 vehides per non-da�listht hour��hich is detined 6:00 N.M.to 6:00 A.M.or if there haae been three accirlents per ycar that have occurred during conditions other than da�iieht or a la�out such that in the Public Works Director s estimalion significant improvement in � safct} might be obtlined b� the placement of a�4-�+�+xli��htin__unit and if the County road speed limit is posted at=t0 m.p.h.or morc. � ( 3. �t+et�-I:�,ht�l.i�_htii���unit,at interseetions ma��bc appro�°ed by City Council if���arrants arc not mct,per Scott County�and the Cit�°Eneineer.if propert} ciwncrs petition the City and pa� for the initial cost. � 4. InstallaCion of str-z�t�+_�1tty:linhtine units alon�a Countc road bet���een intcrsections for traf�ic and pedestrian safel;:��ill be re�ie��ed on a case bv case basis b� Ci[� Council. IIL FUNDING OF COSTS � A. (�ITtAL INSTALLATIO�OF�""z-Tt'����L.iGll I'I'v�G — - ,1. Ne�� Subdivisions � Formatted:Font:Not 8old ----�-y. fFormatted:Indent LeR: 1',Hanging: 0.5" `- �----_=_--- ResidentiaL commercial and industrial de�elopers��ill pay tbr thc strcct ' Formatted:IndenC LeR: 1.5^ lighting s�stem and enter into an agreement��ith Shakopec Yubtic Utilities �__.___------- Commission. Existing Subdi�isions � rwrmatted:Fonr.Noceoa �' � -- ---- Formatted:Indent:LeR: 1",liarging: U.5", Ne���stre��lit+;lis�h�in�units would bc paid for by benetitting properties � �� �Pwimne�a through upfront pa�ments to th�Cit�. The Cih will rcimburse Shakopee Formatted:Indent•LeR: 1.5",Keep with next � Public Utilities Commission for installation of st+�eeN�i��}i�;liahtin<�_uniu. � � ,3. Collector Streets ��matted:FonC Not Bold Formatted:IndenC LefL• 1",Hanqing: 0.5' � -- - -- _ - -- AII�tFe�t-�i==t�slitiht�n��uni�s in devclopine areas���ill be paid by the ' �� � Formattea.Indenc:i.ett: 15^ benetittine properties except the City«�ill pay thc additional costs,if any, — ^-�� fTOm the required streM lightine system for the dcvelopment. I � _ ;l. County Roads � . Formatted:Font Not Bo1d ,x .va�y�� FormaKed lndent Left 1 Hanginq D.5" I _... _ Ne��st;���li<�htin«units not meetin�County���arrants.but meeting ' Fwmatted.IndeM LeR: 1 5 Cit} ��arrants,and ifapproved by City Council,would be considered a -��-- --- benefit to[he Community as a��fiole and paid by the City 6�om the Capital Improvement Fund or other funds as designated b� City Council. B. REPLACEMENT OF FIXTURES � I. The replaccment of��ul�t+r�u-E+�++t-�;!uminairc,is a m�intcnance cost tc�thc Cit�. C. OPER.�T[NG COSTS 5 L The cost of po��er ti�r street lighting is provided b� Shako�:c Public Utilities Commission,as part of contrihutions from Shakopcc Public Utilities Commissiim to the City.as agreed u�n in separate resolutions. D. NIAINTENANCE COSTS I. Shakopre Public Utilities Commission donates the cost of relamping and routinc maintenancr ser�ices fur street lighting as provided by Shakopcc Public Utilities Commissiun.as part of contributions Irom Shakopee Public Utilities Commissian to the Cit} as a¢reed upon in separatc resolutions. � I�V(iR�ti1�.\\I).�Itl)v�l�itl�.l�l.l.l(�IIIINI�-i'�II.ICY.IHt.\F'i G DRAFT CITY OF SHAKOPEE STREET LIGHTING POLICY L OVERVIEW The City intends that this street lighting policy promote the safe travel of City streets in a manner both fair and affordable to the City and its residents. Street lighting promotes pedestrian and traffic safety and to that extent the City shall approve street lighting where warranted by such concerns. Lighting requests shall come either by recommendation of the City Engineer or by property owners. IL STREET LIGHTING STANDARDS A. GENERAL STANDARDS ]. The developer shall pay the full capital costs of every lighting unit to be installed. This includes poles, luminaires, conduit, underground wiring, lighting controllers and all appurtenant work. The developer shall pay operation and maintenance for the lighting system as per City Ordinances and Shakopee Public Utifities Commission's Policy. PLAN APPROVAL—All lighting plans are submitted to the City and Shakopee Public Utilities Commission for review with the approval of street lighting plans as determined by Shakopee Public Utilities Commission's Utility Manager and the City's Public Works Director. B. NEW SUBDIVISIONS 1. Residential streets ((Average lot size of 2.S acres or less) Lighting units shall be placed at intersections, with no more than 300 feet between lighting units where intersections are more than 450 feet apart, and at the ends of cul-de-sacs where the distance from the end of the cul- de-sac to the street intersection is greater than 250 feet. Developers shall also install lighting units to City Standards at the intersections of residential streets with collector streets. The lighting unit standards shall be as per Shakopee Public Utilities Commission's recommendations and generally as follows: Local Residential Streets: 24-foot direct embedded, dark bronze anodized tapered aluminum pole with a 70-watt LED luminaire mounting height of approximately 19.5 feet above finished grade. See Coach Lantern Lighting Unit Detail. 