HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.B.1. Workshop Meeting-January 24, 2006 J ~ .~./, CITY OF SHAKOPEE Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Mark McNeill, City Administrator SUBJECT: Workshop Meeting - January 24, 2006 DATE: December 28, 2005 INTRODUCTION: The Council is asked to approve details relating to a Visioning Implementation and Leadership workshop which was tentatively set at the last meeting, for January 24th. BACKGROUND: As part of the discussion of implementation of the Strategic Visioning Initiative on December 20th, the Council heard a recommendation that a workshop session be established for the City Council and department heads to discuss the City's priorities for the next two years. The intent is to identify two year goals that would go to supp01i the broad Strategies and Goals identified by the Committee. These Sh01i teml goals may result from the tactics identified by the Visioning Steering Committee. It was decided that a single evening session of approximately four hours in length would be preferable to an all day Saturday retreat. The Council also expressed an interest in having Don Salverda serve again as facilitator. Mr, Salverda led a goal setting session for the Council and Depaliment Heads in February, 2004. I spoke with Mr. Salverda, who indicates that his fee for an evening session would be $1500 - while it is half the timeof an all day session (for which he charges $2000) his preparation time and followup report would be the same, so it is not possible for a proportionate reduction of his fee. Regarding location, the 2004 goal setting session was held at the Police Department training room. That seemed to work well. It does not offer the possibility of live cable casting; however, because much of the work donein this format will be in small groups, this particular type of meeting does not always translate well to a broadcast. The meeting could be taped for broadcast at a later time. BUDGET IMPACT: The FY 2006 Mayor/Council budget includes $7,500 for "undesignated projects". The costs of this workshop would come from that line item. VISIONING RELATIONSHIP: This action supports: Potentially all Goals and Strategies RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that the Council authorize the use of Don Salverda as facilitator at a cost of $1,500 plus expenses, for a Visioning Implementation and Leadership Workshop to be held January 24,2006, at 6:30 PM in the Police Training Room. ACTION REQUIRED: If the Council concurs, it should, by motion, set Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 6:30 p,m. for a Visioning Implementation and Leadership Workshop,.to be facilitated by Don Salverda. /Ji2JtukW Mark McNeill City Administrator MM/js Donald Salverda & Associates Roseville Professional Center. Suite 511 · 2233 N. Hamline Avenue · Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 484-1335 December 23, 2005 Mr. Mark McNeill City Administrator City of Shakopee 129 Holmes Street South Shakopee, MN 55379 Dear Mark: Thank you for the call and request for a proposal for a Leadership Strategy - Visioning Implementation Retreat for the Council and Department Heads of the city of Shakopee. Over the years, I have led a number of retreats, seminars, and workshops for a variety of organizations in the public and private sectors, always receiving favorable feedback, so I am comfortable with the assignment should you choose to use my services. The retreat held in 2004 was well received. I expect the 2006 retreat will go equally well. Enclosed is a proposal for Leadership Strategy - Visioning Implementation Retreat using a one-evening format, based on our phone conversation, that you might react to. I trust the content and format are in line with your thinking; if not, we can alter accordingly. Enclosed also is biographic and support information from previous engagements. As in the past, I pledge you my best efforts to plan and lead a retreat that meets your objectives, is educational, and enjoyable. Thank you for your interest. I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully working with you and the city's leadership team. Sincerely yours, ~ Don 5alverda Consu ItantlF acilitator Encl. , Donald Salverda & Associates Aoseville Professional Center. Suite 511 · 2233 N. Hamline Avenue · Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 484-1335 A PROPOSAL FOR A LEADERSHIP STRA TEGY- VISIONING IMPLEMENTA TION RETREAT FOR THE COUNCIL AND DEPARTMENT HEADS OF THE CITY OF SHAKOPEE Proposal to, Mr. Mark McNeill City Administrator Proposed By Don Salverda Consultant/Facilitator WHY HAVE A LEADERSHIP STRATEGY- VISIONING IMPLEMENTATION RETREAT? 