HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.C.4. Extension Agreement with Bolton & Menke Inc for Design Services on the East Shakopee Sewer Improvements Project No. 2013-4 Consent Business 4. C. 4.
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TO: Mayor and City Council
Mark McNeill, City Administrator
FROM: Jeff Weyandt, Assistant City Engineer
DATE: OS/07/2013
SUBJECT: Extension Agreement with Bolton&Menk, Inc. far Design Services on the East Shakopee Sewer
Improvements Project No. 2013-4(B)
Actioo Sought
Authorize appropriate ciTy officials to enter into an extension agreement with Bolton&Menk, lnc. to provide
design and survey services far the East Industrial Sewer Improvements Project No. 20li-4.
Background -
Attached is a proposal from Bolton&Menk, Inc. to provide design and survey services for the East Industrial
Sewer Improvements. It is essential to complete the design as soon as possible for construction of the improvements
in 2013. City staff has done the preliminary design and drawings and need to have a consultant with the expertise to
complete the final design of a low pressure sewer system for this area. This project is for those properties abutting
CSAH 101 and Stagecoach Road from 70th Street to TH 169.
Staff recommends authorizing the appropriate city officials to enter iuto an extension agreement with Bolton&
Menk, lnc. to provide design and survey services for this project.
Budget Impact
Anticipated cost for their services is $73,435.00.This project will be funded by Assessments and the Sanitary Sewer
Relationship to Vision
This supports Goal B: "Positively manage the challenges and opportunities presented by growth, development and
Requested Action
Authorize appropriate city officials to enter into an extension agreement with Bolton&Menk, Inc. to provide
design and survey services for the East lndustrial Sewer lmprovements Project No. 2013-4.
Attachments: PROPOSAL
J. .. '1
�-,r-4 `� BC�t_TON $�. t`�✓'1 � N K , i rJ��,
!�� � j Cansulting Engineers & ��rveyr�rs
'�� � ' 2638 Shadow Lane Sui e 2 • h
�. � ,, ff �
t 00 C aska, MN 55318-1172
��--' ,. Phone(952)448-8838•Fax(952)448-8805
�`°--=---�' www.bolton-menk.com
May 1, 2013
City of Shakopee
Attn: Mr. Jeff W�yandt, Assistant City Fngineer
500 Gorman Street
Sh�kopee, 1V1N 55379
RF,: East Shakopee Industrial Sewer Improve;rnents
Dear Mr. Weyandt:
We are pleased to provide the following estimatr: of fees t�>provicic engineerin�services for the abovc;
refereilced E�roject. �
Pralect Scope:
The project consists of a cambination of;ravity sewer and small diameter pressure forcemain to provide
municipal sewer service to approsimately 16 parcels generally located along TH 101 and Stage Coach
Road fr��m 70`�'Street to TH 169.
It is our understanding the City is requesting engineering services to complete the c3csign, bid�ling and
construction of the East Shakopee Industrial Sewer Improvements Project. �
Proiect Tcrsks:
There are several tasks associated with the completion of the projeet as requested. The followine is a
summary�i'anticipated work tasks necessary to successfully complete the project as requzstecL The
attached Work Plan and Ho��r Estimate lists each task in greater detail.
T�sk 1: Coortlination Witli Citv—Bolton �h'[enk will coordinate and attend meetings and coordinake
witll City staff re�arcling c(esiun tlet�ails, speeifieations,ete. as rec�uired ancl or re�tiesred by tl�e City.
"I'ask 2: Ninal Desi np anc� S�ecif'ications—Bolton & Menk will modify as necessa�y and complete plans
previously partially prepared by City staff, pi•epare specitications, details, permics, SWPPP, acquirc
additional topograj�hic ancl private utiliry data acquisitiorl,ete.
Task 3: Bid Services—City staff will be completing tl�c majority of these tasks. Bolron & Menk will �
upload the bidding dc>ew��ents to Quest, pr��vide answcrs ro hidder yuestions, and any other services
requesTed by City staff.
F:��Prc�po�.dslShaknpea\(:ast Shakopee Indusuial St�vcr Improvmenls\East Shakopce h�dusnial Sewer F�e Estimate.doc
f3oltan&Mcnh is an cyual opportunity cmploycr
, City of St�akopee
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,�� }� � May 1, �013
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T�tsk 4: CunsU�u�ti�m..S�rvi�es—City staff�vill be pr��vidin� construction aclminish��iti��n an� inspecCiun
srrvices. Boiton & Meuk will provide constr�ietion stt�kii�o services, and assist in copstructiun
administiation �ts rec��iested by City staff. �
Task S__Pr�iect Cioseout—CiCy staff will providit�g many of these services. Bolton & Menk�vill
complet� an as-built survey, prepare as-built drawings, with field data collected by us,and�s pr��vided by
the City, an�l assist in final prujeet acceptance,etc. as requested hy City staff.
Eslinialed E�txi�ieerurQ Fees:
As indicatecl on the-attaclied�Vork Plm� and Hour�stimate, we estimate approximat�ly 6�4? hours of staft
time is required ro complete the project as requ�stcd.