1 2. Resideritial Streets (Average lot size is greater than 2.S acres) Lighting units shall be the same as for local residential streets where average lot size is 2.5 acres or less. Street lights shall be placed at intersections, with no more than 600 feet between lighting units where intersections are more than 900 feet apart, and at the ends of cul-de-sacs where the distance from end of cul-de-sac to the street intersection is greater than 500 feet. See Coach Lantern Lighting Unit Detail. 3. Arterial and Collector Streets in Residential Areas Lighting units shall be placed at intersections and spaced no more than 300 feet between lighting units where intersections are more than 450 feet apart, with lighting typically alternating from one side to the other depending on the width of the street. The lighting unit standards shall be per Shakopee Public Utilities Commission's recommendations and generally as follows: Arterial and Collector Streets (north of Shakopee Bypass): 40-foot wooden poles with a 160-watt rectilinear LED luminaire and a 6-foot arm having a luminaire mounting height of approximately 32 feet above finished grade. Arterial and Collector Street (south of Shakopee Bypass): 34-foot direct embedded, dark bronze anodized tapered aluminum pole with a 160-watt rectilinear LED luminaire and a 6-foot arm having a luminaire mounting height of approximately 28 feet above finished grade. See Rectilinear Style Lighting Unit Detail. 4. Industrial Areas Lighting units shall be placed at intersections and spaced no more than 450 feet between lighting units where intersections are more than 675 feet apart. Lighting units shall be the same as Collector Streets (south of Shakopee Bypass). See Rectilinear Style Lighting Unit Detail. S. Corremercial Areas Lighting units shall be placed at intersections and spaced no more than 300 feet between lighting units where intersections are more than 450 feet apart, with lighting units alternating from one side to the other depending on the width of the street. 2 Street lighting standards shall be the same as Collector Streets (south of Shakopee Bypass). See Rectilinear Style Lighting Unit Detail. 6. Pedestrian Ways and Trails Walkway and trail lighting units, when approved by the City, shall be placed along pedestrian trails and walkways and at intersections with spacing to be determined on a design basis. Lighting unit orientation will be optimized to provide light primarily to the pedestrian way. The donation of power for these type of lighting units would be determined by SPUC on a case by case basis. The lighting unit standards shall be per Shakopee Public Utilities Commission's recommendations and generally as follows: Downtown Central Business District, bridge walkways, pedestrian trails and plazas: Decorative fluted aluminum pole, powder-coated dark bronze in color with an 80-watt LED luminaire having a luminaire mounting height of approximately 15 feet above finished grade. The pole shall be mounted to a concrete anchor base. See Pedestrian Way and Trail Lighting Unit Detail. 7. Special Lighting Districts Special lighting districts can be established only when approved by the City Council and Utilities Commission (I.E. Downtown Central Business District). C. EXISTING SUBDIVISIONS Where traffic safety clearly warrants, a lighting unit may be placed upon the recommendation of the City Engineer's office. The basis of such warrants shall be a minimum average daily traffic of 2000 vehicles or a layout such that, in the City Engineer's estimation, significant improvement in safety might be obtained by the placement of a lighting unit. Since the benefit of such installations extends to the City as a whole, these will be done at City expense. When property owners request additional lighting for the neighborhoods, they must do so by petition—signed by 60%of the property owners affected by the proposed light. The affected area shall be 150 linear feet on either side of the proposed light, on both sides of the street. The placement of the proposed lighting unit shall be specified in the petition. Petitioners shall approach the City, prior to circulating their petition, to obtain direction as to where street lights are warranted for their neighborhoods. Lighting unit shall be approved if they meet the criteria for street lighting standards. If approved, each lighting unit shall be paid for by the affected residents. Payment shall be made prior to the installation of the lighting unit and shall 3 include the cost of poles, fixtures, conduit, underground wiring and all appurtenant work. The method of payment shall be as directed by the City Finance Department. The City