1) HOW WELL THE CITY'S ELECTED OFFICIALS AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COMMUNICATE AND WORK TOGETHER IS KEY TO THE CITY'S EFFECTIVENESS 2) IT'S IMPORTANT TO TIE THE CITY'S SHORT-TERM (TWO YEAR) GOALS TO THE CITY'S LONG-TERM VISION 3) IT'S IMPORTANT TO DEVELOP ACTION PLANS TO ACHIEVE THE CITY'S GOALS CITY OF SHAKOPEE COUNCIL AND DEPARTMENT HEADS 2006 LEADERSHIP STRATEGY - VISIONING IMPLEMENTATION RETREAT I PRIMARY OBJECTIVES 1) To build on information developed at the 2004 retreat 2) To review proaress being made by the city 3) To review the city's Visionina Proaram. and long-term goals 4) To develop an updated short-term Goals Proaram for the city (two year perspective) 5) To develop preliminary action plans to address the highest priority goals 6) To review the roles and expectations of the city's leadership team 7) To be both educational and enioyable 8) Other II FORMAT OF THE RETREAT ., The sessions will include a mixture of lecturettes, group participation and discussion, and individual activities. Seating Arranaements: Tables (preferably round) seating five participants per table Audio-visual Needs: Two large, standing, easels and writing pads (None required) (facilitator will provide) III TIMING AND LOCATION Timino: January 24, 2006 Location: To be determined IV PARTICIPANT MATERIALS Each participant will receive a comprehensive outline, related supplemental materials and an Executive Summary of the Retreat V THE CONSUL T ANT/F ACILlT A TOR - Over twenty-five years experience in the professional development field ~ Skilled seminar, workshop, and retreat leader - Leadership experience in the private, public, and volunteer sectors - Student of leadership VI INVESTMENT $1,500 . Pre-Retreat Planning and Preparation On-Site Retreat Post-Retreat Report Writing -I.~.ming initr,'+men~~f-$4.::r-GU~."(aler-~a'rti(\i~a'Fl'~, plus any additional expenses incurred with the engagement such as duplicating of handout materials, any books provided to participants, easel pads, travel expenses @ $.45/mile, etc. CITY OF SHAKOPEE COUNCIL AND DEPARTMENT HEADS 2006 LEADERSHIP STRATEGY - VISIONING IMPLEMENTATION RETREAT TENTATIVE AGENDA 5:45 - 6:30 GROUP MEAL (PIZZA OR BOX LUNCHES) 6:30 - 6:35 OPENING REMARKS - MAYOR AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR 6:35 - 8:00 SESSION 1: "WORKINGASA TEAM - PROVIDING LONG-TERM VISION AND SHORT-TERM DIRECTION Focus . Objectives and expectations for the evening . Brief review of progress being made . Brief review of the Visioning Program and long-term goals . Updating the city's short-term goals program 8:00 - 8:15 BREAK 8:15 - 9:45 SESSION 2: "WORKING AS A TEAM - PRELIMINARY ACTION PLANNING Focus. . Preliminary action planning on the highest priority goals . Review and discussion of preliminary action plans 9:45 - 10:00 BREAK 10:00 - 10:30 "WORKING AS A TEAM - ROLES, EXPECTATIONS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS, AND TEAM EFFECTIVENESS" Focus . Review of roles and expectations of the leadership team . Improving team effectiveness . Summary and wrap-up comments Donald Salverda & Associates Roseville Professional Center · Suite 511 · 2233N. Hamline Avenue · Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 484-1335 . ABOUT DONALD SALVERDA & ASSOCIATES DONALD SAL VERDA & ASSOCIATES is a consulting firm that provides services and materials to business and industry, government, and professional organizations in the areas. of leadership and management development, team building, strategic planning and customer service. . . OUR MISSION Our mission is to enhance the leadership and management knowledge and skills of . .... . individuals and organizations to enable them to be more effective in an ever-changing world. . . ABOUT DON SALVERDA Don Salverda brings over thirty years of practical experience' from