We propose to complete the requested engineering services as idcntified in the attaclied Work Plan and
Hour Estin�iate,�.>n an liourly basis based on actual hours ex�endc�l and the hourly rate of eacll staff person
cornpletin�the tasks.
Based on the at�adied woi�k Ylan and Holir E'stimate,the estimated tolal fees to complete tlie rec�u�steci
envineering services identii'ied herein is �73,435.00.
Should fcwcr hours be required to completc the projcct, the total fee will be less.
If this fee estimate is acceptable to tllc City. Bolton & Menk is pre�ared to commence work on the projcct
as soon as possible upon notification of authorization to proceed. Uiir intent would bc Co have thc project
ready For bid within approximately 4-6 weeks of authorization to proceed, assuming no unforeseen delay�s
ar� �ncountered caused by other ageneies beyond our comrol.
Thank you for the opporttmiry to provicie this Fee estiniate. Wc look forward to working «�ith you on this
project, as well as other opportunities available to provide engineering services tior your con�n�unity.
Respectfully SubtnitTcd,
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John K. S�vanson,P.E.
C=:�SPruposah�Shakopce\F:axt Shakopce Industrial Sewrr Improvrncrn�ll�ast Shakopec Indusrtlal Scwcr P�e[;stimme.doc
Work Plan&Hour Estimate
Easi Shakopee Industrial Sewer Improvements
CaorAlnefe Wrfh Crt (Meefin s and CommuincalionsJ 2 70 10 22
7bIalGityCoortllnafwnEstima(eOHnurs 2 �p �� z2
.._.... 51.309.00 -.......__$t.05C.00 _.
ToL�1 C�ry Coorcirnntan Fstimnted f,ost y7g0.Cp '
FinalOeslgnand5pacl/icatlons ����������� � -� �
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Dala Colletlar..Uli1911es.S�.inoy,o(e. I 2 A I 1
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AririinonalTopoSuney t 3 9 72
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ISTS and WCII Oata GofleC3�on an6 Ccorduiation A 4 a �Z
Plfln COnvervon From Gity to BAAi � - �� 30
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�s:n 8 'lan Prep 60 30 70 5n 21C
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SNFPP Rowsione i Complepon �5
.____ _.___. 2 8 5
Quantiiies _._._.-- _..... ._
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Sper.iL�atiors 30
t5 SS
Ve.mns!b4ipet,f..aunty.b4PCA.RRl '--- i0 -- 20 � 2 32
cost Esiimafe � - 5 --�-' � 19
Tot�lFinalDesi,nFStimafedHovrs 173 ,-�0 +<7 F9 5 i6 t7 q27
_... r .
TOlal Finaf Oes±gn Fs/imafetl Gosl 15�AO(N� 3.±SS7 '1 76n.00 �9,345.00 �600 OG ?,56 ,(H7 4935.00 y�t4,34Q.00
BId SBrV(Ce3 —
;esf Sul>mitl,sl Pack�l{'reparahon ' � -Q - -- � -
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Awartl Recornmeodaiion Leltar a�i Coor6�na�ort
TotalBrdServiceSHnu�S 4 ��) q � ��
7otalRiAServrcesEslimaleUCosi 51,3M;.n0 580.0(1 5420f,t] ��� $SS.00 51,855.CG
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Con.lruclion Sarvices
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Contracf Adm:nlslration As P.eGues:etl
CtlnSVUCiin�Sfakin9 10 -_............_. . .,
7ota1 Conshuchon Srn-rces I!ours 10 �i 9C :t S
7otal Con.sh��cl�on Sen•rces EsRmaled Cn.si """�-
$1.?OO.nO 5'POO.M? oI4a00.00 �.. $.17500.00
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Pro(ect CloseoUl
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45buiN SUrvey 7 1 75 a:
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Aebudt Plans 5 20 2C e5
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I�av I Pa Estimote en�Coertl�nat;on - As Ro ue�19tl
Total Consiroetion Se!vices Nows 5 20 20 7 t 5 62
___ __
T�tnlCnnslrucnon.SrrvicecEsl�maiedCosl �� a7E0�p ...._.... SIEC0.00 `y2.:00.60 .51�O.Gf� $ZA00.00 i.60GCC
TpTALESTIF.tATEDl{OURS 2 _ Ao ?68 �ta 2: t^t ;g 542
291iHOURLYR.41E $195.M $13�IX? $104.�p cgp.pp SI�S�C S1?bnn <160.90 g55.cH3
TOTAL[STIMATfOCOST S�i97.0( S2G.6�lO.GG $�.2IX?U�1 g13,qA0.�0 g+?.sE5.(1<1 52(liln $5�.35n.00 543C�.Of1 573,035.00
F��oosg6 Sla't�ny�.
Pr��ncipk In C:��arye Kreg Schmid;
Senior EwinE•er,Pro;a�c�ManagF�John yh3nsnn
Pm�act Fi�ginee:ppan HHs!roc,
Uosiqn En��lncc!Kf:stln bahm
Tecnn:aan pion Schmioq
Clencal Je-.zi a rra!^er
Survey Crnw- 2-1J�an Cr,Mv