shall assume operation and maintenance costs for a light from the time it is energized by the utility and as per City/Shakopee Public Utilities Commission agreements by separate resolutions. In existing developments, new lighting units shall match in style and wattage those already in place. If no lighting units are currently in place, then 160-watt LED rectilinear lighting unit or a 70-watt coach lantern shall be the standard. D. COUNTY HIGHWAYS 1. Lighting units shall be placed in intersections when the street light warrants, as established by Scott County Highway Department have been met. If warrants are met, per County policy, the County pays for the installation of the lighting unit with the cost of maintenance and operation to be provided as agreed upon in separate resolutions by the City and Shakopee Public Utilities Commission. 2. Lighting units at intersections of City streets to County roads may be installed by the City, if traffic and pedestrian safety clearly warrants a lighting unit in the estimation of the Public Works Director and as approved by City Council. The basis of such warrants shall be a minimum average daily traffic volume through the intersection of 2,500 vehicles per day or 250 vehicles per non-daylight hour which is defined 6:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. or if there have been three accidents per year that have occurred during conditions other than daylight or a layout such that in the Public Works Director's estimation significant improvement in safety might be obtained by the placement of a lighting unit and if the County road speed limit is posted at 40 m.p.h. or more. 3. Lighting units at intersections may be approved by City Council if warrants are not met, per Scott County and the City Engineer, if property owners petition the City and pay for the initial cost. 4. Installation of lighting units along a County road between intersections for traffic and pedestrian safety will be reviewed on a case by case basis by City Council. III. FUNDING OF COSTS A. INITIAL INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING 1. New Subdivisions Residential, commercial and industrial developers will pay for the street lighting system and enter into an agreement with Shakopee Public Utilities Commission. 4 2. Existing Subdivisions New lighting units would be paid for by benefitting properties through upfront payments to the City. The City will reimburse Shakopee Public Utilities Commission for installation of lighting units. 3. Collector Streets All lighting units in developing areas will be paid by the benefitting properties except the City will pay the additional costs, if any, from the required street lighting system for the development. 4. County Roads New lighting units not meeting County warrants, but meeting City warrants, and if approved by City Council, would be considered a benefit to the Community as a whole and paid by the City from the Capital Improvement Fund or other funds as designated by City Council. B. REPLACEMENT OF FIXTURES 1. The replacement of luminaires is a maintenance cost to the City. C. OPERATING COSTS 1. The cost of power for street lighting is provided by Shakopee Public Utilities Commission, as part of contributions from Shakopee Public Utilities Commission to the City, as agreed upon in separate resolutions. D. MAINTENANCE COSTS 1. Shakopee Public Utilities Commission donates the cost of relamping and routine maintenance services for street lighting as provided by Shakopee Public Utilities Commission, as part of contributions from Shakopee Public Utilities Commission to the City as agreed upon in separate resolutions. GN GR/STA N DA I�S/STREET-LI GHTI N GPOLIC Y-DRAFT 5 COACH STYLE �ED LANTERN LUMINAIRE � DARK BRONZE IN COLOR 19'-6" DIRECT EMBEDDED DARK BRONZE ANODIZED TAPERED ALUMINUM POLE RA CITY OF COACH LAN TERN REVISED: SHAKOPEE oz-i3 ,r�� ENGINEERING & LI GH TI N G U N I T DETAIL N0: `�����,,��-��� PUBLIC WORKS COI�,SMUHIIypRIDgS�lgyry DEPTS. APPROVED: C I TY ENG I N X X X RECTILINEAR LED SHOEBOX LUMINAIRE 6'-0" DARK BRONZE IN COLOR 28'-0" DIRECT EMBEDDED DARK BRONZE ANODIZED TAPERED ALUMINUM POLE GRA CITY OF REVISED: SHAKOPEE RECTILINEAR LIGHTING UNIT oz-,3 ENGINEERING & DETAIL No: `�,'� ����r�''��� �'�� �-� PUBLIC WORKS �)�'1:u-u. L��.�'. `,�' ��yg���g�ry DEPTS. aPPROVE�: C[TY ENC I N X X X UTILITY WASHINGTON LED ACORN LUMINAIRE �DARK BRONZE IN COLOR 180' 12" BOLT CIRCLE 10" BOLT CIRCLE 270' + 90' ACCESS DOOR 16" BASE 15'-0" LOCATION �. 8 YZ" OPENING ANCHORAGE DETAIL CHARLESTON FLUTED POLE DARK BRONZE IN COLOR BOLT CIRCLE 12" 3/4" ANCHOR BOLTS APPROVED LIGHT BASE FOUNDATION: MN/DOT CONCRETE LIGHT BASE DESIGN E MOD CITY OF PEDESTRIAN WAY Bc TRAIL REVISED: SHAKOPEE o2-i3 ENGINEERING & LI GH TI N G U N I T DETAIL No: ��� � ����,���� PUBLIC WORKS ��� � � XXX ��pg�,g��1g5ry DEPTS. APPROVED: C I TY ENG I N