the' corporate, government, small business, and 'volunteer sectors. Don is highly respected for his leadership ability, his results.oriented style, his commitment. of service to people, and his positive. ~nd effective approach as a retreat, ~orkshop, and seminar. designer and . facilit~tor. OUR SERVICES . . . Leadership'Retreats for Boards, Co'uncUs alid Management T~ams . . . .. Designing an~ facHitating highly participative leadership, team building, strategic. planning, and goal.setting retreats. Time frames range from half-day to three days. in length.. Most retrea~s. are .held off-site. '. . . : '. . . Worksh~ps andSemin~rS 'Open enr9liment, organiZation.sponsored, and in-house workshops and seminars . on. a variety of top!cs designed to enhance participant leadership, manageJ.11ent, and people skills. Tir:ne f~ames range from half-day to full day in .Iength.' .. . Management Develo~ment Comprehensive management assessmf?nt and developm~nt.pro9ram coupled with follow-up workshops and group'discussion sessions. .... . Coaching and Consl:'lting One-gn-one Coaching of Managers and SpeCialized Consulting assignments. . Materials A variety 'of easy-to~administer personal. and organizational development fools and instruments;' Train.the- Trainer services available. . DONSALVERDA Don Salverda is President of DONALD SALVERDA & ASSOCIATES, a consulting fIrm that provides services and materials to business and industry, government, and professional organizations, in the areas of team building, strategic planning, leadership, management development, and customer service. He has designed and led team building, strategic planning, leadership, and management retreats and workshops for over fIfteen years for a variety of organizations in both the public and private sectors. As aretreat and workshop leader his positive and enthusiastic approach convey his own sense of purpose and belief. He further believes that: 1) People are very busy with limited time; therefore, the process should be practical and highly productive 2) People learn from each other; therefore, the process should be highly participative 3) The process should be educational, enjoyable, and non-threatening Don is highly respected for his leadership ability, his results-oriented style, and his commitment of service to people. Combining an academic background in engineering with over thirty years of practical experience in the private, public, and volunteer sectors in a variety of roles and settings, Don has gained a unique and broad perspective of the challenges facing organizations and individuals. In addition to serving on a number of boards and.commissions, he has served as President of the Sales and Marketing Executives of Minneapolis, the Roseville-Falcon Heights Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Minnesota Counties, the Ramsey County League of Local Governments, the North Suburban Community Foundation and the North Suburban Gavel Association. He has also served as President of the Roseville Jaycees and as District Chair of the Indianhead Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He has been elected to public office and served eighteen years on the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. Don is an active member of the Rotary Club of Roseville and is an avid downhill skier and biker. Donald Salverda & Associates · 2233 N. Hamline Avenue · Roseville, Minnesota 55113 · 651-484-1335 CITY OF SHAKOPEE COUNCIL AND DEPARTMENT HEADS 2004 LEADERSHIP - GOAL SETTING - PLANNING RETREAT SUMMARY EV ALUA TION 1) The objectives of the session were: '@ 5 4 3 2 1 Clear Vague 2) of the session was: @ 5 4 3 2 1 Excellent Poor 3) T he ideas resented were: (fj) 4 3 2 1 Not Interesting , the presenter to stimulate discussion was: I 4) .The ability 0 i @ 1 I 4 3 2 \ poor 5) J\l1y this session was: @> 4 3 2 1 Waste of Time 6) Overall, I session to have been: @ 5 4- 3 2 1 Excellent poor CITY OF SHAKOPEE COUNCIL AND DEPARTMENT HEADS 2004 LEADERSHIP - GOAL SETTING .PLANNING RETREAT P ARTICIP ANT COMMENTS 1). "A great session.''' 2) "Great workshop." 3) "Excellent material, good presentation, kept the material moving. Well worth the time. Thanks for using your talents in. a worthwhile way as this." 4) "Among the clearest facilitators I've heard."